Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 240 Saying Parents

Chapter 240 Saying Parents ([-])

I would like to thank mizhuomm for the support of the monthly ticket, and thank Jianqi Lingtian for the generous reward! O(∩_∩)O~

What Mo Xuan didn't expect was that when the emperor learned where Mo Xuan got the blueprint from Daiyu, he paid so much attention to it.Not only the Seventh King, Prince Yi, but also the Minister of Industry, the Minister of War, and Huang Jiyun were summoned to study together.

Although it was the first time for the adults to see such drawings, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry gave an affirmative answer: "Reporting to the Holy Majesty, it is not difficult to make such a sled. If you give me enough time, Even if there are thousands of cars, it is no longer a problem..." Before the minister of the Ministry of Industry finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Seventh Prince frowning: "How is it now?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry looked at the emperor in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer for a while, the emperor nodded and said, "But it's okay." Then the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry bowed to the seventh prince, Prince Yi, and said, "If this sled doesn't require exquisiteness, the prince can It is not difficult to build it on the road. As for the expedition tomorrow... the next official can order the craftsmen to make one for the prince overnight."

The seventh prince, Prince Yi, was so out of breath that he fainted!He said angrily: "What is enough for one car? Is it possible for the master to come from the capital to the northwest? You just say whether it is good or not, and send craftsmen who can make this thing and the king to go north with the army! Send more, how many are there?" How much to send!"

Speaking of the seventh prince, Prince Yi looked at the blueprint and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, how much energy the soldiers need to save in the snow!" , and the speed of this thing is not bad!" After speaking, the two foxes looked at each other and smiled, and they both saw the hope of great victory in each other's eyes.

Seeing this, the emperor was naturally happy, so he praised Mo Xuan fiercely, which made Mo Xuan very embarrassed, as if he was cheating the world and stealing the credit that belonged to others.Seeing his appearance, the emperor raised his eyebrows at Huang Jiyun without explaining, and then burst out laughing.Huang Jiyun also looked at Mo Xuan with a smile in his eyes, but didn't speak.

Seeing the flirtatious glances between the emperor and Huang Jiyun, the seventh prince, Prince Yi, couldn't help asking: "Why are you so happy, brother?" So happy, the emperor was naturally very happy that Mo Xuan could get the blueprint before the soldiers were about to set off.

But the emperor was also thinking about how much this girl Lin still had in her head, and said inwardly: It seems that I have to find time to question this girl.If Mo Xuan hadn't been there by chance today, I'm afraid he wouldn't have gotten the blueprint, right?

Just as the emperor was thinking about it, he heard Minister of the Ministry of Industry say bitterly: "Your Majesty Qizuo, although this blueprint is novel, it is extremely simple to make. As long as you have the blueprint, or a craftsman who has made it once, there is nothing that cannot be made. If this gets out..." At this point, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry suddenly knelt on the ground and said with a mournful face: "I can't afford it!"

Not to mention the Seventh Prince, Prince Yi and the Minister of the Ministry of War, even the emperor was in awe, and hurriedly looked at Mo Xuan, stared into Mo Xuan's eyes and asked, "Who else did you see this drawing with before it was sent to the palace?"

Hearing what Minister of the Ministry of Industry said, Mo Xuan also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he hurriedly replied: "My Majesty, I will enter the palace as soon as I get this picture, and there is no delay on the way." After speaking, Mo Xuan looked at the emperor, and then Looking at Huang Jiyun, sweat broke out on his forehead, the emperor knew that he must have something to say, so he narrowed his eyes, stared at Mo Xuan and asked, "Speak!"

Mo Xuan sneaked a look at Huang Jiyun again, which made the emperor look at Huang Jiyun involuntarily, seeing that Huang Jiyun's face was full of confusion, but he couldn't open his mouth to make any distinctions.

I only heard Mo Xuan hesitate and finally said: "Of course, this picture is from County Lord Lin, I don't know if the County Lord gave this picture to others..." At the end, Mo Xuan couldn't help but stop his voice, but in fact it was Daiyu sent the picture out of kindness to help him, but what he did at this time seemed to be repaying his kindness...

