Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 188 Jiang Taigong Fishing

Chapter 188 Jiang Taigong Fishing ([-])
Thank you hlmilk, Yaya21 for your monthly ticket support~ and thank you Qianyi Yirenyan for your reward!

Jia Lian came out of Mrs. Jia's house and went back to the new East Courtyard that was just built. This yard is not the same as before. The stables were demolished and built next to the west corner gate. Now the east corner gate is the entrance. Jia Amnesty's outer study is also three large rooms facing the sun.Going inside is Mrs. Xing's inner courtyard, and Jia Lian and his wife lived behind Mrs. Xing.

Yingchun was about to get married, so she moved back to Mrs. Jia's courtyard. After all, Mrs. Jia raised her by herself, so she was more respectable when she said it.Even though Jia's mansion is not the Duke's mansion now, Mrs. Jia is still the Duke's wife.

As we all know, Jia Min, the most talented woman back then, and Yuan Chun, the current virtuous concubine, were both raised by Mrs. Jia herself.Mrs. Xing also thought that her natal status was much lower. Seeing that Mrs. Jia was willing to educate Yingchun, she was happy to do so.And because of rushing to embroider the wedding dress, since Yingchun moved back to Mrs. Jia's yard, she seldom goes out.

Mrs. Xing's courtyard now only lives with Brother Cong and his mother.Mrs. Xing didn't care much, and even let Cong and Chun play together.

Jia Lian's study is in his small courtyard, but Wang Xifeng is not there at this time.Jia Lian stopped a sweeping maid casually and asked, "Do you know when grandma went out? Where did she go?" The maid replied: "Grandma held Brother Chun in her arms early in the morning and took sister Ping'er to see Mrs. Xue. .”

When Jia Lian heard this, he smiled knowingly, waved the maid away, and then went into the study alone, where lunch was also served.

Wang Xifeng was actually kept by Aunt Xue, and she didn't come back for lunch.Aunt Xue looked at the tiger-headed brother Chun with joy, and praised him all the time.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Auntie, don't praise him too much. Our master said that the mansion is not the same as before. Boys should be beaten and beaten. They must not be pampered and less masculine. Otherwise, how can we stand up in the future? , he is going to attack the general.”

Aunt Xue also heard the meaning of Wang Xifeng's words, and continued to say: "How can you be beaten, you are just such a single seedling now, you have to take care of it!" There was a burst of rubbing in my arms.

But Baochai listened to Wang Xifeng's words, but his mind was moved.But it doesn't show on the face.After Wang Xifeng's mother and son had lunch in Aunt Xue's yard and left, Baochai frowned and sat under the window, sewing and thinking about something.

When Wang Xifeng returned to the East Courtyard, he first went to Mrs. Xing's room. After talking and joking with Mrs. Xing, she learned that Jia Lian had returned, so she went back to her small courtyard at the back.But when he heard that Jia Lian had just left, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't care too much.

Early the next morning, Wang Xifeng made an appointment with Tanchun, Xichun and Baochai to go to the Yingchun House to look at the wedding dress. In front of the three of them, Wang Xifeng took the wedding dress and said to Yingchun: "We should add more." If you don’t have enough gold and silver thread, just ask me to get it, you are the eldest daughter of the first prize winner! You can’t lose your reputation!”

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she didn't care about Tanchun Xichun's expression, she just looked at Baochai quietly, and saw that Baochai's expression changed, although she quickly covered it up, Wang Xifeng still saw it.

Talked and joked with Yingchun, and asked Siqi to go to his room to fetch the gold and silver thread. Just now, he left with Tanchun, Xichun and Baochai. When they parted, Wang Xifeng pretended to remember, and smiled at Xichun: It's almost time for lunch, why don't you all go to my room, just in time, Miss Lin asked me to bring a picture scroll for Xichun, but she forgot to bring it for you."

