Chapter 185

Keep your word, Chapter 1 today!Thank you for the monthly pass of the empty cans and Yaoyao Tumi~O(∩_∩)O Thank you!


Seeing the tears streaming down Miaoyu's cold face, Daiyu took two steps forward and hugged her very distressed.Seeing Daiyu behave like this, Sanchun couldn't help but wonder what identity she is at this time?But seeing her in plain clothes, knowing that she must be in the filial piety, he persuaded the two of them to go inside.

Miaoyu stopped crying until she reached the inner hall.Daiyu led her in and explained: "Sister came today by coincidence, and my grandmother happened to come to my village to relax." Said Daiyu introduced Mrs. Jia, Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang to Miaoyu in turn.

Miaoyu greeted her one by one, and when Mrs. Jia saw that she was wearing a gown with moon-white plain sleeves, and her head was tied with plain silk thread just like Daiyu, she was very displeased, and secretly thought that this person didn't know the rules, and even in the filial piety Come visit us!He couldn't help but frowned deeply, and didn't say anything, just nodded.

Daiyu looked at Miaoyu worriedly, but seeing that she didn't mind, she smiled and said, "Just now I saw my sister, I was only interested in being happy, and forgot to introduce her." Pointing at Wang Xifeng, she said, "This is my sister. Sister-in-law Feng, the next three are cousins ​​from my maternal grandfather's family, sister Yingchun, sister Tanchun, and sister Xichun."

Finally, he pointed to Shi Xiangyun who was next to Mrs. Jia and said: "This is a monkey, the eldest girl of Master Shihou's family, Shi Xiangyun. She is my grandmother's niece and granddaughter. Look at her attire? Don't pay attention to her!" Hearing Daiyu's introduction, Shi Xiangyun smiled reluctantly and said, "I've never seen Sister Lin bullying people like this!"

Miaoyu smiled lightly and met with several people, and then Daiyu said with a smile: "They all came to my village with my grandmother to play today." Then she said to Shi Xiangyun: "Hurry up and go to the back to get the clothes. Changed?
At this time, Shi Xiangyun remembered that he forgot to bring his luggage when he came here, and his cheeks blushed, not knowing what to do.

Seeing this, Daiyu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Could it be that you still want to be like this all the time? Don't think about it clearly." Then she said with a smile: "Bring Miss Shi to my room to see if there is any suitable challenge. Two sets for her to change and wash."

After Shi Xiangyun followed Hanxiao away, Mrs. Jia became tired and even squinted her eyes while sitting on a chair.

Although Daiyu knew that she didn't like Miaoyu's arrival, she didn't point it out. She just stepped forward and took old lady Jia's arm and said with a smile, "Look at Yu'er's carelessness, she forgot her grandmother. Thinking about coming this way Coming here is also very exhausting. Grandma, go to the back to rest and rest, but Yuer has cleaned up the yard for grandma several days in advance."

So old lady Jia nodded with a smile and said: "I know that Yu'er is a filial person, so grandma will go and wash up." Daiyu glanced at Miaoyu hurriedly, and seeing Miaoyu nodding at her, Fang ordered Lue to They and Ruizhu led Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang to their respective courtyards.Only then did he personally help Mrs. Jia to go to the easternmost courtyard at the back.

Mrs. Jia saw this courtyard with three large bays, a two-bedroom and two wing rooms on the left and right, a small pond in the courtyard, and a three-person-high Taihu stone mountain standing in the middle, with fragrant taro planted on it, and the pond is close to the stone mountain. There are two water lilies floating on one side.There are a few koi swimming around.There are also two pots of spider plants hanging under the corridor of the main house.His face couldn't help showing a smile.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Seeing that this yard is close to the garden, and it's also close to Yu'er's yard. The sisters are all living with grandma, and it's lively. Grandma likes it?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, how could Mrs. Jia not like it?She nodded with a smile and said, "I, Yu'er, know my heart! This person is old, doesn't he just like to have fun?" Daiyu hurriedly lowered her head and took Mrs. Jia's hand, saying, "Yu'er keeps his father's filial piety, It would be Yu'er's unfilial piety not to serve her grandmother."

