Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 194 Xue Pan Returns

Chapter 194 Xue Pan Returns
Thanks to Huanghuang and gaojiagaojia for their monthly ticket support~~Thanks to Qianyiyirenyan and featherlee for their rewards, thank you for your support to Gujing and your love for Daiyu of the Gujing family!


No matter how Wang Xifeng asked, Jia Lian didn't answer, and Wang Xifeng couldn't do it, so he turned his back on Jia Lian angrily.

Wang Xifeng, who had her back to Jia Lian, naturally didn't see the doting in Jia Lian's smile, and was angry because of Jia Lian's "ignoring".

Unexpectedly, he was so angry that he forgot what he was thinking before, and fell asleep without knowing it.When I woke up again, it was already broad daylight. Not to mention that Jia Amnesty was going to court, even Jia Lian didn't know where he was going at this time.

Wang Xifeng had no choice but to continue to follow the steps while having people register and make a book, while making people carry her dowry with great fanfare, and sent it to Xue's shop as a pawn.

After Mrs. Jia learned about it, she called Mrs. Wang and Nanny Lai. Mrs. Wang heard that Wang Xifeng went to pawn the dowry with such great fanfare, and it was pawning at the Xue family's pawn shop. , I'm afraid I won't be able to please my brother in front of me!

Nanny Lai, however, said with an old godly smile: "Second Mistress can't do anything, there is no money in the treasury long ago, and now it's Mid-Autumn Festival again. The old slave has been watching for the past few days, but he has made Second Mistress anxious. Now, I have no choice but to think about it. Besides, those items are all big, even if I want to hide it from people, I can't."

Both Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia did not expect Nanny Lai to say such words. Mrs. Wang couldn't help but blushed, but she just lowered her head and pretended not to hear.

Old lady Jia frowned and looked at Nanny Lai. She didn't suspect this old man who had been with her all her life, but she didn't understand why Nanny Lai would suddenly speak for Wang Xifeng, but this was not the time to ask.

The old lady Jia suppressed the doubts in her heart, and reprimanded Mrs. Wang: "Nowadays the mansion is building a garden, and the money is already scarce. Feng girl came to ask how to celebrate the festival. I said it's easy to do it, but you have to take care of it." The usual routine can't be done! Isn't this forcing her? How are you doing now?"

Mrs. Wang was dissatisfied when she saw Mrs. Jia accusing her, so she argued: "The old lady also knows that people like us, every move is in the eyes of others, if we shrink our clothes and diet at this time, we will not be laughed at." Go, empress! Didn't I also do it for our empress' face?" Mrs. Wang said this with confidence!

After hearing this, Mrs. Jia not only became more and more gloomy, but even her eyes became colder. With a wave of her hand, the fine kiln multicolored small bell shattered!

The old lady Jia scolded angrily: "For the sake of the empress in the palace? How is it doing now? Not to mention the face of the empress, even the decency that our Jia family has accumulated for hundreds of years has been ruined!" He took a breath to calm his mind.She never forgot that Mrs. Wang is Yuan Chun's mother after all, and her daughter is now her mother!
Old lady Jia closed her eyes resentfully, then waved her hand and said: "There is no other way now, you quickly take the money and redeem Feng girl's dowry! There is no need to be so embarrassing." He closed his eyes and said nothing.

Mrs. Wang's face was flushed red, her fists were tightly clenched, she didn't even feel pain when her fingernails poked her palms, she was only angry!
But no matter how angry Mrs. Wang was, she had no choice but to endure it in front of Mrs. Jia, and when she returned to Rongxi Hall, the vases and tea cups on the table were naturally damaged again.Naturally, Caixia and Caiyun didn't dare to go in. After Jin Chuan left, Yu Chuan, who was more favored in recent years, also didn't dare to approach Mrs. Wang at this time.

Seeing this, Zhou Rui's family was very proud, and thought to themselves: I still have to rely on me to keep my wife safe.Thinking of Zhou Rui's family, he glanced at the shivering servant girls standing outside Mrs. Wang's door, helped the beaded hairpins on their temples, lifted the curtain, and walked in.

