Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 181 What's the use of being nervous?

Chapter 181 What's the use of being nervous?

I would like to thank Yaya21, thank Huanghuang~thank Xingπ for the monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O, and thank you all for your love for Gujing!

Even though the entire mansion was busy with building the garden, on March [-]th, Jia Lian went to Dongyun Baozhou at the entrance of the Gongyuan to enter the examination room.

Looking at the heads full of people, most of the people around looked serious and nervous, but Yun Baozhou still looked indifferent.Jia Lian couldn't help worrying about him.But this guy said with a smile: "Is it useful to be anxious or nervous? It's not that we haven't taken the exam, it's just a change of place. If anxious and nervous work, why do we still study?"

Hearing what Yun Baozhou said, Jia Lian was stunned for a moment, but many students around turned their heads and looked at him angrily.Just at this time, the gate of the Gongyuan opened, and Yun Baozhou lined up at the gate with his basket. Jia Lian wanted to say something, but it was too late.

Seeing the gate of the Gongyuan closing slowly, Jia Lian couldn't express his feelings for a moment.He only clenched his fists quietly when he didn't even notice.

Jia Lian turned around and went outside the city, first to Daiyu's hot spring village, to see Daiyu.It happened that Princess Wujun was also there, so Jia Lian didn't stay any longer, but took some of the unique products from Daiyu Zhuangzi, and went to his own Zhuangzi again.

Seeing that Jia Lian had come so early, Wang Xifeng was a little curious. After asking, she found out that the exam was held in Chunwei today.Seeing her appearance, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that!" Then she approached Wang Xifeng's ear and whispered with a laugh: "If you don't know, you think grandma wants to leave me here to rest."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, he slapped Jia Lian's head away angrily, and spat, "No one is serious!" But she blushed.

The two chatted and laughed for a while, but they didn't want Brother Chun's nanny to run into the yard sweating profusely, and cried from a distance: "It's not good, grandma! It's not good!" Angrily said: "What are you shouting about? Grandma is fine!"

The nanny must have not expected Jia Lian to be in the room, she was too frightened to make a sound, she just lowered her head and shed tears.When Ping'er saw this, he said angrily: "What's the matter, you tell me, grandma and master are still waiting in the house." The nurse raised her eyes to look at Ping'er, and said in a low voice, "Miss Ping'er Please save me."

Ping'er frowned and asked: "Tell me what's the matter, otherwise I don't know how to save you, right?" The nurse looked at Ping'er again, and then said with a mournful face: "Brother Chun is gone." It's as small as a mosquito, but Pian Ping'er heard it just right!
When Ping'er heard it, he was shocked and said: "How long has it been? Why don't you go in and report to grandma and master?" Ping'er lifted the curtain to let him go inside.The nanny hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Ping'er's sleeve and said: "Miss, help me!" As she said that, she was about to kneel down.

At this moment, Wang Xifeng's voice came from inside, asking: "What's going on outside? You haven't come in yet!" Hearing Wang Xifeng's voice, the nanny trembled with fright, and couldn't help but kneel on the ground. on the ground.

Seeing this, Ping'er frowned and said: "It's useless to kneel down to me. I'm just a servant. Grandma and Grandpa are waiting inside. No matter what you are doing, it will be too late for you. Nothing good." After speaking, he shook off the nanny and entered the house.

Seeing this, the nanny quickly followed in, but when she saw Wang Xifeng, her whole body trembled even more, and she didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng said angrily: "You don't stay by my brother's side, why are you crying here?" Seeing that the nanny didn't answer, she just knelt on the ground and curled up into a ball, Wang Xifeng slapped the table and said "Look up! Grandma, I can eat you, can't you? Why are you shaking?" Seeing this, Jia Lian also asked with a sullen face, "What is it that you haven't reported yet?"

Ping'er also persuaded: "Since you have come to grandma, you are here to beg grandma. If you don't speak, grandma can't help you!" The nanny took a few deep breaths, and then said calmly: "Brother, brother gone..."

The nanny's voice was very low, but Jia Lian and his wife could hear both of them clearly, but they just couldn't believe it. Wang Xifeng's brows were raised upright, her phoenix eyes were round and she said, "I've explained it to grandma! What's missing?" Wang Xifeng didn't notice it herself, but Jia Lian and Ping'er who were at the side noticed the trembling in Wang Xifeng's voice.

After she said it, the nanny gave up, kowtowed and cried, "When I got up early in the morning, my brother was going to play outside, and we couldn't stop him, so we had to take my brother to the field to look at the crops. The last time the master came over, he agreed, but the servant just blinked and both brother and Yaya disappeared."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, the blood on her face faded away, and she fell down when the whites of her eyes rolled up. Fortunately, Jia Lian was beside her, and she quickly got up and supported her.

After a long meal, Wang Xifeng woke up faintly, grabbed Ping'er and cried, "Where's brother?" Seeing that Jia Lian was not in the room, he asked anxiously, "Where is the master?"

Ping'er hurriedly comforted her: "Grandma, don't worry, I took someone to find my brother, maybe he is coming into the house right now." He poured a glass of water for Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng didn't drink any more, just watched Looking at Ping'er, he said: "I found it?" Ping'er didn't know how to answer for a while, but Wang Xifeng stood up all of a sudden, stared at Ping'er and said, "Speak up!"