When Xichun heard that Dai Yurang brought it to her, she immediately opened her eyes and asked, "When did Sister Lin ask her sister-in-law to bring it?" Wang Xifeng thought for a while and smiled, "Your brother got a Shoushan stone a while ago, so he asked me to give it to you." I sent it to her, and when she came back, she asked me to bring you the painting, saying that it was for you to look at it and help me to mention a word or something, and I forgot."

So Baochai and Tanchun followed Xichun to Wang Xifeng's courtyard.Wang Xifeng ordered Ping'er to take out the brocade box, handed it to Xichun, and said, "I don't understand these, you just put them away, and go back and read slowly." After saying that, she asked Ping'er to pass on the meal, and then asked someone to go Aunt Xue reported from the yard that Baochai was eating here.

After Ping'er left, Wang Xifeng said to Sanchun and the others: "You sit and play by yourself, and I'll come after changing clothes. It's hot today." Said Wang Xifeng, then turned and went into the inner room.

Xichun couldn't bear it, so she opened the brocade box and took out the picture scroll. For a while, Tanchun and Baochai also surrounded her, and saw a bunch of peonies under a dead tree on the picture, but the branches and leaves were falling under the rain, and the flowers were scattered. litter.Only a new branch stretched out at the corner, with two green leaves and a tender stamen.

Adhering to the idea of ​​realistic oil painting, Daiyu used traditional Chinese painting fine brushwork techniques to depict the dead branches and fallen leaves on the rice paper, making them appear vivid, especially the tender pistils on the paper, making Tanchun frown and Xichun's eyes It was bright, only Xue Baochai stared at the painting blankly.

Xue Baochai couldn't help but think of herself, isn't it the peony in the wind and rain?Can the Jia Mansion shelter itself from the wind and rain, or just let the branches and flowers fall like the dead trees in the painting?
When Wang Xifeng came out, he naturally saw Baochai's unnatural expression, but he didn't point it out.

Although the three of Xichun had their own thoughts at this time, they still had lunch with Wang Xifeng before taking their leave.

Not long after the three left, Jia Lian entered the courtyard with a happy face.Wang Xifeng greeted her with a smile and asked, "Why are you so happy?" Jia Lian didn't speak, but just dragged Wang Xifeng into the house, and sent Ping'er out.

Seeing how mysterious he was, Wang Xifeng couldn't help being even more curious, and as soon as Ping'er went out, she hurriedly said, "I'm telling you, it's not my nature to hide like this!" Jia Lian didn't answer, Smiling, he took out two banknotes from the armhole and gave them to her.

Wang Xifeng took it over and took a look, there were two silver notes of 1 taels!Wang Xifeng couldn't help asking anxiously: "Where did this come from, sir?" In fact, Wang Xifeng had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't expect Jia Lian's movements to be so fast, and he couldn't help feeling that it was unreal.

Jia Lian glanced at her with a smile and said, "That's what you think! Didn't you pass me the words before?" Wang Xifeng asked hurriedly, "How did you do it?" Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Jia Lian couldn't help being proud, so he told her in detail when he delivered the account book to Mrs. Wang today.

It turned out that Jia Lian had already finished the account book yesterday, and went to the stone shop and wood merchant outside to confirm everything. This morning, he took the account book and went to Rongxi Hall where Mrs. Wang was.

When Mrs. Wang saw Jia Lian coming in, she put on airs, but when she saw the account book, her face turned green!Hastily asked sharply: "How can you owe so much money?"

But Jia Lian said calmly: "Auntie probably knows that because there are suddenly more people building gardens in Beijing, many materials are out of stock, and the prices of new ones are much higher, but There is no way around it. The price has risen even more recently."

In the past, not to mention stone and wood, even craftsmen were in great demand in Beijing. Mrs. Wang naturally knew about this. Now that Jia Lian mentioned it, she felt relieved a lot.Hearing Jia Lian say that the price has risen even more recently, he couldn't help asking, "Why has it risen again recently?"