Zhou Rui's family would never have imagined that it was not Mrs. Jia or Wang Xifeng that Mrs. Wang hated the most at this time, but she, who thought she was smart, belonged to Zhou Rui's family!
Seeing Zhou Rui's family come in, Mrs. Wang's eyes were red, and she looked at Zhou Rui's family with a bloodthirsty ferociousness. She took a few steps forward and slapped her face down. Before Zhou Rui's family could react, she slapped her backhand again.The bead hairpins of Zhou Rui's family who had just been supported before entering the door fell to the ground.

Zhou Rui's family stared blankly at Mrs. Wang, with disbelief all over their faces, but more ignorance in their eyes.

Mrs. Wang slapped her across the face, she was also a little out of breath, she couldn't help supporting the round table and stood in the middle of the room, pointing at Zhou Rui's family and scolding: "You black-hearted dog slave! Why do you want to harm me like this!" Mrs. Wang saw Zhou Rui's family held their cheeks in their hands, staring at him blankly, and couldn't help but become even more angry.

Just as he was about to go up to her and give her two more blows, Zhou Rui's family suddenly knelt down and cried: "The old slave is all for the wife, I don't understand what the wife means! The wife should not listen to other people's slander and wrong the servant girl!"

Seeing that Zhou Rui's family was still crying, Mrs. Wang felt that her chest was blocked and she couldn't breathe.Mrs. Wang was about to say something, but she lost her anger when her eyes darkened.When Zhou Rui's family saw Mrs. Wang fainted, they didn't care about being wronged, let alone the pain in their cheeks. They hurried forward two steps, helped Mrs. Wang and shouted for help.

Caixia and Caiyun were originally standing at the door, but now they heard Zhou Rui's family's panic-stricken shouts, and they could not help but enter the house.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang's lips were limp and limp in Zhou Rui's family, and Zhou Rui's family's hair was in a mess, she couldn't help asking: "Sister Zhou, what's wrong?" How could Zhou Rui's family have the time to answer them at this time?Seeing the two of them coming in, he immediately shouted: "Quick! Get someone to take the master's post and invite the imperial physician!"

It's not that Zhou Rui's family didn't want to take Jia She's post, but that Jia She's post was taken back by Jia She several years ago, and now everyone in the mansion knows that except Jia Lian, no one can get Jia She 's famous posts.

Seeing the two maidservants turned around and wanted to leave, Zhou Rui's family quickly stopped them and said: "Caixia go call for a doctor, don't disturb the people in the house, Caiyun come over with me, and help the wife to lie down on the kang."

Caiyun and Caixia looked at each other, and they didn't dare to disobey Zhou Rui's family's wishes. After all, Zhou Rui's family's status in front of Mrs. Wang these years, they were all clear, and they didn't offend her, so they had no good fruit for themselves.

In the end, Mrs. Wang invited a doctor, but she still didn't hide it from anyone.Not to mention the old lady Jia who is full of eyeliners everywhere in the mansion, even Wang Xifeng, who has just been in charge of the house for a few days and has not finished counting the warehouse, has also heard the news.But coincidentally, both Mrs. Jia and Wang Xifeng chose to turn a blind eye.

After the doctor had seen it, gave him two injections, and prescribed two medicines for nourishing the mind and energy, Mrs. Wang was relieved. The only thing that annoyed Mrs. Wang was that Aunt Xue and Baochai had to come over at such times. , but this time he didn't even show his face.

Mrs. Wang was glad that Aunt Xue didn't come, but she was also secretly annoyed.Mrs. Wang knew very well that it was impossible for Aunt Xue to not know about Wang Xifeng's pawn dowry. If Aunt Xue came to ask about it, she would really be hard to tell.But Aunt Xue couldn't come, and the old lady ordered her to redeem Wang Xifeng's dowry. Wouldn't she be asked to pay the money again?
There was no other way, Mrs. Wang had no choice but to order Zhou Rui's family to invite Aunt Xue over, but after half a year, it was Xue Baochai who followed Zhou Rui's family.

