Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 223 Separation in Grand View Garden

Chapter 223 Separation in Grand View Garden

Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket with Xue Wangchen~O(∩_∩)O~

Seeing that the emperor and Huang Jiyun had gone far away, Yuan Chun slowly turned out, but did not leave in a hurry, he only raised his eyes to look in the direction of the imperial study, thought for a while, and then turned back to Fengzao Palace with the qin.All the way is full of words that should not be passed on.

Yuan Chun returned to Fengzao Palace, dismissed the concubine Gong E, and began to think about the matter of wooing Daiyu. Although Yuan Chun had also wooed Daiyu in person, one of his identities was different now, and the other was that he was in the palace that day. It's inconvenient to talk too much.Thinking about it, the result would be different if Jia's family came forward now.

Thinking of Jia's mansion, Yuan Chun couldn't help but think of the incident in the Grand View Garden that day, so he ordered Baoqin to find out all the inscriptions that he ordered Tanchun to transcribe that day.I compiled them one by one, described their advantages and disadvantages, and then ordered Jia's mansion to set stones in the Grand View Garden, which can be an elegant and elegant thing through the ages.

The Grand View Garden is exquisite and elegant, but it lacks a bit of grandeur. Yuan Chun thought about it carefully, and thought: If more pines and cypresses were added to the northeast corner of the Middle East, it would be more grand.The downstairs of the Daguan also needs to add some flowers and plants to make it look more lively.So he ordered people to record them one by one, and send them to Jia's mansion together with the transcribed inscriptions.

Besides, on Ningrong Street, Jia's two mansions have exhausted their energy for days because of the family visit in Yuanchun. It is really exhausting for everyone.After returning to Luan in Yuanchun, it is necessary to pack up all the furnishings and objects in the garden one by one.

Because Wang Xifeng was pregnant and the fetal image was unstable, she was able to hide quietly.Others couldn't do it, especially Mrs. Jia.

Since the last time she found out that Mrs. Wang was in charge of the family property, Mrs. Jia had been careful about her. Now Mrs. Wang is in charge of the house again, and many decorations in the garden are borrowed from her own private treasury.At this time, the mandarin ducks were ordered to keep an inventory of them and put them into storage one by one.In this way, not only Mrs. Wang can't do anything at will, but even the counting consumes a lot of manpower and energy.

Fortunately, when Wang Xifeng was in charge of the family, he intentionally taught Tanchun, after training these days, he can also help Mrs. Wang a lot.It just so happened that Mrs. Wang didn't want to rush to the forefront as before, so she ordered Li Wan and Tan Chun Xichun to learn how to manage the house together.

Even though Li Wan still had to report the big and small affairs of the mansion to Mrs. Wang every day, and Mrs. Wang ordered Zhou Rui's family to follow Li Wan, Tanchun and others, but it was still much easier.

The only thing that makes Mrs. Wang resentful is that Jia Baoyu, who never cares about things, not only took the initiative to help Jia Zheng take care of the porridge shed years ago, but also took the initiative to take the notes of the items in West Zhejiang. .But this matter made Mrs. Jia full of joy, thinking that she did not love him in vain, so she doted on Jia Baoyu even more.

One day Xia Shouzhong came to Jia's mansion to issue an edict, and there was another young eunuch in gray holding a brocade box, before he entered the door, he laughed and said: "Your Majesty has an order, so I have not invited Mrs. Jia out!"

Although the servants of Jia's mansion have been trained by Wang Xifeng for a period of time, after all, the habit of holding high and stepping low cannot be changed in a day or two, and the eyes of wealth and wealth are not formed in a day.Now that Mrs. Wang is in power again, many bad habits have recurred again.

As soon as the doorkeeper heard that the lady in the palace had sent someone, several people rushed in, some went to the study to report to Jia Zheng, some went to Mrs. Wang to announce the good news, and some went to Mrs. Jia. The wife, who was receiving the reward, watched for a while to see how busy it was.

Xia Shouzhong stood outside the door and didn't go in. Looking at this very lively scene, he sneered in his heart when he thought of the empress.

