Chapter 182 Sent by the third master of Duke Cheng'en's mansion

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On April [-]th, Jia Shete asked for leave and together with Jia Lian, they booked a private room on the second floor at Huixianju Restaurant, which was the closest to the Gongyuan Zhangbang sign, and waited for the announcement.After a while, Jia Lian saw Yun Baozhou, following his father Yun Zhonglai, passing downstairs.He hurriedly asked Qing'er to invite the two of them up.

That Yun Zhonglai was just a small Jixun chief in the Ministry of Officials, when he saw Jia She, he was a little nervous and hurriedly saluted, "I have seen two Mrs. Jia." Jia She laughed and said, "What are you talking about? Adults and villains? We are in-laws!"

Seeing what Jia She said, Yun Zhonglai breathed a sigh of relief. Although this Jia She is only a fifth-rank official, he still has a first-rank title!Even Jia Lian's title is of the fifth rank.

Jia Lian also laughed and said, "I can't afford any adults. Baozhou and I are both classmates and good friends. In the future, Baozhou will have to call me brother!" Then he gave up his seat and said, "Master Yun, please sit down quickly. , I’ve sent people to go to see the list, and I’ll have news soon.” Yun Zhonglai took his seat next to Jia She’s head.

Jia Lian and Yun Baozhou stood by the window while waiting for the news, while chatting gossip.For a while, Long'er said back and forth with a happy face: "Master! Our uncle has won! My uncle has won!"

For a moment Jia She laughed loudly and said, "Okay! Baozhou boy, I thought he was a good boy and promising! Haha, reward!" Long Er thanked him for his reward.Jia Amnesty smiled again at Yun Baozhou's father, Yun Zhonglai: "Congratulations, father-in-law!" With that smile on his face, even a blind man could see that he was satisfied with Yun Baozhou.

Here, Yun Zhong came to hear that the servants of Jia's mansion called his son "uncle", and he felt very fond of it.There was joy on his face, and he didn't know whether it was because his son was on the list or because he was called Long'er just now.But Yun Baozhou blushed, not knowing where to say what to say.

Seeing this, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Aren't you always calm? Now that you're on this list, why are you still shy?" Yun Baozhou glared at Jia Lian angrily, and didn't say anything, looking for someone else Sitting down in the seat, his body was straight, and he didn't look like he used to be lazy at all.

Yun Zhonglai also took the opportunity to smile at Jia She and said, "My in-laws are happy, together!" He stroked his sparse beards and asked, "I don't know when my in-laws are free, so we can come to ask for an appointment." no?"

When Jia Amnesty heard this, he was taken aback, and couldn't help but look up at Jia Lian.After hearing this, Jia Lian's expression darkened a bit, and he turned his head out of the window.Jia Amnesty could only sigh and said, "I'm afraid I will have to trouble my in-laws to wait for a while."

Yun Zhonglai's heart skipped a beat, this Jia's mansion now has a concubine, could it be that things have changed?Quickly asked: "I don't know what's embarrassing for my in-laws?"

Jia Amnesty looked at Jia Lian's back and said, "The child's uncle passed away years ago. Although it was only a five-month work, his uncle is very close to them. The child's intention is to wait for his uncle to do these things after the taboo day is over." happy event."

When Yun Zhong came to hear what Jia She said, he remembered that Yun Baozhou had said at home that Jia Lian had given up the news about Enke because of his uncle's death.Then he laughed and said, "It's an old man who is being rude. Mr. Lin is a noble man, and he should be like this."

Several people gossiped a few more words before they went home to announce the good news.Jia Lian went back to Jia's mansion because of the construction of the garden. On the one hand, he announced the good news to the old lady Jia, and on the other hand, he inspected the recent construction of the garden.Jia Amnesty then went to Zhuangzi outside the city to tell Mrs. Xing about the happy event.

When Wang Baoshan's family went to announce the good news to Yingchun, it happened that Tanchun, Xichun, Baochai, Xiangyun, and Jia Baoyu were all gathered together. Hearing that Yingchun's husband and son-in-law apricot list title was for her, even if Tanchun Chun sighed silently in his heart, wondering what his future would be like, and his face was also full of joy.

After Jia Baoyu heard about it, he said disdainfully: "Why do you like it? You're just another stupid person!" He said, regardless of Yingchun's embarrassment, and said, "Second sister can't stay at home? We sisters always How nice is it to play around?" Jia Baoyu thought of Daiyu again, and couldn't help sighing, "I don't know why there are so many stupid people in this world."

Baochai frowned when he saw that his words became more and more disorganized, but said nothing.But Xiangyun smiled and said, "It's really shameless! I don't work hard to make progress, but I always joke that others are stupid." He gave Baoyu a big white eye.

The people around him just pretended they didn't hear it, Wang Baoshan's family even hurriedly interjected: "Madam has invited the girl over, if there is nothing important about the girl, why don't you go with the old slave?" Yingchun was at a loss as to what to do. Hearing what Wang Baoshan's family said, he nodded and followed Wang Baoshan's family with Siqi Xiuju.

In the twinkling of an eye, on the first day of May, Yun Baozhou also achieved good results in the palace examination, ranking [-]th in the second class, and was appointed by the emperor as a scholar of the Imperial Academy.For a while, Yunfu and Jia She were very happy with each other.

After Mrs. Wang learned about it, she thought inwardly with disdain: What are you proud of?He is just a small official, and his father is even a small official, and I don't know when he will be able to make his debut!Then I thought of myself being a concubine in Yuanchun, and I felt even more unhappy!
However, Mrs. Jia was very happy for Yingchun, and took two more heads as her dowry, and Mrs. Xing was busy counting the dowry list.Yingchun was busy embroidering wedding dresses all day long with her door closed.

