Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 191 The Xue Family

Chapter 191 Xue Family ([-])

Thanks to mizhuomm and yema1995 for their monthly support~~O(∩_∩)O Thank you

Xue Pan shook his head and smiled wryly, "Brother-in-law hurt me!" As soon as Xue Pan said this, Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai had serious expressions.The two looked at each other, and Aunt Xue asked with a serious face: "Don't be afraid, Pan'er, tell Mom what's going on?" Xue Baochai thought to himself: Could it be that something went wrong with yesterday's order?Want to calculate my Xue family's property?

Neither of them expected, Xue Pan replied weakly: "Brother-in-law will definitely let me watch the shipment somewhere, but the three families are going to ship at the same time, there is simply not enough manpower, and the boys all went up with the master." , I’m not done until now, my arm, my waist, and my shoulder really hurt.”

Xue Baochai breathed a sigh of relief at Xue Pan's words, but at the same time she gave him an angry look and said, "Brother, don't you know that you have transferred staff from another shop?"

Aunt Xue's expression also changed, and she asked anxiously: "That Jia Lian asked you to do it? How can you be so obedient? Is that what you did? Is it possible that those old family members don't care?" Said Aunt Xue couldn't help being full of resentment towards Jia Lian in her heart.

Seeing that Aunt Xue was nervous, Xue Pan didn't care about it. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, Mom, am I okay? Mr. Zheng told Uncle Chen that he was busy, and his father did it too. Let's talk My brother-in-law even helped me do it together." Aunt Xue asked in disbelief when she heard this, "What did Pan'er just say?"

Xue Pan was interrupted by Aunt Xue, so he couldn't help but asked in a daze: "What?" Seeing this, Xue Baochai covered his mouth with a smile and said, "Mom asked you what you said just now?"

Xue Pan still didn't understand what Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai meant, but he replied: "So it was when my father was alive..." Aunt Xue interrupted and said, "Next sentence, what do you say next sentence?" Xue Pan Scratching his head, he said, "It's just... Hey! You asked me so much that I forgot!"

Xue Pan walked in angrily as he said that, Aunt Xue didn't expect Xue Pan to be like this, and immediately didn't know what to say.

Xue Baochai laughed and said, "Mom, what did Jia Lian do?" Xue Pan looked back at Xue Baochai for confusion, and said, "Nothing? There are not enough people today. If it wasn't for my brother-in-law and Long'er and others to help, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back now. It's my fault, I didn't expect that there will be insufficient manpower. Wait until tomorrow, and just transfer the buddy over."

After finishing speaking, Xue Pan put his feet on the table of the Arhat bed, closed his eyes and said, "Okay, let me have a rest."

Seeing this, Aunt Xue couldn't say anything more.It wasn't until after dinner that Aunt Xue took the opportunity to tell Xue Pan about letting him repair the house and move.As usual, Xue Pan must be very happy, even Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai think so.

But who knows, after hearing Aunt Xue's words, Xue Pan frowned and thought for a while, "How about a two-day delay? Or will I discuss it with my brother-in-law tomorrow?"

Aunt Xue was very puzzled by this and asked: "What do you mean? We moved back to our own home, so we can't make our own decisions? After all, we are here as guests." He looked at Xue Pan inexplicably.

Xue Pan chuckled and said, "Our house, even if we want to move back, we have to tidy it up well, right? We can't live in it unless we repair it properly."

When Aunt Xue heard what Xue Pan said, she said angrily: "Isn't this just asking you to take someone back to tidy up the house?" Xue Pan heard what Aunt Xue said, leaned over and smiled, "Mom, the timber in our shop I sold all the stone materials, so what do you want me to use to repair the house?"

Aunt Xue just came back to her senses at this time, Xue Baochai also smiled happily: "Mom, listen to my brother, my brother has grown up now and has a success." Baochai looked at Xue Pan and said to Aunt Xue : "I'll go to Sister Feng's room sometime later and see what Sister Feng says." So Aunt Xue nodded.

The next day, when Xue Pan saw Jia Lian, he really asked about it.In fact, in Xue Pan's heart, he is still willing to live in his own house, but Aunt Xue didn't agree.

After hearing this, Jia Lian nodded in agreement and said, "Since you want to learn how to do business, you should naturally set up your own business. This is the long-term solution, and the human relationship is much cheaper."

Hearing Jia Lian's approval, Xue Pan couldn't help being overjoyed, and then he talked about the fact that the goods in the shop were all ordered by the three companies.Jia Lian also smiled indifferently and said, "What's the big deal? Even if you want to stand on your own, you're not in a hurry, right?"

