Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 244 In addition to service

Chapter 244 Detoxification (Part [-])

I would like to thank Maggiexie, Yaya 21 for the monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O~
Although Daiyu didn't answer directly, Wanyu's words made Hanyi think that he had got the answer he wanted, so he didn't ask any more questions. He hurried back to the palace.

But that night, because the next day was the day when Daiyu got rid of her clothes, Princess Wujun, Wanyu, and Wang Xifeng didn't go back to the city, but stayed at Daiyu's village.

Before daybreak, Nanny Tang and Nanny Yang woke up Daiyu to take a bath and get dressed.After tidying up, it was two hours later.Wan Yu helped Princess Wujun into Daiyu's room, seeing Daiyu dressed up, but her face was full of sleepiness, she couldn't help telling Nanny Tang amusedly, "Hurry up and make a bowl of tea for this girl."

Before Daiyu could drink the tea, a little maid came to report: "The first-class general's mansion, Mrs. Jia and the second wife are visiting the girl. Miss Xi and Miss Shi are here." After finishing speaking, the little maid added: "General Weilie's wife from the Ningguo Mansion has also arrived."

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, and someone came to report: "The Concubine Nan'an is here." Before Daiyu could react, Princess Wujun patted Wanyu's hand and said, "You stay here with your sister. Go and see."

After Wujun Princess finished speaking, she walked out with four mothers, four big maids, and eight young maids.

After Princess Wujun left, Daiyu's room suddenly became much more spacious.Wanyu saw that Daiyu had cleaned up almost as well, so she sat and talked with Daiyu in the room and refused to let her go out.

But Daiyu didn't know that not only the old lady Jia brought the female relatives from the two mansions to the Jia's house, but also Jia Zheng, who always ignored the common affairs, also brought his own children and grandchildren, Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, and Jia Lan.Except for the widowed Li Wan, the whole government is really mobilized now.

On the side of the women's family, since Princess Wujun, as Daiyu's adoptive mother, presided over it herself, nothing went wrong.

When the male guest Huang Jiyun arrived, Jia Zheng had already arrived first, and as Daiyu's uncle, he was already receiving the guests, so even Jia Lian had to stay aside.This made Huang Jiyun a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Huang Jiyun is not only a high-ranking and powerful minister, but also the emperor's confidant, so no one dares to underestimate him.

What's more, the male guests who came today, except for Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, and Jia Lan thought that most of them had official positions, so naturally they were more willing to chat with the emperor's former celebrity, Huang Jiyun, which saved Huang Jiyun from embarrassment.

Daiyu and Wanyu didn't sit in the house for long, except for Tanchun, Xichun, Shi Xiangyun and other girls from Jia's house and Shi's family who came with Mrs. Jia, Bilian from Huang's house, and several clan girls also came. .The only thing that surprised Daiyu was that Xue Baochai came in with a delicate and pretty girl.

After being introduced by Xue Baochai, Daiyu and others knew that this was Xue Baochai's cousin, Xue Baoqin.He also said that he was betrothed to the son of Mei Hanlin's family, and now he has come to Beijing to get married, but he didn't know that Mei Hanlin had been transferred to a foreign post, and He Fu had moved to the post.

Today is Daiyu's big day, so Xue Baochai just briefly mentioned a few words, and then changed the topic again, which made Wanyu look at her high, and didn't care about her status as a merchant.

When the auspicious time was approaching, Princess Wujun sent someone to invite Daiyu to go out.Everyone saw Daiyu's red makeup, even exquisite and luxurious.The whole person also looked extremely energetic, and Madam Wang looked straight at her. Although she secretly cursed Daiyu as a goblin in her heart, she couldn't bear to look away.

Mrs. Jia hadn't seen Daiyu for a long time. Seeing Daiyu in such a splendid attire, she was so excited that she trembled a little. The other clan women also hid their gazes when they saw this legendary county head of the opposite sex. With a sizing look, he flattered Princess Wujun for a while.

Princess Wujun accepted everything with a smile, and even smiled proudly: "Seeing that Yu'er is about to get married, fortunately, Yu'er is with me. In the future, I don't know who will marry her." Go, that's what will hurt me to death!"

Princess Wujun was talking, when someone came outside to report: "Princess Emperor Wenhui is here!" Except for Princess Wujun who was still sitting upright, all the clan women, clan girls and other noble ladies stood up to greet each other. welcome.From the bottom of my heart, I valued Daiyu more than two points.

Han Yi is dressed in an orange-red palace attire, wearing a high flying fairy bun, six red treasures and pearls to hold the bun, and a five-tailed golden phoenix with red gold inlaid treasures and beads, stepping in.As for those clan women who squatted down to salute, they didn't even look at them.Not to mention other ladies and gentlemen.

It wasn't until passing Nan'an Concubine that Han Yi nodded lightly and said: "Old Concubine please get up quickly." After finishing speaking, he walked over directly, thinking that Princess Wujun was coming, squatting slightly and said: " Yi'er met my aunt." After Hanyi had saluted with Princess Wujun, Wanyu and Daiyu squatted down to salute together, "I met sister Hanyi."

The difference in address also shocked the people who were squatting and kneeling below.And Daiyu understood that Hanyi came here today in such a high-profile way to make a face for her, so Daiyu accepted it gladly.

