Chapter 231
Hong Shi helped Concubine Hou back to the inner hall, and after waving everyone away, said with a smile: "Mother, do you still remember the matter of the father's adoptive daughter?" Retiring everyone, I want to tell myself about the adopted daughter who was given the title of county lord after only showing her face!

Concubine Hou raised her eyebrows and said noncommittally: "How can you not remember? The girls in the mansion, except for that Wanyu, your father has never asked anyone to be sealed."

Hong Shi smiled brightly and said: "My son saw her today." After speaking, he raised his eyes to Concubine Hou and said, "That is really a beauty." Concubine Hou raped him angrily. With a glance, he said, "Don't spend all your time on women, mother will depend on you in the future."

Hongshi smiled flatteringly and said: "My son understands, but mother thinks about it, what does it mean that the father can ask for a seal for her?" Seeing that Concubine Hou was puzzled, Hongshi continued: "Doesn't this mean that the father Do you value that girl very much?"

Concubine Hou nodded thoughtfully and said: "So, Shi'er wanted to...?" Hong Shi didn't hide it, nodded and said: "If my son can marry that girl, I think my father will pay more attention to her." What's the matter with the son, that girl married the son, didn't she help the son, didn't please your mother-in-law, instead she continued to follow the princess?"

When Concubine Hou heard this, her eyes flashed, then she narrowed her eyes, thought for a while and asked: "What is Shi'er going to do? Do you need help from my concubine?"

Hong Shi smiled and whispered the plan in Concubine Hou's ear. After hearing this, Concubine Hou couldn't stop nodding, but she still couldn't help asking: "Are you sure about Shi'er?" After thinking for a while, he said: "It is said that the girl is still in the filial piety period. I think the princess has not yet made it clear. If the mother and concubine can act first and write a letter to the father, it may be possible."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Concubine Hou with a smile and said: "When the time comes, there will be a concubine mother and that girl restraining the princess, and a son and the girl's master outside. If you think about it, the father and king will have to make a balance."

Wanyu personally brought Daiyu back to Nuanyun Pavilion, but she didn't know that someone was plotting Daiyu at this time.Daiyu was lying on the Arhat's bed a little tired, for some reason, she remembered Mo Xuan's drenched appearance after going into the water to save someone, especially the back that stood in front of her.The bottom of my heart couldn't help but pity him for his suffering.

Daiyu thought for a while and then said to Wanyu who was following: "Sister, I'll have someone burn brown sugar ginger tea to drive brother Mo away from the cold. Although it's hot today, it's always better to be careful." After hearing this, Yu didn't say whether it was good or bad, but just glanced at Daiyu with a half-smile.

However, Daiyu still felt dizzy from blowing the air for about twenty minutes at this time, she just closed her eyes and never saw.

Seeing this, Wanyu shook her head and was about to tell Chai'er, but she saw Zhixuan standing beside her, so she smiled at Zhixuan: "The chief of your county is a good person, you don't have to bother my people, you can do as you want." The county lord ordered to burn ginger tea and send it." Zhixuan was taken aback for a moment, but seeing that Daiyu didn't object, she bowed to Wanyu and backed out.Wan Yu couldn't help but cover her mouth with a smile.

On the contrary, the imperial doctor heard that the fourth girl from the Prince's Mansion of Wu County had fallen into the water, so she hurried over in fright, but saw that the fourth girl's face was a little blue and her lips were very pale, but after helping her pulse, she saw that there was no serious injury. After inquiring about the process in detail, he exclaimed: "The county lord has a good method!" After speaking, he prescribed a decoction for Wanrong to dispel the cold, and Zhang Anshen's prescription.

Seeing this, Concubine Zhou Shu hurriedly asked behind the screen: "Will you get two needles?" She clearly remembered that Daiyu said that she would get two needles.

But Na Taiyou shook his head and said: "Now there is no serious problem. If you have a fever at night, you can decoct the decoction to dispel the cold. If you don't have a fever, you can just grab the medicine according to this soothing prescription. The girl is frightened now. I'm afraid she won't be able to take the needle." When Concubine Zhou Shu heard this, she thought to herself: She really is an unreliable yellow-haired girl, she almost fell for her tricks!

