Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 184 The Arrival of Miaoyu

Chapter 184 The Arrival of Miaoyu
Thank you for the monthly ticket support from pro-Yaoyao Tumi~ I also want to thank those friends who have been accompanying Gujing's growth and silently paying attention to Gujing's Daiyu~ Thank you for your support!Gujing will always work hard!I am also very grateful to those friends who supported Gujing on QQ reading. Although Gujing still doesn’t know how to communicate with you over there... but knowing your existence, Gujing feels very warm!Knowing that so many friends recognize Gujing's efforts, I feel that all the efforts are worth it!Thanks!By the way, Gujing will be updated tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!Fulfill the promise to Qian Yiyirenyan O(∩_∩)O~

It has to be said that in the eyes of many people, what the old lady Jia said will be an unavoidable choice for Daiyu.Even Jia Lian felt that Daiyu would have to go back with him today.Daiyu couldn't bear or recite that unfilial title!

Who knows that Daiyu rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Then please invite grandma to come to the Zhuangzi for a few days, let's be loose." There will be no compromise.At this moment, Yuanyang has almost prepared the things that Mrs. Jia needs for her trip.

Daiyu didn't look at Jia Lian after she finished speaking, but turned her head to Nanny Sun and said, "Madam toiled to go and go to grandma in person, and said that I heard that the house is building a garden, so it's not clean. So I invited my grandmother to come to the village to relax, so that our grandparents and grandchildren can have a good reunion."

After hearing Daiyu's words, Jia Lian's eyes brightened and he smiled and said, "That's a good word! My sister's Zhuangzi, the princess of Wujun can all come and live. I think the old lady has not come here, so it's good to come and stay for a while."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Daiyu had already given orders to Lin De's family: "Clean up three courtyards inside and one outside."

Jia Lian looked at Daiyu puzzled and asked, "Why clean up these many yards?" Daiyu said with a smile, "Are there many? I'm afraid it won't be enough by then! Let's do it first, and then we'll see." Seeing Daiyu With Yu Xin confident, Jia Lian didn't say anything more.He stayed in Zhuangzi and chatted with Daiyu for a while, before he left and went home.

Grandma Sun's arrival surprised Mrs. Jia, and she was thinking about what to say.Unexpectedly, after meeting someone, Nanny Sun didn't give Mrs. Jia a chance to say anything else, and directly said that Daiyu asked Mrs. Jia to go to the village to relax. Although Mrs. Jia thought that Daiyu would not He came here easily, but he didn't expect to send someone to invite him, so a smile appeared on his face.

Grandma Sun didn't expect that Mrs. Jia would agree without saying anything, which made Grandma Sun relieved but also full of doubts.

Grandma Sun didn't know that although Mrs. Jia wanted to force Daiyu to come up, she had no choice but to do so before.Seeing that there may be other turning points now, naturally I don't want to make things too rigid. After all, Daiyu is the granddaughter of Mrs. Jia, and Mrs. Jia still has a lot of affection for her mother Jia Min.

Mrs. Jia wanted to travel, so naturally her daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law would follow, and so did the Sanchun sisters.Baoyu came to Mrs. Jia's room immediately after learning about it, and asked repeatedly: "Is the ancestor going to sister Lin's place? Madame and eldest madam too?"

The old lady Jia looked at Baoyu and said with a smile: "Of course I want to go." After finishing speaking but not talking about anything else, Baoyu thought for a while and asked, "Is Sister Feng going?" I’ll go.” Seeing that Mrs. Jia still didn’t say whether she would go or not, Jia Baoyu couldn’t help asking, “Then sisters going?” The old lady Jia still nodded.

Seeing this, Jia Baoyu couldn't help but whispered tentatively: "Then I will also accompany the old ancestor, so I can take care of the old ancestor, right?" The old lady Jia suddenly burst into laughter, and while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she said: " It is only right that Baoyu takes good care of Miss Yun for me in the mansion, and Baochai from your aunt's house will not go either."

Jia Baoyu couldn't hide the disappointment on his face when he heard Mrs. Jia say so.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia took Baoyu's hand, patted the back of her hand and said, "If you want to come, it's not impossible to let you pick you up later."

When Jia Baoyu heard this, his eyes immediately lit up a little, and he said repeatedly: "The ancestors are not allowed to bully me." Seeing the old lady Jia nodded, Jia Baoyu went to find the sisters to play with satisfaction.

Since Jia Zhengwai left the capital as Xuezheng, this Jia Baoyu began to hang out with the girls in the mansion all day long, but after several years of practice, his handwriting became better and better.

In recent years, because of Daiyu's good at painting, Jia Baoyu also put in a lot of hard work, and his painting of plum blossoms is really not bad.Even Xichun is more and more willing to play with him, although the painting is far from Daiyu's, but the calligraphy in one hand is more mellow and graceful.Somewhat similar to Daiyu's characters, but more agile than Daiyu's.

In the early morning of the second day, Mrs. Jia never expected that not long after she and the others left the mansion, Xiangyun instigated Jia Baoyu to take her, who had changed into men's clothes, and set off in a car.

Mrs. Wang frowned when she saw the country children running around outside Daiyu Village, and thought in her heart: It's really a shame to be a neighbor of such lowly people, and let these people hang around in front of the house!If the old lady didn't want to come, I definitely wouldn't come to this place.

Old lady Jia and Sanchun saw the rows of fruit trees outside the Zhuangzi, either talking or bearing green fruits, their eyes brightened.

The old housekeeper, Song Shi, opened the gate of the villa and picked it up in person, and Nanny Sun greeted Mrs. Jia and her party, and entered the inner courtyard.

Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang followed Daiyu and frowned when they saw Mrs. Jia and her party at the second gate.Even Princess Wujun came to see Daiyu in Zhuangzi, and she also wore plain clothes to show her respect for Lin Ruhai, but Mrs. Jia and her party, except Mrs. Xing, Wang Xifeng and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, were all dressed in plain clothes. It's so bright in red and green!
Daiyu couldn't help sneering in her heart and said: I thought there were exaggerations in the original book, at least in the previous life, many people believed that Daiyu's tragic end was just caused by her own temperament, but now they can't help being even more disappointed with Jia's house.

But Daiyu didn't show anything on her face, she smiled and welcomed Mrs. Jia and her party into the inner hall.Seeing that there is only a picture of "Spring Ducks Playing in the Water" painted by Daiyu himself on the wall in the inner hall, and a couplet written by Huang Jiyun, there is nothing else. Old lady Jia frowned and said: "The house where the girl lives , it’s not good to be so clean.”

Before Daiyu could speak, Nanny Tang couldn't help but said, "After all, our county lord is in the period of filial piety, and what the old lady said made our county lord embarrassed."

Madam Tang's words reminded Mrs. Jia that Lin Ruhai had been gone for less than a year.But Ren frowned involuntarily, thinking about it, Mrs. Jia, as an elder, she didn't have to shy away from anything.Who would have thought that just after sitting down at the first place, except for Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing's mother and daughter, everyone was happy!

Mrs. Wang is wearing a red gown with eight clusters of ruyi flowers. Apart from the crested hairpin, she also has a bright red silk flower on her head. The red color makes Mrs. Jia feel very dazzling; Tanchun is also wearing a pink hibiscus silk inlay. Bian'er is wearing a straight shirt; Xichun and Tanchun have the same color and style of shirts, but the flowers on them are embroidered magnolias.

Look at Mrs. Xing again, embroidered with chrysanthemums on a sapphire blue background, with a topaz hairpin, a sapphire blue forehead of the same color, with a thumb-sized topaz in the middle, and a dark yellow pleated skirt sprinkled with flowers. .It is very suitable for the status and today's occasion, and the old lady Jia couldn't help but nodded to the eldest daughter-in-law in her heart.

Wang Xifeng and Yingchun, the sisters-in-law, are wearing moon-white skirts of the same color, but Wang Xifeng is inlaid with sapphire blue edges, tied with a sapphire blue waist, wearing a sapphire blue skirt, and only has two circles of flowing clouds embroidered on the skirt. pattern.On the head is also a plain silver sapphire single hairpin.There are strings of sapphire beads between the necks, making the skin more and more white.

Yingchun is inlaid with tender green borders, embroidered with a hundred dishes of dark patterns, matched with a skirt embroidered with new willows in tender green, and three green jade hairpins are inserted on the simple flowing cloud bun.It is fresh and elegant without losing respect for the funeral of the host family.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia also somewhat understood why Daiyu kissed Dafang and his family.Old lady Jia didn't say anything, she lost her confidence in her heart, she inadvertently looked at Daiyu's eyes, and saw that although Daiyu didn't smile much, there was no strange expression on her face, so she relaxed her mind.

Old Mrs. Jia thought to herself: After all, she is her maternal grandmother, and she is an elder, so she wouldn't care so much if she thought about it.

When Mrs. Wang saw Daiyu's inner hall, she only hung her own calligraphy and painting, and saw that there were no other ornaments in the room, and the left and right were separated by fir frames embroidered with pines, cypresses and cranes. Looking at the embroidered hair, it should also be from Daiyu's hands. .

Looking at the tea that was brought up, it was nothing more than Daiyu's homemade lotus clear dew tea. Mrs. Wang couldn't help thinking to herself: She is really a prodigal girl, so she gave away all her wealth to others!I don't know if she has any other property besides this village and the house in the city.