Mrs. Jia felt aggrieved when she heard her say this: Isn't it more important to keep your father's filial piety than to be with your grandmother?Mrs. Jia dare not say such words!Seeing Daiyu bowing her head in a very sad manner, she took a deep breath and said in relief, "What silly things are you talking about? Keeping filial piety is a big deal. Isn't grandma doing well? You can come and see me when you are free." Son."

After setting up Mrs. Jia, Daiyu went to the yards of Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang. The two yards were about the same size, with two rooms facing the sun and two wing rooms on the east side.

Mrs. Wang saw the same color of sky blue bed curtains, bedspreads, bedding and pillows in the room.I feel a little dissatisfied in my heart, but I also know that Daiyu is in Xiaozhong at this time, so I can't say anything else.Of course, Mrs. Jia's room is brown and fresh green, so it doesn't look deserted.Even the houses of Sanchun and Xiangyun use emerald green and light yellow, which are light but delicate.

Although Wang Xifeng's courtyard is about the same size as the two wives of Xing Wang, after all she brought Brother Chun and Sister Qiao, and followed their respective nanny and maidservants, it was unavoidably narrow, but Wang Xifeng didn't care.So it settled down.

After Sanchun also went back to their rooms to freshen up, Daiyu Fang took Miaoyu's hand and asked, "I don't know if my sister is coming, why don't you share the same room with me? Although our sisters have been communicating with each other these years, it is not as convenient as it is now. We can spend the night talking."

Miaoyu saw Daiyu like this, Fang Dan smiled and said: "My sister said that I can do whatever I want, but I am still staying in the inn in the city. Send someone to fetch it for me?"

Hearing what Miaoyu said, Daiyu hastily called Linde's family to come over and ordered: "Let Linde take two young servants and follow my sister's people to the city to get the luggage."

After Linde's family nodded in response, Miaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I brought you a lot of things this time, I think you will like it." Daiyu tilted her head and smiled: "Sister is so sure that I will like it?" Miaoyu really smiled without saying a word.

After a long time, after the dinner was sent to the yard, and Daiyu and Miaoyu also had dinner in the house, Lin De's family led seven or eight strong women to bring Miaoyu's "salute" in. .Daiyu couldn't help being surprised when she saw it, how could this be a salute?
Daiyu just thinks that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dowry!There are only three large boxes for antiques and treasures of various colors, two boxes for various ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, and one box for holding utensils and objects.In Daiyu's eyes, it can really be called a salute, but it's just two bundles of clothes.

Seeing Daiyu's astonishment, Miaoyu didn't explain. After everyone retreated, Miaoyu explained with red eyes: "I went home that year. I didn't want my father to go two years ago. I thought about it." It's good to stay with my mother, I don't think those clansmen have malicious intentions. Fortunately, the master figured out that my mother and daughter are in trouble, and came to rescue us from the sea of ​​suffering."

Seeing Miaoyu like this, Daiyu couldn't help feeling emotional, if she hadn't planned it earlier, she might not be as good as her, right?Her eyes turned red, she took Miaoyu's hand and said, "Sister, don't think about those nasty things, now that we sisters are staying together, and we are under the care of God and nuns, we will definitely get better and better."

Unexpectedly, Miaoyu suddenly lay down on Daiyu's shoulder and cried, "Master returned to the ruins last year, and my mother also passed away years ago. Before the master returned to the ruins, I came to the capital to look for you after I passed my filial piety. At that time I don't understand, now I..." As she said that, the teardrops formed a thread and flowed down continuously.

I heard that the gods and nuns have gone, and that Miaoyu's parents have both died. How similar is he to me?Daiyu was also very uncomfortable, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only let Miaoyu cry, and she quietly stayed by her side.

Thinking of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, tears also fell.For the future, Daiyu is also very confused, but she also understands that she can't be at the mercy of fate, she can only rely on her own efforts to fight for it...

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, I greeted Mrs. Jia and had breakfast in their rooms. Dai Yufang led them to the garden.At this time, because it was the period of filial piety, there were not many flowers and plants in the garden. In the big lotus pond, there were only a few purple water lilies blooming at this time.On the other hand, the gardenia flowers bloomed just right, and the faint fragrance could be smelled from afar.

