Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 186 Sister-in-Law Chapter 2 Treasure

Chapter 186

Thanks to qinxia668899 for the monthly ticket support!thanks

After Mrs. Jia and her party left, Daiyu's life returned to peace again.As the weather got worse, Princess Wujun did not go out of the city to visit Daiyu, and Daiyu sent people to send some melons and fruits grown in Zhuangzi to Princess Wujun every few days.

Miaoyu also gradually integrated into Daiyu's life. Every day, she either tended flowers and plants with Daiyu, or made tea and read books with Daiyu.Of course, Miaoyu's favorite thing is to inscribe poems on Daiyu's paintings.It has to be said that Miaoyu's poetry is much better than Daiyu's, and Daiyu is also happy to write poems and paint with Miaoyu.

A few days later, Wang Xifeng came to Daiyu's Zhuangzi again.Daiyu originally thought that Mrs. Jia had some new ideas, but she brought an acquaintance with her.

Wang Xifeng looked at Daiyu with raised eyebrows and smiled, "Tell me how to thank me?" Daiyu pursed her lips, looked at Miaoyu, then at Xing Xiuyan, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison, "Thank you, sister Feng! "Wang Xifeng was taken aback by the three of them.Then it was revealed and never mentioned again.

After everyone was seated, Wang Xifeng suppressed her smile, and said to Daiyu very seriously: "Because the residence may not be very safe, my mother asked me to send Sister Xing over, please take care of me." Xie asked: "How do you say that?" Wang Xifeng looked at Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan, but said with a smile: "You just know it, don't worry about it so much."

Miaoyu really lowered her eyebrows and smiled, and said to Daiyu: "Your sister-in-law talk first, I took her to settle down and salute." Daiyu thought for a while and then nodded in response, and then ordered Linde's family to accompany her all the way.

After Miaoyu and the two left, Wang Xifeng put down the teacup in his hand and said, "Most of the garden has been built now, but the money is just beginning. Your brother is planning to pay back the money owed twice before. The government doesn’t have much cash anymore.”

Seeing Daiyu nodded noncommittally, with a calm expression on her face, Wang Xifeng recalled her surprise when she first heard the news, and couldn't help but feel unwilling to say: "If my good aunt doesn't take out the money from her private room, I'm afraid she will It's the idea of ​​the ancestral property, otherwise it will be reaching out to the Xue family, but I don't know what it will be."

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, he looked at Daiyu's expression carefully, but seeing that Daiyu's face was still as calm as water, he couldn't help asking: "You are not surprised at all, not curious?" Daiyu couldn't help laughing when she saw Wang Xifeng like that .

Daiyu thought to herself: Don't say I knew it in my previous life, but I didn't know it. According to Mrs. Wang's temperament, I'm afraid that's the only way to go.What is there to be surprised about?But Daiyu said: "I don't think the second aunt would dare to touch the ancestral property unless it is a last resort? So it may be more likely to reach out to the Xue family."

But Daiyu didn't know that Mrs. Wang had already sold her ancestral property when she returned the owed silver, but the amount was not large, and the foundation of the Jia family had not been shaken.

Wang Xifeng thought for a while and sneered, "I'm afraid that's the case. Didn't they always want to combine Baochai and Baoyu?" Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, "Let me say a few words. If my sister-in-law thinks it makes sense, she will listen. .If you think it makes no sense, just pretend I didn't say it."

Wang Xifeng glanced at Daiyu angrily and said, "Since when did you leave me so far away?" Daiyu smiled and said, "It's not that you are far away from my sister-in-law, but I shouldn't have said this. I just want to Looking at the sisterhood of these years, it’s just a lot of talking.”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wang Xifeng stretched out his hand to pick up the teacup, nodded and said casually, "Say it, I'll listen."

Daiyu didn't take it seriously either, she bowed her head and pondered for a moment before saying, "Baoyu is open-minded by nature, but not commonplace. Sister Bao is determined to go up to the sky, and I'm afraid Baoyu can't make her a success. The two of them will eventually have trouble together. If you say that Baoyu is not smart and lacks spirituality, you have wronged him. Only his **** is not on this."

