Chapter 247
Thank you xj Bean Sprouts, Star π’s monthly pass support O(∩_∩)O~ There is also a gift for Qixi Festival ~ Haha~ Brother Gudao and tatacoo are also Qixi Festival gifts? (⊙o⊙)?


Seeing that everyone who should be introduced has already been introduced, Princess Wujun said with a smile to Wan Yu: "Yu'er will lead the younger sisters to play in the garden, and come back at lunch."

From the beginning to the end, neither the side concubine nor the concubine had ever spoken a single word to Daiyu, as if she had never seen someone like her. That was Wanqing who was standing behind Qian Concubine, the concubine and concubine could still look at Daiyu, but Wanqing had never even had a look...

Daiyu was taken aback, looked at Wanyu, and secretly guessed: Does Princess Wujun have something to discuss with these side concubines and concubines?Could it be Prince Wu?Thinking of King Wujun, Daiyu couldn't help but think of Zhang Zhengzhang, the butler who went with King Wujun. According to the original plan, at this time, he might have gone to sea to become a pirate, right?
Wan Yu was also taken aback, and exchanged glances with Dai Yu, both looked worriedly at Princess Wu Jun, but both Wan Yu and Dai Yu obviously wanted to get divorced.

Princess Wujun saw the two sisters, with worried eyes, a warm current flowed through her heart, and she smiled with relief: "Go." Princess Wujun did not want to say more.Wanyu and Daiyu had no choice but to go out together.When passing Wanyun, Daiyu tilted her head and smiled, Wanyun nodded and followed.Wanrong didn't need to say hello, she enthusiastically followed Daiyu.

When she came outside the hall, Daiyu realized that Wanqing had also followed out at some point, but she looked very gloomy.Not only did he say nothing, he never even looked anyone in the eye.Daiyu looked at Wanyu, and Wanyu just shook her head slightly, so Daiyu didn't ask any more questions.

In this season, only the plum grove between Daiyu and Wanyu's courtyards is worth seeing, other places are also depressed in winter.

Wanyu and Daiyu were wrapped in the same red silk and white fox fur, Wanyun was dressed in a stone and green silk ermine coat, and Wanrong was also in a squirrel fur coat.Only Wanqing was wearing a long moon satin cloak with loose embroidered red plum and fox collar.Look at the indescribably deserted.

The five of them came to Meilin all the way, Daiyu thought for a while and smiled at Wanyu: "Why don't we take advantage of the fact that it's not snowing now, and ask someone to move the case, whether we play the piano and cook tea, or barbecue and couple poems , wouldn't it be much more interesting?"

Wan Yu stretched out her hand and tapped Dai Yu's forehead and said, "You have a lot of tricks, and you will have to go back to lunch in a short while, so why bother to work on them?" Wan Yu turned her head to look at Wan Yun and Wan Rong and asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

Wanrong smiled gently and said: "Elder Sister is absolutely right." Wanyun said, "Just walking like this is very boring. Why don't you think of a way to play it?" And from the beginning to the end Wanqing seemed to have not heard the conversation of the people, and followed behind them like a ghost, making Daiyu turn her head to look at her more than once.

Wan Yu naturally saw it, but this was not the time to speak, and it was hard to say anything, so she could only find a topic to distract Daiyu.

At this time Wanyun said that she wanted to find an interesting way to play, so Wanyu pulled Daiyu and said with a smile: "Quickly use your brain and see what is interesting." Looking around, he smiled and said, "It depends on how my sister wants to play."

As soon as she heard Daiyu's words, Wanyun knew that there was something for her, so she hurriedly smiled and said, "Sister Yu'er, come and listen, and there are some ways to play."

Daiyu stretched out a jade hand to support her chin, tilted her head and thought for a while, "There are really many things to do, for example, we can let someone take a long leather knot and make it a skipping rope. Exercise. You can also string incense beads for kicking and play, and you can also bring sachets, like those people in Zhuangzi take sandbags and throw them for fun."