Thinking of Daiyu's offering of silver, the emperor and empress looked at her differently. If she was willing to help Yuanchun and not have her own idea of ​​Baoyu, I don't have to make things difficult for her.

At this moment, Xia He came to Daiyu's side, and said in a low voice, "Miss, Song Steward sent someone to report that two young masters have come to Jia's mansion. Miss, how do you arrange them?" Daiyu heard this. , is also very surprising.

Although I thought that Jia Baoyu would come over before, I was relieved that Mrs. Jia didn't bring him this time, but now I heard that two people came, so I couldn't help turning my head to look at Mrs. Jia .

Although Xia He lowered his voice on purpose, the few people who were close could hear him clearly. The old lady Jia couldn't help asking: "Who is it from the mansion?" Xia He shook his head to express his ignorance. He said with a smile: "Why make things difficult for Sister Lin, why not let our master go out to receive her, since it is inconvenient for Sister Lin to come forward."

When Daiyu heard this, she nodded quickly and said: "Sister-in-law Feng is very right, then there is Cousin Lao Lian." She said to Xia He: "Tell Housekeeper Song that Uncle Lian has been invited to help. "Although Xia He took orders, Mrs. Wang's expression changed.

If Jia Lian is called "Uncle Lian", then what will be his Zhu'er?Could it be that he forgot about Zhu Er?Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but said coldly: "I'm afraid Lin girl doesn't know, according to the old master's order, your elder brother Zhu is the master of the Jia family."

When Daiyu heard this, she sneered in her heart, but looked at Mrs. Wang pretending not to understand, and said, "Yu'er knows, isn't cousin Baoyu called the second master?" old lady.

Hearing what Daiyu said, Mrs. Xing immediately showed a smile on her face, but she didn't dare to overdo it, and hurriedly lowered her head.Wang Xifeng had already picked up the teacup and covered her expression when she heard Daiyu say "Uncle Lian".

However, Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang had a hard time being asked, especially seeing Daiyu staring at herself with curiosity, waiting for the answer. Even the thick-skinned Mrs. Wang felt uncomfortable as if on fire.

Just as Mrs. Jia was about to explain something, Jia Lian sent someone to bring someone in.I saw that the visitor was wearing a half-new autumn-colored short gown with narrow sleeves and short sleeves, and a sky-blue satin Confucian shirt inside, a bow-knot and long tassel five-color palace sash tightly tied around the waist, and fur leather on his feet. Small boots, the more prominent wasp waist and ape back, the shape of a crane and a mantis.Who is it not Shi Xiangyun?

Not to mention that Mrs. Jia stared, even the other people in the room gasped, this girl is really bold!
But before everyone said anything, Shi Xiangyun had already laughed: "Sister Lin is really not mean, invited the ancestors, invited the second sister, the third sister, and the fourth sister, but forgot about me, so I had to come here uninvited " Daiyu laughed quickly and said, "Why didn't I invite you? I just didn't know that you were also at my grandmother's house. If I knew, I would have invited you."

Seeing Shi Xiangyun, and remembering that someone had just come to report that it was the two masters, Mrs. Jia hurriedly asked, "Who did Miss Yun come with?"

Shi Xiangyun smiled sweetly, his dimples sunken, he looked really cute and ran to Mrs. Jia and said, "Brother Ai brought me here, but Brother Lian stopped him outside and said no. Come in."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she nodded her head, but she didn't say much, but Madam Wang cursed secretly in her heart, although she didn't show it on the face: You are a coquettish hoof!
What Daiyu didn't expect was that before dinner, Xia He came to report again that a carriage claiming to be an old acquaintance from Gusu came outside the gate of the village. When she asked who it was, Xia He shook her head and said: "I heard It's a girl, followed by two women, as for who, the girl didn't get out of the car, but only handed over this post."

Daiyu took a glance at the post, and then she became surprised, and hurriedly apologized to Mrs. Jia, asked Nanny Tang to accompany her, and led Nanny Yang and Lin De's family to welcome her out.

Seeing that Daiyu was so excited, Mrs. Jia couldn't help being curious, and ordered Sanchun to go with Daiyu.

I saw a carriage with bamboo curtains driving all the way to the second door, and the curtain of the carriage was lifted. Miaoyu, who was dressed in snow-white and deep clothes, got out of the carriage with the help of her mother-in-law.

Seeing that Miaoyu's hair is only tied with plain silk threads, how similar is it to herself?Daiyu couldn't help but stop her forward steps, and asked in disbelief: "Sister, is this?" Miaoyu said with a tearful smile, "Master guided me to be a companion with my sister, I wonder if my sister dislikes it?" A string of tears fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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