Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 190 The Xue Family

Chapter 190 The Xue Family ([-])

Since then, the update has been completed in two days O(∩_∩)O~ The normal update time will resume tomorrow, 11:30 noon and 07:30 pm.Thank you for your support and love for Gujing!

After Xue Pan pulled Aunt Xue to sit down, she smiled triumphantly and said, "Mom, guess what I did today?" Could it be that he went somewhere to drink and listen to music again?"

When Xue Pan heard Xue Baochai's words, he was immediately dissatisfied and said, "How can my sister say that about me? I'm your own brother!" Xue Baochai scoffed, "It's because you are my own brother! I know you must be a real brother!" Good job! When will you be able to take care of our family's property? Don't let mom worry about it!"

When Xue Pan heard this, he was even more satisfied and said, "Aren't I just learning?" Xue Pan smiled at Aunt Xue with a pleasing face and said, "Mom, I have made a deal today. Big deal! I negotiated this on my own, so you have to give me a lot of compliments." As he spoke, he couldn't see his eyebrows with a smile.

Just as Aunt Xue was about to praise him, Baochai became anxious and asked with a frown, "Brother, tell me, is it a business?"

When Aunt Xue heard this, she thought that this Xue Pan was not just doing a discounted business, she was just trying to let him experience more, and it was also a tuition fee.So he never took it to heart, and now when Baochai asked, he also asked: "You should tell Mom, whose business did you do again today?"

Xue Pan pursed his lips, glanced at Xue Baochai, and said, "You only know that gold and jade are good! But whoever has jade, has he ever helped our family a little bit? It's such a big deal to build a garden. , Auntie gave us a little sweetness?"

Xue Pan's words made Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai's faces change, but they just stared at him without saying a word.Xue Pan picked up the teacup by himself, took a sip of tea, and then continued: "Sister Feng asked my brother-in-law to come find me today. My brother-in-law told me that I thought my aunt would arrange it, but it turned out that half of the construction period was over, and there was no movement. , Sister Feng couldn't sit still."

Aunt Xue hurriedly asked: "What else did your brother-in-law say?" Although Xue Pan was a little confused, he was a filial person after all. Seeing Aunt Xue asking, he immediately smiled and said: "What can you say, brother-in-law just say Yes, I know that our family has a lumber shop, and from now on all the lumber in the garden will be used by our family, and I have given Dingyin back."

Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this, their hearts were shocked!Yes, is there any shop in our house?Why didn't her aunt think of taking care of us?On the contrary, Feng girl kept it in her heart!
Then I heard Xue Pan say: "Brother-in-law also introduced the nephews of Mr. Feng's family and Mr. Zhou's steward to buy with him. They all went to our shop to buy! The shopkeeper led others to look at the goods, and they all agreed. , it was all decided accordingly, and the silver was also given, a total of more than 2 taels!"

Speaking of which, Xue Pan approached Aunt Xue and said, "No, today my son earned back his money, so I let someone buy wine and food to honor my mother." At this moment, Aunt Xue has no desire to drink and eat food?I was staring blankly.It was Xue Baochai who pulled her arm to wake up.

But Xue Pan didn't care, and just talked to himself: "But brother-in-law can talk about this matter, don't spread it, I'm afraid my aunt will be unhappy if she finds out. If it wasn't for my mother and sister, I would Never say it."

Aunt Xue pursed her lips and nodded, "What your brother-in-law said is that you can't spread this matter to the outside world. It will save your sister and brother-in-law a hard time. In the future, you should learn more from your brother-in-law, your brother-in-law But there are those who have studied at the university and passed the Juren. If your uncle from the Lin family hadn't gone, I'm afraid that he would be a Jinshi and a title on the gold list by now."

After finishing talking, Aunt Xue didn't say anything else, she just ate a few mouthfuls with Xue Pan brothers and sisters and then went into the house to rest.He didn't close his eyes all night.

Although Xue Baochai did not come to this point, what Aunt Xue said about the title on the gold list yesterday moved her mind.So I didn't sleep well all night.

But Xue Pan didn't worry about anything. After eating and drinking, he didn't go into the house, and just made do with the night on the Arhat's bed.

Fortunately, the weather was hot, and Xue Pan's body was strong, so he didn't catch a cold.But if he went back, Aunt Xue would definitely help him to the bed, but he didn't come out after entering the house yesterday.When I opened the door today and came out, I saw Xue Pan lying on the Arhat bed, half of his legs were still hanging on the ground.

Aunt Xue glanced at him angrily, but saw that he was sleeping soundly and didn't see him, so she couldn't help laughing at herself, turned around and took the thin quilt to cover him, and put his legs on it with great effort, then turned around and into the house.

Not long after Aunt Xue entered the house, she heard the old family outside knocking on the door calling for Xue Pan, so she couldn't help but lift the curtain and walk out.

