Chapter 222
I would like to thank Yejiu, Dandanmian 6841 for their monthly ticket support~ and those friends who have been voting for Gujing, Mu Meng, the more they live, the more innocent they are, M Qian M, Dan Yusihan, Lang (lang), pink sky, I am Niu, Feng Qi, Du Ruo, etc.~~ I sincerely thank Gujing!


When he came out of "Xi Yu Xuan", Zhang Zheng's eye sockets were red, Dai Yu's eye sockets were also red, and even Song Shi's eye sockets were also slightly red.King Wu Jun walked in front of the three of them speechlessly, thinking in his heart: It's not life and death, why is this so?Shaking his head and laughing: After all, it's the little girl's house!
Zhang Zheng followed Wu Jun Wang and no one knew what Dai Yu said when he called Zhang Zheng in.Song Shi personally sent Zhang Zheng out of the village gate, patted Zhang Zheng on the shoulder, looked at Zhang Zheng with serious eyes, and said with a smile: "Miss misses you, it's not in vain for you to follow the master. Don't go here To embarrass the master and the girl."

Zhang Zheng nodded and said: "It's a pity that my brother is capable. Why did the girl..." Before Zhang Zheng finished speaking, Song Shi interrupted: "If I leave too, what will the girl do?" Zhang Zheng scratched his head and said: " Why don't you go, brother, and I'll stay and guard the girl?"

Song Shi was amused by Zhang Zheng, and said angrily, "Even if you are willing, and the girl agrees, I don't worry about it!"

Not to mention the entourage who came to Daiyu Zhuangzi with King Wujun, even Lin De and the others were confused, but everyone understands one thing, that is, Director Zhang will follow King Wujun from now on , the girl gave him a future.Some people are excited about this, some are puzzled, and more are reluctant.

Zhang Zheng is straightforward, he has no airs, and his martial arts are very good.Although hot-tempered, he is extremely defensive.The people in Zhuangzi, whether they are in charge or guarding the gate, all like him very much.

Seeing that it was getting dark and the city gates would be closed at that time, King Wujun didn't want to attract anyone's attention, but he didn't urge Zhang Zheng to bid farewell to these old and young men in Daiyu Zhuangzi.

Song Shi patted him on the shoulder, pushed everyone in the village back, and then waved to him: "Hurry up and go back to the city with the prince, I'm here in the mansion, so don't worry." So Zhang Zheng nodded Fang Yu, Song Shiyi said goodbye, got on his horse and followed Wu Junwang's carriage.

As soon as he got on the horse, Zhang Zheng let out a long sigh of relief. Regarding what Daiyu explained, Zhang Zheng sat on the horse and sorted it out in his mind again, nodded secretly, and looked back at the farther and farther away. Zhuangzi.I thought to myself: I still underestimated the girl all these years!

After Prince Wujun returned to his mansion, he didn't mention anything else to the concubine, only that he was left in the palace by the emperor. The concubine asked very puzzled: "It's so good, why did the sage leave the prince in the palace? But what's the matter? Don't hide it from me, my lord. "

King Wujun thought for a while and briefly said that he wanted to return to the fief, but just after finishing speaking, Princess Wujun was dissatisfied and said: "Seeing that Wanyu has reached the age of marriage, you have to decide What's the matter? Are you bringing our mother and daughter? Can Hongjin and his wife follow?" As soon as Princess Wujun finished speaking, the Hongjin couple and Wanyu also looked over.

Princess Wujun asked a series of questions, which made Wujun Wang feel a little headache. He rubbed his brows and said, "Hong Jin just got married, so let him stay with you. Your mother and daughter are also staying in the capital. Now the southeast is uneasy. .”

Unexpectedly, Hong Jin didn't appreciate it, and immediately stood up and said: "Son, let's stay with father. One is to gain more knowledge, and the other is to think that the son can help."

Hong Jin was raised as an heir when he was young, and he often spent a lot of time with the unenthroned sage, just like Mo Xuan, so his vision was naturally different from others.What else can't be understood at this time?He clearly knew that King Wu's return to the fief this time was not easy!
Hearing what Hongjin said, King Wujun hesitated in his heart, and then looked at his daughter-in-law next to Hongjin. This girl was gentle, but she lacked a bit of Daiyu's toughness, so he couldn't help but secretly sighed: If that It's appropriate for the girl to be a few years older.After thinking about it, I shook my head and laughed at myself: What are you thinking about!

Seeing that Prince Wu did not immediately refuse, Hong Jin turned his head, his eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "Father returns to the fief alone, and mother and concubine stay in the capital with us. I'm afraid it's not very appropriate." King Wujun hesitated even more, but finally nodded after thinking about it.

I don't want the daughter-in-law, who is very gentle in the eyes of King Wujun, to also say: "I wonder when we will leave? The daughter-in-law should pack up as well."

Prince Wu just waved his hand and said: "This is not urgent." As soon as he finished speaking, he reacted and said: "You will stay in the capital to accompany your mother, concubine and younger sister." But the concubine blushed, shook her head and said: "The daughter-in-law and the son are newly married, how can the son and the father return to the fief at the same time, but the daughter-in-law stays here?"

After finishing speaking, the concubine concubine thought for a while and said: "I think there must be something important for the father to go back. The daughter-in-law will follow along, so that she can take care of the father and the son along the way, and take care of the inner house when she returns to the fief, so as not to distract the father and the son. That's right." Hong Jin didn't expect that his gentle wife, who usually looked at her, would be a sensible person, so he couldn't help but look at her twice more.The concubine Shizi was still the same as usual, and returned with a soft smile.Instead, Hong Jin avoided his eyes.