Jia Lian frowned on purpose and said, "I don't know what Mr. Wu was thinking. He said that in order to build the garden as soon as possible and take Concubine Shuhui home to visit relatives, he actually raised the price to collect materials. If we don't follow the price increase , I am afraid that the material has been broken long ago.”

Mrs. Wang doesn't like Concubine Wu of Shuhui. Jia Lian has already inquired clearly. At this time, Mrs. Wang clenched her cheeks and said: "Lian'er is doing very well, we must not let Mrs. Wu go ahead of us. This matter has to be the leader of our Jia family, it is not only the face of the empress, but also the glory of our family!"

Although Jia Lian disapproved very much in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "Auntie is very right. After all, for the sake of your mother, we have to support it no matter what." Then Jia Lian said, "I just don't know that we delivered meals to the craftsmen yesterday. How did Mr. Wu know about the matter, and today there is news that they will also send food to the craftsmen."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Mrs. Wang slapped the table and said, "You really are a bastard!" After she finished speaking, she said to Jia Lian, "You go to the accountant to pay 3 taels first, and the rest will be paid within a day or two. You, just a little bit! This courtyard was built for the empress, but it can't be careless! Especially if you don't fall behind that concubine Shuhui!"

Jia Lian naturally understood what Mrs. Wang meant, and hurriedly responded: "Auntie, don't worry, the craftsmen are thinking of your mother's good things, and the work is fast and easy. Auntie just needs to be at ease, besides, where do I stay every day!" Hearing what Jia Lian said, Mrs. Wang calmed down just now, and nodded to let Jia Lian back down.

So Jia Lian went to the cashier first to get 3 taels of silver bills.I went outside to settle the bill again, and I returned after inviting someone to eat and drink.There were more than 2 taels left, and I took out 2 taels and handed them over to Wang Xifeng, and I also left several hundred taels in my pocket for turnover.

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help laughing and said, "My lord's mouth is really capable of calling the dead alive. I have to be careful, and don't let the lord coax me over!" Jia Lian picked it up. Eyebrows said: "When did the master coax grandma?" Wang Xifeng only pursed his lips and smiled when he heard what he said.

Although it was expected that Mrs. Wang would reach out to Aunt Xue, Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng never expected that Mrs. Wang's movements would be extremely fast.

As soon as Jia Lian left, Mrs. Wang sent Zhou Rui's family away and invited Aunt Xue over in person.Aunt Xue didn't know what was going on, so she brought Baochai, who had just returned from Xichun, to Mrs. Wang's house.When Mrs. Wang saw that Aunt Xue was bringing Baochai, she didn't mention the matter of borrowing money. After talking and joking a few words, she sent Baochai to look for Chun Xichun to play.

Aunt Xue really wanted to say that Baochai had just been there, but Mrs. Wang took Aunt Xue's hand and said, "Let the children play by themselves, and our sisters can talk about themselves." Aunt Xue had no choice but to follow Wang At Madam's request, Baochai, who looked uncertain, asked Tanchun to go.

After Xue Baochai left, Mrs. Wang complained to Aunt Xue with red eyes, not only that the Zhuangzi's shop had not been confiscated, but also how Concubine Shuhui's natal family was deceiving people too much, robbing stones and wood, and now they are still fighting. Artisan's idea.

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang took Aunt Xue's hand and said: "Nowadays this is not going up or down, the mansion doesn't join hands, and my brother is not in Beijing. Now I can only ask my sister for help with a shy face." Wiped away the tears again.

Aunt Xue was also in tears when she heard it, she comforted Madam Wang a few words, and then said: "Sister, don't worry, we are sisters, isn't your business my business? I don't know how much is worse? I'll go back and tell my sister Take it!"

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed when she heard these words, but she said politely: "How can you talk like that? Just watch how my sister gets her hands together."

(End of this chapter)

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