Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 236 Persuasion

Chapter 236 Persuasion ([-])

Daiyu reached out to take the glazed box from An'er, looked at Wang Xifeng and Tanchun, and asked with a smile, "Guess, what is this?" Hearing Daiyu's question, Wang Xifeng and Tanchun moved closer.

I saw Daiyu holding a palm-sized multicolored glazed box in her hand. The box was exquisitely crafted, with patterns of blessings on all sides, and a blooming peony on top as ears. Under the sun, the flower seemed to come alive, shining Yicai, really good-looking.The glazed box was supposed to be somewhat transparent, but Wang Xifeng and Tanchun just couldn't see what was inside.

Seeing that the box was not too big, Tanchun thought for a while and guessed: "Could it be that Sister Lin has also learned to raise crickets?" Before Daiyu could answer, Wang Xifeng suddenly laughed and said, "She still raises crickets like that, that's it. Jin Chanzi can also make her scream in fright." After speaking, she looked at Daiyu amusedly, and Daiyu blushed when she thought of the past.

Tanchun suddenly heard such an interesting story, and wanted to ask again, but saw that Daiyu's face was flushed, it was not a good thing, after thinking about it, Tanchun finally suppressed the curiosity in his heart, stopped asking, and asked instead: " Sister Lin opened it and showed us what a good thing it is."

Daiyu didn't tease her any more, handed the box to Tanchun casually and said, "Take it and have a look, if you like it, I'll give it to you." Tanchun didn't expect that Daiyu would say such a thing, and she felt very embarrassed immediately. The authentic way: "How can this be done? Although I'm not a gentleman, I can't take what others like." But Daiyu shook her head and said, "I'll take it for you, it's not something precious."

Tanchun opened the box and saw that there were some flowers made of finely divided glass, flowers carved from broken jade, even crystal, some millet pearls, a roll of silver thread, and nothing else.Not to mention that Tanchun was puzzled, even Wang Xifeng asked in puzzlement, "What is this for? It's all scattered and worthless."

Daiyu smiled and said, "It's just to pass the time, so it's not worth anything." Then she explained: "A few days ago, I discussed with Aunt Luo to make some embroidery, so I ordered this writing on beads and flowers. Let me see. The workmanship is good, and the carvings are very fine, so I picked out a box and used gold and silver threads to play with it, and I also got a box when I greeted my sister the other day."

Having said this, Tanchun lost interest and said: "Second sister likes to play with these things the most, but I can't calm down." After speaking, he closed the box and pushed it back to Daiyu.Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "If you don't like it, you can keep it for Miss Qiao. It's best for children to practice their fingers. In the future, embroidering flowers and playing the piano will be good."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she took the box and said, "Since that's the case, I will take it for sister Qiao."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu rolled her eyes and said with a smile to Tanchun: "If you like living things, there are different things here, but they are all given by others, so I can't give them to you. I just take you to have a look." Hearing the living thing, he became interested and hurriedly said hello.

Seeing this, Daiyu stood up and nodded Tanchun's forehead, saying: "It's true that you were born wrong, why are you not a man?" After speaking, she pulled Tanchun up, took another look at Wang Xifeng, and then Take a step to go outside.Wang Xifeng was also very curious about what kind of living things Daiyu could raise, so she also followed.

Daiyu led Tanchun by the hand, and as soon as she left the yard, she saw Miaoyu and Xichun coming together, so she smiled and said, "Where did you get the news? You know we're going to visit Shouyuan?"

Hearing that Daiyu said that she was going to Shouyuan, Miaoyu's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "If you don't tell me, I'd forget." Then she turned her head and smiled at Xichun, "I'm afraid my sister hasn't been there yet. , your sister Lin has raised a lot of fun things, let's go too."

After speaking, she leaned over and walked together with Daiyu and Tanchun, while Wang Xifeng followed behind indifferently, thinking about things on her mind while walking.

When Tanchun and Xichun came to Shouyuan with Tanchun and Xichun, they were immediately attracted by the little rabbits there. They were snow-white, two big rabbits about one foot long, with one ear standing up and the other drooping. On the back, lying lazily on the meadow.

Six or seven little rabbits, only a little bigger than a palm, looked here and there in the fence specially built for them. When they saw Miaoyu and others coming, they were not afraid, but moved closer to them. Looking at them curiously, the three of them were immediately attracted by the litter of little rabbits.Surrounding the fence, looking around, even reached out and touched it.