Thinking of this, Mo Xuan didn't dare to look at Huang Jiyun anymore, so he could only lower his head and look at the ground, feeling bitter in his heart.But after listening to Mo Xuan's words, Huang Jiyun looked at Mo Xuan with a very different look from a moment ago.

Seeing Mo Xuan like this, the emperor couldn't help turning his head to look at Huang Jiyun, but he saw Huang Jiyun staring at Mo Xuan coldly, but he didn't say a word.The emperor couldn't help shouting secretly in his heart: Oops!

Although the emperor knew in his heart that Huang Jiyun might hold grudges against Mo Xuan, this time was not the time to release it, so he pressed the matter and ordered the ministers of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War: "This blueprint should be classified as a first-class secret. It is also not allowed to pass it on to the outside world, if it is spread on the outside, once it is discovered, it will be dealt with as collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country! Do you understand?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, as well as the Seventh Prince Yi and Huang Jiyun all bowed to answer, but Mo Xuan seemed a little dazed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mo Xuan originally wanted to go to Zhuangzi and Daiyu outside the city to explain it, or find Huang Jiyun, or Huang University scholar to explain, but unfortunately he has no time to go out of the city, and after Huang Jiyun came out of the imperial study, he seemed to avoid him on purpose , I can't find anyone.

In the early morning of the second day, Mo Xuan, full of apprehension and entanglement, embarked on a journey to the northwest with the seventh prince, Prince Yi.The army's expedition did not bring any impact to the people of the capital. If it had to be said, it would add a new topic of conversation after dinner.

But in Daiyu's village, because of Mo Xuan's request before leaving, there was a picky, willful, talkative parrot.Daiyu simply hung the parrot, which gave her such a headache, in the lobby of the front yard. She never imagined that within two months, the parrot would learn how to chant poems with those girls!

Among the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Seventh Prince, Prince Yi, there was a special team led by Mo Xuan himself.Except for the Seventh Prince, Prince Yi, no one knew what this team was doing, they thought it was the empress's nephew, who followed the Seventh Prince to make military achievements.

These days, apart from marching, Mo Xuan led the craftsmen to collect the materials for making the sleds. Apart from preventing a few craftsmen from leaking the blueprints, it was easy.But in his heart, because of what happened in the imperial study that day, he was depressed, so he didn't have a good face all day long. Fortunately, Mo Xuan was usually silent, so no one paid attention to him.

After the army set off, the emperor was busy for another two days. When he was free, he happened to hear the queen mention Mrs. Cheng'en as her son Mo Ang, asking for a marriage order, and only then did he think of Mo Xuan.

The next day the emperor summoned Huang Jiyun to drink tea in the imperial garden. He seemed to have no intention of mentioning that Daiyu was about to come of age. In the blink of an eye, you have grown up." There was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth as he spoke, perhaps thinking of something interesting.

Seeing this, the emperor didn't ask any further questions, but said with a serious expression: "Back then, Ruhai entrusted me with the future of this girl, but now seeing that this girl is about to come of age, and Ji Yun is the master of this girl, I will ask you. Any thoughts?"

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he also put down his expression, put down the teacup and looked at the emperor and said, "I wonder if the Holy Majesty has made arrangements?" As Daiyu's master, Huang Jiyun treated Daiyu as his daughter, and at this time he heard the emperor talking about her. Huang Jiyun had to be cautious about the future.

Regarding Daiyu's future, the emperor was actually very cautious, even more than Huang Jiyun.

Lin Ruhai is a loyal subject to him and one of his few close friends.Everyone said that the Tian Family was ruthless, and the Supreme Emperor accused him more than once of being too cold-hearted. Before he ascended the throne, many people even called him the "cold-faced prince" and "the copycat prince" behind his back.

