Chapter 230
Thanks to Wenwen 1975 for the monthly ticket support~

Concubine Zhou Shu said: "Come here and catch her!" The maids and nurses who surrounded Wanrong at first wanted to run over here, but after only two steps, they surrounded Daiyu all at once. Son.

Seeing this, Princess Wujun was furious and said, "Stop it!" Then she walked towards Daiyu.If Concubine Zhou Shu wanted to ask, then Concubine Wujun would really not be able to stop her, but now, Concubine Zhou and her party wanted to attack Daiyu in front of her, Princess Wujun could not just sit idly by.

Concubine Zhou Shu saw Princess Wujun approaching, she cried with red eyes: "Sister! Wanrong is also your daughter!" At this time, she is not only the daughter of Prince Wujun, but also a girl of the palace.

But who knows that Princess Wujun doesn't even look at her, she just stares at the maids and mothers who are for Daiyu and sneers: "I, Yu'er, is the magistrate appointed by the Holy Majesty, are you planning to make trouble? Li Ke still has me as the princess, but there is still the Holy One!"

Princess Wujun's words not only startled the maids and mothers who cared for Daiyu, but also shocked Hongshi. Concubine Zhou even turned her head to stare at Daiyu with hatred, and said coldly : "You are the county head who came out of nowhere!"

Daiyu looked at Concubine Zhou Shu, then turned her head to look at Princess Wujun. Seeing the disapproval look in Princess Wujun's eyes, Daiyu couldn't help but bowed her head and saluted Princess Wujun, "Yu'er is causing trouble for my mother and concubine." " After finishing speaking without getting up, she pointed to Wanrong who was being supported by two little maids and said: "But she really can't wait!"

Both Princess Wujun and Concubine Zhou Shu followed Daiyu's fingers and saw that Wanrong's complexion was getting bluer and her lips were dark and purple.

Concubine Zhou Shu hurriedly looked back at Daiyu when she saw this, and was about to say something, but she heard Daiyu whisper to Princess Wujun unhurriedly: "Yu'er has studied medicine with Master for many years. Save. Concubine Wangmu..."

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Mo Xuan interjected: "Xuan'er believes in Sister Yu'er! Doctor Huang's medical skills are admired by the head of the Imperial Hospital. Sister Yu'er has studied medicine under Doctor Huang for many years, and the fourth girl It's not an intractable disease, I believe Sister Yu'er will be able to save her from danger. It's not in vain for Xuan'er to go into the water to save someone."

As soon as Mo Xuan finished speaking, Princess Wu gave him an angry look and said, "If you don't have much to do, who can slander you? Now you still want to drag me, Yu'er, into the water?" Mo Xuan Hearing this, she glanced at Daiyu in embarrassment, but saw Daiyu lowering her head and pursing her lips into a smile, her face was flushed red immediately.

Hongshi didn't expect that the fairy-like girl was the one who was rumored in the royal palace, but never seen. The county head proclaimed by the Holy Majesty, the daughter of Yongding Hou, and the adopted daughter of Wujun King, could also be regarded as a His adopted sister, Hong Shi couldn't help sighing in his heart: Such a lovely person, but what a waste!

Seeing this, Wan Yu gently pulled Princess Wujun's arm, and looked at Princess Wujun somewhat flatteringly, Princess Wujun had no choice but to nod to Daiyu and said: "Just do your best, the imperial doctor must be here soon. "

Daiyu nodded and walked towards Wanrong, she was just a little girl of eleven or twelve years old.Daiyu shook her head helplessly and said to the two little girls who were supporting Wanrong: "Quickly put the right side of the person on the ground." Then she turned to another nun on the opposite side and said, "I'm not strong enough, please Mammy stepped forward to give her a hand."

Seeing this, Mo Xuan hurried forward and said, "I'll do what I want to do." Daiyu looked up at him in surprise, then laughed and said, "This is impossible, I have to ask my father and mother about it." At least Brother Mo should go back and ask Cheng Engong first."

Mo Xuan was confused by Daiyu's words and didn't know what to say, but when Hong Shi was a little far away, he was fascinated by Daiyu's smiling face, and thought to himself: If mother is to ask It is also possible to marry her after marrying her father.

After Daiyu finished speaking to Mo Xuan, she didn't look at him anymore, she just said to the nanny: "Come here soon?"

At this moment Wanrong was still being supported by the two maidservants, or they stood holding each other together.Daiyu couldn't help frowning and said, "Didn't you tell you to put him on the ground?" Her voice became colder as she spoke, not as soft as before.

The two little maids hurriedly looked at Concubine Zhou Shu when they heard this, Concubine Zhou hurriedly stepped forward and stood beside Wanrong, staring at Daiyu and said: "What do you want to do?"

Daiyu sighed deeply and said: "It's up to you to save me! Anyway, it's your daughter and not mine!" When Concubine Zhou Shu heard this, she was so angry that she pointed at Daiyu and scolded sharply: "You!  … ..."

Before she could say the following words, she heard the uncontrollable laughter next to her. Concubine Zhou Shu looked back, and then angrily reprimanded the two little maids: "Deaf? I'm not telling you to calm down! Why don't you hurry up?"

Princess Wujun waved her hand when she saw this and said: "The irrelevant people are all gone, Aunt Zhen will get someone to fetch the curtains." So those people dispersed.

Seeing this, Hong Shi hurriedly followed the crowd, he didn't want to stay here to watch the fun, thinking of Mo Xuan saying "Sister Yu'er" and Dai Yu calling Mo Xuan "Brother Mo", he felt annoyed!Knowing that the two are old acquaintances, at this time, he hurried back to find his mother, Concubine Hou, and wrote a letter to the prince of Wu County, which was the most important thing.