Jia Lian thought for a while before looking at Xue Pan and said, "I'll give you an idea, you can decide whether it works or not." Xue Pan nodded quickly when he heard this, and said incessantly, "I know Brother loves me, all he wants to do is teach me how to do it."

Jia Lian nodded and said: "Since there is no stock in your shop, you naturally have to buy it. Why don't you count the goods in the shop and send them to our three families. When you come back, bring your old family who is familiar with the business, and I will dispatch them Someone will be by your side and run with you."

Jia Lian paused for a moment, and seeing that Xue Pan had no abnormal expression, he continued, "It's not too late to repair the house when you come back. After all, if you're not here, aunt and Baochai won't worry about living alone in the house, right? You these few days It’s about mid-autumn festival when we set off and come back. After repairing the house, there’s still time to open the house after visiting relatives. I think it’s very good.”

Xue Pan's eyes lit up when he heard it, but he didn't know that Xue Baochai was also in Wang Xifeng's house at this time, but Xue Baochai was not as straightforward as Xue Pan.

Xue Baochai came to Wang Xifeng's courtyard alone today, sitting on the kang bed under the window, Xue Baochai was teasing sister Qiao, while thinking about how to ask.

What kind of person is Wang Xifeng?Where can you not see Xue Baochai's absent-mindedness?Thinking about the events of the past few days, Wang Xifeng realized that Xue Baochai had something to look for.But if Xue Baochai didn't open his mouth, Wang Xifeng wouldn't ask.

After thinking for a long time, Xue Baochai finally asked, "My brother said he wanted to buy some stone and wood. I don't know how Sister Feng looks at it? Speaking of which, I haven't thanked Sister Feng for asking my brother-in-law to take care of my brother." Said Xue Baochai blushed slightly, but quickly returned to normal color.

On the contrary, Wang Xifeng almost didn't laugh when she heard Xue Baochai say "brother-in-law". Although she understood what was going on in her heart, there was still a gap between accepting and understanding.

Fortunately, Wang Xifeng didn't intend to embarrass her, so he smiled and said: "I don't understand the business. If you are worried about your brother going out alone, I have two people who can accompany him for a trip, and by the way Keep an eye on him."

After finishing speaking, Wang Xifeng smiled at Xue Baochai: "If your brother can really grow up and establish a family, he will be your support in the future, and it will be a blessing for my aunt and you." Wang Xifeng sighed after speaking.

Xue Baochai naturally understood that Wang Xifeng was thinking of her brother Wang Ren.But I really don't know what to say.Even Wang Xifeng and his wife were helpless, and Xue Baochai could only sigh along with him.

When Xue Pan came back in the evening, he told Aunt Xue about what Jia Lian said during the day, and Aunt Xue said with tears in her eyes: "From now on, we should get closer to your brother-in-law, that's really good for us! Mom Don’t you and your sister just count on you to stand up the door?” Then he lowered his head and wiped away his tears.

But because of Jia Lian's words, Xue Baochai counted the days of moving, thinking to himself: It's reasonable to move after visiting relatives.

Seeing that Aunt Xue was still wiping tears, Xue Baochai said a few words of comfort, and then said: "Mom, I think what my brother said is right, so let's do what my brother-in-law said. Our family spent a hundred thousand silver to build this garden. There are still two things to say about this, and it is still a problem.”

Aunt Xue heard what Xue Baochai said, and discussed with Xue Pan about the purchases, she felt that Jia Lian's words were very reasonable, and won the hearts of Aunt Xue's mother and daughter.

Then Xue Baochai mentioned that Wang Xifeng said during the day that he wanted to send two people to follow Xue Pan. Aunt Xue frowned and said, "Is this appropriate? Those of us who are businessmen..." Xue Baochai naturally understood what Aunt Xue meant.

But Xue Baochai said indifferently: "Mom, Sister Feng has a command, and besides, my brother-in-law is also pursuing his career in learning. Why would he care about these transactions? It's just to take care of my brother and save him. Just cause trouble!"

As soon as Xue Baochai said this, Xue Pan quit, and just yelled: "Why did I cause trouble? Why don't you tell me what trouble I caused? There is no need to wrong me like this. I am still busy in the shop all day today. Well, for whom?"

Aunt Xue hurriedly made peace with the mud, so that the two of them did not have any disputes. Don't look at Xue Pan's tall and powerful, but she is very afraid of his younger sister, Xue Baochai. Since then, Aunt Xue has believed in Wang Xifeng and his wife and is wholeheartedly helping them. Xue.

