Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 195 Independent Portal

Chapter 195 Independent Portal
Today is Gujing's [-]th day at Qi.Dian!It is also the [-] days of "Daiyu in the Red Chamber"!Again, I would like to express my special thanks to those who have supported Gujing along the way and accompanied the growth of "Daiyu in the Red Chamber"~ Thank you for your support!Finally, thank you for the monthly ticket support of Star Sapphire!thank you all!It’s great to have you O(∩_∩)O~

After a moment of silence, Xue Pan said: "Mom has some material this time, let's tidy up the house first, and after visiting relatives, let's go home!"

Although Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai said this to Xue Pan, no one thought that Xue Pan would mention this matter on the first day they came back, so Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai were a little dazed.Xue Baochai smiled at Aunt Xue with reddened eyes, "Mom, brother is really promising." Aunt Xue also nodded excitedly.

When Xue Baochai said so, Xue Pan looked at Xue Baochai proudly and said, "I am your brother, why do you talk like that?"

One sentence almost brought Xue Pan back to his original shape, but Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai didn't mind, they still looked at Xue Pan with smiles on their faces.Xue Pan was scratched his head in embarrassment by the two of them.

The news of Xue Pan's return not only made Aunt Xue, mother and daughter very excited and happy.Even Mrs. Wang was very excited.Now is the time when there is a shortage of money. Aunt Xue previously said that Xue Pan took away the money to do business. Now that she comes back, even if she loses money, she will bring back a lot of money. At least, Madam Wang thinks so .

The next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wang Xifeng divided the men and women in the mansion into two places to serve drinks, and invited not only Aunt Xue's family, but also Xing Xiuyan's family.The table looked to be quite satisfactory chicken, duck and fish, but the wine used was chrysanthemum wine. The last dessert was sweet-scented osmanthus cake and moon cakes with various fillings.

The old lady Jia looked at her heart and nodded secretly, thinking that Wang Xifeng's ability to handle things is still very strong.Especially the fillings of the moon cakes are novel and unique, which the old lady likes very much.Wang Xifeng didn't take credit for it either, and said with a smile: "Old lady, please don't praise me, I won't be ashamed to death!"

Without waiting for Mrs. Jia to ask, Wang Xifeng smiled and said, "Some of these stuffings were eaten by my grandfather at Uncle Lin's house. Knowing that I'm in charge of this matter this year, he rushed to the Zhuangzi to ask about it. Sister Lin asked for the prescription, and there was another girl named Baochai who read it from that book and copied it to me. Is there anything I can come up with?"

When Mrs. Jia heard Wang Xifeng mention Daiyu, she hurriedly asked, "Since Lian'er has gone to the Zhuangzi, can you bring some food for Yu'er?"

Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "The old ancestor doesn't know our master yet? That's like treating Miss Lin as his own sister. She's so precious! No one can forget her if you forget her. I sent someone to give her a few big boxes a long time ago. All kinds of moon cakes. It is said that she was in the filial piety school, and she chose some delicate and unique vegetarian cakes."

Mrs. Jia nodded in satisfaction, but Mrs. Wang clenched her fists secretly. She raised her eyes and happened to see Baochai who was joking with Sanchun. It’s just that Chai’er has the most skillful heart, how can she remember all those books you mentioned.”

Aunt Xue didn't know what to say, she just smiled faintly, Madam Wang couldn't say anything more after seeing this, but the smile on her face couldn't hold back after all.But Mrs. Wang didn't take Aunt Xue's indifference to heart at this time, she only thought that it was because she hadn't recovered yet and was tired again today.

There is a little coldness here in the inner courtyard, although Wang Xifeng still tried her best to make jokes in front of the old lady Jia, to make the old lady happy, but Yingchun was soft-tempered and was about to get married again, so she didn't talk much, but Xichun was harassed by Miaoyu. The influence of Baochai became more and more silent, Baochai had something on her mind, so she didn't speak much, and when Xiangyun was away, Tanchun was also full of worries.

As a result, Sanchun and Baochai only talked in a low voice, instead of joking and joking as usual, and Xing Xiuyan was always an invisible person.

Seeing that she was bored, Mrs. Jia asked everyone to disperse hastily and go to play separately.Xue's mother and daughter naturally returned to their own yard, Tanchun Xichun went back to the house together, Xing Xiuyan and her mother followed Mrs. Xing to the East Courtyard.

Only Yingchun was left by Wang Xifeng to teach the housekeeper, and she learned a lot from being with Wang Xifeng these days.The old lady Jia saw it and was very satisfied. Today's Yingchun is not as weak and deceitful as in the original book. Although her temper is still soft, she is extremely principled and her bottom line is clear.It's a bit of a ladylike style.

The outer courtyard is full of cups and cups, so it's very lively.Because Jia Zheng was not in the mansion, and Jia She turned a blind eye, as long as the rules were not broken, he would not say anything.

In this way, Jia Baoyu was left alone, and Jia Lian didn't care about these little ones, but let Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, and Jia Cong eat, drink and play together, but Jia Lan was sent away by Li Wan after he broke up inside. The man called back.Jia Lian bowed his head and talked with Xue Pan.

Xue Pan really gained insight because of going out this time, and was determined to establish his own family.So he was very respectful to Jia Lian who had helped him a lot, and was willing to get close to him.

When Xue Pan was talking to Jia Lian about starting to repair the mansion tomorrow, Jia Baoyu came over and happened to hear such a sentence, so he asked very puzzled, "Well, why do you think of repairing the mansion?"

