Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 241 Saying Parents

Chapter 241 Talking About Parents (Part [-])

Hereby, I would like to thank the cat who doesn't like to catch mice for the support of the monthly ticket, and thank you Fangcaoqiqi 3 for the great reward~! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you for your support!Thanks also to Dandelion in QQ Reading Crazy!Thank you for your recommendation and encouragement!


Huang Jiyun changed the subject with a mournful face, "Didn't the Holy Majesty say that there is no need for monarchs and ministers today? Do you want to propose marriage to Mo Xuan and me, Yu'er?"

When the emperor heard this, he patted his forehead and said, "Look, look! You have misled me!" Huang Jiyun felt wronged!What do you mean being led astray by me?Didn't you do it yourself first?But Huang Jiyun didn't dare to pick it up again, and if he did, he might turn back.Sui Huang Jiyun just looked at the emperor very tangled, but didn't make a sound.

The emperor ignored it, thought for a while and said to himself: "I will tell you in advance that when Brother Xuan returns from the northwest, I will personally marry them. Ji Yun pondered over this matter Bar."

Huang Jiyun smiled wryly and said: "The Holy Majesty said that a marriage is going to be bestowed, and if the humble minister thinks about it or not, can he still have to change it?"

The emperor naturally heard Huang Jiyun's dissatisfaction, and he didn't want to force it, so he said with a smile: "Could it be that Ji Yun has a better candidate?"

Hearing the emperor's question, Huang Jiyun couldn't help but frowned and thought about it. He thought through all the young talents he knew, and couldn't think of anyone more suitable than Mo Xuan, so he said a little angry: "If we had known this before, we should have let Ruhai reserve Yu'er's brother-in-law, Hongjin."

The emperor looked at Huang Jiyun with a half-smile, and after a while he asked coldly, "Ji Yun thinks they are suitable?"

Hong Jin is going to inherit the prince, and he is a child of the clan. According to the emperor's plan, Yu'er must not marry into the clan. If he has this plan, the emperor may directly keep Yu'er in the royal family, and even Palace.Even if Yu'er hadn't shown her talent at the beginning, Ruhai made an appointment for Yu'er, now, the emperor might try to erase the marriage.

Thinking of this, Huang Jiyun felt a little unhappy, but he also knew that he was sitting across from him, saying that it doesn't matter whether the emperor or his ministers, but the emperor is the emperor, and there is no such thing as ethics, so he thought about it for a while and said tactfully: "I feel that at this time, it is still time You need Yu'er to nod in person."

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, seeing the emperor looking over in disbelief, he was not in a hurry, took a sip of tea slowly, and then continued: "That girl Yu'er, she looks like a gentle and gentle person on weekdays, but she is stubborn. But no one can turn it around. Besides, beating up that little girl has a lot of ideas, if you don't talk to her about this matter first, I'm afraid something will happen in the future."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, the emperor also thought of Daiyu's daring to go south alone, stubbornly going out of the city, all kinds of things, but as Huang Jiyun said, seemingly gentle, but actually stubborn, he couldn't help but also frowned.

The emperor thought about it for a while and said unwillingly: "This is a major marriage event since ancient times, and the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents. When will it be her turn for a little girl to make her own decisions?"

As if to strengthen his confidence, the emperor continued to ask: "Even if Ruhai and his wife have already returned, are the Prince Wu and his wife considered her parents? His father personally agreed, so this girl can't go back on her word, right? Is there a master like you? Heaven, earth, monarch, relatives and teachers, apart from heaven and earth, monarchs, relatives and teachers are all available!"

Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "The Holy Majesty knows this girl very well, so why bother to embarrass my minister?" Although Huang Jiyun's words were very obvious excuses, but the emperor couldn't find any words to refute, so he said angrily: "It's true. I don't know what to do with a girl! It's a good thing I've thought about her so much!"

The emperor was also a little angry when he said that, seeing this, Huang Jiyun also knew that the emperor was really thinking of Daiyu, so he smiled and comforted him and said: "Don't worry, my lord, isn't this not yet full of filial piety? Besides, that kid Mo Xuan You just went to the northwest? It is not yet known when you will return, so why should your majesty be in a hurry?"

The emperor sighed and said: "I'm just negotiating with you, both children must be good." Speaking of this, the emperor smiled and said: "Ji Yun is not holding grudges against brother Xuan, that child is more upright. , but no bad intentions."

The emperor said so, but Huang Jiyun smiled noncommittally and did not answer. The emperor knew that Huang Jiyun was very stingy, and his temper was easy to say anything. If he was upset, he would not care. Lord, then smiled and said: "I see, that girl Yu'er and Brother Xuan get along very well."

Huang Jiyun was taken aback by these words, then he shook his head and said with a smile: "There are very few people who get along badly with that girl."

One or two days later, the emperor and the empress talked about this matter, and the empress had an expression on her face: I knew it was such an expression, which made the emperor very embarrassed, so she couldn't help asking: "Could it be that my expression is particularly obvious on weekdays?"