Daiyu watched the rabbit with them for a while, then quietly retreated, smiled at Wang Xifeng, and sat down on a stone bench not far away.

Seeing Wang Xifeng looking at her with a half-smile, Daiyu thought for a while and said, "Other things, Yu'er doesn't say much. Sister-in-law didn't plan to ask Yu'er when she came today, but Yu'er overstepped."

Hearing what she said, Wang Xifeng glared at her angrily and said, "What are you talking about? To tell you, it's just a question. Is it possible that I need my sister-in-law to ask you?"

Daiyu smiled slightly and said: "Not talking about anything else, Yu'er only said two points, if sister-in-law thinks it is reasonable, then listen to Yu'er, if she thinks what Yu'er said is wrong, sister-in-law don't get angry, just treat it as Yu'er Don't talk about it." Wang Xifeng nodded Daiyu's forehead and said: "If you have something to say, talk about it, what is reasonable and unreasonable, let's share this?"

Daiyu nodded and pondered for a moment before saying: "Sister-in-law is here today, maybe it's because of the marriage between Brother Xue and Sister Bao? Thinking about the marriage of these two people, sister-in-law can't decide. Aunt Xue brought Bao My sister came to see me."

Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, but Daiyu just pretended not to see it, and continued: "I thought about it that day and asked Lin De to pass a few words to Brother Xue. Aunt Xue and Sister Bao, Yu’er will tell her sister-in-law again today. After today, Yu’er will not admit it, and Yu’er just pretends that she didn’t say anything.”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wang Xifeng moved her body, her expression also changed, and after looking around, there was no one else, so she said: "Sister, just say it, this is what you said today. Into my ears, there is no one else."

Seeing Wang Xifeng's solemn promise, Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister-in-law doesn't have to do the same. It's just me talking nonsense when I look at the situation of Sister Bao's family. Sister Bao's family is not short of money, so there is no need to delay because of those false names." And brother Xue, I heard from my brother, he is a fool in Yuer's eyes."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, he smiled and said: "You are right, who doesn't call him a fool outside?"

But Daiyu said with a serious expression at this time: "If nothing happens, it's okay to be called an overlord. If something happens, now their family is very close to brother and sister-in-law. Brother and sister-in-law Do you care? Or don't you? Let's take care of it, if you don't care about your own size, it will look a bit colder."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she stopped laughing, and sighed: "Who said it wasn't?" Speaking of this, Wang Xifeng actually remembered more, but it was her own brother Wang Ren...

I only heard Daiyu continue to say: "If you can find a wife for Brother Xue who can control him, the chances of causing trouble will be much less. Although there is a saying: 'A good wife is less troublesome', but it still needs to be divided. As far as Yu'er is concerned, for someone like Brother Xue, you should find a powerful one and take care of him."

Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said, "I'm afraid we have the final say at this time." Daiyu smiled and said, "Yu'er looked at it coldly, the Xue family said that Aunt Xue was the head of the house, but Aunt Xue is not a capable person. Make up your mind, this matter, as long as you talk about it with Sister Bao, I'm afraid it will not be difficult."

After speaking, Daiyu also looked at Wang Xifeng with a half-smile, Wang Xifeng naturally understood, and gave Daiyu a cross look.I heard Daiyu say again: "Sister Bao is a person with aspirations of Qingyun. If she is ordinary, I'm afraid she would not like it. She has a high family..."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused again, and thought about her words for a while. Before she could decide what to say, Wang Xifeng already interjected: "What kind of family, no matter how talented she is, she is just a merchant. How can it be her turn to be the head of the family?"

Seeing what Wang Xifeng said was clear, Daiyu nodded and continued: "Yu'er was thinking about it, sister Bao's talent and learning are no match for anyone, and if she is matched by a well-educated person, she will not be afraid of anything even if she comes from a poor background." If you are willing to work hard on your own, won’t you be able to stand out in the future?”

Daiyu said with a smile after finishing speaking: "The first thing to look at is the birth, the second is to look at the opportunity, and the third is to look at your own stature."

Wang Xifeng couldn't stop nodding when she heard Daiyu's words, but she still shook her head and smiled wryly: "It's not difficult for you, brother Xue, and you don't have to let me and your brother come forward, just write a letter to my father, and you can do it if you think about it. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for your sister Bao."

