Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 232 Secrets and Bad Habits

Chapter 232 Secrets and Bad Habits

Thank you ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ for your monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O~ Well, although I didn’t make an appointment with me~~~~(>_<)~~~~ But who asked me to recommend it from the APP customer service today? ?Add another chapter!

After more than a month of monitoring, the emperor found that the two groups of people from the Wujun palace had not done anything harmful to Daiyu for the time being, so he was relieved, and did not intend to make any other moves. People just keep watching.

In the past month or so, Hongshi also discovered that apart from Daiyu's teacher Huang Jiyun, a senior scholar, who would go to Zhuangzi every few days, only Lian's second grandmother from Jia's mansion went to Zhuangzi three or two times.

Of course, Miaoyu, who lived in the neighboring Zhuangzi and would come to Daiyu Zhuangzi every day, had already been ignored by Hongshi, and even later thought it would be best if he could collect these two jades at the same time!
But there were a few things that made Hong Shi realize that he still underestimated Daiyu. On the seventh day of July, Huang Mengxue's eldest daughter, Huang Yuehua, married the eldest son of Zuo Shilang of the household department.On the third day of August, Princess Hanyi, the eldest daughter of the Emperor, recruited Ye Xingde, the son of Minister of Military Affairs, as her son-in-law.

The two had sent a formal invitation to Daiyu, but Daiyu never went there in person, not only did they never blame her, they even sent someone close to her to return the gift and thank her. Later, they couldn't help feeling Daiyu's weight in their hearts again a bit.

With the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in August in golden autumn, Wang Xifeng went out of the city again to Daiyu Zhuangzi, but this time she did not bring Tanchun or Xichun with her.Daiyu couldn't help but asked with concern: "Is sister Xichun alright?"

Wang Xifeng was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, waved his hand indifferently and said, "Is there anything better than that?" Seeing that Daiyu was puzzled, Wang Xifeng also sighed and said, "Sister, don't ask, either. Everyone has their own pain."

Daiyu had just said a word of concern before, but she didn't want Wang Xifeng to answer her like this, so she couldn't help but became more worried.

Daiyu remembered Xichun in the original book, but she was a cold-hearted girl, she had seen a lot better in this life, don't make any troubles now, so she hurriedly asked: "I don't ask anything else, Sister-in-law just tell me, how is sister Xichun?"

Wang Xifeng looked at Daiyu who was staring at her with worried eyes, and couldn't help sighing: "Go ahead, you don't have to block me at the door." She also gave Daiyu a sideways glance, and Daiyu knew that she had lost her composure. Then he hurriedly smiled and took Wang Xifeng's arm, and walked in.

I don't go to the garden either. There is an osmanthus tree in Daiyu's yard, which is blooming just right now.Wang Xifeng asked to set up a tea table under the tree, so that they could sit together and have a conversation.Naturally, Daiyu had no reason to refuse, so she ordered people to set up a tea table, incense table, and two rattan armchairs according to Wang Xifeng's wishes.

After Wang Xifeng sat down, Dai Yufang waved away all the maids and mothers. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng knew that she wanted to ask about Xichun, so she asked Ping'er to rest by herself.Seeing this, Ping'er stepped back and joked with Hanxiao and the others.

Daiyu was not in a hurry to ask, but instead poured a pot of scented tea with Wang Xifeng calmly. Seeing that Wang Xifeng had eaten the tea, Daiyu looked at Wang Xifeng intently. These girls are the most pitiful ones." At this point, Wang Xifeng paused, looking at Daiyu for a while, not knowing what to say.

Daiyu heard what Wang Xifeng said, so she also nodded and said: "Sister-in-law is right, welcome sister needless to say how uncle and aunt treat her, even sister-in-law and elder brother treat her very well, with you here, I won't be pitiful. Tan girl I'm also a strong one, but it's a pity that sister Chun..."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she thought about it and asked in a puzzled way: "Sister Xichun is the daughter-in-law of the Ning Mansion, why did Brother Zhen leave Sister Xichun here like this? It's nothing more than respecting Uncle and Sister-in-law ask?"

It was difficult for Wang Xifeng to speak, but Daiyu actually asked here, if she didn't say anything else, wouldn't it appear that she was hiding it?Then he said in a very embarrassing way: "I'll leave this to you, sister, please don't ask or bring it up again in the future!"

Daiyu was startled, she didn't know what Wang Xifeng was going to say, but she had an extremely bad premonition, she was about to stop her, but Wang Xifeng had already gritted her teeth and said, "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I say it, and I'm afraid it will spoil your ears, but these This is a matter of the back house, and my aunt is not here, so I, the sister-in-law, have to teach you."

Only Wang Xifeng sighed and said: "Do you remember Brother Rong's biological mother?" Daiyu seemed to have never heard of Brother Rong's biological mother, no matter whether it was the original work of the previous life or what she had seen and heard in this life, so she gently Shaking his head, he became inexplicably nervous, holding the small teacup in his hand, his knuckles turned white.

Wang Xifeng didn't seem to intend to listen to what Daiyu said, but murmured: "It is said that Aunt Jing died when she gave birth to a girl, and Brother Rong's mother also died of a serious illness at that time. He became a monk and became a Taoist priest, concentrating on refining alchemy to become immortal, but he didn't know that he was atoning for his sins!"

Daiyu was startled, and had a faint guess in her heart, but she stared round her eyes in disbelief, and looked straight at Wang Xifeng, hoping that what Wang Xifeng said next would tell her that the truth was not what she imagined.