Seeing that he couldn't get out, the visitor couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he saluted and said: "This old slave has seen my wife." He asked tentatively: "I don't know if the uncle is in the house. I heard from the boy at the door that the uncle was there yesterday. did not go out."

Aunt Xue nodded and said, "Uncle is still asleep, but what's the matter? Just talk about it."

The old family looked around, and then replied in a low voice: "It's nothing important, but yesterday, Uncle Lian explained that if our shop wants to ship, it must be guarded somewhere, otherwise None of them recognize them."

When Aunt Xue heard this, she hurriedly said, "What do you say?" It was after Xue's father left that Xue Pan's family property had already been wiped out.

Now Aunt Xue heard what the old family said so she couldn't help but ordered: "Sit down now, why don't you tell me what's going on?" Aunt Xue moved five or six steps away and sat down by herself.

After Aunt Xue sat down on the cool chair, the old man smiled and said: "My wife also knows that uncle is a playful person, even the master couldn't restrain him back then. When the order was placed yesterday, uncle Lian and uncle made an agreement. , the uncle must guard the shop to deliver the goods, so the uncle will have no time to go out and hang out, right?"

Aunt Xue nodded when she heard this and asked, "Is there anything else?" The old family laughed and said, "Don't tell me, madam, the uncle valued these orders very much, and he accepted them on the spot. How much do you want to come to the shop?" You can learn a little bit, the master will have successors in the future!" The old family member wiped the corners of his eyes as he said that, it can be seen that Father Xue treated him very well when he was alive.

Seeing this, Aunt Xue frowned and thought about it: "You go to the shop and get busy first, and I'll let him go when he wakes up later."

The old family looked at Aunt Xue and hesitated for a moment before saying: "Why don't you call the uncle up, and I will go there with the uncle? It's time to deliver the goods to others in a while, and the goods can't be delivered without the uncle, which will delay the construction period. , I'm afraid it's not easy for Uncle Lian to explain."

Aunt Xue was hesitating, but Xue Baochai replied from inside, "wait a minute, old man, brother will come out in a moment." Then she fell silent.So Aunt Xue had no choice but to say: "Then you wait first, then wake him up." Then she got up and walked in.

It wasn't long before Xue Pan came out yawning, muttering something as he walked.As soon as the old family saw Xue Pan coming out, they immediately stepped forward with a smile and said, "Master, is he awake? Let's go over quickly. It's time to order the delivery of the three companies yesterday!" Xue Pan came as soon as he heard it. He lost his spirit, pulled his old family members and went out.

Aunt Xue returned to the house and smiled at Xue Baochai, "Your sister Feng and her husband have a heart." Xue Baochai nodded slightly, but said nothing.Seeing her in such a hurry, Aunt Xue asked, "Why is Chai'er uncomfortable?" Xue Baochai shook her head and said softly, "Mom, let's go home..."

Xue Baochai's words made Aunt Xue stunned on the spot, and after a while she asked uncertainly, "Chaier, what did you just say?"

Xue Baochai looked up at Aunt Xue, and said with red eyes: "Mom, our family has a house, land and property, why stay here to please my aunt? Just like what my brother said, has my aunt helped us all these years?" ? Or did my uncle really teach my brother a sentence?"

Xue Baochai's words made Aunt Xue deep in thought, and it took a while for Aunt Xue to sigh: "But your brother is not worthy..." Before Aunt Xue finished speaking, Xue Baochai took her hand and said, "I beg brother-in-law Lian , he has literature and is willing to help us, so begging him to teach my brother, wouldn't it be better than wasting time here?"

After speaking, Xue Baochai looked at Aunt Xue with burning eyes and said, "How much money has been folded into this mansion all these years? Since it's useless, why don't we repair the mansion and move back so that my brother can have more contact with brother-in-law Lian? It’s good to learn a little from him.”

After finishing speaking, Xue Baochai sighed: "Besides, this is the General's Mansion... In the future, it will be Sister Feng who decides."

After hearing this, Aunt Xue was in tears and speechless.After thinking for a long time, he nodded his head and said in a low voice: "When your brother comes back, tell him to listen to him. He didn't want to live in this mansion. I asked your brother-in-law for advice when I was looking for time. Let's see what I think. Method, teach and teach your brother."

After Aunt Xue finished speaking, she waved her hand and turned back to the inner room.Baochai stood at the door very worried, but did not go in after all.Sighing, he turned and went back to his room.

In the evening, Xue Pan came back as expected, but with a tired look on his face.When Aunt Xue saw it, she pulled Xue Pan worriedly and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't you say you were in the shop? Why are you so tired?"

Xue Pan shook his head and sat on the Arhat's bed, shouting, "Give me a cup of tea quickly. Hurry up!" Xue Baochai also came out when he heard the movement. Seeing Xue Pan like this, he couldn't help asking with a curious smile. : "Brother, what are you doing here? No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have gone to plant melons in the field?"

(End of this chapter)

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