Looking at Xue Baochai, Mrs. Wang couldn't say anything else, let alone cry like she was facing Aunt Xue.I had no choice but to ask Aunt Xue why she didn't come.Who is Xue Baochai?That is a well-rounded person, Madam Wang's plan, not to mention she has seen it all, and now their family is even closer to Wang Xifeng and his wife, how can they not know?

Seeing Mrs. Wang asking about Aunt Xue, Xue Baochai also said with red eyes: "My brother has been away for a long time, and he hasn't returned with a letter or anything. No, mom thinks that my brother is sick, and then she said that my brother got into trouble. For a while, I was worried that my brother would be wronged outside. I was sick for a long time, but it didn't work after changing several doctors."

Mrs. Wang felt relieved when she heard Xue Baochai's words, and said to herself: I'm afraid that they don't know about that dead girl pawning the dowry. It is also difficult to do.

After all, Mrs. Wang was worried, so she tested Xue Baochai a few more words. Since Xue Baochai knew what Mrs. Wang was up to, and also understood what Wang Xifeng meant, she naturally wouldn't reveal it.A few words put Madam Wang at ease.

After Xue Baochai left, he immediately ordered Zhou Rui's family leader to redeem Wang Xifeng's dowry.

Looking at the dowry sent by Zhou Rui's family, Wang Xifeng sneered in his heart.In the past few days, the inventory of the warehouse has been completed, and the account books have been made, so I don't know why Jia She has asked for the account books, but I also want to know what kind of clues Jia She can grasp from it.Seeing that Mrs. Wang was able to redeem the dowry of more than 8000 taels of silver for herself, she felt even more confident.

In a few days it would be Mid-Autumn Festival, Wang Xifeng didn't worry about it any more, she was so busy all day long that she held the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet according to Mrs. Wang's request and according to the management of previous years.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Xifeng cleaned up all the people in the upper and lower levels, showing both kindness and power, and managed to subdue some confidantes who needed to be used.

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xue Pan returned to the capital with a large amount of materials. Seeing Xue Pan who had lost a lot of weight, Aunt Xue wiped her tears with distress, but she didn't want Xue Pan to smile and said, "Mom, do you know How much did I earn this trip?"

Aunt Xue said with a smile: "Don't care how much, Mom is happy now that Pan'er has grown up." Xue Baochai turned her head and looked over curiously, and said with a smile: "Looking at the complacency on my brother's face, I think it's quite a lot. Why don't you say Come out to make me and mom happy too?"

Xue Pan smiled and stretched out three fingers. Aunt Xue asked tentatively: "Three thousand?" Xue Pan was upset when he heard that, and said disdainfully: "I am happy that three thousand is worth it? Thirty thousand! This is still Before leaving, my brother-in-law suggested it."

As he said that, Xue Pan's face became more and more proud: "Brother-in-law asked me to bring some special things in Beijing. I don't know what to bring, so I asked old man Zheng to bring some casually. I don't want to go this time. For the purchase, I earned 3 taels first! Mr. Zheng said, even if the goods are less this time, we will never lose money."

Aunt Xue immediately beamed with joy and said: "Good! Good! Good! My Pan'er is promising and has grown up!" She shed tears as she spoke.

Xue Pan and Xue Baochai were naturally relieved, and after a while Aunt Xue finally stopped crying, thinking to herself: It's still true that Feng girl and her husband treat their own family.Thinking about it, he said, "This man, it's only after comparison that we can know whether it's good or bad." Xue Baochai nodded and said, "Who says it's not?"

Xue Pan didn't know why Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai were so emotional, so he asked, "What's wrong with Mom and sister?" Douzi all-in-one learned everything about Xue Pan before and after he left.

If Xue Pan's previous temperament was followed, he might be going to make a fuss, but at this time Xue Pan just remained silent for a moment and said: "Mom has some material this time, so let's tidy up the house first, and after visiting relatives, let's go home." Bar!"

(End of this chapter)

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