Chapter 246
The red envelopes are finished...I really didn't see a few friends I knew...a little lost...well, I don't want to, let's see you in the Mid-Autumn Festival (~o~)~zZ is wrong, we will see you every day, see you in the red envelopes Mid-Autumn Festival, ( ~o~)~zZ there are more!Jinghong gave a reward... O(∩_∩)O Thank you Jinghong, I take it as a Valentine's Day gift~(~o~)~zZ should actually give red beans~ That thing is more lovesick...haha, I wish Everyone is happy as a family!Happiness!Furui likes things that are complete O(∩_∩)O~

Daiyu saw that Wanyu was wearing a pink silk tapestry dress today, with a rose gold skirt underneath, and on the side of the ingot bun, two light yellow and pink palace flowers, one big and one small, made Wanyu's fair skin even more dewy. Tender, three red gold dot emerald butterfly hairpins complement the dangling beaded butterfly earrings on the ears and the emerald beads on the neck.

Daiyu couldn't help being like a lazy cat, squinting her eyes and smiling, "My sister is so beautiful today." Daiyu was sincerely praising her, but Wanyu's skin was thin, and her cheeks flushed red all of a sudden.He nodded bitterly on Daiyu's forehead, pretending to be vicious and said: "Why don't you get up soon?"

Seeing this, Daiyu laughed happily. After washing and washing, she saw Wanyu choosing clothes for herself in the closet. Wan Yu, who was in front of the closet, hadn't picked out anything for a long time, she couldn't help but pouted and said, "Today, Yu'er wants to wear the same clothes as my sister."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Wanyu thought of the pair of bracelets, couldn't help raising her hands and asked with a smile: "Is it the same as this?" Unexpectedly, Daiyu also raised her arms and nodded: "It's the same !” The two looked at each other and smiled.

Hearing this with a smile on the side, he stomped his feet and said anxiously: "Miss, isn't this intentionally embarrassing the servants? Even if you do it now, it's too late! Besides..." Before Hanxiao finished speaking, he saw Dai Yu picked out a big pink dress from the closet, gestured in front of her, and asked Wanyu, "What do you think, sister?"

It was only with such a smile that he breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed secretly: "If it is really a elm head, why will the girl feel sorry for the people around us?"
Said it was a mockery, but Hanxiao said it unconsciously, not loudly, Daiyu and Wanyu didn't hear it, but Zhixuan who was standing at the side heard it just right, so she gently pulled her and said : "You just like to worry about it." The two also looked at each other and smiled.

At this moment, Daiyu had already put the chosen one, pink silk tapestry with a high collar and pipa lapel, inlaid with purple and red embroidered snow plums with a wide brim, inlaid with light yellow teeth, and squirrel hair fringed big dress aside.Hanxiao hurried forward and propped up the clothes on the hanger.

I also saw Daiyu choose a plain, streamlined pleated skirt of the same purple color from another wardrobe.Zhixuan hurriedly stepped forward to take it, and at this time Wanyu also prepared the palace sash for Daiyu, and took out the embroidered shoes with the same style of snow plums on the purple red bottom with a smile, Wanyu couldn't help but praised: "Sister is really a delicate person." .”

When Daiyu heard this, she smiled and said, "Sis, when is she not refined?" Wanyu didn't argue with her, instead she asked her to change into her clothes, and ordered Zhixuan to do her makeup with her.

After a while, Hanxiao also tied Daiyu's hair full of blue hair into a bun of ingots, and was about to choose a hairpin similar to Wanyu's to fix Daiyu's bun, when Daiyu suddenly pointed to a red gold tassel and wiped her forehead and said: " Just use that."

With a smile, she quickly picked out the one for Daiyu from the dowry, which was connected by two golden butterfly hairpins, hollowed out and carved with hibiscus flower tassels and covered with red gold on her forehead.The two golden butterfly hairpins have fixed the bun very well, shining brightly on the forehead, and they will have more eyes when they want to act.