Jia Lian looked at Jia Baoyu like a fool, but said nothing.What he didn't expect was that Xue Pan would actually say: "The house has not been lived in for many years, how can we live in it if we don't repair it?" Jia Baoyu asked quickly, "How do you say that? Could it be something wrong?" Are relatives going to live?"

Jia Lian couldn't bear to listen any longer, and took his glass to drink slowly, but Xue Pan smiled triumphantly and said, "Why do relatives go to live, and our family can't live alone?"

Before Xue Pan finished speaking, Jia Baoyu hurriedly interrupted, "You want to move back?" Xue Pan was taken aback by Jia Baoyu's words, and even Jia Lian couldn't help it, and raised his head.Xue Pan reacted for a long time before tilting his head and asking in disbelief: "What do you mean I want to move back? Of course our family moved back!"

Now Jia Baoyu was not calm, and asked anxiously: "Sister Bao also wants to move back?" Xue Pan looked at Jia Baoyu puzzled and asked: "My mother and I have gone back, so naturally my younger sister also wants to move back." Is there anything strange about going back?" Jia Baoyu hurriedly said, "Sister Bao gets along very well with her sisters here, why do you want to go back?"

Xue Pan asked in a daze: "Where is there a girl who lives alone in someone else's house? Even relatives are not like this." When Jia Baoyu heard this, he hurriedly pulled Xue Pan and said: "Then you and Don't go back, Aunt, our house is big and there is no shortage of places for you to live in."

Jia Lian couldn't help laughing at the side, Xue Pan turned his head to look at Jia Lian who was laughing so badly, and then at Jia Baoyu who was looking happy, and finally couldn't help saying: "I must set up my own family! If you want me to tell you, you should also improve and establish your own family earlier, there is no reason for your parents to follow you and live in your uncle's house all the time!"

What Xue Pan said was completely beyond Jia Lian's expectations, let alone Jia Baoyu who never thought that he was living in someone else's house, and he was stunned.Jia Baoyu looked up at Jia She, who was sitting in the first seat, humming a little tune, and then at Jia Lian, who was also stunned, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Xue Pan has always been called the overlord, and it's not unreasonable. At this time, Xue Pan didn't reflect what he said, and he didn't notice that Jia Baoyu's expression was wrong. His expressions were also all wrong, except that Jia She was still humming a little tune, as if he didn't notice this side.

Xue Pan continued to pull Jia Baoyu and said: "Think about it, this mansion is called the General's Mansion, and your uncle is the General. Don't you just live in your uncle's house? How can a man be always under the fence of others? You have to be yourself." Make a name for yourself."

Xue Pan was very proud of his words, but he didn't know that these words reached Mrs. Wang's ears after a while.Mrs. Wang was so angry that her eyes were tearing apart, and at the same time she understood Aunt Xue's indifference and alienation.

After Xue Pan said those words, Jia Baoyu was in a bad mood, as if he had been greatly stimulated, he went back to his yard in a daze, closed the door, and drove all the maids out. It made Xiren and the others very worried.

Xiren saw that Jia Baoyu looked different, and called for a long time, but he did not open the door, so he ran to find Mrs. Wang.Mrs. Wang was so angry that she dropped many tea utensils and porcelain. I don't know how many utensils she threw like this.

Although Mrs. Wang was in a hurry, she still followed Xiren and Caixia and Caiyun to Jia Baoyu's yard.Jia Baoyu could not open the door when others called, but Jia Baoyu, who has always been very filial, dared not open the door when Mrs. Wang knocked.

Mrs. Wang looked at Jia Baoyu whose face was full of tears and eyes were red and swollen. She was in so much pain that her heart and liver were split apart. Holding Jia Baoyu in her arms was a moment of comfort, and then she scolded Xue Pan utterly.

Although Jia Baoyu said that after Mrs. Wang left, she stopped crying, but she was much more silent than before, even playing with her maids and sisters, she was not as unscrupulous as before.In the bottom of Jia Baoyu's heart, from time to time, he would think of what Xue Pan said, how can a man be kept under the fence forever?Stand on your own!

But Jia Baoyu was even more at a loss because he didn't know how he could establish himself, let alone why the house he lived in since he was born was not his home.But these words, Jia Baoyu didn't talk about it with others, he was just bored in his heart.

And after Mrs. Wang confirmed that Xue Pan was indeed repairing the mansion the next day, there were no more rumors of a happy marriage in Jia's house.

Regarding Baochai, Mrs. Wang is conflicted in her heart at this time. Although Mrs. Wang feels that Aunt Xue is far away from her because of Xue Pan, Baochai grew up watching her. Mrs. Wang likes life in the world, and more importantly, Mrs. Wang is very aware of how generous the dowry Aunt Xue will prepare for Baochai.

Under Jia Lian's intentional or unintentional guidance, Xue Pan has become more and more motivated. Although eating and drinking are still indispensable, the business in the shop is much more attentive than usual.Regarding this, Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai thanked Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng for their kindness more than once, but they alienated Mrs. Wang even more.

Now Aunt Xue is no longer the same as in the past, going to Mrs. Wang's house when she has nothing to do, but Xue Baochai still goes to say hello every day, even in Mrs. Jia's room, she is not negligent.

Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai couldn't wish for Mrs. Wang to stop talking about the marriage. They only hoped that Xue Pan would tidy up the mansion as soon as possible and move back after visiting relatives.Therefore, Xue Baochai didn't take Madam Wang's indifferent attitude every day.

Although Mrs. Wang ordered that people not be allowed to talk about the golden and jade marriage, after all, Xue Baochai has been operating in this mansion for many years, and the servants all know that she is generous, so the praise of Xue Baochai has never been heard.

(End of this chapter)

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