Wang Xifeng looked at Daiyu in amazement, and asked, "You mean you don't agree with Baochai allocating Baoyu?"

As soon as Daiyu saw Wang Xifeng's eyes, she said angrily: "Sister-in-law, what are you looking at? Could it be that I am the one who ruins other people's marriages to make myself better? Besides, Baoyu is not suitable for me!" After finishing speaking, Daiyu He pouted and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I've thought too much." After speaking, Wang Xifeng showed an interested look and said, "Tell my sister-in-law quickly, that kind of thing is suitable for you?" Daiyu knew it just now I said something wrong, I couldn't help but blushed, and lowered my head.

But Wang Xifeng didn't intend to let her go like this, just smiled and said: "Look, at such a young age, what is it suitable or not? Don't you know that this marriage is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker?" Lowering her head and ignoring her, Wang Xifeng took a sip of tea and said again: "Why don't you tell sister-in-law, sister-in-law can help you pay attention, right?"

Daiyu couldn't bear it any longer and raised her head to stare at Wang Xifeng, saying: "Sister-in-law, it's really unreasonable. I'm kind enough to help you analyze it, but you still come to laugh at me." After speaking, Daiyu got up and wanted to leave .

Then Wang Xifeng hurriedly grabbed her hand and said: "Okay, okay, don't laugh at you, and tell me quickly, whether the matter between Baoyu and Baochai can be done!"

Daiyu took a deep breath before sitting back and said, "Is it going to happen? Didn't my sister-in-law say the fate of her parents? Sister Yuanchun now has a position in the palace, and the second aunt's presence in the mansion will also increase all boats."

When Daiyu said this, Wang Xifeng no longer had a smile on her face, she just stared at Daiyu and waited for her to continue.Daiyu calmly picked up the teacup and moistened her throat, completely ignoring Wang Xifeng's eyes, even tilted her head to look at the luxuriant branches and leaves above her head and said with a smile: "This tree grows really well. OK!"

Seeing Daiyu like this, Wang Xifeng almost lost his temper, but in the end held back and said, "Quickly go on, can't I be wrong?" So Daiyu turned her head and smiled, but when she turned back, she replied with a serious look.

Daiyu said softly: "Sister-in-law, tell me why Aunt Xue is looking at Baoyu? And why did Second Aunt choose Sister Bao?" Seeing Wang Xifeng frowning, Daiyu asked herself and answered without waiting for her answer. : "Aunt Xue is only interested in the family status of the public house, and the second aunt is even more interested in the wealth of the Xue family! That's all."

Wang Xifeng knew that Daiyu must have ideas, so she hurriedly asked: "Sister has something to say, so why bother playing riddles with a rough man like me?"

Daiyu laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be in a hurry and listen to me. What Aunt Xue is looking for is not Baoyu's possession, and Aunt Xue is not very good at making up her mind, so she must listen to Sister Bao's opinion. And Baoyu Elder sister is the most transparent person, but it's just that she was squinted by no one. As for the second aunt's plan, it actually depends on whether Sister Bao and Aunt Xue are willing."

Wang Xifeng thought for a while, frowned and asked, "If Baochai, then that girl also likes Baoyu?"

Daiyu laughed as soon as she heard it, and said: "I said before that sister Bao is a person with aspirations, and the most suitable for Baoyu is the life of farming and studying, and at most it is to be a rich man." Thinking of what Xichun said before, he added: "Perhaps Baoyu can also become a generation of calligraphers and painters, but Baoyu is by no means perfect material."

What Daiyu said was so clear, how could Wang Xifeng still not understand?Then with a smile, he picked up a piece of cake and stuffed it into Daiyu's mouth, saying, "I'll borrow flowers to present Buddha, and use your cake to thank you for your advice." The head laughed out loud.

Daiyu glared at Wang Xifeng angrily, but at the moment her mouth was full, but she couldn't speak, so she took a couple of sips from the teacup before she swallowed the cake in her mouth.

