Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 189 The Xue Family

Chapter 189 The Xue Family ([-])

Aunt Xue hurried back to her yard, sent all the maids and women out, and went into the house alone.Seeing Baochai sitting in the room, Aunt Xue smiled lovingly and said, "Didn't I let you play with the sisters? Why are you sitting here alone?"

Xue Baochai replied with a smile: "The talents are gone, how can anyone go again?" Hearing what Xue Baochai said, Aunt Xue nodded and said, "That's all right, you rest first." Aunt Xue went into the inner room after speaking .

Xue Baochai didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that Aunt Xue just went into the inner room to change clothes, but she didn't expect that Aunt Xue came out again after a while, still wearing her previous clothes, and she turned out to be going out the door.Xue Baochai couldn't help but stopped Aunt Xue and said, "Mom, where are you going?"

Aunt Xue stopped, and smiled at Xue Baochai: "Go to your aunt's yard, there are some things, you can play by yourself, or go to the sister's house to play, don't patronize and stay in the house." .” Saying that, Aunt Xue wanted to go out.

When Xue Baochai heard that Aunt Xue was going to Mrs. Wang's courtyard again, she couldn't help calling her back, and asked with a frown, "What did Auntie and Mom say just now? I just came back and went there again. Is there something wrong?"

Aunt Xue thought about it, Baochai would also join the Jia family in the future, and she was smart and sensible since she was a child, so there was no need to hide it from her.Then he learned from Baochai what Mrs. Wang had said before.

Baochai frowned more and more as she listened, and finally asked: "I remember hearing from my mother that my aunt also asked you to borrow tens of thousands of taels of silver last time, but is there such a thing?" Aunt Xue did not expect Xue Baochai to suddenly bring up this matter Son, he was stunned before nodding his head and said: "That's what happened, at that time..."

Before Aunt Xue finished speaking, Baochai asked again: "How much does Auntie borrow now?" Aunt Xue said with a smile: "It's not much, your Aunt said, just looking at us together, I thought about this." Building a garden is a big deal, so I took 14 taels, which is exactly the same as before, isn't it?"

As soon as Aunt Xue finished speaking, Baochai sighed angrily: "Mom, you are so confused!" Aunt Xue couldn't help but wondered when she saw Baochai say this, "But it's missing? I was thinking..." Don't wait for Aunt Xue After finishing speaking, Baochai interrupted again: "Mom! Brother is not married yet!"

When Aunt Xue heard Baochai say this suddenly, she couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then laughed again: "How could I not know that your brother is not married yet? Don't worry, I know this matter well, don't worry about it." Xue said My aunt was going out again.

Baochai had no choice but to get up and pull Aunt Xue back to sit down.Looking into Aunt Xue's eyes, Baochai bit her lips and thought for a long time before softly saying: "I know that Mom did this for me, and I blame my brother for not being up to date. But has Mom thought about it? Auntie can be the head of Jia's house, but it's just Because the old lady is still there."

Seeing that Aunt Xue was looking at him in confusion, Xue Baochai thought to herself: "It's better to just talk about it today, and my mother won't know the twists and turns into it."

After thinking it over clearly, Xue Baochai looked at Aunt Xue and said very seriously: "The old lady loves Baoyu in every possible way to her aunt and uncle's family. But after all, this is not the Duke's mansion! Now this is the General's mansion. When the old lady is gone , the family of my aunt and uncle will be separated, and my uncle is only a fifth-rank official now."

After finishing speaking, Baochai took a deep breath, and then continued: "At that time, it will not be Auntie but Sister Feng who will be the master of this mansion. It will not be Baoyu who will succeed in the future, but Sister Feng's son, or It's Jia Lian."

Aunt Xue frowned when she heard this, thought for a while and said: "But there is your aunt's daughter in the palace, isn't it? Your big sister Yuan is now a concubine, and she is going to visit her relatives soon. In the future Can you not pull her brother?"

Hearing what Aunt Xue said, Baochai's expression darkened by two points, and he lowered his head and said, "Let's not talk about whether Auntie can be his master, but just say that in this palace, we once thought about it. Where is it in the palace?" Is it sister Yuan who made the master?"

After finishing speaking, Baochai looked up at Aunt Xue and continued: "Let's not talk about anything else, do you know how many concubines there are in the palace? Sister Yuan still has the empress pressing on her head. There are also concubines who are not good at it. Stumblers, for example, Concubine Shuhui, who was also conferred the title of concubine, heard from my aunt, didn’t she just have a hard time getting along with Sister Yuan?”

Aunt Xue lowered her head and thought for a while before tentatively asking: "Chai'er is not allowed to hide from mother, but what is there that you don't like about Baoyu? I think he is smart and handsome, and he is very good for me. it is good."

When Aunt Xue said this, Baochai couldn't help but blushed, covered her face and said, "What nonsense is Mom talking about! You made fun of me?"

Aunt Xue sighed, took Baochai's hand, held it in her palm and said, "You know, Mom did this for you. If you want to marry Baoyu in the future, Mom will naturally take care of everything for you now." of."

Baochai saw that Aunt Xue was very serious, but after thinking about it, she shook her head slightly and said, "Mom, look at Baoyu, what else can he do if he leaves Jia's mansion? They say he is smart, but he has never seen him serious. I have been to school for two days. It is said that I moved out of the inner house to study in the front, but how long has it been? Don’t you come in and hang out with your sisters again?”

