Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 183 see you

Chapter 183 see you

Thank you Lei Linglong for your continuous support to Gujing~ In addition, Qianyi Yirenyan thank you for your reward, but Gujing is really tired, let's rest for two days, okay?Gujing owes it first, and I will make it up to you later! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you!

When Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu returned to Jia's mansion, Sanchun and others were already waiting in Mrs. Jia's room.Seeing that Jia Baoyu didn't come back with the others, and hearing that Jia Lian was chasing Jia Baoyu, Mrs. Jia asked what happened.

When the old lady Jia asked, Sanchun, Xiangyun and others remained silent. Wang Xifeng thought about it for a while, and then learned from the old lady Jia about the chance encounter at the gate of the city.Finally Wang Xifeng said: "The princess of Wu County comes from Cheng En Gong's mansion, if this matter gets to the ears of the empress in the palace, I'm afraid it will be very detrimental to the empress Xiande."

Wang Xifeng's words made Mrs. Wang's expression change immediately, and she asked angrily: "Where is that mother-in-law now? A servant who caused trouble for the master like this should be killed!" After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang calmed down again Said: "Didn't Miss Lin recognize King Wu as a god-in-law? You can tell her about this later. After all, our family is her relative's family."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng suddenly felt unreasonable!But he still smiled on his face and said: "Baoyu heard that the car of the Wujun Prince's Mansion was to deliver things to Sister Lin, so she chased after it. We couldn't stop it. I think it went to Sister Lin's village. Our master is worried that something will happen. Son, I chased after him."

Mrs. Jia nodded her head and said, "Someone should go and pick her up. A little girl lives alone outside the city. She doesn't look like that." When Mrs. Jia said this, Mrs. Wang's eyes flashed brightly, and she thought to herself He proudly said: Wait until you enter the mansion to see how I deal with you!
Mrs. Wang didn't expect that Jia Lian would come back with Jia Baoyu after a while.As soon as Jia Baoyu saw Mrs. Jia, she felt extremely wronged, and rushed to her side, and rolled into her arms. Seeing Jia Baoyu's appearance, Mrs. Jia was very puzzled, but He still smiled lovingly and said, "What's wrong with Baoyu?"

Jia Baoyu looked up at Mrs. Jia, but said nothing.Seeing this, Jia Lian sighed and said, "As soon as I went out of the city to catch up with the car of Prince Wu's mansion, I met the third master of Duke Cheng'en's mansion, and the people around Baoyu didn't recognize him, so they called him Baoyu in front of him. For the uncle of the country."

Speaking of this, Jia Lian raised his eyes and glanced at Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang, sneered in his heart, but said quietly on his face: "I was afraid that Baoyu would say something again, so I brought him back."

As soon as Jia Lian said that he met someone from Cheng'en Gong's mansion outside the city, the old lady Jia's expression changed. Although she was not in the palace, she knew very well how cruel the struggle in the harem was.

Jia Lian bowed slightly and said: "Don't worry, old ancestor, I have some friendship with the third master of Duke Cheng'en's mansion. I also had a relationship with him in my uncle's house in the early years. I pushed this matter to Mingyan, thinking about it. He won't be too fussy." So old lady Jia calmed down a little, and nodded slightly.

When Mrs. Wang heard this, her face was already very ugly.Mrs. Wang said in a nonchalant manner: "I heard that the third master of Cheng'en's mansion was kicked out by Cheng'en in his early years?"

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she reprimanded in a low voice: "What do you know? Even if he was kicked out, he is also the son of Duke Cheng En. The most important thing is, I heard that he was brought up by Prince Wu and his wife. It was taken and raised by the current empress for many years."

Mrs. Jia glared at Mrs. Wang, and continued: "Just because of this relationship, the Cheng'en government will not be too harsh on him. And if he enters the palace, he will say something in front of the empress, or Go back to the Prince Wu's Mansion and talk about it in front of the princess, and if the princess asks about the city gate today, I'm afraid Yuan girl will also be in trouble!"

That's why Mrs. Wang changed her face completely. After all, Yuan Chun is now her biggest support in this mansion!

Mrs. Wang couldn't help but tentatively said: "Then what should I do now? The old lady must help Yuanchun." Old lady Jia sighed and said: "Sell the two servants together, the more you The farther the better!"

As soon as Mrs. Jia finished speaking, Jia Baoyu involuntarily raised his head to look at Mrs. Jia, wanting to say something, but finally lowered his head again.

Old lady Jia naturally knew about Jia Baoyu's movements, so she lowered her head and said, "Don't be afraid, Baoyu, you are not allowed to play with that screwdriver in the future, and let your mother choose two good ones for you later." Seeing this, Jia Baoyu could only slightly nod his head.

Seeing that Jia Baoyu was not in good spirits, Mrs. Jia was frightened, so she ordered him to go down to wash up, and then go to play with her sisters, don't take this matter to heart.

Jia Baoyu didn't want to stay here for a long time and listen to these words. Seeing that Mrs. Jia asked him to play with the sisters, he was very happy, so he bowed and left.At the same time, Mrs. Jia saw that the faces of the girls next to her had already changed, so she ordered them to go down together and play by themselves.

After everyone left, Mrs. Jia pondered for a while, and she didn't mention the matter of Duke Cheng'en's mansion any more. She only told Jia Lian: "Seeing that the festival is about to be celebrated, Lian'er will go outside the city to bring your sister Lin back. , or the family reunion, there is no reason for a little girl like her to stay outside the city alone."

When Jia Lian heard this, he frowned. How could he not understand that the old lady wanted to take advantage of Daiyu's relationship with Prince Wu's mansion?But now I don't know how to refuse.

