Chapter 245 Returning to the Palace

Thank you for your kindness!Today is Qixi Festival. Many people say that today is Chinese Valentine's Day... Well, it's actually not true.At least Gu Jing thinks this is wrong... Lantern Festival is Chinese Valentine's Day, right?Watching lanterns and guessing lantern riddles are the traditional Valentine's Day items of our Chinese nation.Subtle, introverted and full of deep meaning... In a popular saying, it's called: braised... So what day is it today?We all know it already, isn't the cowherd always picking up his children?So today should be a day of family reunion, right?Of course, this was only a small family in our ancient times, but now, isn't it a family?Far away!I have a task today, at 89292995:[-] pm, ordinary red envelopes~ haha, at [-]:[-] pm, Q group also has red envelopes~ Group number again~: [-]

After the ceremony, apart from everyone in Jia's mansion, these clan women, as well as noble ladies from various prefectures, all left one after another after dinner.Even Princess Hanyi and his wife also left.

In old lady Jia's mind, now that Daiyu is full of filial piety, and tomorrow will be a new year, she is going to take Daiyu to her house today, so she stayed until the end.Who knows that Princess Wujun actually smiled and said: "Look at the old matriarch joking, since Yu'er is the daughter of my Wujun prince's mansion, naturally this day of family reunion, she wants to go back to the palace with me, what does the old matriarch say?"

Princess Wu's words choked Old Madam Jia speechless for a while, but she didn't want to leave, so the atmosphere became a little stiff.Seeing this, Daiyu pondered for a while before smiling and persuading her, "Why don't Yu'er go to pay her respects to her grandmother after the new year is over?"

Seeing that Daiyu promised to go to Jia's mansion, the old lady Jia also found a ladder to go down, so she smiled and said, "It's because my grandmother misses Yu'er too much. Since the princess wants to take Yu'er back, then Yu'er will go back with the princess." , don't be naughty, and make the princess unhappy."

Seeing Princess Wujun's complexion was a bit bad after finishing speaking, even Daiyu fell silent, and the old lady Jia stopped talking, thought for a while and said: "Then Yu'er can make an agreement with grandma. I have to stay in the mansion for a while longer."

Daiyu looked back at Princess Wujun, and seeing Princess Wujun nodded slightly to her, Fang smiled and said: "After the young year, Yu'er will go to greet her grandmother in person." The family of Jia's family bid farewell and left.Even Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng followed suit.

Seeing that everyone in Jia's mansion had left, Daiyu felt relieved and let out a long breath. Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled and said, "Yu'er was very nervous just now?" Daiyu thought for a while, shaking her head and said: "Going back to Concubine Mu, it's not that I'm nervous, it's just..."

Daiyu thought for a while before saying: "Grandmother is getting old, and she is so confused. As a junior, she should advise her, but Yu'er doesn't know how to advise her. And..."

Speaking of this, Daiyu frowned in confusion, and then said uncertainly: "And Yu'er feels that not only the eldest uncle and his family can't be the masters of the house, but also the grandmother can't be the master of the house." Daiyu finished speaking Looking at Princess Wujun, hoping that Princess Wujun could give some advice, but Princess Wujun just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Wanyu was afraid that Daiyu would think too much, so she comforted her and said, "Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, so how can we generalize them? Even if I have hired my mother and concubine to take care of it, I'm afraid it won't take long I don't know." When Wanyu said this, what else did Daiyu not understand?Then he smiled and said: "Yu'er is just a little distressed, when her mother was alive..."

Thinking of Jia Min, Daiyu felt extremely uncomfortable. When she came to this world, Jia Min was the first person to give her a hug. She was not generous but very warm. She smelled like her mother in her previous life... Even many times, Daiyu They were all thinking, if they had noticed Aunt Bai earlier, maybe... But how could there be so many possibilities in this world?
Daiyu shook her head and said with a smile: "It's okay, Yu'er understands." Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled and said, "It's good that it's okay, I'm afraid you will blame your mother and concubine for not helping you." Daiyu hurriedly He took Princess Wujun's arm and said, "Could it be that Yu'er is such an unreasonable and ignorant person in Mother's heart?"

Princess Wujun knew that Daiyu was not, so she didn't tease her when she saw that it was getting late, and sat for another half an hour before Princess Wujun told Daiyu: "Go and clean up, we should go back to the city later. It's gone." Seeing this, Daiyu nodded, got up and walked back.

As a matter of fact, Mother Tang got the news early in the morning, knowing that Daiyu was going back to the palace with Princess Wu Jun, she had already ordered Linde's family to take An'er and Ning'er to clean up.

When Daiyu came in, she saw that Linde's house had already packed many boxes, big and small.They are piled in the middle of the room. Those who don’t know will definitely think that Daiyu has moved, and I’m afraid she won’t come back!

Daiyu looked at Linde's family, and said angrily, "Put all the things back for me and pack them up soon?" After saying that, Daiyu couldn't hold back her face anymore and burst out laughing, and said after a while: "Could it be that Jin'er doesn't want me to come back so much?"

Jin Er hurriedly shook her head and said: "How could it be? The girl is going to the palace. To be honest, I don't feel relieved that she is not in front of my eyes. Wouldn't it be convenient for you to prepare more for the girl?"

But Daiyu took Jin'er's hand and said: "My good sister, put everything back quickly, just bring the dowry and a change of clothes. See if there is something unique, and bring some more, so it's easy to give away." What." Hearing what Daiyu said, Jin'er reluctantly packed the things back.

Daiyu looked around, but she didn't see Nanny Sun, so she couldn't help asking: "But did you see Nanny Sun?" Jin'er tidied up without looking back, "Perhaps they are still cleaning up outside, right?" Well, so many people suddenly came here today, fortunately our village has a lot of stock, so we are almost overwhelmed like this."