Seeing Wanyu and the others listening in a daze, Daiyu smiled and said: "I'm just saying, we can also pick the red plums to make rouge, gather plum snow to cook tea, and see what the sisters plan to do." Let's play."

As she said that, Daiyu's eyes lit up and she said, "Why don't we kick the shuttlecock?" The others stared blankly at Daiyu before they recovered, even Wanqing, who had never paid attention to Daiyu, also looked at Daiyu. When she came over, Wan Yun clapped her hands and said with a smile: "This is good, this is good!" She raised her chin slightly and said proudly, "I'm a master!"

When Daiyu heard the interest, she smiled and said, "Really? I'm also an expert. Let's ask Mammy to bring the shuttlecock?"

Wanyu gave Daiyu and Wanyun an angry look and said, "You two, please calm down. It's time to eat, so there's no need to make such a fuss. Isn't it troublesome to turn around sweating all over and have to take a bath and change clothes?" ? If you want me to say, it would be good if we play the piano and cook tea."

Daiyu and Wanyun looked at each other, they both pouted but didn't say anything else.All of a sudden, a maid moved over to the piano case and tea table.

When Daiyu saw the chair, she suddenly leaned into Wanyun's ear and said, "I think of an interesting game, and I'll see if Sister Yun can convince other people." Tell me, what game is it?"

Daiyu glanced at Wanyu's direction, and said with a smile, "Let Wanyu's sister blindfolded play the piano for a while, and stop at any time, just like beating a drum to pass flowers. As for us, except for Wanyu who is playing the piano, there are four in total. For one person, there are only three chairs left, and before the music stops, we all have to circle around the chairs, and when the music stops, we will grab the chairs to sit on."

Wanyun asked puzzledly, "What's so interesting about this?" Daiyu laughed and said, "We can each make a small request, or compose a poem, or couplet, and let the person without a chair do it. Wanyun pouted, looked at Wanqing and said, "Sister Qing will definitely ignore us, and she will be alone without a chair every time. But she won't write a poem couplet with us either."

When Daiyu heard this, she immediately felt very boring. This kind of game only requires a lot of people to be fun, and three or two kittens are really meaningless.So he also sat quietly behind the coffee table, listening to Wanyu playing the piano while cooking tea.Wanrong proposed to play a pair, and Wanyun reluctantly played with it for a while.

Wanrong saw that no one was paying attention to herself and Wanyun, so she asked quietly: "Sister Yun, what do you think of Miss Lin?" Wanyun's eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "This is the county head proclaimed by the Holy Majesty, the county magistrate of our palace. Lord, don't call her Miss Lin from now on."

Wanqing looked up at the plum blossoms not far away, and when she heard the two muttering, an unknown smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then quickly covered it up.

Sitting behind the coffee table, Daiyu just finished making tea when Wanyu laughed and said, "I heard that my sister has made a new song, why don't you come and listen to it?" Daiyu looked up and saw Wanyu was looking at her, Pouting her mouth, she said angrily, "Sister Wan, you see that I have finished making tea, so you won't let me have a cup?"

Having said that, Daiyu still stood up, walked to the back of the piano case, and said with a smile: "Yu'er is not as good at the piano as her sister, it can make people calm down." Wanyu pinched Daiyu's cheek Said: "Just play your new song." Then he pushed Daiyu to sit on the piano bench.

Just when Daiyu was about to play the qin, she saw the nanny next to Princess Wu rushing towards her. Daiyu looked at Wanyu, then stood up to meet her.Wanyun and Wanrong also greeted them.Only Wanqing glanced at it coldly, and then stopped paying attention.

Seeing Wanyu and Daiyu coming to greet her, Mother Yan quickly walked two steps to salute: "I have seen the two county lords and some girls. The princess ordered the old slave to invite some of them over. The empress gave the county lord and the girls They all gave new clothes."