The old lady Jia also said with a smile: "It smells good, fresh and elegant, and it can refresh your mind in hot weather. It's just that the color is not good, it's too wimpy, and it looks good with these other flowers." Smiling, but not speaking.But Miaoyu said softly: "This flower has the appearance of keeping filial piety." This made Mrs. Jia pause.

They walked towards the gardenia, not expecting Jia Lian to be here with Jia Baoyu.Although Daiyu sighed in her heart, she had no choice but to go forward to salute and introduce Miaoyu.

Miaoyu didn't care much about those secular etiquettes. Seeing Jia Baoyu's gentle manner and his conversation full of cleverness and beauty, she felt good about it.

Jia Baoyu was originally looking at Daiyu, but suddenly felt a gaze, and hurriedly turned his head to look, but saw beside Daiyu a jade man in the same moon white shirt, holding a pile of clouds and looking at her with cold eyes. She quickly bowed to herself and said, "Jia Baoyu, I have seen this sister." Seeing his naive look, Miaoyu couldn't help but smile for a while, and then quickly covered it up.

Daiyu was afraid that Jia Baoyu would say some nonsense, so she hurriedly said to Miaoyu, "This is my second uncle's cousin, who also came here yesterday." Then she said to Baoyu, "This sister is me. The old acquaintance in Gusu is the lay disciple of the nun at the Panxiang Temple in Xuanmu Mountain, after the family teacher and old friend."

Mrs. Wang listened from the side, it turned out that after being Huang Jiyun's old friend, he had to make good friends, now that Huang Jiyun is in full swing, he can be said to be the confidant of the Holy Majesty, compared to the four princes and eight princes, I don't know how much weight he has!
It's not just Mrs. Wang who has such thoughts?Mrs. Jia naturally also thought that if she could win her over, Yuan Chun would be able to rely on her in the court in the future. Now that the eldest and second are only fifth-rank officials, how can she defeat Huang Jiyun and other ministers who have meritorious service?Furthermore, looking at the intimacy between her and Daiyu, it seems that they are closely related.

Suppressing their thoughts, Mrs. Jia and her party took their leave after lunch at Daiyu Village.Daiyu tried to persuade her to stay again, but Mrs. Jia only said that there were many things going on in the house, and she must not leave her.Daiyu saw that Mrs. Jia was definitely going back, so she asked people to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables, wild game, etc. for Mrs. Jia and her party to bring back.

Brother Chun suddenly grabbed Daiyu's skirt and refused to let go, saying that he was unwilling to leave.Seeing this, Yaya also dared to reach out and grab Daiyu's skirt corner.Sister Qiao saw her and wanted to reach out, but was stopped by Wang Xifeng.

Daiyu saw that Brother Chun was pulling her tightly, she thought for a while and smiled at Wang Xifeng, "Why don't you leave him here after the festival? My place is big with few people, and when he has enough fuss, he will be homesick." Daiyu squatted down again, wrapped Brother Chun in her arms and smiled, "Are you reluctant to part with aunt?"

Brother Chun immediately nodded vigorously and said, "Gift from Auntie!" Daiyu couldn't help laughing when she heard that, she really is a sincere child!Seeing this, Wang Xifeng immediately asked Ping'er to find a gold one, but she didn't bring it with her when she went out this time.Old lady Jia shook her head with a smile, and gave the gold inlaid jade bracelet to Brother Chun.

No one expected that Brother Chun turned his head to take the bracelet, turned it back, and handed the bracelet to Daiyu, saying, "A present from Auntie." Ma'am, Wang Xifeng and Daiyu were also stunned for a moment before laughing.

From the beginning to the end, Miaoyu just stood aside and watched Daiyu calmly, but never said a word.Jia Baoyu then felt that this person was more like the fairy in the shrine than sister Lin, and he was not falling into the mortal world.Daiyu naturally didn't notice what happened to Baoyu, but she asked Wang Xifeng again, hoping to keep Brother Chun.Unexpectedly, Jia Lian walked over at this time, and before he could say a word, Brother Chun decisively abandoned Daiyu.Daiyu was stunned again.

(End of this chapter)

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