Chapter 193
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When Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng and his party returned to Jia's mansion, it was already dark.Seeing that Jia Amnesty and Mrs. Xing had already had dinner, Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng passed the meal to their small courtyard and ordered people to buy dishes and cakes.Simple but sincere homage to Jia Lian's biological mother.

Wang Xifeng originally thought that Mrs. Xing would be somewhat unhappy when she found out, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Xing would blindly blame herself and forgot all these years.He promised to pay homage to Jia Lian on the day of his death.Although Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng didn't care about this, Jia She was moved when he heard about it, and became more gentle towards Mrs. Xing.

After the Hungry Ghost Festival, Jia Lian asked Mrs. Wang for silver twice again. Although the amount was not as tens of thousands of taels as before, it still made Mrs. Wang very heartbroken.Zhou Rui's family saw that Mrs. Wang was so worried about money, and once again played her role as Mrs. Wang's confidant.

On this day, Mrs. Wang sat at the kang table again and looked at the account book with frowning frowns. Zhou Rui's family waved away the colorful clouds. Seeing Mrs. Wang raised her head to look at it, she leaned over with a smile.

Zhou Rui's family stuck to Mrs. Wang's ear and said, "Madam, why don't you call me sick, and leave these miscellaneous matters to the couple?" Seeing Mrs. Wang's unkind eyes, Zhu Rui's family quickly explained: "Madam, you Think about it, we handed over the warehouse, not the account book, the power is still in your hands, madam?"

Mrs. Wang smiled brightly and said, "Continue." Zhou Rui's family went on to flatter and say, "After all, Second Grandma Lian is your own niece and daughter, and the reason why she didn't deal with you is because she didn't care about the family. Now You gave her part of the housekeeping power, and she didn't hurry to rely on you?"

After finishing talking, Zhou Rui's family smiled coldly and said: "Now there is no money in the treasury. We handed over the treasury to her. Could it be that she doesn't issue monthly bills to the servants, and doesn't add new clothes to the wife? What about the garden?" Does she dare to stop building? So she has to find her own way?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang nodded in satisfaction and said, "You're right!" Zhou Rui's family hurriedly added: "Then Jia Lian asked her for money, and she was in a hurry. Jia Lian turned his face? Until then, she can only rely on you, wife!"

Mrs. Wang thought about it, and secretly said: Good plan!So he praised Zhou Rui's family for their ability, and took back a twisted dragon beard bracelet on his wrist, and handed it to Zhou Rui's family, saying: "Do things for me well, and I can't do without your benefits." Thank you for not mentioning.

After counting the account books in her hand and the supplies in the warehouse, Mrs. Wang said she couldn't afford it.

Mrs. Jia ordered someone to invite the commonly used doctor Wang to feel her pulse, saying that she was in a hurry and needed to be recuperated quietly. As expected, Mrs. Jia ordered Wang Xifeng to come out and take care of the housekeeper temporarily.Mrs. Wang took advantage of the situation and handed over the key to the warehouse, but did not mention the book.

Mrs. Wang probably never imagined that when Jia Lian's biological mother was a housekeeper, she had the habit of being a deputy bookkeeper. She left in a hurry and didn't have time to explain.The old lady Jia ordered people to take away the account book of the mansion from Jia She's house, but the copy was left in Jia She's hands.

If Mrs. Wang knew this, she would dare not hand over the keys to the storeroom even if she said anything.Unfortunately, she didn't know.At this time, Mrs. Wang is secretly proud of her intelligence!

Wang Xifeng was quite helpless when he took the key to the warehouse, but he was very happy in his heart.Originally, she wanted to take power in the mansion, but she hadn't found a good opportunity, but she didn't expect Mrs. Wang to give her the key to the warehouse.But Wang Xifeng, who took the key, was apprehensive. After all, this matter was too sudden, and there was no time to discuss it with Jia She and his son.

Mrs. Xing knew Wang Xifeng's uneasiness, so she comforted her: "There is nothing we can do about it. Since the old lady has already spoken, there is no room for evasion. Besides, this mansion is the general's mansion, so we should be the housekeeper of the first house." , now that you are in charge of the warehouse, it is justifiable."

When Wang Xifeng heard Mrs. Xing say this, she just forced a smile, and said in her heart: The second wife, my good aunt, handed over the warehouse to me so easily, what good things are left in this warehouse?I still don't know what it's stuck in!Besides, the account book is still in her hand!
Wang Xifeng can think about these words, but she can't tell Mrs. Xing. Seeing that Wang Xifeng is still disgusted with her son, Mrs. Xing comforted her and said, "Feng'er is not in a hurry. I'll wait for Lian'er and the master to come back later, and then I will have a look." What should we do with this matter." Wang Xifeng nodded with a sigh and said, "This is the only way to go now."

Unexpectedly, in the evening, both Jia She and his son got word back that they would not come back for dinner, which surprised Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing.This kind of situation is rare. In these years, the father and son usually come back to eat at home, so why don't they come back together?

Wang Xifeng asked the little Yao'er who came to report the letter, and only then did he know that Yun Baozhou's father, Yun Zhong, had invited Jia She and his son to have a drink, and Yun Baozhou was also accompanying him.Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng knew in their hearts that the Yun family couldn't wait.The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other with a smile that could not conceal their joy.

When Jia Lian, Jia She and his son came back, they were stumbling around. Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing didn't find a chance to talk, so they had to wait until they sobered up.

