Chapter 250

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Wang Xifeng naturally understood that Mrs. Jia wanted to chat with Daiyu alone. Although she felt that Mrs. Jia was in a hurry, she didn't point it out. Humanity: "Let's go, grandma, I will lead you there personally, and watch you clean up for Yu'er with my own eyes!"

Unexpectedly, Nanny Sun and Yanxiao Zhixuan followed, while Nanny Tang stood motionless.Wang Xifeng was taken aback for a moment, looked at Nanny Tang, then at Mrs. Jia, and finally looked at Daiyu helplessly.

Before Daiyu could say anything, Nanny Sun hurriedly laughed with Wang Xifeng in a low voice: "Grandma Lian, let's go. Sister Tang was specially picked out by Princess Wujun for Princess Yu to take care of her personally." Not to mention Wang Xifeng, even Mrs. Jia understands that Nanny Tang exists as the personal nanny of the county lord, and not everyone can order her around.

Seeing this, old lady Jia couldn't say anything more, she just frowned slightly.But Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up, and the way she looked at Daiyu was even more different.

After Wang Xifeng and others left, Shi Xiangyun ran over and sat on the other side of Mrs. Jia, and smiled at Daiyu: "Sister Lin will stay for a longer time when she comes this time, the old ancestor misses you so much." Tight."

Old lady Jia also nodded with a smile, and didn't give Daiyu a chance to speak, she said with a smile: "Your elder sister Lin is here, but you won't leave, don't say that I favor her, and you sisters should have a good time." Yes, don’t be naughty and trouble your sister Lin.” After finishing speaking, the old lady Jia looked at Daiyu and said with a bit of complaint: “Our grandparents haven’t kissed each other for many years.” Then she hugged Daiyu in her arms in the arms.

Old lady Jia couldn't help saying: "But I want to kill my grandmother! You are a cruel girl, as cruel as your mother! Leave my wife alone!" She even started to cry as she spoke.

Daiyu looked at Nanny Tang helplessly, and Nanny Tang also frowned.Seeing this, Mrs. Wang felt that it was time for her to get closer to Daiyu, or to repair the relationship, so she immediately went to comfort Mrs. Jia and said, "It's a pleasure for Miss Lin to come. crying."

As he spoke, he gave good grace to Old Madam Jia, and continued: "It's not that girl Lin doesn't want to come, does she? She used to serve her father as a filial piety, and later she also went to her adoptive mother's house to do her filial piety. The old lady loves her." She, just forgive me."

Hearing Mrs. Wang's words, Daiyu was very surprised. She raised her head to look at Mrs. Wang in a moment of bewilderment, but she saw that Mrs. Wang was also looking at her, and she gave her a kind smile, but for some reason, Daiyu Yu actually felt cold!
Seeing Mrs. Wang stepping up to comfort Mrs. Jia, Yuanyang hurriedly followed to comfort Mrs. Jia. After a long time of work, Mrs. Jia finally stopped crying.

Old lady Jia, whose eyes were a little red and swollen, also needed some freshening up, and after crying, she was very tired, so she chatted with Daiyu a few more times, and asked her to wash up and rest, and talk later , Daiyu naturally has no objection to this.

Seeing this, Tanchun smiled and said: "In that case, I will go there with Sister Lin, and it happens that I also live in Qiushuangzhai, which is not far from Ouxiangxie."

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang nodded in satisfaction, and Shi Xiangyun hurriedly smiled and said, "Sister Lin's house is always exquisite, so I have to go and see what I say today!" The madam hurriedly warned: "It's cold outside, take care of the wind." Then she told the maidservant: "Wrap the big lame clothes around Miss Lin, she is thin."

Seeing this, Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and bowed deeply to Madam Wang and said, "Yu'er, thank you second aunt for your care." After speaking, she and Shi Xiangyun put on big lame clothes and went out.Seeing this, Tanchun saluted Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang respectively, then put on his cloak and said goodbye, and caught up with Daiyu and Shi Xiangyun.

Daiyu originally thought that the lotus root champagne was a small building, but who would have thought that the lotus root champagne was built on a single floor in the pool, with windows on all sides and curved corridors on the left and right, and it also crossed the water to meet the shore, and behind it there were The winding bamboo bridge is connected secretly.

I don't know if this is the case in the original book?It's just like this in this life.If this is the case in the original book, Daiyu can only laugh at herself, which shows that the study was so meticulous!
Looking closely, I saw a couplet with black lacquer embedded with mussels on the pillar: "The shadow of the hibiscus breaks through the orchid oar, and the fragrance of water chestnut root deeply writes on the bamboo bridge." Daiyu suddenly recalled that such a passage seemed to be mentioned in the original book, but she remembered Not real.It seemed that Mrs. Jia led the crowd here to hold a banquet, or what, Shi Xiangyun was there at the time, but I can't remember anything else.

Just as Daiyu was thinking about it, she heard Shi Xiangyun chanting the couplet in a crisp voice, and then said with a smile, "I'm afraid Sister Lin doesn't know, but there is a similar pavilion in our mansion called "Xianxia Pavilion". When my aunt was young, the sisters in the house also liked to go there every day." At this point, Shi Xiangyun tilted his head and looked at Daiyu with a smile and asked, "Sister Lin, guess what?"

