Chapter 196
We would like to thank Yaoyao Tumi for their monthly ticket support!And the rewards of Hanyan Lanzhi and Qiaoge Muyong~

No matter how many people in the Jia family are affected by Xue Pan's unintentional words, what kind of impact will it be?Daiyu was still the same as usual, peacefully keeping her filial piety for Lin Ruhai in the Zhuangzi outside the city.

The only difference is that she was accompanied by Miaoyu, and on the afternoon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to sending Mid-Autumn food such as moon cakes to Daiyu, the Wujun Palace also had a snow-white rabbit, which was the same as the one sent by the Dragon Boat Festival last time. , but made a pair.

In two days, Hongjin, the prince of Wujun, will be getting married. As the adopted daughter of the Wujun palace, Daiyu was supposed to go to the Wujun palace to help the princess of Wujun, but because of filial piety, Daiyu could not go to the palace to help Or go and congratulate in person.Daiyu then dispatched Nanny Tang to the Prince Wu's Mansion ahead of schedule on the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival with a wedding gift.

When Mother Tang sent Daiyu a suet white jade to Ziguanyin and a pair of dragon and phoenix jade pendants tied with concentric knots woven with red silk thread, to Princess Wujun, Princess Wujun felt very satisfied.

But the satisfaction of Princess Wujun does not mean that the prince of Wujun is also satisfied.That night, when Princess Wujun told Hongjin about the wedding gift from Daiyu, Hongjin's expression changed.Even so, he didn't say anything, but looked at Mo Xuan more and more complicated.

Hongjin was not unaware of the rumors about Mo Xuan and Daiyu at the beginning, but the princess of Wu County quickly suppressed it, and Lin Ruhai passed away not long ago, Daiyu's filial piety and a series of things made Hongjin choose I have forgotten everything in between.

But when Mo Xuan was ordered to escort Daiyu back to her hometown, Hong Jin felt a strange feeling in her heart.When I see Mo Xuan again, it is difficult to be calm.To this day, Hongjin is about to get married, and when Daiyu sent such a congratulatory gift, Hongjin suddenly felt that his heart was bleeding.

After coming out of Princess Wu's room, Hong Jin stood in the yard, looking at Langyue who was hidden in the clouds and occasionally showed her head in the sky, feeling upset, but didn't know how to vent it.

Seeing Hong Jin standing alone in the courtyard, Mo Xuan walked over in confusion, patted Hong Jin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? Don't you think about the bride?" Mo Xuan had just finished speaking, who knew Hong Jin even flicked his shoulders and threw Mo Xuan's hand away.

Mo Xuan looked at Hong Jin in bewilderment and asked, "What's the matter? Why does it seem like something is on his mind?" Hong Jin took a deep breath, looked back at Mo Xuan, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. say what.Seeing this, Mo Xuan turned his head to look left and right, and asked in a low voice: "But what's on your mind? Tell me so that brother can share the burden for you."

Hong Jin stared deeply at Mo Xuan for a long time, and Mo Xuan touched his cheek uncomfortably. Just when he was about to say something, Hong Jin suddenly smiled and said, "Go have a drink with brother." With Hong Jin in his arms, he put his arm on Mo Xuan's shoulders, and walked towards the outer courtyard with his arms around Mo Xuan.

When he woke up the next day, Hong Jin's leg was still on Mo Xuan's chest. Mo Xuan gently moved Hong Jin's leg away, shook his head, and only smiled helplessly when he looked around.It never occurred to Mo Xuan that drinking two glasses of what Hong Jin said would make both of them drunk.

Looking at the wine bottles lying on the table and on the ground, Mo Xuan remembered what Hong Jin seemed to have said to him last night, but at this moment he couldn't remember anything.Fortunately, the big ceremony was going to be held tomorrow, and the whole palace was busy, but no one found the two who were hungover.

Mo Xuan lightly got down to the ground, opened the doors and windows, and dispersed the smell of alcohol in the room.Looking at the clear sky outside, and then looking back at Hong Jin who was still hungover, Mo Xuan felt that he had missed something or forgotten something for some reason.

Just when Mo Xuan was trying to think back, two little maids came in and interrupted Mo Xuan's train of thought.After washing up briefly, Mo Xuan went back to his small courtyard.

The next two days were busy, no one noticed that Hong Jin got drunk once before the big wedding, even Mo Xuan forgot about it in the busy.

