Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 199 Showdown

Chapter 199 Showdown
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Hearing what Mrs. Jia said, Jia Lian hurriedly replied: "Doing things for the mansion and your mother, my grandson dare not complain." Seeing this, the old lady Jia nodded and said, "In that case, I should hang up the things that should be done earlier. Put everything on display, so I can ask the Holy Majesty for an order as soon as possible."

Jia Lian didn't want to, but suddenly said, "I don't know who ordered the purchase of antiques and rare treasures, and where did the money come from?"

Old lady Jia smiled nonchalantly: "Didn't those window screens and beaded curtains be purchased from the south before? Antiques are rare, but you don't need to buy them everywhere. These things are not available for a while. They are all from the same family. The foundation of the whole family lies."

Speaking of which, the old lady Jia looked at Wang Xifeng and said, "Madam Feng opened the storeroom and asked Lian'er to bring people in to pick it out. The ones picked out from the inside will be brought out and put on the table first. If there is something wrong, I will pick some from me at that time. That’s it, our family is not short of this.”

Mrs. Jia's words made Mrs. Wang's face turn pale, but Jia Amnesty stared at her with a sneer.

Wang Xifeng heard Mrs. Jia talking about herself, and hurriedly stood up from behind Mrs. Xing.Handed over the booklet that had already been prepared to Mrs. Jia.Mrs. Jia didn't know why, but Yuanyang was very considerate and brought Mrs. Jia's tortoiseshell glasses without waiting for Mrs. Jia's orders.

Mrs. Jia flipped through the booklet in her hand, and at a glance she saw that it was an account book.Turning a few more pages, still not knowing why, he looked up at Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng hurriedly laughed and said, "Just now the old lady said that she would choose from the library. How many of us have the knowledge to compare with the old lady? No, we were talking about this a few days ago. Today, the old lady asked I called the master and wife over, thinking that it might be useful, so I brought it along, but it really made me guess."

The old lady Jia pointed to the account book in her hand and asked in disbelief: "This is our house's warehouse book?!"

Wang Xifeng nodded and smiled and said: "Isn't it from our house? At that time, Nanny Lai and Sister Zhou were with me, and it took me several days to sort it out. Every piece is in the booklet. What, it’s just that I accidentally dropped it when I went into the warehouse, if something is missing, there are many people who testify, but it has nothing to do with me, and I counted it face to face on the first day.”

Wang Xifeng's words not only made Mrs. Jia feel dizzy, but Mrs. Wang's face turned pale and broke out in cold sweat.

After a long time, Mrs. Jia finally regained her breath, staring at Mrs. Wang like a poisonous snake and said sharply, "Where's the things in the library!?" Seeing Mrs. Jia asking about her, Mrs. Wang had to force herself to calm down. Shinto: "I, I don't know. The key to the warehouse was given to Feng girl early in the morning."

Mrs. Wang's words made Wang Xifeng's heart dissipate the little affection she had left for her.At this time, Wang Xifeng looked at Mrs. Wang's eyes more and more coldly.

As soon as Mrs. Wang finished speaking, without waiting for Mrs. Jia to speak, Wang Xifeng knelt down on the ground, prostrated herself in front of Mrs. Jia and cried, "The old lady is the master of the granddaughter-in-law! Auntie wanted to give me the key back then, but I didn't want to. Dare to ask for it. It was the old lady who said that my aunt was not well and asked me to take care of her, so she accepted it."

Talking about Wang Xifeng's tears, the thread broke and fell down, Wang Xifeng didn't wipe it, just looked at the old lady Jia and said: "At that time, my daughter-in-law was very worried. After all, I was still young, how could I manage these things? That's right, and specially invited Nanny Lai and Zhou Rui's family to watch me count and compile the books one by one!"

What is there that Mrs. Jia doesn't understand at this time?But he didn't want to wait for Mrs. Jia to say something, Jia Amnesty stood up and handed an account book in his hand to Mrs. Jia.

Mrs. Jia took over the account book almost mechanically, and when she looked down, all the treasures she was familiar with were listed in front of her eyes.They were all snatched back from the battlefield by Jia She's grandfather Jia Yuan's generation, as well as her husband Jia Daishan and Ning Guogong Jia Daihua!It is the military achievements of several generations, and it is also the pride and heritage of the Jia Mansion!
The old lady Jia said with tears in her eyes: "These are the treasures that the old man and the old man fought so hard to get back from the battlefield!" Then the old lady Jia looked up at Mrs. Wang again and asked sharply: "Where are the things?" ? Where did you go!"

Not to mention Mrs. Wang, even Jia Baoyu was terrified!He had never seen such an old lady Jia. In his heart, old lady Jia was the kindest person, but at this moment she was full of bloodthirsty emotions as if she was going to kill someone.

Jia She sneered and said to Mrs. Wang: "I said it's better for the brothers and sisters to hand over their things, so that the mother's relatives' garden can be arranged as soon as possible. Please come to the imperial decree?"

Mrs. Wang's face was pale and trembling, but after hearing Jia She's words, she suddenly looked at Jia She with resentful eyes, and then looked at Wang Xifeng who was kneeling in front of Mrs. Jia, gritted her teeth and said, "You don't want to wrong me! I am my mother's own mother!"

Jia Baoyu stared at all this in a daze, her face was also pale, in the past, Mrs. Jia would naturally pay attention, but now Mrs. Jia is all about finding the baby, so how could she notice him?
The old lady Jia held up the account book in her hand, looked at Jia She with cannibalistic eyes, and said, "Where did you get this book? Why don't you tell me clearly?"