Wan Yu glanced left and right on the edge, but shook her head and said, "It's still a bit short." As she spoke, she began to pick and choose in Daiyu's dowry.In Daiyu's dowry, there are all kinds of gold, jade, pearl, and agate, not to mention a lot, but there is nothing Wanyu wants.

On the contrary, Chai'er who was following Wanyu smiled and said: "I remember that in the new palace flower I got earlier, there are two green clouds with a little light yellow in the new green, it looks very good to match the county lord's attire. "

Wan Yu smiled and said, "Look how I forgot it? Back then, I thought it was a little colder, but now it looks fresh and elegant with my younger sister's bright clothes." Wan Yu urged Chai Er to say : "Why are you standing still, why don't you go and get it?" Chai'er nodded, covered her mouth with a smile and ran out.

After everything was tidied up, with two gold silk scrolls, Daiyu and Wanyu went to the courtyard where Princess Wujun lived.

Today is a young year, Princess Wujun will naturally not get up as Wan Yu said.When Daiyu and Wanyu arrived, there were already many people in the inner hall where Princess Wujun lived.Daiyu fell half a step behind Wanyu, and walked in after her.

Seeing the two of them walking in, Princess Wujun smiled and stretched out her hand to call them over.Wan Yu turned her head to look at Daiyu, smiled slightly, and after leading Daiyu to salute with Princess Wujun, she stood beside Princess Wujun together.

At this time, Daiyu had a clear view of everyone under the steps.The four women sat on the left and right, the three girls stood behind the four women, and only one woman in an orange-red palace dress sat alone.But the aura of that woman was two points stronger than those of the girls standing behind her. Sitting at the right hand of Princess Wujun, Daiyu couldn't help but take a second look.

Peony head, a group of eight gold-wrapped red treasure flower tines, and a red gold phoenix hairpin in the middle, respectively pressing down on each part of the bun, and a circle of tassel hairpins looming behind the bun.A piece of gold and silver eight treasures wiped the forehead, tied firmly between the foreheads.His expression seemed gentle, but in fact, the aura exuding from his body was full of hidden sharpness.

After thinking about it for a while, Daiyu realized that this must be the mother of the second master of Prince Wu's mansion. Her father used to go to Zhuangzi in the name of her righteous brother on the anniversary of her father's anniversary. As for the precious things, and looking at the red gold hairpin on the head today, Daiyu understands that she is not a good friend.

Look at Concubine Zhou Shu, who was crying and fussing on the day when Wanrong fell into the water, today she is wearing a silver-red spring orchid dark pattern embroidered with a pattern of wealth and wealth, a large coat with wide sleeves and fur collar, and a bean green palace sash hanging on the magenta floral skirt .

Concubine Zhou Shu was holding a fine porcelain teacup with pastel flowers on a white background, and was sitting next to the woman, with Wanrong standing behind her, which confirmed Daiyu's guess.

Without waiting for Daiyu to think about it, Princess Wujun pulled her closer with a smile, and said to her with a smile: "The one on the left is Concubine Qian, and the one standing behind her is your sister Wanqing. The one on the right This one is side concubine Hou, the biological mother of your righteous brother in later life, and your righteous brother was recalled to the fiefdom by your father, so he is not here."

Said that Princess Wu Jun pointed at Concubine Zhou who was the concubine Hou and said with a smile: "That is Concubine Zhou, you have seen it before, and the one behind her is Wan Rong who was rescued by you, who is the youngest of your father. daughter."

Hearing Princess Wujun's introduction, Wanrong hurriedly passed Concubine Zhou Shu and came to the center, bowed to Daiyu and said, "Sister Xie Yu's life-saving grace, Rong'er woke up at that time, and wanted to pay respects to Sister Xie Yu. The body was too weak to make the trip, and then I heard that Sister Yu had left the mansion to go to Zhuangzi outside the city, and it was only today that we could see each other."