Daiyu's heart skipped a beat when Wang Xifeng mentioned Wang Ziteng. If Wang Xifeng remembered correctly, he was on the wrong team!Although it would be helpful for the current Holy Majesty to turn against him later, I am afraid that the Holy Majesty may not think that he is good in his heart.Furthermore, Daiyu remembered that in the original book, Wang Ziteng died unexpectedly!

Thinking of this, Daiyu frowned unconsciously.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng was very surprised and asked: "Sister, what are you thinking of? Why do you look like this?"

Daiyu looked up at Wang Xifeng, but for a moment she didn't know where to start. After thinking about it, she turned around and said, "Speaking of Brother Xue, I remembered that my sister-in-law also has an older brother." Wang Xifeng couldn't help but hear Daiyu mention Wang Ren. Sighing, he nodded and said, "My natal family also has an elder brother named Wang Ren." Having said that, he didn't say any more.

Daiyu knew that Wang Ren was really nothing. She remembered that in the original book, the one who finally sold Qiao Jieer was Wang Ren!Sui Daiyu really didn't like him very much, but at this moment, she had to say a few words, so she wouldn't drag Jia Lian down in the future.

Daiyu stared at Wang Xifeng, trying to figure out what to say, when he was hesitating how to start, Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "My sister has something to say, just say it! Between us, do we have to beat around the bush?"

Daiyu thought for a while and nodded and said: "Since sister-in-law said so, don't blame Yu'er for being cold-hearted. Yu'er only knows that Cousin Lian was loved by Yu'er's mother, taught by her father, and grew up with Yu'er. So much I have spoiled Yu'er and protected Yu'er's brother for many years! The sister-in-law is Yu'er's own sister-in-law, and Yu'er is only for you. Yu'er doesn't care about other people."

Hearing what Daiyu said, although Wang Xifeng felt warm in his heart, he suddenly had an extremely bad feeling for some reason, so he stared at Daiyu in a daze, without saying a word.

Daiyu didn't take it seriously when she saw Wang Xifeng staring at her intently, she just turned her eyes slightly away from Wang Xifeng's expression, and said indifferently: "Yu'er once heard his master mention him, if sister-in-law is willing, I can persuade my uncle to get him. Let's practice in the barracks for two years, if it continues like this, it's hard to say whether it will drag uncle down, but sooner or later it will drag down brother and sister-in-law."

When Wang Xifeng heard that Huang Jiyun had mentioned it, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger. He frowned and thought about it, and he realized that his brother must have done something stupid, and it reached Huang Jiyun's ears?But after thinking about it again, it has already reached Huang Jiyun's ears, could the Holy Majesty not know?Wang Xifeng couldn't help but shed cold sweat, this is because Wang Xifeng hasn't thought about Wang Ziteng yet!
Seeing the change in Wang Xifeng's expression, Daiyu was afraid that he would scare her. Although she also hoped that she would wake up, she was not in a hurry, so she hurriedly added: "If sister-in-law wants to blame, blame Yu'er. It is Yu'er who is worried about brother. Sister-in-law asked the master to find out. But Yu'er had to say, sister-in-law, don't put all your eggs in one basket."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wang Xifeng just breathed a sigh of relief, but raised his heart again, and after giving Daiyu an angry look, he didn't ask any more questions. He pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "You girl, tell me clearly! You don't have to scare me to death." He patted his chest as he spoke.

Although Wang Xifeng was worried in his heart, he also understood Daiyu's difficulties, so he calmed down, Wang Xifeng took Daiyu's hand, and said very seriously: "Don't worry, sister, sister-in-law, I know everything in my heart, and I will be with you later. Father to write." Although Wang Xifeng looked relaxed on the surface, she was more and more worried about her father, Wang Ziteng.

Seeing that the matter had been finished, Daiyu didn't talk about it anymore. Thinking of the marriage between Xue Pan and Liu Xianglian, Daiyu asked with a smile: "When my sister-in-law talked about the marriage between Xue Pan and that Liu Xianglian, Yu'er was surprised. I think this person is good, he is a righteous person, if he can help, he will help him, wouldn't it be a good fortune?"

Wang Xifeng nodded in understanding, and heard Daiyu lower her voice and said: "I heard that brother Dongfu Zhen is very ugly, sister-in-law must keep a close eye on brother, don't let anyone lead him astray!" Wang Xifeng was stunned, Then he nodded and laughed.


The last chapter...Finally finished coding...Gujing needs to take a breath...Thank you for your support and love to Gujing, Gujing will continue to work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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