Wang Xifeng is also a transparent person. Seeing this, she hurriedly said: "Old lady, hurry up and take care of our master, not to mention running around all afternoon without even having time to drink. The old ancestor didn't know about Sister Lin's temper. Is it? The princess of Wujun asked her to live in the palace, but she didn't agree. Our master can pick her up?"

Wang Xifeng's words made Mrs. Jia frowned and looked at her for the first time. Her eyes were very cold, but before Mrs. Jia said anything, Mrs. Wang said, "Can this be the same? After all, it's just a recognized foster relative. Our old lady is Lin Yatou's grandmother, but they are connected by blood!"

When Jia Lian heard this, he quickly bowed and said, "Auntie is an elder, Lian'er shouldn't have said this, but if the words just now were heard by Princess Wujun, I'm afraid it's not just Yu'er who can't do it. I'm afraid it will bring disaster to our family too? Even the empress in the palace may not be able to recover!"

Although the old lady Jia also felt that Mrs. Wang's words were too explicit, but when Jia Lian said that, her heart tightened, and she couldn't help but said coldly: "Idiot! If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut!"

Immediately, Mrs. Jia glanced at the people who were still in the room, and they were only Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng, Li Wan, Jia Lian, Yuanyang and herself, and said with a sigh of relief: "Don't mention today's matter again. Lian'er was going to Zhuangzi outside the city, and she said that I miss her, the old woman, and Linglong Yard is still reserved for her to stay at her house for a few days."

Jia Lian was in a dilemma, but she also knew that she could not refuse this matter, so she nodded, but she was not in a hurry to leave, she just looked at Mrs. Jia.

When Mrs. Jia saw Jia Lian like this, she couldn't understand what Jia Lian meant.Frowning and thinking for a while, he sighed and said, "If she really doesn't want to come, that's fine, I have to go and see her in person." Jia Lian also changed his face when he said this, but he didn't dare to say anything more , Hastily saluted and retreated.

Seeing Jia Lian walking away, the old lady Jia waved her hands wearily and said: "You all go down too, you don't have to come over for lunch." After speaking, the old lady Jia leaned on the leading pillow and closed the door. The eyes, like a slumber.

After everyone retreated, old lady Jia opened her eyes again, sighed and said to Yuanyang: "Go and clean up, we will go out of the city to see Miss Lin tomorrow morning." Order to retreat.At this time, if someone was beside Mrs. Jia, she could hear her muttering to herself.

Recalling Jia Min back then, and how she looked when she first met Daiyu, it's not that Mrs. Jia didn't feel sorry for her.But after all, it is impossible for her to marry Baoyu now, she is only a girl of the Lin family, and she is the ancestor of the Jia family, so naturally everything can only be taken care of by the Jia family.

Old lady Jia couldn't help but blushed as she thought about it, she murmured to herself: "Min'er, my son, I can't do anything now, I can only wrong Yu'er. I'm sorry!" With that, a line of muddy tears slid down the corners of the eyes to the temples, and disappeared into the bun.

When Jia Lian came to Daiyu's Zhuangzi outside the city, the people from the Prince Wu's mansion had already left.When she saw Daiyu, she was playing the guqin in her hand in the garden. After many hours of practice, the sound of the piano could be connected into sections, but it can still be seen that the technique is extremely blunt. Jia Lian couldn't help laughing. : "Sister is very interested."

Hearing Jia Lian's voice, Daiyu immediately came back to her senses, with a faint smile on her face, and asked, "Why is brother here at this time? Have you ever had lunch?"

Hearing Daiyu's question, Jia Lian couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and his throat felt uncomfortable as if something was blocked, and said in a hoarse voice, "Not yet." When Daiyu heard that Jia Lian hadn't had lunch, she immediately got up and said : "Since that's the case, how about having a meal with me, brother? I haven't used it yet." He said and walked to the flower hall first.

Jia Lian followed Daiyu closely, and asked in a low voice, "How is your sister these days?" Daiyu turned her head to look at Jia Lian in puzzlement, and seeing the inseparable melancholy in his brows, she tilted her head and said with a smile: "I'm very clean here by myself, so there's nothing wrong with it. I'm afraid it's my brother who is wrong?"

When Jia Lian saw Daiyu say this, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled and said, "I'm not wrong." After Jia Lian thought about it, he said, "Let's talk about it after lunch first."

Although Daiyu was puzzled, she didn't ask Jia Lian what she said.Daiyu believes that after getting along with her all these years, she knows Jia Lian well.His bet back then was considered correct!If something really happened, Jia Lian would definitely not hide it from him. Even compared with Jia's mansion, I think he is not insignificant.

Sure enough, after having a simple lunch with Jia Lian, Jia Lian looked at Daiyu, frowned and said, "I think my sister would not have thought of me coming today, that's what the old lady meant."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Daiyu raised her eyebrows, but said nothing, she just looked at Jia Lian.Seeing her like this, Jia Lian could only shake his head and smile, then he told about the matter of taking Wang Xifeng and his party back to the mansion today, and also about the matter at the gate of the city.

As soon as she said this, Daiyu frowned, and said softly: "If this matter is spread by someone with a heart, I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble! But it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal to come to the Holy Majesty and the Empress. I will take it to heart, after all, it is different inside and outside the palace, and there are quite a few concubines and brothers who call themselves uncles in private."

Jia Lian also knew that Daiyu was telling the truth, so he went on to tell the story of Jia Baoyu chasing the car of the prince of Wu County, and the story of meeting Mo Xuan, and said: "What does the old lady mean? Let me pick you up." Seeing Daiyu's beautiful eyebrows frowning slightly, she continued, "The old lady said, if you don't want to go back, she has to come and see you."

(End of this chapter)

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