Before leaving, he glanced at Daiyu's direction reluctantly, but accidentally found that Mo Xuan was also looking at Daiyu, his heart skipped a beat, and he walked faster.

After Mother Zhen took the curtain to cover the surrounding area, Mo Xuan suddenly realized that he was the only man left here. Knowing how inconvenient it would be, he turned to Princess Wujun, who had already noticed that Mo Xuan looked at Dai Yu's eyes were just inconvenient at this time and there was no need to point them out, so she nodded towards him, and Mo Xuan also left quickly.

Daiyu and the two little maids supported Wanrong to lie on the ground, looked back and saw that the curtain had been drawn, and surrounded by women, so she stretched out her hand to untie Wanrong's waist, but just as soon as she started, Concubine Zhou jumped again. He came out and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Daiyu glanced at her very annoyed, and then asked in a cold voice: "Are you going to save someone?" At this time, Daiyu found that Wanrong's hands were already cold, so she continued to untie Wanrong without waiting for an answer. waistband.

Then Daiyu moved Wanrong's mouth away to check her mouth and nostrils, and without turning her head, she ordered, "Nurse squat down, let, let her lie on her stomach, put her abdomen on your lap, and try to lean on her." Get out the accumulated water in the chest and abdomen. You can also pat the back."

After Daiyu's examination, she found that there was no foreign object in Wanrong's mouth and nostrils, so she stood up and directed the nun's movements.Fortunately, Wanrong was young and petite, so the nanny could bear it.

After a while, seeing Wanrong vomit water as Daiyu said, Concubine Zhou Shu's face suddenly showed surprise, but before she stepped forward, Daiyu ordered: "Quickly put the person on the ground and lie down." on the ground."

Seeing that Daiyu had already tilted Wanrong's head back, pinched her nostrils with one hand, and even blew towards Wanrong mouth to mouth.Not to mention Concubine Zhou Shu, even Concubine Wujun and Wan Yu were dumbfounded at this moment.

Daiyu, after blowing a few breaths, found that the entire airway was unblocked, and she breathed a sigh of relief.Then he told the nanny just now, "Put your palm here under the breastbone." As she spoke, Daiyu stretched out her finger.

Daiyu didn't notice the increasingly weird expressions of the people around her. Of course, it was useless if she noticed. She just heard Daiyu continue to say: "Press down vertically to make the sternum sink about an inch, and then relax. Pay attention to mastering the strength, and you will be able to relax." Do not use too much force to cause rib fractures, pericardial effusion, liver rupture, etc. That will be troublesome!"

As she spoke, she continued to blow into Wanrong's mouth, the nanny looked at the crowd, and then at Concubine Zhou Shu, seeing that everyone was stunned, she gritted her teeth and followed Daiyu's order.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wanrong breathed on her own, and her lips were no longer so purple.Daiyu then stopped and continued blowing, which also made the nanny stop pressing, and then told the little maids next to her: "Don't be dazed, come here quickly, rub her arms, arms, and legs."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu stood up, feeling dizzy all of a sudden, if Mother Tang hadn't stepped forward to help her up, she might have fallen too.

Leaning on Tang Nanny's arm, Daiyu took a breather before continuing to order: "Hurry up and bring the soft chair, boil hot water to wipe her, then give her two more injections, take a few doses and you'll be fine." .”

Seeing this, Concubine Zhou Shu approached Wanrong in disbelief, and found that Wanrong's complexion had indeed improved a lot. Looking at Daiyu, who was sweating profusely and pale, she looked very embarrassed, and didn't know what to say for a while.After thinking about it, he didn't say anything in the end, and asked someone to carry Wanrong away.

Fortunately, the imperial physician had arrived at this time, otherwise Concubine Zhou Shu would have to go back to find Daiyu to give Wanrong the injection in an even more embarrassing manner.

Seeing Daiyu's pale face and sweating profusely, Princess Wujun scolded lightly, "I just like to take care of things for myself! Are you tired now?" After saying a few words, seeing Daiyu Yu really didn't have much energy, Princess Wujun couldn't help but also eased her face, and sighed: "It won't be like this in the future!"

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled weakly and said: "Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Even if Yu'er didn't say anything just now, the concubine would not let Yu'er die."

Princess Wujun shook her head when she saw this, and ordered Nanny Tang to send Daiyu back to Nuanyun Pavilion, just to tell her to rest.Seeing this, Wan Yu hastily left Princess Wu Jun behind and followed.

Seeing this, Princess Wujun complained angrily: "You really are two heartless girls." Although she said this, the people around her saw the color in Princess Wujun's eyes.

When Hong Shi returned to the side hall where Concubine Hou lived, she called out before entering the room: "Mother, mother!" When Concubine Hou heard Hong Shi's voice, she came out dressed in homely clothes and pulled away angrily. He laughed and said: "Look at the sweat on your head, what are you talking about? But what good things did you get? It's rare to see you so happy."

Seeing Concubine Hou at this time, Hong Shi was not in such a hurry anymore, he just stretched out his hand to support Concubine Hou's arm, walked in, and smiled wickedly: "I really saw a concubine today. Whether you can get good things or not depends entirely on your mother." Seeing that Concubine Hou wanted to ask, Hong Shi looked around and said, "Let's go in and tell, mother will be happy for sure."


It's been a long time since I added an update~ Do you have an appointment tomorrow? O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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