After Hanyi helped Wanyu and Daiyu up, he tapped Daiyu's forehead and said with a smile: "Your girl has a conscience, but you still remember that your mother loves you. It is inconvenient for your mother to come, so she ordered me to run errands for you." , send a congratulatory gift."

After finishing speaking, Han turned around, as if he found that he was squatting and kneeling underneath, he hurriedly smiled and said: "I saw Sister Yu'er and ignored it, please hurry up, everyone." Everyone naturally understood that this was Princess Wenhui Han Hey, I'm deliberately posing, but who can say what?Not only can't say anything, but the princess has to give up at this moment, and I have to thank you!

After everyone was seated, Han Yi clapped his hands, and saw a row of maids walking in holding a tray with a red background painted gold and covered with bright yellow satin.

When everyone saw the bright yellow silk and satin, they knew it was a gift from the empress!At this moment, Princess Wu also hurriedly stood up to salute, Daiyu stepped forward a few steps, about to kneel down to receive the salute, but Han Yi grabbed her first and said: "The empress mother said that you don't need to be too polite." After speaking, he nodded to the leading Gong'e.

Seeing that Han Yi was nodding to her, the maid lifted up the bright yellow silk and satin on the first tray to reveal the congratulatory gift from the empress, and even sang: "A pair of red gold and emerald green and white jade!" Opened the second tray and sang: "One Golden Phoenix Hairpin with Three Tails" followed by the third tray: "Two Pearls of the East China Sea"...

You don't need to see the end, just these three trays are enough to make everyone's hearts startled. Mrs. Jia knelt beside Nan'an Concubine, trembling uncontrollably.Mrs. Wang's eyes were even redder, and it was only at this moment that she realized her daughter Yuan Chun's intention to win over that Lin girl by herself.

Eight trays doesn't sound like much.But at the end of the song, everyone was a little numb. Who would dare to compare wealth with the royal family?Seeing Daiyu standing next to Princess Wenhui, everyone's eyes changed, especially those clan women, who understood what the empress's attitude today represented.

Even Grand Concubine Nan'an couldn't help but narrow her eyes, and for the first time began to look at Daiyu carefully.Originally, she came here in person today, one is for the sake of Old Madam Jia, and the other is because the Prince of Wu County is in the south with his son and wants to establish a good relationship with Princess Wu County.

But now Grand Concubine Nan'an feels that today's trip is extremely necessary just because of Daiyu herself!
There are not a few people who have the same thoughts as Concubine Nan'an, but Hanyi is obviously not interested in finding out what their thoughts are. Seeing that Daiyu has ordered someone to take the things away, he waved back Gong'e and pulled Daiyu himself. Together with Wan Yu, they sat beside Princess Wujun.

After chatting and laughing with Princess Wujun, Princess Wujun smiled and said: "Yu'er, take the girls to play in the garden." Daiyu understood that Princess Wujun didn't want to keep her here, so she laughed softly. He said: "There is a small stage set up in the garden, Steward Song invited the Sanqing troupe to come, mother and concubine, why not bring all the wives to watch the opera and listen to the music?"

Princess Wujun didn't know about it before, but she was very satisfied with Daiyu's arrangement at this moment, so she nodded with a smile and said, "Mother and concubine have her own discretion, so go ahead." The daughter of my daughter went to the garden together.Seeing this, Grand Concubine Nan'an felt very regretful, she should have brought her daughter here earlier.

Daiyu walked all the way and whispered to Wanyu and Hanyi annoyed: "It's cold winter, Yu'er's garden is nothing to see, if it is on weekdays, you can take the two sisters to Miaoyu's sister's place, where are the plum blossoms?" It's driving very well at the moment."

Wan Yu said nonchalantly: "If these people go, I'm afraid they won't have the mood to admire plum blossoms. But your place is good, and the hot spring supports the whole Zhuangzi, like a fairyland .”

But Hanyi asked curiously: "Why? Hearing such praise, but the plum trees in Biwu County Prince's Mansion are well cultivated?" Daiyu said with a smile: "Sister Hanyi still understands me, and the plum blossoms in Sister Miaoyu's garden , looks like a wild one, very interesting. I don’t know how she planted it, but it grows extremely lush.”

As soon as Han Yi heard it, he became interested, looked at the noble ladies who were listening to them not far away, and couldn't help but frowned and said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to see it today, but fortunately I live in the Outside the palace, I will come to you another day to show me the plum garden."

As soon as Han Yi finished speaking, someone beside him said with a smile: "Princess Wen Hui, why don't you take us all to have a look today?" Han Yi looked back and said with a smile: "Even if the Holy Majesty is a guest, you don't have to bring a large group of people with you. , the reason for going to someone’s house. Besides, I’m just a princess.”

After finishing speaking, Han Yi didn't even look at the man's face, and pulled Dai Yu and Wan Yu towards Xi Yu Xuan.But Daiyu happened to turn her head and saw the embarrassed expression on the girl's face, seeing Han Yi's brisk walk forward, she had no choice but to give the girl an apologetic look.

But Daiyu didn't know that the girl was Liuqin, the younger sister of Liu Fang, the first-class son of Liu Biao's grandson, the Duke of Li, and she was also very favored in the Duke of Li's mansion.Because of this look, Liuqin, who did not dare to offend Hanyi, hated Daiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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