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while before laughing: "Could it be who fell?" Shi Xiangyun's eyes widened immediately and said: "Strange people say that Sister Lin is smart! You can guess this, it's amazing!" After finishing speaking, Shi Xiangyun asked again Said: "Why don't you guess who fell down again, Sister Lin?"

Although Daiyu recalled this passage, Wang Xifeng flattered Mrs. Jia in the original book, but she didn't say anything, instead she reached out and tapped Shi Xiangyun's forehead, and said with a smile: "You really think I'm a fairy, don't you?" Where can I know all about it?"

Shi Xiangyun smiled and said: "I guess you don't know, the one who slipped and fell that day was my aunt! She almost drowned in the pond, and was rescued with great difficulty, but was hit on the head by the wooden nail. I heard it was very dangerous. .Now there is still a dimple on the top of my aunt's temple on her temple! That's the broken one."

After talking about Shi Xiangyun, he said with a little fear: "At that time, everyone said that after the water and the wind, I was afraid they would not survive, but who would have thought that it would be better." After Shi Xiangyun finished speaking, Daiyu just smiled and said: "If you don't Alright, where did you meet me? Where did these sisters come from?" After speaking, he looked around.

Outside the west window is a lotus pond, if the lotus is in full bloom, it must be extremely beautiful, but at this time there is only a piece of remnant lotus in the northwest corner, just as Xichun said, it is specially left.It's gone elsewhere.I couldn't help but regret that I didn't see the scene of the lotus blooming.

There are two sweet-scented osmanthus trees on the bank not far away. They are a little far away and can't be seen clearly, but I think it is not yet in bloom at this time...

Daiyu was in a daze after thinking about it. Shi Xiangyun and Tanchun looked at each other, not knowing why, so they both asked, "Sister Lin, what are you thinking? You're so dazed?"

Daiyu regained her composure and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just think this place is excellent for playing the piano, cooking tea, couplets and paintings, and all the household items are ready-made." His eyes lit up and he said, "Isn't it? Let's set up a society here, join poetry and paint, it really is an excellent place!"

Tanchun also flattered: "Sister Lin still knows how to play." Daiyu said with a faint smile: "Let's go quickly, I think sister Xichun and sister-in-law must be waiting impatiently."

Seeing this, Tanchun hurried forward to lead the way, went through a narrow road, and entered the cross-street gate, where stone plaques were embedded inside and outside the gate tower.On the outward plaque, "Chuanyun" is chiseled, and on the inward one, the word "Duyue" is chiseled.The main entrance faces south, past the corridor, there are two bedrooms on the left and right, with two plaques of "Liaofengxuan" and "Nuanxiangwu" respectively.

The two bedrooms are small and stand facing each other. There is a slightly curved hall in the middle, and a few tall pines and cypresses are exposed behind the hall.Xichun lives on the west side, and seems to have intentionally left the east side of the house to Daiyu.Seeing that everyone said that they are cold-hearted and cherish the spring, and that she can think of so much for herself, Daiyu suddenly feels moved.

There are several plum blossoms planted by the side of Xichun's house, two Youlong Yudiemei whose branches are naturally twisted like a dragon's swim, and two Jiangsha Gongfen. It is the time when the flowers are blooming, and there are pale yellow stamens between the snow-white flowers. It looks extremely elegant.The pink and delicate Jiangsha palace powder is a perfect contrast to it.Although it is a little less, it has a bit of the artistic conception of plum blossoms around the house.

In the house on the east side, there are a few stalks of pruning bamboo, although they are not in pieces, but they look very handsome.In particular, these few houses are dug out under a small earth hill, which has the taste of being close to mountains and rivers, and looks even more unique.

When Xu Shi heard Daiyu and others coming, both Xichun and Wang Xifeng greeted them from the arc-shaped hall.Xichun even stepped forward to pull Daiyu and said with a smile: "I know that Sister Lin likes bamboo, so I will leave those few stalks of green bamboo with Sister Lin. Sister Lin is happy?" Those two Youlong Yudiemei are very good."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Xichun was taken aback, not knowing what to say.Seeing her dazed look, Daiyu couldn't help pinching her cheek and said, "Look at you scared? Since you call me sister, can I still steal from you? Just kidding you!"

Wang Xifeng watched from the side, but laughed aloud, Xichun may be a little excited today, or maybe she really likes Daiyu living next to her, so she is not annoyed, rolled her eyes and said: "If my sister likes it, I will Okay, at worst, my sister will sleep with me, wouldn't it be good for us to change the room on the east side into the studio that my sister said?"

Daiyu glared at her angrily, and then pretended to be annoyed: "No!" Now Tanchun and Shi Xiangyun, who were stunned before, also laughed.

Grandma Sun saw that Daiyu and the others had been standing outside for so long, so she hurried out to persuade her, "My little ancestor, no matter how much you talk about, you have to go inside and talk about it. What can you do if you suffer from the wind and cold carefully?" He also answered: "Isn't it? