Chapter 205
Thanks to Longzu Qingfeng, Kathlee, ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ for their support!Thanks to Jian Qi Ling Tian and Qiao Ge Mu Yong for their encouragement~O(∩_∩)O Thank you

When Jia Lian came to the study, Jia She hadn't even changed his official robes. From a distance, he saw Jia She with one hand behind his back and the other holding a small purple clay pot, walking around the room continuously.Jia Lian couldn't help guessing whether Jia She was troubled by Jia Zheng's affairs. Although he was not sure, something big must have happened, otherwise why did Jia She come to this?
Seeing Jia Lian coming in, Jia Amnesty stopped immediately, nodded to Jia Lian and said in a deep voice, "Here we are." He straightened up and said, "It happens that my son also has some matters, and he wants to report to his father, and ask him to decide."

Jia Amnesty glanced at Jia Lian and was not in a hurry to answer. He frowned and took two steps, then nodded and said, "In that case, Lian'er will speak first."

After saying that, Jia She sat down. For some reason, Jia Lian felt that Jia She was no longer so irritable.Sure enough, as soon as Jia Lian finished thinking about it, Jia She calmly picked up the teacup, flicked the tea foam, and looked up at himself. Jia Lian understood that Jia She was waiting for him to talk about something.

Jia Lian hurriedly studied today's events with Jia Amnesty.When it was mentioned that Jia Zheng wanted to divorce his wife, Jia She couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "Is that true?"

It's not difficult for Jia Lian to hear the surprise in Jia She's tone, but Jia Lian shook his head and said, "I didn't really divorce my wife. After all, the second wife is the mother-in-law of the virtuous concubine. If she hurts her face at this time, I'm afraid it will be the Holy One." It's not easy to do business anywhere. No matter what the majesty means, we can't hurt the face of the empress at this time, which is also the honor of the majesty."

Jia Amnesty felt a little regretful after hearing this, but still nodded and said, "It should be so." Fu then smiled and said, "Lian'er is getting better and better now, and will definitely be named on the gold list in two years. You must study hard and don't slack off. You don’t have to worry too much about these general affairs.”

Jia Lian nodded and said, "Father, don't worry, my son will live up to his expectations!" After that, Jia Lian went on to talk about today's events. When Wang Xifeng was asked to go to Daiyu and seek help from King Wujun so that he could recover, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "This is really my mother!" Then she stopped talking.

Jia Amnesty held the teacup, bowed his head in silence and didn't know what he was thinking, Jia Lian also had to stand aside silently when he saw this.Jia Amnesty didn't keep Jia Lian waiting for a long time, but after a while he raised his head and smiled and said, "Lian'er doesn't have to worry about this matter. I call you today because I have something to tell you. How you decide is up to you."

Jia Lian looked at Jia She in surprise, and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Jia She seldom talked to him like this, at least in his memory, even though Jia She treated him very differently in recent years, he never discussed anything with him like this. After Jia Lian finished his thoughts, Jia She made the final decision, but today Jia She let him make his own decision.

Seeing Jia Lian looking at him with astonishment in his eyes, Jia Amnesty shook his head indifferently, and without waiting for Jia Lian's response, he continued, "My lord, I have been walking around for more than half a year. , but I think there will be a conclusion after a year at the latest. Whether you will take up the post with me or stay in the capital, you have to think carefully."

Jia Lian was overjoyed when he heard it, and then fell silent again, not because he was reluctant to part with the prosperity of the capital, but in fact Jia Lian didn't spend much time in the capital.But if he left, what would happen to Wang Xifeng, mother and son?To follow or not to follow?What about Daiyu?After all, it was Daiyu who worried Jia Lian the most.

Jia Amnesty naturally understood Jia Lian's worries, and sighed, "If everything is settled well, I can take your sister over to relax..."

When Jia Amnesty saw Jia Lian looking over, he couldn't go on talking. Obviously this was not feasible, so he couldn't help but stop talking, thought for a while and said, "There is no rush for this matter. You can go back and discuss it with your wife." Jia Amnesty She thought for a while and then added: "I will take your mother and Brother Cong away." After finishing speaking, Jia She waved Jia Lian out regardless of Jia Lian's expression.

Jia Lian also had no intention of staying here at the moment, and continued to discuss the matter of Jia Zheng's first house. Thinking of Jia Amnesty's upcoming appointment, Jia Lian was both excited and worried.Needless to say the excitement, it is natural to be able to temporarily escape from the "Niangniang whirlpool".Jia Lian has always felt inexplicably uneasy about being a concubine in Yuanchun, and it is naturally best to be able to leave.

But thinking of Daiyu staying in the capital alone, Jia Lian was very worried.Remembering that Wang Xifeng was going to visit Daiyu outside the city tomorrow, Jia Lian couldn't help speeding up and walking towards the backyard.

After Wang Xifeng finished handling the complicated affairs of the mansion, she sent away the ladies in charge who came to report the matter. When she returned to the house, she saw Jia Lian holding a teacup in a daze.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows slightly, walked over to take the teacup in his hand, and said with a soft smile: "Don't worry about those things, even if it's my own aunt, the old lady wouldn't care about it if she had a relationship with a lady." Let her have something to do."

But Jia Lian smiled and said, "It's not for this." After Jia Lian finished speaking, she saw Wang Xifeng tilt her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at herself slightly, then said with a smile, "I will go out of the city with you to see my sister tomorrow." .”