At breakfast the next day, Wang Xifeng finally had the opportunity to tell Jia She and Jia Lian about this matter.Jia Lian frowned when he heard this, he knew very well that he would not be able to fill his own pockets like this, but he couldn't think of a way for a while.But Jia Amnesty's eyes lit up, and he said with a gloomy face, "That's very good!" Jia Lian, his wife and Mrs. Xing were puzzled.

Jia Amnesty didn't explain, but only told Wang Xifeng: "Feng'er has worked hard these few days. She doesn't give you the account book, so you register it yourself! Be careful not to miss anything. It's best to ask the old lady to help you." The housekeeper in the wife's room, and Zhou Rui's family in the second wife's room, are watching you make the album!" After finishing speaking, they didn't need breakfast, and went to court early.

Not to mention Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing, even Jia Lian was at a loss as to what Jia Amnesty meant.But Wang Xifeng understands two points, first, Jia's amnesty will not harm her, and second, Jia's amnesty is justified.Therefore, Wang Xifeng really invited Nanny Lai from Mrs. Jia's room, and Zhou Rui's family from Mrs. Wang's room, to count the warehouses and register them with her.

When Mammy Lai heard about the warehouse inventory, she reported to Mrs. Jia. After thinking about it, Mrs. Jia frowned, but she didn't say anything.

At this time, Mrs. Jia was conflicted in her heart. She didn't want Mrs. Wang's family to dominate, so she supported Wang Xifeng to stand up and challenge Mrs. Wang.But he didn't want things to be too big, which would affect Yuan Chun's situation in the palace, or cause too much trouble with Mrs. Wang, after all Mrs. Wang was Yuan Chun's biological mother.

Mrs. Jia frowned and thought for a long time. In her opinion, even if there were some problems with the warehouse, it should not be too big. After all, she had already stated that all of this would belong to Baoyu in the future, and Mrs. Wang held the original account book. Well, Wang Xifeng couldn't play any tricks, but it was just in case Mrs. Wang bit her back.

After thinking this through, Mrs. Jia nodded her head and said to Nanny Lai: "Since you are invited, then you should work harder to help the child look after it." With Mrs. Jia's instructions, Nanny Lai naturally wouldn't be trying to shirk, and besides, Mrs. Jia didn't know, even Nanny Lai and Wang Xifeng didn't know that Lai Da and Jia Lian had long been secretly colluding.

But after Zhou Rui's family came to report to Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang was uneasy, and it was Zhou Rui's family who comforted her and said, "Don't worry, madam, she has never seen the account book or entered the warehouse. Besides, how long has she been married to the mansion?" What can I know? It’s just in case, lest my wife will bite her back.”

Hearing what Zhou Rui's family said, Mrs. Wang sneered and said, "It's a good thing she still has such thoughts. Forget it, you can go and watch, so as not to make irresponsible remarks." Although Mrs. Wang said so, there was something in her heart Mo Ming was in a panic.

After Zhou Rui's family left, Mrs. Wang went to the small Buddhist hall and meditated inside for an afternoon before coming out, but the small Buddhist hall did not reassure her.

Mrs. Wang regretted asking Wang Xifeng to help the housekeeper, but at this moment, she had already set her sights on the bow and there was no turning back.Can't help but secretly complain that Zhou Rui's family was troubled back then!And secretly said ruthlessly in his heart: If you cause me any trouble, see how I will deal with you!
At this time, Wang Xifeng was taking Ping'er and Laiwang's wife, together with Nanny Lai and Zhou Rui's family, to ask Wu Xindeng to open the door of the bank to check the inventory, and asked Mr. Lai to open the warehouse to check and make books one by one. .

Zhou Rui's family and Nanny Lai saw that Wang Xifeng had indeed only counted and compiled the books and did not talk about anything else, nor did he ask Wu Xindeng or anyone else, so they felt relieved.

After being busy for several days, seeing that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, Wang Xifeng had no choice but to ask Mrs. Jia for instructions on how to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's really not enough to come to the silver.

Mrs. Jia originally thought that since she was busy with the garden and her second child, Jia Zheng, was not at home, it would be good to simply live.Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wang didn't wait for Old Mrs. Jia to speak, she said to Wang Xifeng first: "Three festivals and two birthdays are important events in the mansion. Feng girl should also learn to tidy up, she must not be sloppy."

Although Mrs. Jia knew that this was Wang Xifeng's majesty given by Mrs. Wang, she did not stop her. It's still the same thing. After all, Mrs. Wang is the mother of Baoyu and Yuanchun, so she should give her some dignity.

Going back in the evening, after Wang Xifeng discussed with Jia Lian, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Don't worry, grandma. Let's see what else we have in our treasury that can be pawned. Just pawn it in Xue's shop."

Wang Xifeng stared at Jia Lian with wide eyes in surprise, but Jia Lian confessed: "Grandma, remember, you have to live! It's all grandma's dowry, so don't throw it away. What's more, it's what my father ordered. You have to hurry up and make sure you don’t make a mistake.”

As a result, Wang Xifeng felt a lot of confusion in his heart. After falling asleep at night, he tossed and turned, which made Jia Lian uneasy.

Jia Lian saw that Wang Xifeng was still tossing and turning after the second watch, so she couldn't help pulling Wang Xifeng into her arms, and said helplessly, "There's something else going on tomorrow, so grandma can't live in peace?"

Finally, Wang Xifeng couldn't help asking: "It's good, why did we post our own money? And where are the items in the warehouse? What's the use of making books or not? Besides, there is no money in the treasury!"

When Jia Lian heard what Wang Xifeng said, he just laughed and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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