Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 204 Jia Zheng Returns

Chapter 204 Jia Zheng Returns ([-])

Thanks to Fengqi, Meimupanxi for the support of YXQ's monthly ticket!thank you~

Mrs. Wang sneered in her heart, thinking of the empress's face at this moment?Why didn't you think of it in the first place?If not, how could I have ended up in this situation? !But on the surface, Mrs. Wang still just stared at Jia Zheng quietly, without saying a word.

Jia Zheng didn't speak any more, but the young woman acted like she wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak.The old lady Jia looked at the crowd, sighed, and said helplessly: "Second wife set up two tables of banquets, and let Mrs. Chen go through the clear road first. Let's talk about everything after the mother-in-law visits her relatives." After finishing speaking, the old lady Jia He waved his hand, intending to send him away.

The young woman, Mrs. Chen, sat motionless and also stared at Jia Zheng.No one expected that Mrs. Wang would stand up suddenly, and said angrily: "Impossible!" After speaking, she pointed at the young woman Chen Shi who was pregnant with six armors, and said with a grim face: "She can't even think about it! A slut who fucks with men!"

Mrs. Wang's words finally changed Jia Zheng's face, but before she could say anything, the young woman Chen couldn't help shouting: "Master, madam is saying that the stuff in my stomach is a wild species!"

Not to mention that Jia Zheng rushed to the top of his head with anger when he heard this, it was Mrs. Jia who was extremely displeased, especially Mrs. Jia thought that she had given Mrs. Wang a ladder just now, and she didn't want Mrs. Wang to even her. His face was also refuted, and he said such words again, and suddenly said angrily: "What are you shouting about!"

Old lady Jia was still very dignified, when she got angry at this moment, no matter it was the young lady Chen, Jia Zheng, or Mrs. Wang, they all fell silent, not daring to speak at will.

Seeing that the people on both sides became quiet, Jia Lian spoke for the second time, "Speaking of which, my nephew is unclear. Shouldn't my uncle be in office? Could it be that he asked for leave to come back to greet your mother?" Jia Lian said, The young woman Chen's expression changed, and she immediately lowered her head and sat back in her seat.

Even Jia Zheng looked back at Jia Lian with a very ugly expression, but seeing Jia Lian's eyes full of doubts, without the slightest hint of sarcasm, Jia Zheng put away his anger, sighed very decadently, and sat down next to the young woman Beside him, he even patted the hand of the young woman, Mrs. Chen, clenched into a fist on her knee uneasily.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng's eyes flashed brightly, what is there that he doesn't understand?At this time, he didn't say anything.Pull Mrs. Wang and Jia Baoyu back to sit.

Jia Lian looked blankly at the people who had all retreated to their original positions, then at the frowning old lady Jia who said nothing, and asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that uncle came back for something else? To send this one back ?” As he spoke, Jia Lian glanced at the delicate young woman, Mrs. Chen.

Jia Lian's words choked Jia Zheng half to death, but she couldn't say anything else. At this time, Mrs. Wang sneered and said, "Isn't it just to send this goblin back? I don't even want the empress's face! When the empress is about to The one who visited the relatives was on the top, not to mention being reprimanded by the sage, and even lost the black hat! Now that I think the empress is in the palace, she must be living a very good life!"

Mrs. Wang originally wanted to mock Jia Zheng, but she burst into tears as she spoke. Jia Zheng felt bad when he saw this. After all, it was his girl, how could he not feel distressed?But now... Jia Zheng could only look at Mrs. Chen, and sighed slightly.

Seeing Jia Lian's confused face, the old lady Jia thought for a while and sighed, "Don't talk about it, as long as he can come back safely." She said to Jia Zheng, "Go and settle the Chen family first. We'll talk about the rest later." Without looking at Mrs. Chen after speaking, he picked up the teacup and flicked the tea foam, and took a sip.

Jia Zheng looked at Mrs. Wang, then nodded to Mrs. Chen, but Mrs. Chen pouted and called softly, "Master..." Jia Zheng frowned displeasedly, and walked out with his hands behind his back. .

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng looked at each other, and thought to themselves: It seems that this political master doesn't care much about this Chen family, but only for the sake of the children.

After Jia Zheng left, Mrs. Chen had no choice but to follow.Mrs. Wang looked at the direction where Jia Zheng disappeared at the door in a daze, with an unpredictable expression on her face. She didn't know what she was planning. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng frowned deeply, and only hoped that Mrs. Wang would not cause any trouble. it is good.Now it seems that the usury business has just subsided!
Old Mrs. Jia seemed to be worried about Wang Xifeng, so she told Yuanyang: "Go and see if Zhou Rui's family is outside? If you are called in." Yuanyang took the order and left, and then lifted the curtain to come in with Zhou Rui's family.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia told Yuanyang and Zhou Rui's family: "You two send the second wife back to the room, and come out if you have nothing to do."

After saying that, he waved his hand to ask Zhou Rui's family and Yuanyang to send Madam Wang away, Madam Wang didn't resist, just smiled coldly, and followed Zhou Rui's family and Yuanyang out.