After finishing talking about Wanrong, she squatted down again. Seeing this, Daiyu glanced at Wanyu, but Wanyu looked at Wanrong with no extra expression on her face. Daiyu's heart moved, she hurriedly turned around with a smile, and bowed to Princess Wujun Afterwards, Fang stepped forward to help Wanrong up and said: "Sister Wanrong, you are being polite, not to mention that you are the daughter of your father, even if you are a stranger on the side of the road, I also want to save you."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu covered her mouth lightly with a silk cloth, and said with a smile, "Sister Wanrong probably doesn't know. I liked medical theory when I was young, but I only read medical books and talked about wars on paper. I was reckless that day. Seeing my sister dying, I also I didn’t think it through clearly, so I shot it self-righteously, and the master punished me bitterly afterwards, and now I’m still afraid!"

When Daiyu said this, Wanrong didn't know how to continue, she couldn't help being stunned, and looked back at Concubine Zhou Shu.Concubine Zhou Shu could only smile at this time and said: "I looked at Yu'er very calmly that day, even the imperial doctor came and praised her again and again, saying that Yu'er has excellent medical skills."

Hearing concubine Zhou concubine call Yu'er, Princess Wujun and Wan Yu's faces turned a little bit bad, but Daiyu smiled calmly and said, "I don't know who is the imperial physician that concubine Zhou is talking about? In a few days, Yu'er will see you." If you are a master, you might as well ask your master to tell the story to your majesty." Daiyu said these few words, which can be said to be word for word, but it made Concubine Zhou's heart tremble inexplicably.

Then I heard Daiyu say coldly: "How can such a quack doctor be ordered by the imperial hospital? Are you joking with the lives of royal family members and ministers of civil and military affairs?" After speaking, Daiyu looked at Concubine Zhou Shu and asked with a smile: " Concubine concubine, do you think so?"

Concubine Zhou Shu couldn't react, but Concubine Hou was gnashing her teeth, but she didn't like to get angry. Seeing this, Wanrong laughed hastily and said: "Look at what Sister Yu said, it's just a trivial matter..." Before Wanrong finished speaking, Wu Jun The concubine finally spoke to Daiyu and said, "Come on, Yu'er, and concubine mother will introduce you."

Naturally, Daiyu squatted slightly, and then went back to Princess Wujun. Princess Wujun held Daiyu's hand, her face was calm, but there was a smile of approval in her eyes.

Princess Wujun pointed to the woman who was attacked by Concubine Qian and said: "That is Concubine Shen, and behind her is your sister Wanyun." Speaking of this, Princess Wujun smiled gently at Daiyu: "Speaking of which, you are the same Years and months are the same, Wanqing is only less than ten days older than you, and when your sister leaves the cabinet, you will always be companions."

Seeing this, Daiyu hastily stepped forward two steps, bowed in the direction of Wanqing and said, "Yu'er has seen sister Wanyun." Wanyun also stepped out from behind Concubine Shen Shu, and returned a salute to Daiyu.After the two met each other, Daiyu returned to the princess of Wujun, and then she had the time to look at the concubine Qian and Concubine Shen.

Concubine Qian is wearing a sapphire blue gown with multicolored two-color gold embroidered rich and noble peonies, black embroidered hundred dishes inlaid with gourd edges, and a collar sealed with snow fox fur.Underneath it is a blue silk palace satin multicolored embroidered horse-face skirt.A few flower hairpins on the head fix the bun, and a pearl inlaid with silver wipes the forehead and is tied on the forehead.Looking dignified and beautiful, but not ostentatious.

Wanqing standing behind Concubine Qian was very interesting, she was the only one present, she was very plain, wearing a honey-colored gourd cross-collared short jacket, with a green onion-colored pleated skirt, her hair was tied up in black hair. The fringed bun that few people wear, a piece of red gold fish, insects, flowers and birds is distractingly anchoring the small bun, and all other strands of hair are loose.

On the contrary, Wan Yun, who was said by Princess Wu Jun to be only a few days older than herself, wore a flying bun in a well-regulated way, with a few long flower hairpins fixed in place, a piece of red gold dotted emerald tassel Huasheng fixed in the distraction, and she was wearing a red palace satin The embroidered jacket is very delicate and charming.

(End of this chapter)

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