The emperor had never seen such an appearance before, so the empress couldn't help but cover her mouth with a smile and said: "Look at what the sage said, other things, the concubines don't know, but this is the only thing, not to mention the concubines, it is Brother and sister Hanyi probably knew about it, and brother Xuan probably guessed about it because of his stature, but the Holy Majesty didn't say it clearly, so we don't want to ask."

What the queen said made the emperor a little stunned, no wonder the kid blushed every now and then, and he went to the Zhuangzi outside the city before he left!
Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help laughing and said: "Then according to the queen, are these two children a good match?" Excellent, so the Holy Majesty has decided."

The queen's words made the emperor dumbfounded, but in the end he still sighed: "Brother Xuan, I think that if I make a will, I dare not disobey. But that girl Yu'er..."

The emperor frowned and shook his head and said: "That girl is stubborn, I'm afraid she can do anything!" At this point, the emperor was also a little annoyed, so he said fiercely: "It's really lawless!"

The queen was startled, and quickly asked: "Why did your majesty say that?" The emperor gave the queen an angry look and said, "Did the queen forget that the girl not only dared to sneak south alone, but even dared to say something in front of me?" 'A companion is like a tiger'? Throughout the ages, who has been so bold?"

After hearing this, the empress burst out laughing, cast a glance at the emperor, and said, "Isn't the majesty favoring you? The majesty compared that girl to Mr. Wen Zhen, and allowed her to speak freely?" The emperor thought it seemed to be the same, so he laughed loudly. stand up.

After laughing, the emperor sighed again: "I have sorted out all the young talents in the capital, and I think this brother Xuan and Yu'er are very compatible. How can there be no reward for your kindness?" The emperor looked at the queen and said aggrievedly: "Even Hanyi, I never bothered so much, did I?"

When the queen heard this, she made a serious face on purpose, and said with a sour taste: "If the sage doesn't say anything, all the concubines think that girl is a pearl left in the Lin Mansion!" The emperor couldn't help being stunned when he heard it.

Seeing this, the Empress chuckled and said, "Why do you need to be so worried? Isn't it too early? If the Holy Majesty is really worried, he calls Yi'er back and asks her to find a chance to ask Yu'er. They are very good friends, Yu'er has kept his filial piety for the past two years, and the two of them have exchanged letters, and that Wanyu, the three girls are as good as one person."

After hearing this, the emperor nodded his head in approval and said: "The empress is still thoughtful, so I will leave this matter to the empress." After saying this, the emperor suddenly felt as if a big stone had fallen in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking: "Could it be this girl's fault?" Marriage actually seems like a military event?He couldn't help shaking his head secretly, thinking it was very funny.

But the emperor didn't know that his kindness to Daiyu had already surpassed the attitude of ordinary elders towards their nephews.It is really as the queen said, if you don't know, you may think it is a pearl left behind.

The emperor is planning to test Daiyu's attitude, but Hongshi has already started his action. He decided to choose a day to propose marriage after Daiyu's filial piety, and at this time, he has already given it to King Wu In the letter, not only Concubine Hou sent a letter to King Wujun, but Hong Shi also personally wrote a letter of condolence to King Wujun, but at the end she also mentioned the matter of Daiyu.

The two letters were sent to the fief of King Wujun successively, but the return of the king of Wujun was not for fun.Back in the fief these days, King Wujun almost lived in the barracks, especially when he saw the soldiers, after practicing according to Daiyu's method, they were indeed much stronger. It is even more eager to score two points.

There is no rush to send soldiers to pretend to be pirates, there must be qualified soldiers, right?The king of Suiwu County also rarely returned to the mansion.

When I returned to the mansion that day, the housekeeper hurriedly sent two letters from the capital: "My lord, the capital has sent two letters one after another. I'm afraid there is something urgent. Do you want to see it first?" The prince of Wu County has not yet answered, Shizi Hongjin asked coldly: "Since there is something urgent, why did you report it today?"

The butler looked at Hongjin in embarrassment, and then at King Wu. Seeing that King Wu was staring at him, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. .”

As soon as the steward finished speaking, Prince Wu took the letter and said in a cold voice: "There is no Princess Mo in the Prince Wu's mansion, how can there be a concubine side? Besides, this king only has one son! I hear you again." You're talking nonsense, I, the Prince of Wu Commandery, will keep you too!" After speaking, he tossed off his robe, turned and went to the study.

Hong Jin looked at the housekeeper coldly, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "I remember, you seem to have a daughter in Beijing?" As soon as the words came out, cold sweat rolled down the housekeeper's cheeks. Falling down, looking at Hongjin tremblingly, not knowing how to speak, Hongjin ignored him, only slightly hooked the corners of his lips, turned and went back to his yard.

Prince Wujun returned to his study, opened two letters, and was furious!Secretly: A fool is a fool!How dare he miss that girl from the Lin family!The prince of Wujun didn't want to pay attention to it, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what stupid things Nahum would do at that time, so he hurriedly wrote a letter to Princess Wujun, ordering it to be sent to the capital immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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