Ping'er thought for a while and smiled: "Grandma, don't worry, didn't the master take someone to look for it?" When Wang Xifeng heard this, he seemed to lose his strength all of a sudden, and fell back on the collapsed floor.

Just as Wang Xifeng was feeling more and more desperate as she waited, Jia Lian walked in holding Brother Chun who was covered in mud, followed by a Yaya who was also covered in mud.

Seeing Wang Xifeng, Yaya lowered her head timidly and shrank in a corner.At this time, Wang Xifeng didn't have the time to pay attention to her, all eyes were on her precious son, Brother Chun.He didn't dislike the mud all over his body, so he reached out and hugged Jia Lian from his arms.

While shedding tears, Wang Xifeng asked, "What's the matter? Where did you go just now?" She was still holding a plain white silk cloth in her hand to wipe the mud off Brother Chun's face.Yaya stood aside, both fearful and envious.He just pursed his lips tightly and opened his big eyes, looking at Brother Chun in Wang Xifeng's arms, and at Wang Xifeng who was covered in tears.

Seeing this, Jia Lian smiled at Ping'er: "Why don't you go and fetch water for your grandma to freshen up?" Then she sat down next to Wang Xifeng, put her hand on Wang Xifeng's shoulder and comforted her: "Okay , Isn’t this kid pretty good? But Yaya was almost bitten by a dog trying to save him.”

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng raised her head to look at Yaya, whose face was covered in mud and her forehead was slightly scratched, and beckoned to her, "Come here, Yaya. Tell grandma what's going on?" "

Yaya shrinks back to the wall more and more frightened, Jia Lian said with a smile: "I'm afraid that child has also been frightened." Before Jia Lian could finish speaking, Brother Chun raised his little head, looked at Wang Xifeng's tearful face, stretched out Wiping her tears with his black muddy hands, he said: "Little bunny, run away, big dog, woof woof."

Jia Lian was interrupted by Brother Chun, and seeing that Wang Xifeng's face was covered in mud by Brother Chun, he couldn't help knocking Brother Chun on the head angrily and said, "You still know it's a dog!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng's puzzled face, Jia Lian explained: "This kid was chasing a wild rabbit, but he didn't catch it, so he went to catch the dog. The dog didn't even bite, but this kid hit the dog with a stone."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, his face turned pale again, and he couldn't help but grabbed Brother Chun's arms and legs to check.Jia Lian laughed and said, "If Yaya hadn't seen that dog chasing him and rolled down the earthen teeth with Brother Chun in her arms, I'm afraid both of them would have been bitten."

Hearing this, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked, "Are you hurt? How tall are those earthy teeth?" Jia Lian laughed and said, "This kid is pretty good, but Yaya's forehead was scratched by a short branch, and her forehead is also there. The ground was scratched. But fortunately, it's nothing serious." So Wang Xifeng was relieved.

After tidying up, Wang Xifeng took Yaya and praised her fiercely. Not only did she get her cleaned up and changed her clothes, but she also took out a good wound ointment and rubbed it on her forehead. He picked out two good lengths of ruler from the storeroom and cut new clothes for her.

As soon as the place was settled properly, Mrs. Xing got Xin'er and rushed over with Yingchun's support.

He also pulled Brother Chun up and down to check carefully, and then pulled Yaya to praise him fiercely.Mrs. Xing, who has always been generous to everyone except her own family and stingy to everyone, unexpectedly took out a pair of earrings to reward Yaya this time.

Although it's just a pair of glazed pendants, Yaya still likes it very much!Seeing that Wang Xifeng nodded her forehead and said: "It can be seen that I have never seen a good thing! After talking, I rewarded Yaya with a pair of gold nudes and a pair of silver nudes. Yaya has never received so many rewards before. Forgot to be afraid, and the big eyes were also bent into a slit.

After he finished his work on Brother Chun and sent Yaya and Brother Chun off, Wang Xifeng got mad at the nanny and replaced him with someone else to take care of Brother Chun.

At this time, Wang Xifeng had the thought to tease Yingchun: "Look, isn't this the wife of the champion in the future? Why don't you hurry up and embroider your dowry? What are you doing with me?" Are you joking like Wang Xifeng?Just stand behind Mrs. Xing, with her head bowed and her face blushing.

After Wang Xifeng's reminder, Mrs. Xing remembered the opening of the exam today, and hurriedly asked Jia Lian: "Looking at the child in Baozhou, Lian'er can pass the exam?"

Jia Lian was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Mother, if I were the examiner, you would be asking this question, but I am not." He sighed and said, "I haven't entered the gate of the Gongyuan yet!" , Jia Lian's loneliness suddenly dissipated, and he said a little funny: "But I see that kid looks confident, and he doesn't feel nervous at all."

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng both asked curiously, "How did you say that?" Although Yingchun didn't speak, she also looked at Jia Lian.Jia Lian then taught her a few words that Yun Baozhou said in front of the Gongyuan gate.For a while, several people laughed again, just waiting for Yun Baozhou to pass the exam and look at the list.

(End of this chapter)

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