Jia She lowered his head and said, "This is the copybook that Lian'er's mother copied when she was in charge of the house. Back then, his mother left in a hurry, so she didn't have time to explain it, and her son found out later. Thinking that the old lady had already taken the account book, she also took it away. I didn't care about it, I just kept these side volumes as thoughts."

Speaking of which, Jia Amnesty suddenly raised his head to look at the old lady Jia and said, "I don't want Lian's daughter-in-law to manage the warehouse now, but the newly created account books are completely different from the previous ones, so my son became suspicious. It seems that there is a loss, and it is not necessary to lose these I was a treasure, so I found this copy of the book, and I was shocked by the comparison. I had to hand it over to the old lady."

The old lady Jia looked down at the account book in her hand again, and then at the new one made by Wang Xifeng, she couldn't help but feel that her heart was bleeding!

Mrs. Jia looked up at Mrs. Wang deeply and said, "You really don't know?" Mrs. Wang could only grit her teeth at this moment, shook her head and said, "I don't know." Yuanyang ordered: "Go and call me Lai Nanny and Lai everyone!"

Mrs. Wang panicked when she saw this, but she didn't dare to make a sound.Jia Baoyu's face was already pale with fright, and he didn't dare to say anything more at this moment.He couldn't figure out why Mrs. Jia called him here today.But at this time, there is obviously no room for him to ask.

After a while, Mrs. Lai helped Nanny Lai and walked in. When she saw the two of them, Mrs. Jia didn't say much.He just threw the two account books in his hands in front of everyone, and ordered in a cold voice: "Go to Rongxi Hall! Find me inside and out! Just find all the treasures in this book!"

Mrs. Wang fell to the ground as soon as she heard that, but Jia Baoyu was taken aback suddenly, raised her head, and said to Mrs. Jia in disbelief: "Old Ancestor, that Rongxi Hall is the house of Mrs. Madam!"

At this moment, Mrs. Jia only felt the blackness in front of her eyes, and then heard Jia Baoyu say that the Rongxi Hall was the house of Jia Zheng and his wife, and she couldn't help feeling sad.I have planned for them all my life, but in the end they still want to guard against themselves!He couldn't help but replied without thinking: "The Rongxi Hall is the main courtyard of the General's Mansion! Your master and wife are not qualified to live there!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at the crowd, even Jia Baoyu, and the old lady Jia didn't look at them at this time either.He only closed his eyes and leaned against the guiding pillow, calming down.

When Jia Baoyu heard Mrs. Jia's words, she froze instantly. What Mrs. Jia said just now and what Xue Pan said that day could not stop echoing in her ears.Looking at Mrs. Wang who fell on the ground, and then at the old lady Jia who closed her eyes and meditated on the Luohan bed, Jia Baoyu suddenly felt that she didn't know what was true and what was false.

Everyone in Lai looked at Nanny Lai, and seeing Nanny Lai nodded calmly, they picked up the two booklets on the floor and retreated out.

Seeing this, Jia Baoyu felt very anxious for some reason, but was stopped by Jia She, who only heard Jia She say righteously: "Your father is not here, as your uncle, I should teach you, but unfortunately, I am also an official. Busy, I called you here today to let you learn the rules!"

As he spoke, Jia She looked at Mrs. Jia with her eyes closed, then at Mrs. Wang who was sitting on the ground, then turned to Jia Baoyu with a sneer and asked, "This mansion was originally Rongguo Mansion, do you know why?"

Although Jia Baoyu said that he looked a little dull at this time, he knew it in his heart. Hearing Jia She's question, he replied: "Grandfather is the Duke of Rong Guo." Jia She nodded and smiled, "Since you know, then Let me ask you again, do you know why the Rongguo Mansion has now become the General's Mansion?"

Jia Baoyu looked at Jia Amnesty, lowered his head and said sullenly, "Uncle exchanged his ancestral plaque for an official position in the Ministry of Rites."

Jia Baoyu's words made Jia She suddenly burst out laughing, and then said coldly: "It's really funny! Your grandfather is the Duke of the State. Is there a Duke of the State in our house at this time? If not! That would be trespassing! It would be a death penalty! Do you understand these?"

Jia Baoyu stared blankly at Jia She, and shook his head lightly.The old lady Jia, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly forgot about it!Can't help but rejoice that the boss dealt with it early in the year!Mrs. Wang smiled coldly!She got up from the ground and sat back on her seat. She had already figured it out, she was the empress's own mother!Who dares to do anything to her?

Seeing Mrs. Wang getting up from the ground, Jia She ignored him, continued to look at Jia Baoyu and said, "Do you know who is the general in this mansion?" Hearing this, Mrs. Jia frowned slightly, but did not make a sound after all. .Jia Baoyu looked at Jia Amnesty and thought for a long time, lowered his head and nodded lightly.

Jia Amnesty asked again, do you know why your master and wife live in the main courtyard of my general's mansion, but I never say anything?
Jia Baoyu looked up at Jia Amnesty with doubts in his eyes, and shook his head in a daze.Jia Amnesty looked at the old lady Jia who was frowning and still had her eyes closed, and said with a smile: "Because the old lady likes your master, so what if I make the old lady happy? It's just filial piety!"

Speaking of this, Jia She snorted coldly and said, "But no matter whether the family is separated or not, how can your master and wife be able to tamper with the things that have been passed down by the ancestors for hundreds of years?!"

(End of this chapter)

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