Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 206 News from Gusu

Chapter 206 News from Gusu
Thanks to long080530 for the monthly ticket support!
Daiyu's Zhuangzi has not been as quiet as in the past recently.At the end of the year, the stewards from all over the place sent over the account books and annual gifts.Especially at the ancestral house in Gusu, all the stewards not only sent Daiyu a variety of local products and mountain products, but also the two old butlers Lin sent Daiyu a letter written by the old patriarch Lin Tao.

In the letter, the old patriarch was still the same as before, full of worries, saying that these new subjects would cost a lot, and he could not take the imperial examination, and required specialization and so on.

Not to mention that the old patriarch was worried, many people in the Lin clan expressed their incomprehension. If it weren't for Daiyu's insistence and Daiyu was responsible for all the expenses, I am afraid that this new subject would not be able to be opened.

But there is also a piece of good news that makes Daiyu feel excited.At the end of September, the wolves in the mountains rushed into the village for some reason. In the past, the wild beasts in the mountains would not come out of the mountain so early. If they encountered them, the village would definitely suffer great losses, and even some people would die because of it.

But this time, because of the joining of these students, the wolves were quickly driven away. The injured villagers also recovered quickly with the help of the teachers and students of the medical school, especially those who studied patient care. The female students, but it was a great help.

Because the injured villagers were treated in a timely manner and received good care, none of them died, especially the two injured children.

Not to mention that the old patriarch was very happy about this, and Daiyu was excited by it.The emperor who got the news two days earlier than Daiyu was also full of shock and joy.The emperor even left Huang Jiyun in the palace because of this, and once again conducted an in-depth analysis of the Lin Family Academy created by Daiyu.

The emperor never thought that such a little girl as Daiyu would really have such courage and realize the "teach students according to their aptitude" as he said at the beginning.

The emperor has been paying attention to Lin Family Academy for a long time, even getting news more frequently than Daiyu.When he first heard that Daiyu had allowed women from the clan to enroll, the emperor was shocked and even a little angry.But thinking that this is just the Lin family's family, and that the Lin family has been scholarly for generations, the woman was originally knowledgeable and literate, so she just exposed this matter.

Then the emperor found out that Daiyu asked all the students of the academy to participate in labor, regardless of gender, and found it even more ridiculous!The ancients said: Everything is low-grade, only reading is high!But this girl actually asked scholars to do the farming work that low-level talents do!If Huang Jiyun hadn't calmly asked him to wait and see, the emperor might have reprimanded Daiyu.

Later, when the emperor heard that in order to study other things in the Lin Family Academy, men had to obtain the title of scholar first, he scoffed even more.Fortunately, the emperor was used to being hit by Daiyu's unreasonable behavior, so he didn't take it seriously.

The only thing that surprised the emperor was that many students would leave the academy to study elsewhere due to such a request.The number of students who don't want Lin Family Academy not only hasn't decreased, but even increased.

Today's Lin Family Academy is not just an academy, but more like a comprehensive university of later generations, but it is a comprehensive university with primary and secondary schools attached, and most of the students are children from poor families and farmers.

The Lin family and all the servants of the Lin family, and even the villages near the Lin family, are all children over the age of six, regardless of gender, they must go to school.Those who are both good in character and learning can also get a monthly subsidy. Although it is very small in the eyes of the emperor, it is enough for these people's monthly living.

Of course, the college's requirements are also very strict, whether it is a student living in the college or a student who goes home every day.Start studying at the end of the day and the beginning of the day, and don't rest until noon.

This morning is to study laws and classics, and then rest for an hour at noon, and then study piano, chess, calligraphy and painting for an hour at noon, and then the men either go to the fields to cultivate, or go hunting in the mountains.Women either water the seedlings or raise livestock.

When the emperor saw this, he even laughed and said: "This girl is obviously a noble girl, why did she want to train peasant women?"

But then the emperor discovered that the girls who went to school in the Lin Family Academy stopped doing farm work after reaching the age of [-]. Instead, they learned to embroider, cook and eat, or learn arithmetic, or learn to treat patients according to their preferences. Nursing, in addition to learning one of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Nowadays, there are not many girls studying in the Lin Family Academy, but there are thirty or forty, most of them are the sons of the Lin Family and the daughters of the Lin Clan.And the children from the nearby villages of the Lin clan came here for the monthly subsidy.The only ones who really went to school were girls from two gentry families, and they went because of the name of the county head.

Men, on the other hand, have to wait until the age of 16 to specialize in a subject after obtaining the honor of a scholar, or continue the scientific examination, or like those female students, choose a subject they are interested in.But there is one thing, no matter how old a man is, he must participate in farming and hunting.Of course, due to different ages, the content of farming and hunting is naturally different.

Now, apart from the professor Jingzi Shiji, Lin Family Academy thinks that the only choice for men is "medical school". At first, everyone thought that the so-called "medical school" students were just medicine boys with a different name.But later I found out that it was completely different.

Those who study medicine must first learn nursing and pharmacology, which are two separate subjects. After passing the examination, they can further study medicine.But studying medicine is just a general term, which is divided into general medicine, women's medicine, children's medicine and trauma medicine.For this reason, Daiyu deliberately invited several old gentlemen who are proficient in medical skills through Huang Jiyun's relationship.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the general department. These students will mainly open clinics in the future and practice medicine to help the world, while the women's department is naturally aimed at all kinds of women, even if the pediatrics department is specially aimed at children under the age of six. These two subjects are combined. , specially recruiting female students, although they are only one student now, they are excellent students.