It wasn't until before the Dragon Boat Festival that Mrs. Jia said: "Seeing that it's the Dragon Boat Festival, it's time to pick up the girls and come back. Now the garden has a good look. If you don't pass people from the house, there is no need to be taboo." So Jia Lian had no choice but to order someone to pick up Mrs. Xing and her party back to the house.

Princess Wujun also sent someone to pick up Daiyu, but she only brought back the needlework that Daiyu made for everyone, but the person did not come back.Princess Wujun couldn't help sighing: "This girl is the prefect, so she doesn't have to embarrass herself." Wan Yu smiled and said: "Why don't you say that the concubine mother loves the younger sister's rules?"

Princess Wujun shook her head and smiled but said no more, she just ordered people to send more food to Daiyu.

The person who didn't want to send things happened to meet at the gate of the city. The team of Jia's people returning to the mansion was blocked at the gate of the city for a while. , They couldn't stop arguing, and they refused to give in.

When Jia Lian arrived, he heard a woman yelling from a distance: "Do you know who is on this horse? This is the uncle of the country today!" shock!After all, her own princess came from Cheng En Gong's mansion.

But Jia Lian broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and hurried forward and slapped the woman on the face with a horsewhip.Not to mention the old woman, even the servants of the Prince Wu's Mansion were taken aback by this turn of events.

Jia Lian didn't look at the woman, but just scolded Long'er who was behind her: "Don't tell me that this lifeless woman covered her mouth and pulled her down?" Long'er took the other two boys and pulled it down, covering their mouths.

Baoyu rode on the white pony, and couldn't help being startled, not because of the woman's words, but because of Jia Lian's aggressive appearance.Just about to say something, Jia Lian gave him a cold stare, and immediately shut up, thinking to himself: This second brother Lian is getting more and more dignified.

Jia Lian asked the team to pull the team aside, and at the same time invited the motorcade of Wujun Wangfu to go first. Unexpectedly, Baoyu happened to hear that the motorcade of Wujun Wangfu was to deliver food for Daiyu, so he couldn't help thinking to follow.

Jia Lian couldn't stop him for a while, so he couldn't help reporting to Mrs. Xing, and confessed to Wang Xifeng, and led his men to chase after him.

It has to be said that Jia Baoyu's luck was really not very good. Just after he left the city to catch up with the convoy of the Prince Wu's Mansion, he ran into Mo Xuan and his party who had returned from hunting.I heard that Princess Wujun sent Daiyu food for the Dragon Boat Festival, without waiting for Mo Xuan to say anything, Jia Baoyu said: "Don't worry about the prince and princess, I will pick up sister Lin and go home later. "

As soon as these words came out, Mo Xuan raised his eyes to see that the servants of the Wu County Palace hurriedly explained a few words to Mo Xuan in a low voice, and Mo Xuan turned cold and smiled and said, "Why didn't I hear that other than Cheng'en Gong's mansion Is there another uncle of the country? I don’t know where this uncle of the country is from?!”

When Mingyan heard this, he answered very proudly first: "We are Concubine Xiande's natal family." He pointed to Jia Baoyu who was on the horse and said: "This is Concubine Xiande's brother, Jia Fubao Second Lord!"

When Jia Lian arrived, he saw Mingyan talking to Mo Xuan from a distance, and Mo Xuan's identity, of course, he knew clearly, at this moment Jia Lian hoped that Mingyan would not say anything that would cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived, they happened to hear what Mingyan said pointing at Jia Baoyu, so they didn't scare Jia Lian off the horse!
Jia Lian hurriedly stepped forward to cup his fists at Mo Xuan and said, "Long time no see, Brother Xuan! For my sake, please forgive me!" Then she gave Mingyan a hard look.After what happened to the woman before, let alone Mingyan, even Jia Baoyu, seeing Jia Lian's eyes, trembled in his heart, so he dared not speak any more.

When Mo Xuan saw Jia Lian, he smiled, clasped his fists and said, "I don't know where Brother Jia wants to go?" Jia Lian knew that Mo Xuan was asking knowingly, but he could only smile bitterly and said, "No, chasing after my ignorant brother. " Pointing at Jia Baoyu, he said, "This is the son of my second uncle's family. He was spoiled by the old lady when he was young. Please forgive me if I offend you!"

Seeing Jia Lian's embarrassment, Mo Xuan remembered his relationship with Daiyu, so he smiled and said, "It's just that the children are ignorant, so why should I bother with him?" He glanced at Jia Baoyu and said to Jia Lian : "Brother Jia had better take him back earlier, if he meets someone else, it may not be easy."

Jia Lian nodded knowingly, and yelled at Jia Baoyu in a low voice, "I don't want my second uncle to come back and beat you up, so hurry home!" Upon hearing Jia Zheng, Jia Baoyu shrank his neck and obediently followed Jia Lian.

Here, Mo Xuan saw Jia Lian walking far away, so he took out a pair of rabbits he had just caught and handed them to the servant of Prince Wujun's mansion, "Take it and send it to Lin's mansion, don't say anything, do you understand?" She nodded with a smile and said, "I understand."

But when they arrived at the Lin Mansion, the servant still pointed at the pair of rabbits and said to Lin De: "This is a gift from the third master of Cheng Engong's mansion. Although it is not worth anything, the third master caught it with his own hands. Said it was to relieve the county magistrate!"

(End of this chapter)

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