So there is no need to play any more, Wanyu took Daiyu back to Princess Wujun.As soon as he entered, he saw six maidservants lined up in a row, all holding trays in their hands, covered with yellow silk.Princess Wujun smiled and said: "The Empress gave new clothes to your sister-in-law and you guys, come quickly and thank you."

Daiyu followed Wanyu step by step, seeing that Wanyu saluted Princess Wujun first, and then thanked Princess Wujun for taking the tray with her own hands, so she also saluted Princess Wujun first, and was about to thank Princess Wujun, so she took the tray. The side concubine Hou said to Princess Wujun in a neutral manner: "This is the adopted daughter of the prince, the daughter of Marquis Lin."

Daiyu was taken aback, didn't she introduce it just now?I didn't even ask, what's the point of asking at this time?Before Daiyu could continue to speculate, Concubine Hou asked Daiyu with a sneer: "I heard that your mother died very early, but I remember wrongly?"

As soon as Daiyu heard this, her face immediately turned cold, and she replied coldly: "It is true that Jiaci has passed away long ago. I don't know where Hou Fangfei heard about it, and what did she hear?" Daiyu said quietly Looking at Concubine Hou.

Concubine Hou didn't dodge either, she looked Daiyu up and down before she smiled and said: "Listen to my kid, people are extremely beautiful, but now they seem to be really beautiful." After speaking, she covered her mouth with a smile and said: " It's a pity that my mother died earlier!"

With these words, not only did Daiyu's face look ugly, but Nanny Sun who was standing beside her almost rushed out. You must know that Jia Min grew up on her milk, and the faces of Hanxiao and Zhixuan were also extremely ugly. It wasn't that Nanny Tang still maintained her rationality and tried her best to stop the three people, but she didn't know what would happen.

Even after hearing this, Wan Yu raised her willow eyebrows and moved slightly to block Daiyu.Princess Wu Jun listened quietly at first, wanting to see how Daiyu would deal with her, but she didn't expect Queen Hou to talk more and more.

Princess Wujun then asked in a cold voice with some anger: "Could it be that this princess is not her mother? Could it be that this princess recognized this daughter in front of the imperial family, nobles and celebrities in the capital? Concubine Hou is here today. Say, what do you mean?"

Concubine Hou thought that Princess Wujun would be dissatisfied, but she never thought that Princess Wujun would stand up to defend Daiyu, so she couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing that Princess Wujun also stood up to defend her, Daiyu's heart warmed up, but she didn't want to bring trouble to Princess Wujun because of herself.Daiyu then took La Wanyu's hand, shook her head slightly, then smiled at Concubine Hou, "Lin Hui understands what Concubine Hou meant, but she just said that Lin Hui was not raised by her own mother."

Hearing what Daiyu said, not to mention Princess Wujun and Wanyu, even Concubine Qian and the others looked over worriedly. After all, losing a wife and eldest daughter is not a nice thing to say.Grandma Sun and the others were even more red-eyed!Nanny Tang almost couldn't stop her.

But Daiyu suddenly covered her mouth with a smile at this time, and then looked at Concubine Hou coldly, and said very coldly: "Concubine Hou is really right, Lin Hui is indeed not raised by her biological mother." Here, Daiyu paused slightly and said: "So the family's strict and family teachers all taught Lin Hui as a man, and the Holy Majesty was very helpless about this, so he had to allow Lin Hui to speak freely in front of the emperor. Today, Lin Hui has no choice but to beg, Concubine Hou, please forgive me a lot."

One sentence that the emperor said freely, already shocked everyone present speechless, and Concubine Hou's face changed even more, and she didn't know how to continue for a while.Thinking of her son Hongshi's conjecture, Concubine Hou became even more certain that this girl from the Lin family must have been taken by the Holy Majesty to be raised in the Prince Wu's Mansion!
(End of this chapter)

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