Then Wang Xifeng didn't hear what Daiyu was asking, and lowered his voice, "Why don't you Daozhen and his wife talk to Xichun? Xichun is actually a half-brother and sister of Brother Rong."

As soon as Wang Xifeng finished speaking, the small teacup in Daiyu's hand fell to pieces in Daiyu's panic.Daiyu stared at Wang Xifeng for a long time without recovering. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng knew that she was frightened, so she hurriedly got up and came to Daiyu, gently stroked her back and sighed: "I shouldn't be with you." Say that."

Daiyu has come to her senses at this time, in the age of information explosion in her previous life, she has never seen any strange things, but she just didn't expect it to happen to her.

At this time Daiyu stabilized her mind, hurriedly grabbed Wang Xifeng's hand, frowned and asked in a trembling voice: "Xichun, sister, do you know?" Seeing Wang Xifeng nodded lightly, Daiyu suddenly felt her heart sink straight , if this kind of life experience is on me, I am afraid that I will be cold-hearted and feel dirty...

Thinking of this, Daiyu asked again: "When did you know? Is it because the people in the house are outrageous, or...she..." Daiyu didn't finish speaking, but Wang Xifeng already understood.

Wang Xifeng took Daiyu's slightly icy little hand, squeezed her to sit down, and then sighed: "I also found out by accident, but I know it when you think about it, just don't ask her, save her." Sad." Daiyu sighed and nodded before changing the subject with Wang Xifeng.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Hungry Ghost Festival again. Xue Pan, who had been away for several months, took a large sum of money and purchased goods, and escorted him back to Beijing with his old family.

To say that Xue Pan has improved a lot compared to the past, especially in business, one is supervised by Jia Lian from time to time, the other is taught by his old family, and the third is that after earning money, he can be in front of Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai. Being a good boy, although Xue Pan didn't say anything about his rapid progress, he was gradually getting on the road.

However, Xue Pan is not only a headache because of his lack of progress?The most troublesome thing for Xue Pan, and what caused him many disasters, was his lust.

Xue Pan in the original novel, would he have killed Feng Yuan if he hadn't met Yinglian?If he hadn't met "Leng Langjun" Liu Xianglian at everyone's banquet and coveted his beauty, how could he have been beaten to death by Liu Xianglian?If it wasn't for Xia Jingui's desire to marry the maid Baochan as a dowry, how could there be many troubles in the future?In the end, if it wasn't for jealousy, how could he beat someone to death again?
Today's Xue Pan, although under Jia Lian's guidance, has begun to work hard, but his lecherous disease has not improved at all, but Jia Lian told him to think more about Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai in everything, and don't have troubles before he endured a lot That's all.

And now Jia Lian also clearly told Xue Pan that Jia's mansion is unable to keep him, and he also understands that his family moved from Jia's mansion to Xue's mansion, so he fell out with his aunt and second wife. , but also to suffer a lot, she found another opportunity to defraud the Xue family of money.

For money, Xue Pan loves it very much now, so how could he let the second wife, Mrs. Wang, ask for it again?
However, on this day, Xue Pan and his party stopped by a small hotel for a rest. Seeing the handsome waiter, Xue Pan had evil thoughts and drew the waiter. The waiter couldn't resist, but was raped by Xue Pan.Satisfied, Xue Pan left the money and went back to the guest room, not taking this matter to heart.Unexpectedly, the waiter was also very hot-tempered, and he took the money to bribe the bandits.

In the early morning of the second day, shortly after Xue Pan and the others set off, the waiter also slipped out through the back door and went straight to the mountain to report the news.Xue Pan and his entourage didn't notice it, and after traveling only twenty miles, Xue Pan, who was dazzled by the sun, yelled at his old family to rest by the roadside.

The old family saw that the road was built in the mountains and forests, winding and narrow, and there were no villages in the front and back. They felt very uneasy and persuaded Xue Pan to go on the road. Yes, who would dare to rob the Lord?"

As soon as Xue Pan's words fell, he had just returned to the uninhabited mountain forest and rushed out of the hundred and ten people. They were armed with sticks, and they were not good people at a glance.One of the bald-headed men was holding a single knife. The blade looked extremely heavy. There were nine iron rings on the back of the knife. The tip of the knife was flat.

Xue Pan and his family members were shocked. Normally, Xue Pan looked at the bullies, but they were all unarmed, powerless and powerless civilians!Those in front of me, just by looking at them, can tell that they are not good characters, so I can't help feeling bitter in my heart.

Xue Pan glanced over the bald man, and saw a very familiar person standing next to the man, and when he looked closely, it was the waiter from yesterday.Xue Pan immediately pointed at the waiter and said angrily, "Well, you heartless boy..."

Before Xue Pan finished his words, the waiter's eyes turned red, and he clasped his fists at the bald man and said: "The master, kill that boy, I am willing to serve the master like an ox!"

The head of the family looked at Xue Pan who was dressed in brocade, and looked at the horses and vehicles behind Xue Pan, and swung the waiter back, almost falling down. Said: "What a pity to kill? It looks like the rich master, and he will be tied back to the mountain and let his family pay money to redeem him!"

After finishing speaking, the master laughed loudly, feeling that he was even wise, and without waiting for Xue Pan's reaction, he pointed at Xue Pan with the nine-ring knife and shouted: "Will you catch him without a fight, or wait for Grandpa to come and arrest you?" !" Xue Pan was furious immediately, and shouted at the servant Haonu behind him: "Kill him out!"

(End of this chapter)

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