What interests His Majesty the most is the trauma department. As the name suggests, the students who come out here are proficient in wound treatment and nursing, especially the injuries caused by common sharp weapons such as knives, guns, swords and halberds.If it can be scaled up and cultivated in large numbers... Doesn't that mean that there will be no shortage of military doctors on the battlefield in the future?

Thinking of this, the emperor was already very excited, but Huang Jiyun said with a smile: "Your Majesty has overlooked the most critical point here."

The emperor was a little surprised and asked: "Oh? Listen to what Ji Yun said. Is there anything else I haven't found?" Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "Returning to the Holy One, the most precious thing is not the students of the trauma department, but the students of the trauma department." Those women who are learning how to care for patients!" The emperor raised his head in confusion and asked, "There must be a reason for Ji Yun's words."

Huang Jiyun frowned and thought for a moment before answering, "Excuse me, my lord, are there no military doctors in our army?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "How can this happen? At present, each army has at least eight military doctors." After speaking, the emperor frowned slightly and said, "But just relying on these eight people can't save many soldiers on the battlefield. Yes!" Having said this, the emperor couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Huang Jiyun asked calmly, "Is it because these eight people are not skilled enough in medicine? Could it be that they couldn't save the lives of the soldiers?"

The emperor was about to answer, but Huang Jiyun shook his head and sighed directly: "In case of a large-scale battle, it will be useless for the Holy Majesty to send a humble official or the head of the imperial hospital." Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, the emperor couldn't help laughing: " Although Ji Yun's medical skills are excellent, how can I be willing to use Ji Yun's overkill?"

Huang Jiyun replied seriously: "Your Majesty, it's not a matter of great talents and small talents. Does Your Majesty know why many soldiers died in the end even though they could be rescued?"

After finishing speaking, Huang Jiyun didn't wait for the emperor to answer, and continued: "Because many soldiers died without waiting for treatment, and many of them died because of improper nursing later." Then he asked: "Is it the doctor of our army?" Are you negligent in your duties?" Also before the emperor could answer, Huang Jiyun said, "No, it's because there are too many injuries, they can't take care of them!"

After the emperor heard this, he nodded silently, and Huang Jiyun even sighed: "That girl Yu'er once said that." As soon as Huang Jiyun said this, the emperor looked at him with interest, and asked with a smile: "What about that?" What fallacy did the girl say again?"

Huang Jiyun looked at the emperor, thought for a while and then continued: "Yu'er said: Although the **** has millions of soldiers, but the real elite soldiers are less than one percent, it is really hard to find. "Hearing this, the emperor frowned and didn't know what he was thinking, but still nodded to express his agreement with Daiyu's words.

Huang Jiyun took a deep breath and said: "Yu'er said: Don't say that good generals are hard to find, even if you lose a good soldier, even if you lose only one out of a hundred, I'm afraid it won't be able to make up for it in a short time. loss."

As soon as Huang Jiyun's words fell, the emperor frowned and asked displeasedly: "What is that girl's plan? Or what do you want to tell me? Since I allowed her to speak freely back then, Ji Yun said so, there is no need to hide it like this Trying to test me! Could it be that you all think that I am the villain who doesn't believe what he says?"

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he quickly bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty, calm down, please listen to your ministers. Yu'er once said: There are only so many **** men, and the newborn boy is determined by God." Huang Jiyun looked at the emperor firmly and said: "Keshi, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are men, including men who fight in the army. Yu'er asked, how many men are there in ****?"

The emperor was stunned, frowned and sneered: "Could it be that this girl still wants all the soldiers, farmers, businessmen and soldiers in the world to be women? Do you want me to use women as officials and masters in the future? Or as soldiers and generals?"

Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "How dare Yu'er? Even if Yu'er dares, the minister does not dare!" The emperor couldn't help but also laughed, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

But Huang Jiyun continued: "The loss of soldiers is because there are not enough rescuers, and we have males who are more willing to be trained as soldiers."

Seeing the emperor's nod, Huang Jiyun said again: "Many women from poor families have to either sell themselves to fireworks or serve as concubines due to their difficult survival. Although they were all romantic affairs, they didn't bring the slightest benefit to the **** after all."

The emperor raised his eyebrows noncommittally, but Huang Jiyun ignored it and continued: "If we can guide them well, most of these women can become excellent patient nurses, and they are more careful than men. Besides, it is also a soldier's marriage. The channel for resolving major issues is the embodiment of the benevolence and benevolence of the Holy One."

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help laughing and said: "According to what this girl means, I still have to care about the marriage of these soldiers?" You will work even harder on the battlefield."

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he stopped talking, and at this time the emperor was already deep in thought, if someone else would dare not mention these words, even if he thought of them, he would not dare to say them.Even Huang Jiyun, who was very close to the emperor, had to borrow the emperor's special permission to speak freely through Daiyu's mouth.

But in the end the emperor shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that when the woman went to the battlefield, she would have already lost her mind when she saw the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere. It would be good not to disturb the morale of the army, so how can we talk about rescue and nursing?"

But now, the latest news from the Lin Family Academy in the hands of the emperor makes the emperor feel very excited. The original idea, now it seems that it is not impossible!Can't help but Daiyu's weight in the emperor's heart is even heavier!This is a strange woman who is willing and able to share the worries of the country!
Of course, the emperor would not know that Daiyu's original intention was to raise her status as a woman step by step, so that she would no longer be trapped in one house and one place.

(End of this chapter)

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