On the day of the wedding, Daiyu once again sent her housekeeper, Song Shi, to bring Baitan flower wine, Baitan fruit wine, Baitan 18-year-old Shaoxing wine, and Baitan aged Fen wine as congratulatory gifts.This made Mrs. Wang, who followed Mrs. Jia to watch the ceremony, feel suspicious.

Not to mention flower wine and fruit wine, Mrs. Wang also knew that Daiyu spent a lot of such things, but the old Shaoxing and Fen wine in hundreds of altars was not a small sum!This made Mrs. Wang have to suspect that what she saw at Lin's house that day was Daiyu's intentional hiding.

I have to say that Mrs. Wang is finally smart for a while, but unfortunately she can't find any evidence, and if she finds it, what can she do with Daiyu now?
When Hong Jin heard the singer singing the gift list from Daiyu, Hong Jin's figure was startled in vain, but quickly covered up the past. But when she was in the new house, she was with today's bride, her new sister-in-law.

In the days that followed, major events followed one after another. First of all, Zhao'er and his party, who went south to buy girls, came back.

Then on September 23, Lin Ruhai's anniversary came, and Jia Lian led Wang Xifeng to live in Zhuangzi outside Daiyu City for three days to pay homage to Lin Ruhai.Then it was already discussed with the Yun family, on September 28, Yun Baozhou came to ask for a date.

Due to the urgent urging from the Yun family, Yingchun's wedding date was set on October [-]th, which was less than half a month away.

Although Daiyu was surprised why she was in such a hurry, she still sent someone to send a makeup gift the day before her makeup was put on in the Spring Festival.In addition to a set of prestige on the bright side, Daiyu even handed over the 5000 taels of silver notes that she had prepared early to hand over to Yingchun by Nanny Sun.

This surprised Yingchun!Thinking about it carefully, I didn't get along with Daiyu very much, but at this moment, Daiyu was able to take out such a large sum of money for her own private money to press the box.

You must know that according to Mrs. Jia's wishes, the entire Jia's mansion only sold 5000 taels, and most of them were objects, a village, a shop, and a three-entry house. This is what Mrs. Xing has done for these years Everything she prepared.Where is the silver at the bottom of the box?
Even so, Mrs. Wang was secretly annoyed when she saw the house of Zhuangzi's shop in the dowry for the Spring Festival. She was raking around and raising funds for the construction of the garden. The big house is fine!Actually took the house of Zhuangzi's shop as a dowry!It's just a registered girl, how can it be worth it?I was about to visit my relatives in Yuanchun, and I didn't see Dafang handing out one or two halves!

When Tanchun saw Yingchun's dowry, her heart was also complicated. She knew that Mrs. Jia had said something back then. Because Yingchun married as a legitimate daughter, she paid 5000 taels from the public office, and the rest was Madam Xing's own business. Now it is not only Mrs. Xing who took out this decent dowry and Yingchun, which shows her love for Yingchun, but the wives and ladies who came to add makeup also gave a lot.

Not to mention the set of red gold haircuts that Daiyu gave me has caught the eyes of many people!The strings of crabapple flowers are more real and vivid, and the bright red blood coral is used as the crabapple embellishment.It is festive and luxurious, but not gaudy.

Tanchun understood that this was due to the closeness of the eldest family to the Lin family. When he got married, not to mention the wives who looked at Jia She and Jia Lian's face to add makeup, even Daiyu, I am afraid that he would not treat him like this... Thinking of Tanchun here, I can't help feeling sad.

Because of Wang Xifeng's relationship, Aunt Xue also gave a set of Diancui noodles, and Xue Baochai gave a pair of eight-treasure bracelets, which are exquisite, new, ingenious and precious.Tanchun couldn't help sighing secretly that Xue's family was born in an imperial merchant with a rich family background.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang felt displeased, but she also felt that she was honored. After all, Aunt Xue's family lived in Jia's mansion because of herself. , the mansion has been completely repaired, but the Xue family still lives in Jia's mansion, and Mrs. Wang's original resentment has also been shaken in her heart.

The sisters who have been together for more than ten years have been together day and night. Thinking that Yingchun finally has a good home, Tanchun is also happy for her. Unable to bear the sadness, she couldn't help but look at Mrs. Wang's eyes darkly. She knew that Mrs. Wang would never be able to take her with her like Mrs. Xing was waiting for Yingchun.