But I don't know that Miaoyu just came over with Xing Xiuyan at this time, and seeing Daiyu looking up to drink tea from a distance, she said angrily: "You have really spoiled good tea, why don't you smell a cup of tea; One cup is a thirst-quenching fool; three cups is drinking cows and mules! What are you doing pouring into your mouth with your neck up?"

Daiyu was very familiar with these words, but she couldn't remember where she had heard them, so she couldn't help but stare at Miaoyu in a daze, but it was rare for Wang Xifeng to see Daiyu like this, so she couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's really fun today! Happy! Haha" Even Xing Xiuyan lowered her head and couldn't help shrugging her thin shoulders.

It took Daiyu a while to realize that when Mrs. Jia and Grandma Liu went to Quicui Temple to taste tea, Miaoyu used it to make fun of Baoyu when Jia Baoyu wanted to change the tea set.I didn't expect to use it on myself now...

For a while, Daiyu couldn't laugh or cry, but she couldn't say anything, she just sighed and said: "I thought I was just a layman, but I didn't think that I was still exalting myself, and I am not even as good as that mule!"

When Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan were seated again, Daiyu changed the tea set and was about to brew new tea, but Miaoyu took it over.Miaoyu gave Daiyu an angry look and said, "Why don't you go and clean it up? You're almost turning into a cat!"

When Daiyu came back after washing up, Miaoyu had already brewed a new pot of tea.The four chatted and laughed for a while, then Wang Xifeng got up and wanted to go back.Daiyu didn't ask her to stay, she just said to send her out.Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan bid farewell to Wang Xifeng here and did not follow.

Walking to the second gate, Wang Xifeng took Daiyu's hand again, and waved away the maidservant who was following her, even Ping'er asked her to grab it first and wait.

Daiyu knew that Wang Xifeng must have something more important to say, so she also let Hanxiao and Ruizhu back a few steps, and Wang Xifeng said in a low voice: "Now I have two things to ask my sister, the first one is to send someone to help look at it. With regard to the ancestral property of our family, if there is any change, you must inform me."

Seeing that Daiyu nodded solemnly, Wang Xifeng looked around again, but seeing that there was no one else, she took out a small square box from her sleeve and handed it to Daiyu, seeing that Daiyu didn't pick it up, she hurriedly Said: "This is the second one! The house deed, land deed and shop deed here are all in the names of Brother Chun and Sister Qiao, and they have been divided."

Seeing Daiyu looking up at herself in surprise, Wang Xifeng smiled slightly and said, "There are tens of thousands of taels of silver in addition. If there is any change in the ancestral property, I will try to help you buy it back. If the silver is not enough, I will borrow it from my sister first. We are also doing this for the future. Just in case. The master and the master have always been uneasy because of Yuan girl's appointment as a concubine."

Daiyu sighed and said: "Since that's the case, just tell me to keep the things. As for the ancestral property, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. It's nothing else. If it really has something to do with it, don't take part in it. In addition, let the uncle Find a way, find a job outside as soon as possible, and leave the capital!"

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "Don't worry, we will save all of these, the master is already planning, and we have to wait for the girl to get married, right?"

Speaking of this, Daiyu then asked: "I don't know when sister Ying will get married? Why didn't I hear the news? Even if I can't go, give me a message. I have already prepared the gift of adding makeup." Wang Xifeng patted Daiyu's little hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't save you!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Xifeng told the matter again, and finally asked: "about Baochai, how can I tell her about Baochai?" Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, "I only think you have something in your heart." It’s done! If you don’t want to, you still have to ask me.” Then he said with a smile to the man in the distance: “Go and get my previous pair of "Peony Autumn Rain Picture"."

Although Wang Xifeng was puzzled, she didn't bother, just waiting for Daiyu's order.After Daiyu finished speaking, she whispered a few more words in Wang Xifeng's ear.Wang Xifeng nodded with a smile, waited for Hanxiao to bring the scroll, took it, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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