Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 187 Jiang Taigong Fishing

Chapter 187 Jiang Taigong Fishing ([-])

I would like to thank Qiaoge Muyong, tatacoo, bury の Wuhen, a green radish, 19 happy rewards!Thank you Yaoyao Tumi for your monthly ticket support!There are also many friends who voted for Gujing, such as: Lai Linglong, Smoothie, Leisurely Clouds and Guzhou, I am Niu, xld, Wenwen 1975, the more alive and innocent, there are small cats at home, pink sky, ornaments , Shifang Xiaomo Dao and so on a lot of friends!I won’t list them all here, Gujing sincerely thank you!In addition: shallow memories!Gujing’s promise has been fulfilled O(∩_∩)O~

When Wang Xifeng returned to Jia's residence, he first went to see Mrs. Jia, then went to Mrs. Xing's yard, and finally returned to the new house to freshen up accompanied by Ping'er.

Ping'er followed Wang Xifeng into the house, and was about to get a change of clothes, but Wang Xifeng stopped her and ordered: "Go to the small study of the grandfather to see if there is any brocade box suitable for holding picture scrolls, pick one OK, get it for me."

Ping'er had seen Wang Xifeng bring a picture scroll when she came out of Daiyu Zhuangzi.Although she didn't know what was painted in the picture scroll and whose picture scroll it was, when she heard that Wang Xifeng was looking for a brocade box, she understood that it was to contain the painting brought from Daiyu Zhuangzi.Ping'er didn't ask any more questions, turned around and went to the small study to look for it.

When Jia Lian came back in the evening, Wang Xifeng talked about it and taught Jia Lian what Daiyu had said.Jia Lian asked in surprise, "Is that so?" Wang Xifeng smiled triumphantly and said, "My sister said so, I think it's not bad." Jia Lian frowned and pondered for a moment, then smiled and nodded, "Sure enough! What a move Drain from the bottom of the pot!" After speaking, he laughed.

It turned out that Daiyu told Wang Xifeng: "My sister-in-law told my brother to stand still first, but let him tell the old lady that the rain in autumn would not be good for the construction and would delay the construction period. Why not take advantage of the good weather to speed up the construction."

Wang Xifeng remembered that Daiyu laughed like a little fox at that time, and said: "In this way, all kinds of supplies must be consumed faster than before. In this way, I will ask my brother to find the second aunt to buy money, but now the capital is everywhere. They are all building Xingqin villas, Xingqin Zhuangzi, and Xingqin gardens, and the price of goods here has risen a lot! In this way, the second aunt will definitely reach out and ask Aunt Xue for money."

Daiyu also said: "Remember, in terms of purchasing, letting my elder brother take care of Xue Pan is considered a relative's benefit, but this matter must be done in the open, so that Aunt Xue and Sister Bao know, so I can remember my sister-in-law's kindness." If you can make Sister Bao wake up again, then the mansion is called the General’s Mansion! And my elder brother is the heir, and there is already Brother Chun, if you think she is as smart as she is, she will understand a lot!"

Wang Xifeng was puzzled at first, could it be that he has lived in the mansion for several years, and it is not clear that he lives in the general's mansion?Or is there anyone who suspects that the title of the master will not be passed on to the master, but to Baoyu?Wang Xifeng sneered in his heart.

It wasn't until she returned to the mansion that Wang Xifeng realized that there were Madam Wang's people all over the mansion, who would put their big family in their eyes?Who cares if this is the General's Mansion instead of the Duke's Mansion?When Wang Xifeng thought of this, he secretly became anxious.

After taking a bath, Wang Xifeng finally figured out what Daiyu meant.Since you have all forgotten, I can remind you, for example, Brother Chun, is a very good topic!

Wang Xifeng still remembered that Daiyu had specially given her a picture scroll, saying it was "Peony Autumn Rain Picture", but Wang Xifeng unfolded it and looked at it. How could there be any peonies?They are just some ruined flowers and leaves. Although there are new branches and tender stamens, they are still swaying in the rain and have lost the luxury of the king of flowers.And on the scroll, there is no inscription at all!
When Wang Xifeng told Jia Lian about this confusion, Jia Lian wanted to bring out the scroll, and after unfolding it, the flowers and leaves had already fallen in the wind and rain, and only a new branch emerged from the dead leaves, with a small flower bud on it. Can grow in rain.

Daiyu didn't expect this painting to be used before, but she saw such a cluster of wild peonies on the back mountain of Zhuangzi a few months ago. Feeling it in my heart, I drew it.Now it has become a prop for Xue Baochai to remind.

After seeing it, Jia Lian was still puzzled, so he put away the scroll and said, "Give me this painting first, and I'll go and ask Mr. Huang or the master, maybe they can see something."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Wang Xifeng was surprised and said, "My lord can't see it?" Jia Lian laughed and said, "Sister Yu'er, she has been smarter than me since she was a child, and she has some weird ideas. It's so easy to guess. ? When my uncle was alive..."

Speaking of this, Jia Lian suddenly paused, and the expression on his face dimmed by two points. Wang Xifeng knew that he was always sad when he thought of Lin Ruhai, so he didn't bother him, and just quietly held Jia Lian's hand.

Jia Lian looked at the Qianqian hand on the back of his hand, couldn't help showing a smile, looked at Wang Xifeng, and then took a deep breath and said: "When I was in Yangzhou, there were many things that my uncle and Mr. Huang also thought about. It took me a long time to guess. Now how can I compare with my uncle and Mr. Huang?"