Wang Xifeng gave Yingchun the 3000 taels of banknotes as the pressing box, but Wang Xifeng was Yingchun's sister-in-law after all.Furthermore, compared with Daiyu's 5000 taels of silver plus a set of red gold colored phoenix noodles... Yingchun's psychology is indescribably moved.But looking at Grandma Sun, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Nanny Sun naturally understood what Yingchun was thinking, although she didn't agree with Daiyu spending so much money to add makeup to Yingchun, she couldn't resist Daiyu's insistence.

At this time, Nanny Sun could only forcefully smile at Yingchun: "Miss Ying, put it away, our girl said, I hope that Miss Ying will cherish herself, and don't let down the love of her family. In the future, everything will depend on Miss Ying to make a decision on her own." Get up. I'm afraid it won't work to rely on others."

Speaking of this, Grandma Sun sighed and said: "Our master and his wife have gone. Now that the master's filial piety period has not passed, our girl will not come to see you off. I wish you and the new son-in-law a happy life together. Remember one sentence As the old saying goes, everything prospers in family harmony! But family harmony is by no means an unlimited concession and tolerance.”

After finishing speaking, Grandma Sun went to bid farewell to Mrs. Xing. It happened that Wang Xifeng was also there. Seeing that she was about to leave, she smiled and said, "What is Grandma Sun doing? If you come here and don't drink tea, you should hurry back!" Sun Mammy still couldn't recover from the heartache of the 5000 taels of silver, so she forced a smile and said, "Our family is still filial, so we won't bother you here."

Seeing her like that, Wang Xifeng knew something was wrong, so she sent her out personally.Walking to a place where there are few people, Wang Xifeng suppressed her smile, pulled her and asked seriously: "Nurse Sun, tell me the truth, but what happened to my sister? You also know the relationship between our master and my sister. If you keep it a secret, I am afraid that the master will not let you go!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Grandma Sun also knew that she really missed and worried about Daiyu, so she sighed and said, "That's all! The girl is in the Zhuangzi well, so what can happen, grandma, don't worry about getting married. "

Is Wang Xifeng so easy to dismiss?Then he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Then you are telling me, why are you sighing? You also know that our family is having a happy event!"

Grandma Sun looked at the red lanterns hanging everywhere and the big happy characters, she closed her eyes and said, "I just love our girl, in the future..." Grandma Sun didn't finish her sentence, but Wang Xifeng Having already understood, she couldn't help but also sighed, and after a while she smiled and said, "Don't worry about Sun Nanny, isn't the princess taking care of this?"

Seeing this, Nanny Sun could only smile reluctantly, and left Jia's mansion, even the old lady Jia did not go to see her again.

Until lunch time, Yingchun's dowry girl Siqi found Wang Xifeng and said that Yingchun had invited her over.Wang Xifeng didn't take it to heart either, she just took it as a matter of asking her to take care of it.

When Wang Xifeng came to Yingchun's room, Yingchun sent Siqi and Xiuju out in front of Wang Xifeng, and told him to guard the door, and no one was allowed to come in.

Wang Xifeng was taken aback by Yingchun's battle, after all, when did Yingchun look like this?His brows were wrinkled, and his red lips were tightly pursed.There was even a faint air of majesty exuding from his body.Wang Xifeng couldn't help but smiled seriously, half jokingly: "What are you doing to welcome the girl? Didn't you invite me to help you escape marriage?"

Yingchun didn't answer, she just looked at the closed door and led Wang Xifeng into the inner room.In the inner room, without waiting for Wang Xifeng to ask again, he took out eight 1000 taels of silver bills from under the pillow.

Seeing the many bank notes, Wang Xifeng was also taken aback. You must know that Mrs. Xing prepared all the money for Yingchun through her hands, and bought them into Zhuangzi, shops, and houses.There is no silver left at all.According to Jia Lian's wishes, I gave Yingchun 3000 taels in the bottom of the box, but now Yingchun took out a full 8000 taels!
Wang Xifeng frowned and asked, "Where did you get all this money? Could it be from the old lady?"

Yingchun shook her head with red eyes and said, "Just now, Nanny Sun told me that it was Sister Lin who pressed the box for me! Look at Nanny Sun's expression..." Wang Xifeng suddenly understood what Nanny Sun meant before, and couldn't help being secretly startled Said: "What is that girl Yu'er going to do?"Could it be that they want to dissipate the family wealth...won't it be possible to become a monk? !
(End of this chapter)

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