Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 198 Contradictions are deepening

Chapter 198 Contradictions are deepening ([-])

Wang Xifeng told Jia She and his son about going to Mrs. Jia's house, and specifically pointed out that Mrs. Wang asked the big house to pay the money. Although Mrs. Jia didn't say anything, she seemed to agree.

Since Mrs. Xing knew it a long time ago, she kept her face sullen and said nothing, but Jia Lian looked at Jia She with a sneer and said, "Father, isn't he going to show it? This is someone who gave us the opportunity." Jia Amnesty looked at Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing who couldn't understand why, then looked at Jia Lian and said with a smile: "It should be so!" After speaking, he suddenly burst out laughing.

Mrs. Xing looked at Jia Amnesty very worriedly, and said in her heart: Could it be that you are mad?He hurriedly called out: "Master! What's wrong with you, Master?"

Mrs. Xing's nervous look stopped Jia She's laughter, and half of the laughter was choked in her throat.He couldn't help but glared at Mrs. Xing angrily.Mrs. Xing suddenly felt extremely wronged, and she became more and more sure that Jia She was stimulated and her mind was too clear.

Wang Xifeng seemed to understand something, looking at Jia Lian with questioning eyes, but Jia Lian just smiled and said nothing.Jia Amnesty stared at Mrs. Xing for a while, then finally sighed and shook his head and turned away.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing was about to catch up, but Wang Xifeng glared at Jia Lian, who was holding back a smirk, and hurriedly grabbed Mrs. Xing and said, "Mother, don't be in a hurry. I think my father has already prepared for it. Only the master and the master are alone." Just keep it from our mothers." Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Mrs. Xing looked back at Jia Lian uncertainly.

Seeing Mrs. Xing looking over, Jia Lian said in embarrassment: "Mother, don't overthink it. It's not intentional to hide it from you, but I'm afraid that after you find out, you will miss something in your conversation. That would be difficult. Now the two My wife has already given us the opportunity, and my father will naturally explain it to you in a while, and wait patiently for a while."

Since Jia Lian said so, Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng naturally wouldn't say anything more, they just waited for Jia Amnesty's return.

Not long after, Jia She came in with a pile of account books. Seeing this, Jia Lian hurried forward to take it, but Jia She said to Wang Xifeng without looking at Jia Lian, "Feng'er, go and get the booklets you just made." Hearing this, Wang Xifeng immediately understood what Jia Amnesty meant, and without asking any further questions, she hurriedly turned around and went out, taking Ping'er back to get the account books.

After Wang Xifeng and Ping'er brought back the newly made account book, Jia Lian sent Ping'er out to guard the courtyard gate with Wang Baoshan's family.

Looking at the account books Jia Amnesty put on the table, Wang Xifeng concluded with just one glance that these account books were quite old, but she didn't ask much.Jia Amnesty flipped through the account book in his hand, glanced at Wang Xifeng's newly made booklet, and said quietly: "Lian'er's mother is a careful person, and she does everything meticulously. These are the side books she copied when she was housekeeper. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Xifeng immediately changed his face and said: "How can the old lady not know?" Jia She sneered with emotion: "At that time, my grandmother gave the housekeeping to Lian'er's mother, not the old lady. The old lady is very dissatisfied."

Speaking of this, Jia Amnesty said very sadly: "When Jia Lian's mother left, she only cared about taking away the account books in the house. How could she have thought that Lian'er's mother still had a set of account books in the study? So these account books are You stayed in my study all the time." As he spoke, Jia She glanced at Mrs. Xing and said, "It is also because of these account books that I have not allowed you to enter the study."

When Madam Xing heard what Jia She said, her eyes turned red with grievance, and she muttered for a long time before she said: "I dare you to stay in the study every day, because you like to see things and think about others!"

Not to mention Jia Amnesty, even Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng did not expect Mrs. Xing to say such a sentence!Jia She couldn't help but blushed and said, "How old are you! You still say such nonsense! It's simply unreasonable!" Seeing this, Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng could only lower their heads and hold back their laughter, for fear of being caught by the embarrassing Jia She at this moment. It happened.

Mrs. Xing didn't seem to be aware of it. Seeing Jia She yelling at her, she said with confidence: "Could I have said something wrong? Isn't that what you mean by seeing things and thinking about others? In vain, I have been with you for decades ..." Before Madam Xing could finish her words, Jia Amnesty slapped the account book in her hand on the table.

That noise startled Mrs. Xing, and she finally didn't dare to confront Jia She. It's because Jia She's temper has improved a lot over the years. Mrs. Xing dared to do this. If Jia Lian came back from Yangzhou, Mrs. Xing absolutely dare not.

Seeing this, Jia Lian hurriedly smiled and explained for Jia She: "Mother, don't think too much. Although my biological mother is my father's first spouse, you have been by my father's side for decades, asking how you are. How can my father not know my mother?" Intentions? Besides, it is me, who is so big in giving birth to grace and nourishing grace! The son will never forget the mother's protection and worry over the years."

Jia Lian's words were originally to explain for Jia Amnesty and comfort Mrs. Xing, but just after Jia Lian finished speaking, Mrs. Xing fell down on the table and began to cry, no matter how much Wang Xifeng tried to comfort her, she couldn't stop.

Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian couldn't help but looked at each other, not knowing what to do, but Jia She frowned and looked at Mrs. Xing who was crying on the table, thought for a long time, and finally frowned and shouted: "Okay! In front of the children, You don't think it's ugly! I don't think it's ashamed!"