Jia Lian and his wife and Jia Baoyu were left in the room, and the old lady Jia looked at the increasingly silent Jia Baoyu with distress and said, "Baoyu also go and rest, don't think so much, these things have nothing to do with you. Think too much." It’s not good to be hurt.” Jia Baoyu didn’t speak, but nodded sullenly, glanced at Jia Lian, saw Jia Lian smiled at him, and then backed out.

Now there are only Jia Lian, his wife and Mrs. Jia in the room. Jia Lian looked at Mrs. Jia for a long time. Seeing that Mrs. Jia didn't speak, she just closed her eyes and didn't know what to think, so she looked at Wang Xifeng, wanting to leave.Unexpectedly, old lady Jia suddenly said, "You two stay here for now, I have something to say."

Jia Lian thought for a while and sat down in the seat where Mrs. Wang sat before, and Wang Xifeng sat next to Jia Lian.Neither of them knew what old lady Jia was going to say.

The old lady Jia seemed to be struggling in her heart for a long time before she sighed and said to Jia Lian: "Your old man is back, you tell him, just say it's my intention, let him go to do some one or two, and see if I can help your second master. What kind of errand, you can't be idle at home, it's not decent for the empress to check on your relatives."

Jia Lian's face changed when he heard that, and he said hastily, "Father is only a fourth-rank official, how can he be so capable? Besides...Furthermore..."

Jia Lian looked at Mrs. Jia before continuing: "The second master just got into trouble and was reprimanded by the Holy Majesty. How can he get back up with just one or two casually? Besides, if it's a trivial matter, the Holy Majesty may see it in front of the empress. Son, I won't berate the second master like this."

After Jia Lian finished speaking in one breath, he felt relieved, but the old lady Jia gave him an angry look and said, "I let you talk about it, but I didn't let you do it. Of course, I know what to do." Without waiting for Jia Lian to reply, he turned to Wang Xifeng and said, "Go out of the city early tomorrow morning to see Miss Lin, and ask her to beg King Wu."

With that tone, it seemed that King Wujun should help her son. Wang Xifeng sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he only hesitated and said: "My sister hasn't been to Prince Wu's mansion for more than a year. She said yes." It’s not good to go during the filial piety period. Even during the New Year’s Day, they just send gifts, even in the palace.”

Speaking of which, Wang Xifeng carefully looked at the old lady Jia, and continued: "Besides, it's not easy to keep such things on paper, right?"

The old lady Jia said nonchalantly: "I didn't go in the past. One is that I have nothing to do, and the other is that she is still in the filial piety. Now that the filial piety period has passed for a year, it is time to move around. I can't go anywhere. gone?"

Wang Xifeng sighed inwardly at the old lady Jia's behavior, but smiled on her face: "Since the old ancestor arranged it like this, I will go there tomorrow, but let's be sure first, whether it will be successful or not." I don't care about it. It saves me running errands and complaining."

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Jia smiled and said, "I know you are capable! Don't worry about whether you succeed or not. If you go tomorrow, one is what I just said, and the other is that you will be with your sister Lin." Let’s talk about my mother’s family visit, let her come back, my family doesn’t need to shy away from these things.”

Wang Xifeng had no choice but to agree, but Jia Lian frowned, but didn't know what to say. Seeing Wang Xifeng's response, he felt relieved.Presumably Daiyu has her own reasons for coming or not, but Jia Lian is not very worried.

Seeing that she had finished what she had to say, Mrs. Jia waved her hands to the two of them and said, "Go down too, hurry up and deal with it now." Then she rubbed her brows with a headache and leaned on the pillow.

After Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng quietly exited Mrs. Jia's room, they suddenly felt that the air outside was particularly good. They both took a deep breath at the same time, and couldn't help but look at each other amusedly.Wang Xifeng thought for a while and said softly to Jia Lian: "Why the Second Master was dismissed, I'd better go and find out."

Jia Lian nodded and said: "Tomorrow, you can explain today's matter to your sister in detail, and you may have unexpected gains. It's been a long time since I went to see her, so you just took the opportunity to go and see her." it is good."

As soon as the two returned to the East Courtyard, many daughters-in-law and nanny in charge came and went. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng could only shake his head and smile at Jia Lian, and followed Ping'er who had been waiting at the door for a long time.Jia Lian took this opportunity to go to Brother Chun's yard, but he didn't expect that Brother Chun was not there.

Jia Lian went to Sister Qiao's room again, and Qianqian was staying beside Sister Qiao's rocking bed, dozing off. Like Sister Qiao, Qianqian also had a small face flushed from sleep.Looking at the two flushed little faces, Jia Lian felt relieved for no reason.Bending down, gently picked up Qianqian who was leaning on the side of the rocking bed, and put it beside Sister Qiao.

Jia Lian came out of Sister Qiao's house, and within two steps, she saw Xing'er running in a hurry. Jia Lian frowned and asked, "Why are you in such a panic? Why have you been with the master for so many years, but you haven't learned any rules? "

Xing'er smiled bitterly and said, "My lord! Please do me a favor. I've been looking for you for two days. My master wants to see you in the study when I come back. I'm waiting now!" Hearing what Xing'er said, Jia Lian hurriedly asked Said: "But what's the matter?" Xing'er shook his head and said, "Master, how can I know about Master?"

Jia Lian was right after thinking about it, so he didn't ask any more questions, and hurried to Jia Amnesty's study outside.

(End of this chapter)

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