Aunt Xue thought to herself, she must not lose Wang Xifeng and her husband in the future.Later, every new year's day, the gifts for Brother Chun and Sister Qiao will also be increased by three points. This is a later story, let's not mention it for now.

Within a few days, Xue Pan had already cleaned up, and Jia Lian was unambiguous, and asked the prudent Long Er to accompany Xue Pan.And confessed to Xue Pan: "If you finish this errand, I will find a way for you later, if you can't, my people will not follow you a second time!" Xue Pan naturally agreed to choose a date Not to mention departure.

After Xue Pan left, Jia Lian devoted all his energies to the construction of the garden again. There was an old man who worked as a doctor in the Ministry of Industry, so the quality of the garden was undeniable.But soon, the materials pulled from Xue's family were exhausted.

In order to guard against Jia Lian, Mrs. Wang also sent her confidant Zhou Rui to work in the garden.When Jia Lian approached Mrs. Wang again and said she wanted to get the silver to buy, Mrs. Wang asked, "Is it all used up?" Jia Lian replied, "It's not all used up. I'm afraid that the purchases in the future will not keep up. Isn't this because you want to buy in advance? "

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she was very unhappy, she frowned and asked, "How much time do you have for the materials?"

This Jia Lian asked the old craftsman to help him calculate, so he opened his mouth and replied, "I roughly estimated that it will be about three and a half days." When Mrs. Wang heard this, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "How is the progress? Where is the garden?" When will it be completed?" Jia Lian said: "According to the current progress, without delay, the work should be completed on the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed when she heard this, and then she asked again: "All the people who went to Jiangnan to buy trees and rocks have returned. Why haven't the people who bought girls, candles, lanterns, and curtains of various colors come back yet? The Zhen family My son wrote a letter saying that the money has been withdrawn a long time ago."

Jia Lian hurriedly laughed and said, "Mountains, rocks and trees are hired carts for fear of delay in construction. The troupe, outfits, and flowers, candles, lanterns, curtains and curtains are all hired boats, which saves some expenses. Because of the garden It has not been built yet, so there is no rush, and I will definitely be able to come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

After hearing Jia Lian's words, Mrs. Wang was very happy to see that he was still concerned about saving money, so she nodded and said, "You go first, I'm calling you to pay for the money." Bow down and bow.

After Jia Lian left, Mrs. Wang immediately called Zhou Rui's family and asked her to ask Zhou Rui what she had just said.After returning home, what Zhou Rui and Jia Lian said was not much different, but Mrs. Wang was quite satisfied and relieved.

But thinking about the silver, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but feel worried, and she called Aunt Xue, but Aunt Xue said that Xue Pan took all the silver away to buy it.Mrs. Wang couldn't help it, so she went to find Mrs. Jia again. Mrs. Jia pretended not to know, and came out with 5000 taels of personal money, and said she would not ask any more questions.Mrs. Wang desperately wanted to sell several ancestral properties, but she couldn't do so for a while.

Mrs. Wang had no choice but to grit her teeth for Yuanchun, took 5 taels from her private treasury, and made up 5000 taels of silver to Jia Lian.Jia Lian sneered in his heart as he took the silver, but retreated respectfully on his face.

5000 taels of silver, after deducting expenses, left over 5 taels and handed over [-] taels to Wang Xifeng.

With the 7 taels of silver in her hands, Wang Xifeng kept looking for opportunities to go to Daiyu's village. First, she felt at ease when she sent the silver to Daiyu. Second, the atmosphere in the mansion became more and more tense. Ping'er beside her can't reassure her completely.

On the day before the Hungry Ghost Festival on July [-]th, Wang Xifeng finally found an opportunity to report to Old Madam Jia: "Old Madam, tomorrow is the Hungry Ghost Festival, I thought about bringing Yingyao to visit Sister Lin, One is that Yingchun is about to get married, and there will be no more easy life in the future. The other is that our father is going to offer incense to uncle, and we will follow him for cheap."

Unexpectedly, old lady Jia frowned and thought for a while, "Don't go to greet the girl, where are the unmarried girls running around? You just go with the third and fourth girls." Although Wang Xifeng didn't expect that the old lady Jia would come This move, but he nodded in response without paying attention.Turning around, he asked Xue Baochai again, but Baochai shook his head and refused after thinking about it.

It wasn't that Xue Baochai hated Daiyu, but that she was very worried that her mother would stay in this mansion alone, and that she wouldn't let her good aunt cheat her of money again!

(End of this chapter)

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