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he put away the scroll and smiled at Wang Xifeng: "I'll ask Mr. Huang tomorrow, if Mr. Huang can't guess..." At this point, Jia Lian frowned and continued: "Let's Do as my sister says, after all, she won't harm us. If it works, it can be regarded as helping the Xue family. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we just think it's Mr. Jiang fishing."

Wang Xifeng nodded with a smile after hearing this, and said: "Since the Lord said so, tomorrow I will take Brother Chun for a walk around. Let Ying girl invite the sisters to gather together." Jia Lian looked at Wang Xifeng brightly. eyes, nodded with a smile, turned and walked out of the room.

On the second day, Jia Lian really urged the craftsmen to speed up the progress, and even asked the big kitchen to prepare lunch for the craftsmen in order to save time. When the sun was high, people made sweet mung bean soup and sent it to the garden.Although there are not many, everyone can drink a small bowl.

After Mrs. Wang found out, before Jia Lian came to find her, she was very dissatisfied and reported Jia Lian to Mrs. Jia, who immediately sent someone to call Jia Lian over.

Of course, Jia Lian had already thought up his speech. After seeing Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang, Jia Lian respectfully greeted him, and then asked without waiting for Mrs. Jia or Mrs. Wang, "I don't know if the old ancestor called his grandson over here. What's the matter? The garden is busy at this time, so where should my grandson stay?"

Mrs. Jia looked at Jia Lian's attitude and nodded, and was about to speak when Mrs. Wang asked coldly, "I heard that you brought food and sweet soup to those craftsmen, but what happened?" ?”

Jia Lian was overjoyed, but was taken aback on his face. He looked up at Mrs. Jia, then bowed to Mrs. Wang and replied, "If you go back to auntie, there is something to do." , and then explained: "It's the end of June now, and autumn will be in two or three months. I'm afraid there will be too much rain at that time, which will affect the process."

Mrs. Wang snorted coldly and said: "Since the craftsmen have to pay close attention to it, is it possible that these craftsmen still refuse to be disciplined?"

Jia Lian sneered in his heart when he heard this, but he was troubled on the face, and turned to look at Mrs. Jia.Old lady Jia was already dissatisfied because Mrs. Wang was the first to ask questions, but now seeing Jia Lian looking at her, she didn't speak, but only looked at Jia Lian.

Jia Lian bowed to the old lady Jia and said wronged: "It's hot today, especially in the afternoon, if something happens to the family-senting garden before it's built, if it gets out, I'm afraid the sage will blame us, or it's just some Simple tea and light food are not worth a few silver coins. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to win a good name for your empress? Our empress is conferred the title of 'virtuous concubine'!"

After hearing Jia Lian's words, the old lady Jia nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's true, people like us don't need to care about those little money, it seems petty."

In fact, when Jia Lian said just now that Yuan Chun was awarded the title of "virtuous concubine", Mrs. Wang already had a feeling in her heart. She regretted Jia Lian's recent attack. After all, it seems that Jia Lian is still thinking about Yuan Chun.

But Mrs. Jia's words of "small family spirit" made Mrs. Wang feel uncomfortable, and she thought: My Wang family, how can I be that small family?I don't know how much better you are than your historians who are strong on the outside and on the inside!Mrs. Wang, who was so upset in her heart, continued to attack Jia Lian and said, "Why should I send sweet soup after I have given you food?"

Jia Lian really wanted to roll her eyes at Mrs. Wang, but she endured it. Even Mrs. Jia couldn't help frowning secretly when she looked at Mrs. Wang.

Jia Lian still respectfully said: "The weather is hot. If the artisans are suffering from heatstroke, they may not be able to start work on time. Why not give them some sweet soup to relieve the heat. The mung bean soup is a good thing to relieve the heat. Put a little Sugar, the craftsmen are naturally grateful and work harder, so our family can finish the work before others."

Hearing that Jia Lian said that other houses could finish the work first, Mrs. Wang asked with bright eyes, "When will the work be finished?"

Jia Lian secretly said: Here we come!With a smile on his face, he said: "According to today's speed, we may be able to decorate the interior around Mid-Autumn Festival." Don't say that Mrs. Wang was excited when she heard this, even Mrs. Jia couldn't help laughing: " Good, good, good!" Then he glanced at Mrs. Wang and smiled at Jia Lian: "Lian'er did a good job! I'll let you reward you later!"

When Jia Lian heard this, he was overjoyed at first, but then he said with a sad face: "Nowadays there are not many stone and wood materials, and we will buy them after they are used up. First, I am afraid that we will not be able to keep up with the progress of the craftsmen. I'm also afraid that some people will make things difficult for us." Jia Lian looked up at Mrs. Wang and said, "After all, our family is not the only one who is building a family garden."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang immediately scolded: "You don't know how to buy it first? How can there be craftsmen waiting for materials when they run out?"

Jia Lian said in embarrassment: "But the money my aunt gave last time is long gone, and now our house is still on credit, and people will pay the bill first before giving the goods." As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Wang changed immediately. face!
Mrs. Wang thought for a long time before she nodded and said: "Let the cashier calculate how much money is owed, and you can come to me to get it later. The concubine's family garden must be built, and there must be no sloppy!" Jia Lian then nodded and said with a smile on his face: "Auntie's words changed, and then my nephew personally sent the account book to auntie."

Mrs. Wang didn't know, because Jia's mansion was Mrs. Wang's housekeeper, and the books in the mansion still used the old method to keep accounts. Jia Lian had seen this loophole method a lot in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Yes, it is really easy to fool Mrs. Wang!
(End of this chapter)

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