When Jia Zheng heard that it was the imperial concubine who sent the order, he hurriedly put on his makeup and came out, and invited Xia Shouzhong to the flower hall to serve tea.After Xia Shouzhong said Ming Yuanchun, he ordered the little eunuch in gray to present the brocade box. Jia Zhengfang ordered someone to report to Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia, but they didn't know that they had already heard about it.

Before Xia Shouzhong left, Mrs. Wang sent Zhou Rui to see him off. Jia Zheng was puzzled for a while, until Zhou Rui sent Xia Shouzhong out of the gate and quietly put a purse in Xia Shouzhong's hand. .

After sending Xia Shouzhong away, Jia Zheng went to Mrs. Wang's room and talked about Yuan Chun's oral order. Naturally, Mrs. Wang would not let go of this opportunity to show her face in front of Mrs. Jia, so she and Jia Zheng ordered to hold The things Yuanchun gave went to Mrs. Jia's house.

At this time, Mrs. Jia was also waiting for the news. Seeing Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang coming in, she hurriedly asked, "Have you ordered the peace?"

Without waiting for Jia Zheng's reply, Mrs. Wang, who was silent on weekdays, smiled happily at this time: "Your Majesty ordered the Grand View Garden to be sealed off respectfully, and she dared not let anyone in to harass her. On the contrary, there are very few people in Kuang's family. A sister who can write poems and poems, why not let them go in and live there, so as not to make the beautiful woman fall down, and the flowers and willows will be shameless."

After hearing this, Mrs. Jia paused slightly and asked, "Who did you let in?"

Mrs. Wang said with a smile: "Your Majesty said, let the third and fourth girls live in, and invite Baochai and Xiangyun to live in together." At this point, Mrs. Wang paused before continuing: " The empress was afraid of Baoyu, so she went out to play and play, and gradually became lazy, and ordered him to follow him in, and study in the garden with the sisters."

Old lady Jia nodded and smiled: "It's very good, it saves him from being lonely outside alone and not enjoying himself, and since they are all sisters of our own family, there is no need to shy away from growing up together."

So he ordered someone to call Jia Baoyu, and before Mrs. Wang could speak to Mrs. Jia, Jia Zheng told him, "Your Majesty told me, you've been playing around outside, and you've gradually become lazy. Now you're banned, and you're in the garden with your sister." You can read and write in the classroom. You can study hard, and if you don't keep your rules, you can be careful!"

Seeing that Jia Baoyu had just entered the room, the old lady Jia was reprimanded by Jia Zheng. She frowned dissatisfiedly and said, "He is doing well, why are you scolding him? If you have this skill, you might as well invite Qin Tianjian to come over." Look at the day of moving and moving, so that people can be sent in to clean up everywhere, and it is important to install curtains and bed curtains."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard Mrs. Jia's words, he immediately bowed like a cat and agreed.Old lady Jia You was dissatisfied, she thought for a while and then ordered: "The garden is getting big, so don't worry about him being the only ones, let Zhu's daughter-in-law bring Lan boy in together."

Jia Baoyu originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard that Jia Lan was also living in, he stopped talking.He also listened to Mrs. Jia's order: "send someone to pick up the girl again, and relax in the garden. Bao girl will also order someone to invite her, and Xiangyun will just say what I said, and take her to live for a while." time."

As soon as Mrs. Jia made the arrangements, everyone naturally responded one by one. Finally, Mrs. Jia said: "Let Feng girl get better and go to the garden to pick a courtyard for Lin girl, so that she can live in her for a few years when she is filial piety in the next year." day, be close to your sisters."

As soon as Mrs. Jia finished speaking, Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "The old lady is very right, and the mother also ordered her aunt to go early, so she can't see her. Now there is only Lin girl left, so the girls are all alone." I often go to Zhuangzi to accompany her, so I don't have to let her girl's family be alone outside the city, no matter what, I have to let people know that I have relatives."