King Wu Jun thought differently from her, Hong Jin and his wife followed her back, and he could be more open and above board, saying that he made a special trip to bring them back to the fief to familiarize themselves with the affairs of the fief.Thinking of this, Wujun Wang Fang nodded and said: "Since that's the case, you can simply clean up. You don't need to bring too many salutes. Let Wanyu help you too."

After finishing speaking, King Wujun waved his sons and daughters away, and he still had some things to explain to Princess Wujun.

In the early morning of the next day, King Wujun proposed to return to the fief, but the emperor refused at first without even thinking about it. Unexpectedly, King Wujun did not say that he was worried about the safety of the fief according to the previous arrangement, but said that he wanted to take the prince with him. Returning to the fief with the concubine, he will take care of the affairs of the fief with the future son.

Not to mention the emperor, even the courtiers don't have much to say. Of course, no one thinks too much, but the fiefdom of King Wujun is hereditary, so the son is already married.

So the King of Wujun made it a matter of course. A few days later, he took the son of the Prince of Wujun and the concubine, and led his personal guards to go south by boat with Yang Fan.Of course, Zhang Zheng also went south with King Wu and his party.But Zhang Zheng was just a small person, no one recognized him except Huang Jiyun.

After King Wujun and his party left, Huang Jiyun hurried to Daiyu's Zhuangzi. He had to know what Daiyu had said to King Wujun.For Huang Jiyun, Daiyu never hides anything, except that her soul comes from another world, but Daiyu has no secrets about Huang Jiyun.

When Daiyu told Huang Jiyun in detail what he discussed with King Wu that day, Huang Jiyun was in a bad mood!He never thought that the well-behaved apprentice in his heart would come up with such an idea.But at this time, King Wujun and his party had already left, so what else could he say?

Huang Jiyun was very busy that day. After learning about the whole plan negotiated between Daiyu and King Wujun, Huang Jiyun hurried back to the capital without stopping, and immediately handed over a sign asking to see the emperor.

Huang Jiyun went to Zhuangzi outside the city to see Daiyu, the emperor knew about it, but the emperor never expected that Huang Jiyun would rush to see him again at this moment.

Although the emperor was puzzled, he still summoned Huang Jiyun in the imperial garden.Not wanting to meet just now, Huang Jiyun asked "boldly" for the first time: "Your Majesty, can you speak to the imperial study room?" Huang Jiyun asked directly without even looking around.

The emperor knew that something important must have happened, so he pursed his lips, nodded slightly after thinking about it, and walked towards the imperial study.

What the emperor and Huang Jiyun didn't know was that this scene happened to be seen by Yuan Chun passing by, which shocked Yuan Chun and thought to himself: Isn't this the master of that girl from the Lin family?I didn't expect it to be so important in the heart of the Holy Spirit.The next time my mother comes to the palace, she must ask her to make friends with that girl of the Lin family.This person will be my greatest support in the upward direction!

No matter what Yuanchun thinks or plans.When the emperor learned of Daiyu and King Wu's plan, he was also taken aback!Then he clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "A wonderful plan! A wonderful plan! I don't think I will call a female Zhuge. Hahaha"

Huang Jiyun saw that the emperor looked very happy, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and thought to himself: If this matter gets out, Yu'er's life will be ruined!

But Huang Jiyun didn't say anything, he just took out a stack of blueprints from his pocket and handed them to the emperor, "Yu'er said that these blueprints are useful for navy troops, presumably they are also useful for the training of ordinary soldiers. Let me hand them over to the Holy Majesty. "The emperor took it and turned it over and over like the king of Wujun, but he didn't understand it.

Can't help shaking the drawing and looking at Huang Jiyun, and Huang Jiyun handed the drawing to the emperor, seeing the emperor looked down at the drawing again, he worried about Daiyu's future again.Therefore, when the emperor shook the blueprint in his hand to signal Huang Jiyun to explain, Huang Jiyun didn't react.

The emperor obviously didn't expect Huang Jiyun to be distracted, so he coughed lightly and asked, "What is Ji Yun thinking?" Huang Jiyun still didn't recover, and said to himself, "I don't know Yu'er's future..." After speaking halfway, Huang Jiyun came to his senses and hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, I'm rude."

The emperor didn't care about his faux pas, but asked curiously: "What was Ji Yun just thinking about so preoccupied? Can you share it with me?"

Huang Jiyun smiled awkwardly: "It's nothing. It's just that Ruhai entrusted Yu'er to my minister, and I only have such a student. I'm worried." What's the matter? I just heard you talk about the future, what exactly is it?"

Huang Jiyun didn't hide anything, just said: "Yu'er came up with such an idea on behalf of King Wu, and I'm worried that if it spreads in the future, it will hurt her boudoir's reputation... In the future..." Huang Jiyun couldn't find the right words for a while. The emperor explained, but the emperor already understood it completely, and said with a smile: "Ji Yun put his heart back in his stomach, that girl is still my own county head, I can't forget her!"

With the emperor's words, Huang Jiyun's eyes lit up, and he no longer worried about it.Seeing this, the emperor shook the blueprint still in his hand and said, "Won't Ji Yun explain it for me?"

Huang Jiyun slapped his forehead at this time and said: "Look at how confused I am, Yu'er specially told me before that I must explain it to the Holy One in detail." Then she explained in detail for the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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