Furthermore, he had just ascended the throne, and the treasury was empty, so it was difficult for him to move forward. The little girl Daiyu actually saw his difficulties, and took the initiative to cash in the money, which played a very good role in leading the treasury and won a breathing space for the treasury.With the signboard of Wujun Wangfu, the emperor didn't think that Daiyu was unable to preserve the Linfu's family business, so he felt very grateful for Daiyu's actions that day.

Aside from other things, as far as Daiyu itself is concerned, the emperor also admires and likes it very much.Smart, but not scheming; brave, but very measured.

However, such a woman is not suitable to stay in the royal family, otherwise, the emperor will have to worry about the future imperial power, and if he stays in the palace, he is afraid of causing unnecessary troubles. The emperor knows very well that his sons may be difficult to tame This girl.As for the clan, the emperor never thought about it, and even thought about it, never thought about it!

The emperor thought about it, he looked at Mo Xuan who had grown up, he knew his roots, he had the potential to be a good character, he was protected by himself and the queen, and he had a very harmonious relationship with Chengde, but he was not deeply involved with the family. It is an excellent candidate.

The emperor had expressed his thoughts before, but at that time, Daiyu was young and the filial piety had not yet expired, so there is no need to say more.Huang Jiyun also realized something at the beginning, and his attitude towards Mo Xuan was considered gentle. Even though he was reluctant to give up, he didn't have any objection in his heart.

But now, perhaps it was Mo Xuan's words that day, which made Huang Jiyun think about it. Seeing that Daiyu will be filial piety in just one or two months, and not long after the filial piety, it will be her 15th birthday, which is her birthday. year.The emperor didn't want to cause more trouble, so he summoned Huang Jiyun to come to have an in-depth discussion, but Huang Jiyun didn't want to answer the conversation at this time.

The emperor frowned and pondered for a moment and said, "I want to settle down as soon as possible. At this time, I have also settled my mind. After Yu'er's ceremony, I will personally give her a marriage." After the emperor finished speaking, he raised his eyes to Huang Jiyun and said with a smile: "What does Ji Yun think?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned, and quickly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is very considerate, and I will thank you for Yu'er." As soon as Huang Jiyun finished speaking, the emperor gave him an angry look and said, "Sure enough, she is not as cute as that girl! Playing with me Are these tricks interesting?" The emperor shook his head after speaking, and said seemingly unintentionally: "If not, then I will directly issue an order?"

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he knew that the emperor was a little annoyed, so he got up hastily, but the emperor stopped him and said, "Sit down for me!" After the emperor finished speaking, he sighed and said: "Today, we don't distinguish between monarchs and ministers, but we talk about friendship. I want to marry your female student for my nephew. What should Ji Yun do?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a while, then slowly sat back on his seat, looked at the emperor, saw the sincerity in his eyes, frowned and thought for a while, "Mo Xuan is a good boy, but not all good boys can Be a good husband..."

Before Huang Jiyun finished speaking, the emperor said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean you can't be a good husband? You don't marry for life? Ji Yun said, what is on your mind? Why don't you get married?" Huang Jiyun didn't expect the previous sentence He was still talking about the matter between Daiyu and Mo Xuan, why did it suddenly involve him again?Can't help but feel very headache.

The reason why Huang Jiyun didn't like to go back to Huang's mansion was because Mrs. Huang and those two elder brothers were the main reasons. As long as he went back to the mansion, there was never a time when he didn't ask about it.However, Huang Jiyun is now over half a hundred years old, really... Thinking that the emperor also started to ask at this time, Huang Jiyun suddenly felt cold sweat.

Seeing his appearance, the emperor shook his head with a headache and said, "It's good for you to know about this matter, and I'm just asking about your personal affairs." Speaking of this, the emperor paused and added: "But if you are like this, It's not a solution after all! If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that the queen will marry you that day, and I won't be able to stop it!"

Huang Jiyun changed the subject with a mournful face, "Didn't the Holy Majesty say that there is no need for monarchs and ministers today? Do you want to propose marriage to Mo Xuan and me, Yu'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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