Mrs. Xing seems to be more used to being yelled at by Jia She, and Jia She's yelling is more effective than Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian's consolation for a long time.Busily raising his head, he looked at Jia She's expression while wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

Seeing Mrs. Xing's appearance like this, Wang Xifeng wanted to laugh, but she also understood that she must not laugh at this time, otherwise she doesn't know what will happen!

Wang Xifeng accompanied Mrs. Xing to the inner room to freshen up, and also put on a light makeup for Mrs. Xing, covering up some red and swollen eyes and red nose.When Jia Amnesty and Jia Lian saw that they were out, they got up and went to Mrs. Jia's yard together.

When Jia Amnesty's family arrived, Mrs. Wang had already left.After the old lady Jia waited for Jia She's family to finish the salute and take their seats, she gave orders to Amber, "Go and invite the second lady over here." As soon as the old lady Jia finished speaking, Amber was ready to take the order to go, but Jia She stopped her she.

Jia Amnesty looked at Mrs. Jia and said: "Old lady, Baoyu is a boy after all, and now he is fourteen or fifteen years old. He should get in touch with these things, lest he will not know anything in the future." At the end, Jia Amnesty looked at Mrs. Jia without dodging or hiding her gaze.

Seeing this, Old Madam Jia frowned and said, "What's the matter with Guan Baoyu? He's only a child, so he doesn't need to understand these things."

Jia Amnesty usually doesn't refute with old lady Jia, one is because of his duty as a son of man, and the other is because he himself was not tough before, but he did a lot of absurd things.But now, Jia She is no longer that dandy who is greedy for drinking and drinking too much!People are serious and serious!Moreover, the back house is quiet, the sons and daughters-in-law are filial, and the grandchildren are well-behaved.

Even if Jia Amnesty is not for himself or for them, he will not back down anymore.Then Jia She said with a smile: "The old lady's words are wrong. Lian'er was only eleven or twelve years old, so she was sent to the south of the Yangtze River, too?"

Jia Amnesty's words made the old lady Jia look at Jia Lian involuntarily, and saw that this grandson, whom she hadn't paid much attention to, had grown up like a beautiful tree.At this moment, Mrs. Jia remembered that this grandson is not as good as a weak crown, but he is already a Juren!Looking at Wang Xifeng, who was standing behind Jia She and his wife with Jia Lian, he felt that this was a pair of Bi people.

The old lady Jia's eyes could not help but darken, and when she raised her eyes to look at Jia Amnesty again, her eyes were like knives.

The old lady Jia asked in a cold voice: "Finally, what do you want to do?" Jia Amnesty raised his eyes to look at the old lady Jia, lowered his head and said calmly: "It's not what the son wants to do, but what the son thinks the younger brother is doing." If you are not at home, you should help teach your nephew, what does the old lady think?"

Jia Amnesty's words made the old lady Jia choke, speechless.With a gloomy expression, he stared at Jia She for a long time, and saw that Mrs. Xing and Jia Lian both bowed their heads in silence, took a deep breath, and then told Amber: "Go and send the second master Bao and the second wife together. Come here!" After speaking, he turned to Jia She and said, "I want to see how you teach my nephew!"

Not long after, Baoyu accompanied Mrs. Wang to Mrs. Jia's room. It was a coincidence that Baoyu was talking in Mrs. Wang's room before. Baoyu was about to leave when Hupo went, but happened to be stopped by Huber and said The old lady was invited, so she accompanied Mrs. Wang over here.

Baoyu went into Mrs. Jia's room and saw that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were standing behind Jia She and his wife, not sitting down, so he also stood behind Mrs. Wang.

If it was normal, Baoyu would definitely get into the arms of Mrs. Jia, but after going through one thing after another, especially what Xue Pan said that day, Baoyu became more silent and matured. Many, no longer ignorant and fearless like children.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia just frowned, but didn't say anything. She looked at Jia Amnesty and then at Mrs. Wang. Old Mrs. Jia said in a deep voice, "I'll call both of you here today. It's for the important matter of this mother's family visit." At this point, the old lady Jia looked at Jia Lian and said, "The yard is being built under your watch, so let's talk about the situation."

If Daiyu did it again, she would probably clap her hands and laugh loudly, and said: It turns out that in ancient families, the bureaucratic accent was also like this!It's a pity that Daiyu didn't see this scene, otherwise she would be even more disappointed with Jia's mansion.

Jia Lian stood up from behind Jia She, bowed to the old lady Jia, and said, "The old lady is serious. The matter of building the garden was discussed by the father, brother Zhen, and chief manager Lai before letting the grandson stay here. Wherever you look, it’s just to see if the material is enough, and whether the craftsman pays attention to it.”

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Mrs. Jia's heart skipped a beat, her face became even colder and she said, "Since that's the case, tell me about the current situation in the garden. It's clear where you stay every day."

Although Mrs. Jia's tone and expression have changed, Jia Lian still replied in a calm and respectful voice: "Back to the old lady, the garden has been built, and the flowers and trees have been planted. We just wait for the plaque and couplet to be hung up. Hang up the window screens and beaded curtains, and then put on the antiques and rare treasures, and then you can ask your mother to visit her relatives."

When Mrs. Jia heard it, she felt relieved, the plaque and couplet did not cost much, and the window screens and bead curtains had already been prepared.Even those antiques and rare treasures are not lacking in my own house, so as long as they are displayed, they can be taken care of.

So the old lady Jia calmed down, changed her tone and nodded to Jia Lian: "It's doing very well at this time, and you have worked hard these days."

(End of this chapter)

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