Hearing what Xue Baochai said, Aunt Xue sighed secretly in her heart: It turns out that my chai'er dislikes him for not being motivated!That's right, when I was young, I had Qing Yunzhi, but it's a pity that I wasn't a man, otherwise my Xue family would have...

Thinking of this, Aunt Xue was feeling uncomfortable, so she heard Xue Baochai say in a mosquito-like voice: "When Yingchun got engaged, that person was just a student, and his family background was not very good. But now, Yingchun has Fengguanxiapei anyway." Seeing Baochai, she blushed and ran into her room.

Aunt Xue couldn't help being stunned for a long time when she heard Baochai's words before she figured it out. Baochai was talking about finding a promising student in the future!

Now that she has this thought, Aunt Xue will naturally not spend more than 4 taels of silver to please Mrs. Wang.Then he went into the inner room again, and when he came out again, only [-] taels of silver bills were stuffed in the armhole.Go to Mrs. Wang's courtyard.

Mrs. Wang was very dissatisfied in her heart that Aunt Xue only gave out 4 taels of silver, but she joked with Aunt Xue without showing the slightest sign.After only a few words, Mrs. Wang turned the topic to Xue Baochai.

Speaking of her precious daughter, Aunt Xue is naturally extremely proud.Even if it has been said many times, it will not feel that it lacks new ideas.

Aunt Xue also talked about how smart Xue Baochai was, how smart, studious, sensible and well-behaved she was when she was a child, and how Xue Baochai comforted herself and how she helped manage the family after Xue's father died unexpectedly.

Mrs. Wang naturally followed Aunt Xue's words and said with a smile: "I just think that Chai'er is a good one, but there is no one in our family who can compare to her." Hearing what Mrs. Wang said, Aunt Xue smiled even more. .Mrs. Wang took advantage of the situation and said, "Fortunately, she will help me take care of the house in the future, otherwise, I won't worry about Shan Baoyu herself."

When Mrs. Wang said this, she wanted to remind Aunt Xue that the second treasure's marriage was still in her hands, but now Aunt Xue was a little uncertain, so she just smiled and said nothing.Everything that Aunt Xue did, including taking out the money, was just for Baochai's future happiness, but now...

When Aunt Xue came to give money, since the money had already been delivered, Aunt Xue didn't want to sit for a long time, thinking about Xue Baochai's words before, so she said with a smile: "Chai'er went out today, maybe she got heatstroke, she said she was a little uncomfortable, I have to go back and look at her, wait for her to recover some other day, and then come to see my sister."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang hurriedly asked: "Have you invited the doctor to come and take a look? Why don't you take the letter from the house and invite the imperial doctor?" Aunt Xue declined with a smile, and left.Although Mrs. Wang was surprised, she didn't take it seriously.

After returning, Aunt Xue talked about the previous topic with Xue Baochai before Xue Pan came back.

Aunt Xue didn't quite believe the statement that Jia's house was empty, just looking at the way the servants dressed in ordinary times, they were already extremely wealthy, how could they see the look of dilapidation?But regarding what Baochai said about the separation of the family in the future, Aunt Xue was quite concerned.

But the next night, Xue Pan, who always sleeps in flowers and willows and never returns at night, ran back in a hurry.Seeing his happy face, Aunt Xue couldn't help laughing and said: "Is this picking up ingots? How happy are you?"

When Xue Pan heard this, he said disdainfully: "Our family still has to go out to pick up ingots? It would be nice if he didn't follow your son to pick up ingots!"

Seeing Xue Pan talking to Aunt Xue like this, Baochai asked displeasedly: "Then tell me, what kind of happy things happened to you? Or did you do something 'good' outside? "

Xue Pan chuckled, and shouted to the door: "Go and buy two good dishes for my master, and bring back two catties of good wine."

After finishing speaking, Xue Pan pulled Aunt Xue to sit down on the chair, and said mysteriously: "Mom doesn't know, I happened to meet brother-in-law today, brother-in-law..." Xue Pan was interrupted by Aunt Xue before he finished speaking. .Aunt Xue stared, stretched out her hand to pat Xue Pan's arm and said, "Your brother-in-law? Even in the future, there will only be one brother-in-law!"

Xue Pan was a bit taken aback, so he couldn't help asking: "Isn't uncle Jiafeng's sister-in-law, Jia Lian, my brother-in-law?"

When Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai heard this, they couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly asked, "Why is he looking for you? But did he ask you to borrow some money?" Xue Pan happened to pick up a cup of tea and took a big sip. But he was choked by Aunt Xue's words, if he hadn't held back, he might have sprayed Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai all over his face.At this time, he couldn't stop coughing.

Seeing this, Aunt Xue snatched the teacup from his hand, patted him on the back softly, and reprimanded him softly: "How old are you? You can't even eat tea?" Having said that, But Aunt Xue couldn't bear the worry in her eyes.

Aunt Xue was about to call for someone, but Xue Pan hurriedly stopped her and said, "Mom, stop busy, come and sit down and listen to me." After speaking, Xue Pan pulled Aunt Xue to sit down again.

(End of this chapter)

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