Daiyu nodded and said: "It's hard to do everything for you." As she said that, Daiyu said to An'er who was busy with Jin'er: "An'er, go and see where Nanny Sun is, I have something to do with her. Hearing this, An'er immediately put down the box in her hand, squatted slightly and ran out.

As for Jin'er, Daiyu didn't have anything to explain, she was very clear about Zhuangzi's affairs, and with her and his wife around, Daiyu was also very relieved, and it was all just a few words of advice.

When Grandma Sun came, Daiyu smiled and said, "Don't be too busy, Grandma, go and clean up quickly, and go to the palace with me in a while." Grandma Sun asked puzzledly, "What did you say? "Usually, Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang accompanied Daiyu to the palace, but today Daiyu suddenly asked her to go with her, and Nanny Sun couldn't react.

Daiyu said with a smile, "Don't think too much, nanny, but I'm going to Jia's mansion in two days. I thought, you are an old man from Jia's mansion, and you should do many things." Listening to Daiyu Speaking of which, Nanny Sun nodded knowingly and went down to tidy up, while Daiyu went to Nanny Yang's room.

Seeing Daiyu coming, Mammy Yang thought she was about to leave, so she stood up stiffly from the chair. Seeing this, Daiyu hurried forward, helped Mammy Yang's hand and said, "Mom, stop moving!" It’s good to rest.” Seeing that Aunt Luo was there, Daiyu smiled and said, “Why is Auntie still here with Mammy? We’ll be leaving soon.”

Although Aunt Luo is Daiyu's master, she has become used to following Daiyu wherever she goes these years.

Hearing Daiyu talk about going to Wujun Prince's Mansion, Aunt Luo thought for a while and said, "Yu'er is growing up too, there is no need for aunt to run around with you, this time aunt will not go." After looking at Nanny Yang, she continued, "Your Nanny Yang is too old, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand such a toss."

Seeing this, Daiyu nodded and smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then Yu'er entrusted Zhuangzi to my aunt and mother. If there is anything, if you need Yu'er, just send someone to call Yu'er." Aunt Luo was very happy to see that Daiyu understood what she meant.

Daiyu saw that the arrangement was safe, and there was Nanny Yang, Aunt Luo and Jin'er looking after her in the inner house, Daiyu was very relieved, so she went to the front yard again.

Daiyu originally wanted to meet Steward Song before leaving, but she didn't want to see Huang Jiyun and Steward Song chatting over tea when she arrived in the front yard, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Master is really very elegant."

Huang Jiyun and Huang Jiyun heard Daiyu's voice and looked up.Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "But the princess is leaving? Is there something else?"

Daiyu didn't hide anything, when she mentioned that she was going to Wujun Prince's Mansion to celebrate her new year, and then she was going to Jia's Mansion, Huang Jiyun frowned and sighed: "Yu'er, go, after all, it's your grandma's house, and I don't care about it." It’s good to break off the relationship, if you can persuade me a few words, that’s also good.”

After speaking, Huang Jiyun looked at Steward Song, and said with a smile: "These days, as a teacher, let's spend a few days quietly in your Zhuangzi, so as to be a companion with Lao Song. It's not bad for us to play chess and drink tea." Daiyu naturally understood that Master Huang Jiyun wanted to take care of Zhuangzi for herself, and of course it was inevitable to avoid Mrs. Huang, so she smiled and said, "Then there will be a master."

When everything was arranged properly, Daiyu went to the flower hall accompanied by Nanny Tang, Nanny Sun, Hanxiao, Zhixuan, Linglan, Shinan, An'er, and Ning'er.

Princess Wujun knew that Daiyu had cleaned up after seeing it from a distance, so she smiled and said, "Since Yu'er is here, we won't delay any longer, and it will save us trouble after closing the city gate." Bento went out first.Daiyu and Wanyu looked at each other and smiled, and followed them out.

When Princess Wujun came, she came with Wanyu in the same chariot, and did not bring much carriage.Going back now, Daiyu took a few other carriages, the mother and maids naturally took another carriage, and Princess Wu took Daiyu and Wanyu back with her.

When Princess Wujun and her party returned to the Palace of Wujun, it was almost the end of the Hai Dynasty.Everyone was very tired after a busy day, so they didn't say much, and went back to the courtyard to wash and rest.

It was the first time for Grandma Sun to accompany Daiyu to stay in the Wujun Prince's Mansion. Seeing that the Wujun Princess had arranged a special yard for Daiyu, she was very happy in her heart, and even compared with the original Jia's Mansion, the more the comparison The more Sun Nanny felt, now that she was a member of the Lin family, she could no longer have anything to do with the Jia family.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, but on the second day Daiyu didn't wake up until the sun was up, she couldn't help complaining to Hanxiao angrily: "I don't know how to wake me up, just look at the time, don't let people say I don't understand the rules Woolen cloth!"

As soon as Daiyu finished complaining, she heard someone laugh out loud, Daiyu hurriedly turned her head to look, but she saw Wanyu who had been here for some time, sitting in front of the desk, looking at something.

Seeing Daiyu wake up, Wanyu put down the book in her hand and walked over.She tilted her head and looked at Daiyu who had just woken up, her black hair draped behind her shoulders, and her little face was flushed from sleep, and said with a smile: "Mother Concubine knows you are tired, so I told you not to go over to say hello yesterday, I want to come to Mother Concubine I'm tired too, I'm afraid I haven't woken up yet."

Hearing what Wanyu said, Daiyu pouted and stared at her in disbelief. Seeing this, Wanyu patted Daiyu's face angrily and smiled, "Get up, I'm bored alone. You're here for the meeting, don't be lazy!" As she spoke, she pulled Daiyu up involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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