Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 192 Future

Chapter 192 Future
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When Jia Lian and his entourage came to Daiyu's village, the County Lord Wanyu happened to be there too. Fortunately, Mrs. Jia learned from her previous experience and told them to come here in plain clothes the day before, otherwise Daiyu might not say anything, and Wanyu The county owner will not let it go.

Because of Wanyu County Lord, Jia Lian was not in a hurry to meet Daiyu in the backyard, but stayed in the front yard, and asked Song Laozhang and Lao Zhang for some martial arts lessons, which was quite fruitful. .Wang Xifeng led Tanchun and Xichun by herself, and under the guidance of Nanny Sun, they went to the inner hall to meet Daiyu, Wanyu, Miaoyu and Xiuyan.

When Tanchun and Xichun saw County Lord Wanyu, they were unavoidably cautious.On the contrary, Wang Xifeng is very comfortable because of the two days she got along with in Gusu.

Seeing that Jia Lian and his wife remembered coming to pay homage to Lin Ruhai on the Hungry Ghost Festival, Wanyu nodded secretly in her heart, and couldn't help being more polite to Tanchun and Xichun.The appearance of Xing Xiuyan also made the two of them relax a lot.

Not long after Miaoyu arrived, Wang Xifeng sent Xing Xiuyan over, but her parents also wanted to follow, but were suppressed by Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing.

That Xing Xiuyan's father was originally a greedy drinker and a gambler. He came to the capital for less than half a year, and after meeting Jia Zhen and Jia Rong and his son by chance, he developed a solid state.Actually hang out with these two people all day long.He still used Uncle Jia Lian's name to talk about things everywhere, but fortunately Jia Amnesty came forward, so he didn't dare to make it public, otherwise he didn't know how many troubles would be caused.

Wanyu took her leave after having lunch in Daiyu's villa, and Daiyu didn't want to keep her. This made Wang Xifeng frown, but she didn't say anything in front of Wanyu.

Seeing Wanyu walking far away, Miaoyu, Tanchun, Xichun, and Xing Xiuyan went to the pond to couplet poems. Daiyu was not very interested, and Wang Xifeng was even less interested in it, so she pulled Daiyu aside Asked in a low voice, "Why don't you keep it?" Daiyu didn't understand what Wang Xifeng meant at first, she looked at her and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Wang Xifeng nodded her forehead and said: "Now you have the support of Wujun Wangfu, and you don't want to regret it in the future, but you can't do this!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng's nervous expression, Daiyu also understood that Wang Xifeng was doing it for her own good, so she took Wang Xifeng's hand and said with a smile, "Yu'er understands sister-in-law's meaning, but today sister Wanyu is here for something. Now that the work is done, it is natural to hurry back, today's Ghost Festival, which family does not pay homage to the ancestors?"

Said, Daiyu turned her head to look in the direction of the outer courtyard, then turned her head and said: "Sister-in-law and brother will also go back later, to pay homage to my first aunt, I think my uncle and brother will be grateful to my sister-in-law. It’s where the eldest aunt is, it’s okay to think about it.”

Wang Xifeng was originally worried about Daiyu, and wanted to teach her, but in the end, it turned out that Daiyu turned to talk about her, so she couldn't help but said angrily: "Okay, if your brother is willing to leave, he won't come here today. "Speaking of this, Wang Xifeng saw that there was no one around, so she took out the seven bank notes hidden in the sleeve cage and handed them to Daiyu.

Daiyu couldn't help being surprised when she saw that there were tens of thousands of silver bills again. Although Daiyu was not short of this little silver, the sum of 10,000+ taels of silver was not a small amount.

Daiyu held the banknotes in her hand, and knew in her heart that this was Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian's trust in her, and it was a kind of entrustment. After all, the money was reserved for Brother Chun and Sister Qiao.But Daiyu still couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, isn't she afraid that I will give this money to ink? 10,000+ is not a small amount, maybe I will be jealous."

Daiyu didn't expect Wang Xifeng to laugh and said, "If you want to be greedy, go for it! Your brother said that there is a share of your dowry money in it!"

Daiyu's eyes turned red when she heard it, and she held Wang Xifeng's hand tightly, almost crying, but Wang Xifeng quickly joked: "Don't be so excited, if something happens in our house in the future Son, your nephew and niece depend on you to support them all!" Daiyu forgot to shed tears when she heard what Wang Xifeng said, and just stared at Wang Xifeng.

Daiyu said angrily, "What are you talking about, sister-in-law! You really don't have to say such a thing. I will keep this money for you, and I will return it to you when you ask for it later."

Wang Xifeng didn't argue with her, just glanced at her with a smile, then stretched out her hand to take the tea that Daiyu had just brewed, it was a clear scented scented tea with the fragrance of flowers and a hint of honey.

On the surface Wang Xifeng was calm and breezy, but in his heart he couldn't help sighing secretly: I hope it's okay, this Yuan Chun in the palace is like a ghost knife hanging around his neck.I don't know when it will be a head.

Holding the silver bill, Daiyu felt uneasy, so after thinking about it she said to Wang Xifeng: "Sister-in-law, sit down for a while, I'll go and put things away before I come to accompany you." Hearing what Daiyu said, Wang Xifeng suddenly smiled and said: " Go as you want, I don’t know how to have fun by myself? Do I have to be with you? Or do I not know the way of your village?”

Seeing this, Daiyu didn't say much, got up and went back to her room.Lock the 7 taels of silver bills, together with the silver bills and house deeds sent earlier, in the small box at the beginning.Daiyu counted the bank notes carefully, and it was exactly 12 taels.Daiyu also knew that all these money came from Jia Lian's private pockets in supervising the construction of the garden.

He couldn't help but sighed, "Jia Lian alone got so much. Those housekeepers don't know how much they got when they bought it!"No wonder the Lin family's several million taels of furniture from the previous life was filled in, and the Jia's house was still empty.

Although Miaoyu's master is a nun, he did not pay homage to the Ghost Festival, but Miaoyu's parents still needed it, so Miaoyu went back to her small courtyard early before dinner, and sent all the food utensils to her. In Miaoyu's small courtyard.

So Jia Lian also came to the backyard. Daiyu saw that Jia Lian was much thinner than last time, so she couldn't help asking, "What is brother busy with? Why are you so thin?" Daiyu said casually. Without thinking too much, who knew that Wang Xifeng was not happy, patted Daiyu's arm and raised her eyebrows and asked in a cold voice: "Yu'er is saying that I have treated your brother badly?"

Daiyu laughed when she heard it, glanced at Jia Lian, and then said to Wang Xifeng, "It's not bad, my sister-in-law doesn't feel sorry for her, so what's the matter with me?" Then she turned and went into the flower hall.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng also glanced at Jia Lian, turned her head and followed in without paying attention, which made Jia Lian stand outside the door with a face of embarrassment.

Tanchun and Xichun walked over hand in hand with Xing Xiuyan. Seeing Jia Lian standing outside the door alone, Tanchun asked, "Second Brother Lian won't go in, why are you standing here?"

Xichun, however, did not follow Tanchun in calling Jia Lian "Second Brother Lian". When Tanchun asked, she smiled and said, "I'm afraid the eldest brother is waiting for Lian's sister-in-law." He pulled Xing Xiuyan and said, "Let's Go in first." Said, and Xing Xiuyan entered the room first.

Xichun's "big brother" made Tanchun very embarrassed, but he didn't say much.It's not that Tanchun doesn't know. Now it seems that Mrs. Wang is in charge of the house, and her father Jia Zheng is in charge outside, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that Jia Amnesty's official rank is higher than Jia Zheng's, and Jia Lian himself is working hard. If it weren't for Lin Ruhai Thing, I'm afraid it has already been named on the gold list.

But after all, she Tanchun is the second wife, the daughter of Jia Zheng!Tanchun looked a little embarrassed on the face, but also sighed in his heart.

Over the years, Jia Lian has been trained by Lin Ruhai and Huang Jiyun to become a fine person, plus Daiyu is such an eccentric person, she has experienced a lot of things and seen a lot of things in the world.Where can you not see through the thoughts of Tanchun, a little girl?So he didn't take it to heart, and said to Tanchun, "You go in first, I'll take a breath here."

It's not that Jia Lian really wants to breathe, but it's really embarrassing to go in at this time.So I found such a reason that is not a reason.

Daiyu considered persuading Jia Lian to go back early so that she could pay homage to his birth mother, so she held the memorial ceremony early. Although Jia Lian didn't say anything, she knew in her heart that Daiyu was doing this for him, so she didn't pretend. Together with Daiyu, they paid homage to Lin Ruhai and his wife very seriously, and then returned to Jia's mansion with Wang Xifeng and others.

Unexpectedly, Xing Xiuyan suddenly asked Wang Xifeng to take her back as well, saying that she was very worried about her mother when she came to Daiyu Zhuangzi these days.

Wang Xifeng also knew that Xing Xiuyan's father was a mess, not only drinking and gambling outside, but also beating his wife when she returned home. If Mrs. Xing hadn't come forward twice, she would have played well and badly. It is understandable for Xing Xiuyan to be worried. Then he nodded and took Xing Xiuyan back.It's Xichun, which has a taste of nostalgia.

After only a short time together, Xichun and Miaoyu become close friends, and Miaoyu treats Xichun even closer than Daiyu.

Daiyu didn't take it seriously, but thinking that it would be difficult for Wang Xifeng to go back, she persuaded Xichun, "Sister is too, why bother to make things difficult for my sister-in-law? If you want to come, tell your grandmother and ask someone to send you here again. Now you Stay here, I'm afraid my sister-in-law will not be able to explain when she goes back." So Xichun followed Wang Xifeng and others silently.

Seeing Xichun's petite body, looking extraordinarily lonely among Wang Xifeng and the others, Daiyu also felt a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Daiyu couldn't help sighing to Miaoyu: "If you want to talk about these girls in the grandmother's house, Xichun is the most pitiful. They have parents and elder brothers, but her mother died within two days after she was born, and her father is also a careless person. Damn, I have a real brother, but I don't care about it."

Speaking of this, Daiyu couldn't help complaining: "Although I have these relatives, and they were brought up by my grandmother, it's better not to have them! Not only can I not be my own master in everything now, but I don't know her future, so what should I do?" ?”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Miaoyu couldn't help showing a layer of sadness on her face. Back then, she had her mother to protect her, so she was almost treated as a commodity... Thinking of this, Miaoyu's pity for Xichun is also more.

(End of this chapter)

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