Wang Xifeng looked at Jia Lian in puzzlement, if he said that Jia Lian had this intention from the beginning, he definitely wouldn't have said it now.Jia Lian only mentioned this matter at this moment, afraid that something happened during his absence.

Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng asked directly, "But what happened to bother you?" Jia Lian didn't hide it, and directly told about Jia She's looking for him.

Wang Xifeng also frowned after hearing this, not knowing what to do for a while, but she was not as worried as Jia Lian.At this moment, Wang Xifeng was even more worried about the stewardship he had won with great difficulty. If he left, he would have to hand it over again. There was no reason to just send it back for nothing!If it was true, Wang Xifeng would be extremely unwilling.

Jia Lian didn't realize what Wang Xifeng was thinking at this time, seeing her frowning and saying nothing, instead he took her hand and held it in the palm of his hand and said comfortingly: "Father also said, don't rush this matter for a while, go outside the city to see my sister tomorrow. , see what she can do."

Wang Xifeng still trusts Daiyu very much, and in many cases even trusts Jia Lian more than three points.Then he nodded lightly and said: "That's fine, no matter whether you go or not, it's Laba, and you must be busy in the next few days, and you may not have time to see her. The time passed, but it was just right.”

As he spoke, Wang Xifeng laughed and leaned on Jia Lian and said, "I'll take Brother Chun and sister Qiao together tomorrow. It's good that Sister Qiao is young, but Brother Chun has become a torturer. I have long thought about going to my sister's Zhuangzi. It's strange to say that these two children are really destined to be with my sister." Wang Xifeng's face softened involuntarily when talking about the child.

Seeing her appearance, Jia Lian nodded and smiled and said, "Just don't worry about trouble. It's not easy at all to take the two of them out." Hearing what Jia Lian said, Wang Xifeng glanced at him angrily, but didn't care. Let's talk about something else.

Early the next morning, Wang Xifeng went to report to Mrs. Jia, and after listening to Mrs. Jia's instructions to ask Daiyu to go to King Wujun, she went directly to the gate of Xijiao.

At this time, two high-wheeled carriages with green curtains and blue roofs were parked outside the door.Jia Lian took Brother Chun, sister Qiao, and the maids, the mother-in-law, the nanny, and the two little girls, Yaya and Qianqian, and waited outside the door for a long time.

Before Wang Xifeng got close, he saw Brother Chun circling around Jia Lian and Yaya, chasing and playing, and the laughter spread far away.And sister Qiao was held in Jia Lian's arms, staring at a pair of big watery eyes, looking around, as if looking for herself.

Qianqian stood quietly by the carriage behind Jia Lian, exchanging glances with Qiao Jieer in Jia Lian's arms from time to time.Ping'er and the two rough envoys were standing beside the carriage behind.The drivers are Xing'er, Long'er and Qing'er. I don't know where Zhao'er has been arranged by Jia Lian.

Seeing Wang Xifeng coming out, Ping'er just took two steps to meet her, but he saw that Brother Chun was already running towards her with his short legs.

Seeing that Brother Chun ran away, Yaya naturally followed closely behind. She didn't want to turn her head to look at Sister Qiao who was wrapped in Jia Lian's arms, and then at Yaya and Brother Chun, hesitated for less than half a day. At this moment, he also ran over.Not to mention Jia Lian, even Ping'er was surprised.

This girl Qianqian is different from Yaya, Yaya is big and strong, and she is quite mischievous with Brother Chun, but Qianqian was chosen by Wang Xifeng for Qiaojie, she is very slender and well-behaved, this child is also careful On weekdays, she would quietly stay by Qiao'er's side, but today, for some reason, she left Qiao'er and followed Chun to run towards Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng picked up Brother Chun and rubbed it for a while, looked at Yaya and smiled slightly: "Today's Zhuangzi outside the city, you have to take care of brother and sister, if something goes wrong, there will be no pancake rewards. you guys."

At this time, Jia Lian laughed and shook his head, "I said this girl ran to you, maybe she followed Brother Chun, and Qianqian also ran away. How dare our grandma completely subdue the two of them with pancakes!"

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he burst out laughing, Wang Xifeng just glanced at him indifferently, who knew that sister Qiao was just learning from others, and when she saw Jia Lian laughing like this, she opened her mouth wide and said, "Ha. Ha." Standing up, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xifeng also laughed, walked to Jia Lian's side, put down Brother Chun, reached out to hug Sister Qiao, saw that Sister Qiao was reaching out to grab the phoenix hairpin on her head, and then hurriedly stuffed her back to Jia Lian In his arms, he pointed at her little nose and smiled, "You really are a little villain!"

A few people were laughing at the door, it was not very good after all, Jia Lian handed Brother Chun and Sister Qiao to the nanny respectively, then helped Wang Xifeng into the first carriage, and got into it himself.

Brother Chun and sister Qiao were naturally carried into the carriage behind by the nanny, Yaya and Qianqian looked at each other, and hurried up.But firstly, Yaya is much older, and secondly, she has always been relatively strong, so she climbed up immediately, Qianqian is only four years old now, and she was born petite and slender, how could she climb up this high-wheeled carriage?

Seeing this, Ping'er covered her mouth with a smile, and stretched out her hand to help her, but she took several masters to change clothes just in case, and two rough envoys, and got into the gray-draped carriage behind.

(End of this chapter)

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