But I heard the imperial doctor say: "It is reasonable to need an needle to help the drowning person vomit out the accumulated water, but the county master's technique is good, and the minister has just checked, and there is no accumulated water in the girl's chest and abdomen." So Concubine Zhou suddenly felt that Dai Jade is really amazing.

After the imperial physician left, Concubine Zhou Shu didn't think clearly whether Daiyu's medical skills were good or not.After much deliberation, he still decided to send someone to Nuanyun Pavilion to call Daiyu over, and then show it to Wanrong, who knows that Wanyu blocked her back.For a moment, the good opinion of Daiyu in my heart disappeared!

What happened in Wujun Prince's Mansion was not hidden from the emperor, and the emperor was also very surprised when the spies came to report the matter.After ordering someone to call Huang Jiyun for questioning, Huang Jiyun actually smiled and replied to the emperor: "My Majesty, this method was not taught by my minister, but that girl figured it out by herself."

Seeing the emperor looking at him in disbelief, Huang Jiyun smiled even more proudly.Heart said: This apprentice really has a long face!Thinking about it, if it wasn't in front of the emperor, Huang Jiyun would have laughed out loud.

After this incident, Daiyu couldn't stay in the Prince's Mansion of Wujun any longer, and after staying for two more days, she said she wanted to go back to Zhuangzi outside the city. Escorted Daiyu all the way out of the city.

But they didn't know that those who went out of the city with Daiyu were also people sent by Hongshi to follow Daiyu, and people sent by Concubine Hou to deliver letters to Prince Wujun.

As far as Daiyu is concerned, she is not worried at all whether someone is monitoring her. Daiyu once guessed in her heart that there must be someone in Wujun Wangfu secretly protecting her. After all, she is still a county in Wujun Wangfu. The lord, the only county lord besides sister Wanyu.

And maybe the emperor would send people to monitor him from time to time, after all, he really gave the emperor a lot of suggestions beyond this age.Thinking about it, the emperor also valued it in his heart, otherwise he would not have sealed his county head and allowed him to walk in the palace just because of his father or master.

Even when Daiyu wanted to come, someone in Jia's mansion was watching her... Although Daiyu's guess was not entirely correct, the emperor did not send people here from time to time, but someone secretly "protected" her all the year round.

But Daiyu doesn't care if there are other people watching. I believe that no matter whether it is the people of Wujun Palace or the emperor, they will not be willing to watch her have an accident. Daiyu also believes that these people are enough to guarantee her safety.This is also the reason why Daiyu dared to dismiss all the family members and nurses from the mansion.

Of course, Daiyu's life is actually not worth monitoring, at least according to Hongshi's standards, it is worthless.

The people sent by Hongshi soon discovered that apart from a dozen or so girls who would come to the Zhuangzi every morning and leave around lunch time, only the master of the Zhuangzi next door would come every day.Of course, the carriage of Jia's mansion and the senior scholar Huang Jiyun came here once after Daiyu returned to Zhuangzi.The female relatives came from Jia's house, and the senior scholar Huang was Daiyu's teacher.

After Hong Shi heard the news, he frowned and thought for a while and asked, "Is it true that I haven't seen anyone else?" The man shook his head and replied with certainty, "I'm sure no one else has been to the county lord's village." Hong Shi pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled and said: "Okay! Continue to monitor, and I will reward you later!"

After this answer, he was very satisfied, he didn't want to wear a cuckold!Thinking of this, Hong Shi burst out laughing, secretly proud of himself, looked in the direction of Mo Xuan's yard and sneered: "The little bastard that the family doesn't want is also worthy of snatching from the master?"
But Hongshi didn't know that on the first day he sent someone to monitor Daiyu, he was discovered by the emperor's spies and sent to the emperor soon.

After hearing this, the emperor asked with a gloomy face: "You can find out clearly, how many people are after that girl?" The spy replied: "The last general has already inquired clearly, except for the last general, only Wujun The guards of the palace go there every now and then. The new additions are also from the Wujun Palace, but they seem to be strangers to the previous ones."