These words were the most affectionate of Mrs. Wang's words tonight, so she nodded with a smile and said, "You can arrange this matter, or call Lian'er to ask about it. He has stayed in the Lin family for two years."

From the beginning to the end, Jia Baoyu just lowered his head and listened quietly, without speaking.After Mrs. Jia finished her orders, Jia Baoyu was about to withdraw, but Mrs. Wang said as if she suddenly remembered: "Your Majesty also said that the garden is more than exquisite, but not grand enough. I want to plant some pines and cypresses in the northeast corner. Add some flowers and plants."

Jia Baoyu's eyes lit up, and he said without thinking, "Madam, why don't you leave it to me?" As soon as Jia Baoyu said this, the old lady Jia frowned and said, "How do you know this at such a young age? It's not in vain. It hurts the spirit, let other people handle it."

Jia Zheng originally wanted to agree, but he didn't want Mrs. Jia to refuse first, so it was hard to say anything else at this time.When Jia Baoyu left the old lady Jia's room in dejection, Jia Zhengcai smiled and said, "Baoyu has grown a lot now." Mrs. Wang mocked in her heart: I, Baoyu, was born blessed, so naturally I am much more advanced than you!
Although the current Grand View Garden is slightly different from the one described in Daiyu's previous life, there are Yihongyuan, Qiushuangzhai, Ouxiangxie, Zilingzhou, and Hengwuyuan.However, Daoxiang Village and Xiaoxiang Pavilion are gone.

Whether it was a coincidence or God's will, Jia Zheng asked Qin Tianjian to check the date, but it was still set on February 22.Jia Baoyu did not choose a courtyard this time, but was still assigned to Yihong Courtyard.

But Tanchun still chooses Qiushuangzhai, Xichun lives in Ouxiangxie, the two are very close to each other and become neighbors like Daiyu's previous life book.Li Wan and Jia Lan thought about it and chose the more spacious Hengwu Garden.

After everyone moved in, they specially invited Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang to play in the garden, but saw that although Jia Baoyu also lived in the garden, he was far away from the sisters.

Seeing that there was nothing left in the garden, the old lady Jia frowned and asked, "Yu'er, Bao girl, and Yun girl's house, but how do you arrange it?"

Mrs. Wang naturally understood that Mrs. Jia's main question was Daiyu's address, but she didn't reveal it. After all, Yuan Chun sent her a special message from the palace, asking her to win over that girl from the Lin family.Then he smiled and said: "The yards here are very spacious. I think those girls who come here don't live here often, so they are lively and lively with her sisters."

Mrs. Wang had just finished speaking, but Xichun, who had never said a word, suddenly said, "Sister Lin, Ailian, it's great to live with me in this Ouxiangxie when I come back. I think Sister Lin will be willing of."

Tanchun originally wanted Daiyu to live in the same courtyard with her, and chose Qiushuangzhai because of those banana leaves. Tanchun remembered that Daiyu once said that she really liked the sound of the rain hitting the bananas, and she didn't want to be surprised. Xichun took the lead.

At this moment, Tanchun couldn't refute Xichun's words anymore, so he could only laugh and said: "Since that's the case, Sister Bao and Sister Yun should live with me in Qiushuangzhai. Brother Lan still needs to study, and sister-in-law wants to come here. What an inconvenience."

But Li Wan smiled and said: "Why is this so necessary? Since the fourth girl said that Miss Lin loves Lian, she would like to live with her in Ouxiangxie, but Zilingzhou is empty. Miss Shi I came with Miss Xue, but I just happened to live there, after all, Qiu Shuangzhai is not spacious."

Seeing that they had made an agreement, Mrs. Jia nodded and walked forward, only to order: "Add two more old mothers here and there, five or six sweeping women, otherwise it will be too deserted." Naturally, the beauty refuted the old lady's words, and even Mrs. Wang had no choice but to respond to them one by one.

Apparently no one in Jia's manor remembered at this moment, there was also a married Yingchun.Even Tanchun, who was a little uneasy in his heart, didn't think of welcoming the spring, only felt that he was isolated.

(End of this chapter)

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