Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 235 Persuasion

Chapter 235 Persuasion ([-])

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When Jia Lian heard that Xue Pan was going to buy a house for Liu Xianglian to marry her, she looked at Xue Pan amusedly and said, "You are still a bachelor, but you want to marry someone else?" Xue Pan smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, didn't you meet him?" Jia Lian gave him an annoyed look, and ate his tea to himself.

Seeing this, Xue Pan didn't dare to say anything else. For some reason, Xue Pan was a little afraid of Jia Lian. Although Jia Lian looked at him with a long smile on his face, unlike the coldness of Liu Erdi, Xue Pan was a little afraid of him. .

When the food and wine were served, Jia Lian said slowly while counting the peanuts: "Since you have the heart, let Feng'er help you pay attention, just a little bit, and put away those bad habits as soon as possible." Xue Pan listened Hearing Jia Lian's lecture, he felt a little helpless and impatient in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Jia Lian lowered his head and thought about it, and after drinking another glass of wine, he said: "Since you are sworn brothers, and he is your second brother, you can't let the elder brother go behind the brothers, right? You don't have to delay others." !"

Xue Pan listened to Jia Lian's words, and couldn't help frowning anxiously and asked, "If that's the case, what should I do?" Jia Lian saw that these words were on Xue Pan's mind, so she stopped provoking him any more, and just calmed down. Authentic: "Okay, please treat your brother to this meal. Later, I will ask your sister Feng to take care of you and your brothers."

Xue Pan loves to hear these words. Xue Pan has always admired Wang Xifeng, so he hastily sent another two dishes of good food. Can't even bear the wine and food?" Xue Pan smirked and said, "That's okay!" Then he filled Jia Lian with wine and said, "Brother-in-law, you eat, you eat!"

After Jia Lian returned home, she told Wang Xifeng about the matter, and Wang Xifeng twisted Jia Lian's ear and said, "My lord is becoming more and more callous now! Please find trouble for grandma!" hand.

Jia Lian rubbed her ears and said with a flattering smile, "Isn't the Lord also caring about your natal brothers?" Who knows that Wang Xifeng didn't agree, and raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Don't say that, sir. My natal brother, so my brother's surname is also Wang, not Xue." Jia Lian didn't expect Wang Xifeng to say this, and couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately Jia Lian remembered Wang Xifeng's elder brother, his brother-in-law Wang Ren, and couldn't help frowning, rubbing his brows with a headache and saying: "If you have time, grandma should also find a chance to persuade my brother-in-law." Speaking of Wang Ren, Wang Xifeng also fell silent. She didn't know what to say for a moment. If she said it, she was spoiled by her parents' arrogance.

I didn't know it before, but now that Wang Xifeng has become a mother herself, what else do I not understand?I heard that next year, when Brother Chun turns five years old, Jia Lian will send him to the Lin Family Academy in Gusu. Although Wang Xifeng's heart aches, she also understands that it is for Brother Chun's good.But think about Wang Ren, his parents are so pampered, so he knows that it will not be successful.

Even so, Wang Xifeng took Jia Lian's words to heart, but after two or three days, Wang Xifeng began to walk around, although most of them were Jia Lian's classmates, Jia She's colleagues, and very close friends she knew when Wanyu was engaged. There are few clan relatives, but the purpose is very clear, that is to look after Xue Pan.

But after a while, Wang Xifeng never went again.Seeing that Lin Ruhai's anniversary was approaching this day, Wang Xifeng brought Tanchun with him early, and Xichun came to help with the preparations, and they talked about it while chatting.

Daiyu heard that Xue Pan and Liu Xianglian were indeed married, she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Did you ever protect the matchmaker?" Wang Xifeng didn't expect Daiyu to ask this question suddenly, she couldn't help being very surprised on the spot, and then Even Daiyu herself was stunned.For a while, I stared wide-eyed, not knowing how to speak.

Xichun and Miaoyu got along very well, but Tanchun didn't like Miaoyu at all. Seeing that they had a happy conversation, she quietly left and came to Daiyu. Daiyu and Daiyu looked at each other in a daze, and didn't speak, feeling very strange in their hearts.

After all, Tanchun was only a twelve or thirteen-year-old child. In Daiyu's previous life, she was a little girl who had just graduated from primary school and was in junior high school. Although she pretended to be stable, she was actually very playful.

Tanchun saw that although Wang Xifeng and Daiyu had slightly different expressions, they both looked stunned, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Sister Feng and Sister Lin are just playing around, what's new? Let's play along."

Since Wang Xifeng took her to manage the family, she no longer called Wang Xifeng "Lian's second sister-in-law", but changed to "Sister Feng", which shows that she is indeed a scheming girl.

Although Tanchun's words were very funny, it made both Daiyu and Wang Xifeng feel relieved and changed the topic.But Wang Xifeng was still extremely curious about what happened before.

Daiyu laughed and said, "You can just play around here? It's just that my sister-in-law mentioned that Brother Xue from Sister Bao's family is looking for a marriage. It's not our girl's turn to worry about these things. It's just a waste of listening." Wang Xifeng Seeing what Daiyu said, she didn't say anything more, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here alone? Where's that girl Xichun?"

Tanchun smiled and said: "It can be seen that Sister Feng is biased. When she first saw me, she didn't ask me where I was or what I was playing with. She actually asked about my fourth sister first."

Although Tanchun said so, he didn't really mind, so he explained: "I just watched Si Yatou and sister Miaoyu chatting at the lotus pond, and I couldn't get in the conversation, so I came to play with you." Tanchun said with a smile: "What fun do you guys have?"

Wang Xifeng said angrily: "I just said one thing, and you said so much." After saying that, she glanced at Tanchun, and then said: "Now that your elder sister Lin is keeping her filial piety, how can you have fun? It's just sitting and chatting." Two sentences, if you want to listen, just sit down. There is no need to talk about what you have or not.”

Seeing this, Daiyu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "If you like it, I have something to play with." Then she ordered, "An'er, go and get the glass box from my study." Tanchun listened to Daiyu Call the maid who turned and left "An'er" and said with a smile: "I remember that there was an 'An'er' in Sister Feng's room."

Of course Daiyu knew it too, after taking a look at Wang Xifeng, she smiled indifferently and said: "This is enough to show that I am not only destined to be with Brother Chun, but also very much with my sister-in-law."

Wang Xifeng answered without knowing why: "Since it is so predestined, why not marry into our family and stay with me for a long time in the future."

As soon as Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Daiyu was stunned, and Wang Xifeng was also stunned, but Tanchun smiled and clapped his hands and said, "That's good. I look at our house, and Baoyu can match Sister Lin. If you want to come, your ancestors will also It will be a great joy."

Daiyu was just in a daze before, but now Tanchun's words changed Daiyu's face, she looked at Tanchun very seriously and said: "These words, but we girls can say them?"

When Tanchun saw Daiyu's face, he knew that Daiyu was dissatisfied with Baoyu, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: Sure enough, the status is different, and the vision is also different.Who in our family does not say that Baoyu is a thousand good?That's Sister Lin, who didn't pay attention to Baoyu from the beginning.Thinking of this, Tanchun didn't refute Daiyu, just smiled embarrassingly.

Wang Xifeng herself also noticed that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she turned around with a smile and said, "It's my sister-in-law who said something wrong. After all, my sister's future is not up to us alone. We have to wait for the Holy Majesty's will before we can decide." If you can't do anything, you have to wait for the concubine or the prince's wishes."

I have to tell the truth about Wang Xifeng this time, not to mention them, even the Duke of Wu and his wife can't interfere with Daiyu's future.It's just that Daiyu hasn't given her filial piety yet, and the emperor hasn't said anything about it, so not many people know about it.

Daiyu smiled indifferently and said: "Look at what my sister-in-law said. Our girls don't say it or listen to it. My sister-in-law also mentioned that Yu'er is going to sue her brother." Bring it up again.

However, Tanchun was secretly startled by the dialogue between Wang Xifeng and Daiyu. She never thought that Daiyu's marriage would be decided by the Huang family, and if not, there would be a guard of honor from the royal family.Moreover, the relationship between Daiyu and Jia Lian is so close...

It was only at this time that Tanchun remembered that Jia Lian lived in Gusu for a few years back then, presumably they got along very well then, right?
Thinking of these, Tanchun couldn't help but think of himself again.It sounds good to be the third girl of Jia's mansion, but after all, Jia's mansion is now called the General's Mansion, and it is the mansion of the uncle, and my family is just clinging to the uncle to live.And after all, she is just the daughter of a fifth- and sixth-rank petty official, and she was still reprimanded by the emperor, so the fifth- and sixth-rank petty officials are still the daughters of concubines.

The more Tanchun thought about it, the more dejected he became, and he couldn't help showing some expressions on his face.Seeing this, Daiyu thought about it secretly and understood Tanchun's thoughts, so she smiled and said to Wang Xifeng: "Speaking of which, our girl's family shouldn't have said these things, but since Sister Feng has already said so much , Yu'er wants to say a few more words."

Wang Xifeng naturally saw Daiyu's look at Tanchun, and also saw Tanchun's dejected look, and understood that Daiyu's words were probably meant to listen to Tanchun, so she didn't point it out, just looked at it with a smile that was not a smile. Looking at Daiyu, she nodded and said, "Since that's the case, let's talk about it."

Daiyu was still very happy to have Wang Xifeng's cooperation, so she smiled sweetly at Wang Xifeng and said, "Just now when my sister-in-law talked about the future, and sister Tanchun also mentioned the word 'matching', Yu'er thinks that it doesn't matter what is worthy or not." It's a lie, girls still have to rely on themselves after all, how many look at the match, is it good in the end?"

Speaking of this, Daiyu said with a cold smile: "On the contrary, those people who seem to be incompatible are extremely disliked, but because of the two people working together and supporting each other, the farther and farther they go, the better! "

Wang Xifeng agrees with this very much, so she nodded and said with a smile: "That's true, your brother always talked about what your sister said at the beginning, 'husband and wife work together to cut gold', all these years, he That's exactly what I did, but no matter how dissatisfied I was in my heart, I couldn't say anything when I saw him doing his best, I just tried my best to help him."

When Wang Xifeng said this, there was an extremely sweet smile on his face, and such a smile was extremely rare in Wang Xifeng's place.

Tanchun couldn't help being stunned, secretly chewing on what Daiyu and Wang Xifeng said, feeling like he understood something, but couldn't tell what it was.

Seeing the pensive look on Tanchun's face, Daiyu didn't bring up the matter again.Just at this moment, An'er also brought over the glass box, and Daiyu took it with her own hands, and asked with a smile, "Guess, what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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