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows and sneering, "We don't know each other? Continue to inquire carefully to see who this new addition belongs to." At this point, the emperor paused for a moment before continuing: "We must Protect that girl's safety, and don't allow anyone to disturb her quietness." The spy thought in his heart, and immediately replied: "The last general takes orders!" Then he backed away.

After the spies left, the emperor smiled playfully. It seems that the Prince Wu's Mansion is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface!Then he thought of those women in his harem again, and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

After reviewing two more memorials, the emperor finally found an excuse and summoned Huang Jiyun.After discussing the political affairs with Huang Jiyun, the emperor casually mentioned that there were two groups of people in Wujun Palace who were "protecting" Daiyu. He rushed to Daiyu Zhuangzi outside the city.

Huang Jiyun cared but was confused, he rushed to Zhuangzi and didn't chat with Daiyu, so he directly frowned and asked about the detailed rules of the Prince Wu's Mansion.

Daiyu doesn't know what happened, but there is really nothing worth mentioning in Prince Wu's mansion, if there is, it's probably just that the fourth daughter of Prince Wu fell into the water.Daiyu thought about it for a while, then told Huang Jiyun about this time, and even shared her guess.

After hearing this, Huang Jiyun frowned and looked at Daiyu and said, "Master, did you ever teach you not to push yourself in everything? Maybe it's from here!"

Daiyu hurriedly smiled and said, "Isn't it the parents of doctors? Yu'er can't just let her die." Unexpectedly, Huang Jiyun didn't buy it, and said with a straight face: "I don't work in the Imperial Hospital as a teacher. Don't put a high hat on your teacher." After hearing this, Daiyu smiled shyly, not daring to answer the question.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun shook his head, frowned and thought for a while and asked: "Who else has Yu'er offended?" Daiyu thought for a while and shook her head and asked: "Yu'er is in the palace, except with sister Wanyu and the princess. Composing poems and paintings, playing the piano and singing songs, I have never met anyone, let alone offended, I don’t know why the master asked such a question?”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun bowed his head and meditated for a while, then learned what the emperor said to him today that there were two groups of people protecting Daiyu in the Wujun palace.

Daiyu laughed and said: "Yu'er can't guess why, but I can only think of two points. One is that someone is dissatisfied with Yu'er and is looking for an opportunity. Either they will kill Yu'er, or try to ruin Yu'er's reputation." As soon as Daiyu said this, Huang Jiyun's face changed drastically.

Seeing this, Daiyu quickly poured a cup of tea for Huang Jiyun, handed it to him and said, "But in this case, you don't need to worry about it. Since the master knows that there are two groups of people who are "protecting" Yu'er. The dialer himself is also clear."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Huang Jiyun came back to his senses, his eyes were full of admiration, but he was too nervous just now.Then he smiled and asked: "Then what is the second possibility?" Daiyu smiled and said: "What else can it be? It's just that the prince and princess are very distressed and concerned about Yu'er, so they sent people to protect Yu'er." Son."

Daiyu said it was easy, but in fact it was not easy in her heart!She understands that she has become Huang Jiyun's weakness, anyone can use her to blackmail Huang Jiyun, just look at today Huang Jiyun just learned that there are two groups of people "protecting" her from the Prince Wu's mansion, so he rushed here, you can see Daiyu The weight in Huang Jiyun's heart!
Then Daiyu secretly smiled and said: Since the emperor can notify the master, then he is sure enough that he will not fall into the hands of others, and notifying the master is just to test his weight.

Having figured this out, Daiyu raised her head and looked at Huang Jiyun inquisitively. Huang Jiyun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded Daiyu's forehead.But the tone was very deep and authentic: "Since that's the case, Yu'er has to rest earlier, as a teacher, I have to go to court tomorrow, so I will go back." After speaking, she got up and walked out, Daiyu hurriedly stepped forward to send Huang Jiyun out in person.

It was only then that Daiyu realized that Huang Jiyun was just doing this for the sake of the man in the palace.How can she, such a transparent master, not know things that she can figure out?

Sure enough, when the emperor got the news that Huang Jiyun hurried out of the city, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.It is not scary to be smart, but it is a courtier who is too smart and has no checks and balances.The emperor naturally understood that what Huang Jiyun did was just to express his attitude to himself, and the emperor didn't go into it deeply, but felt very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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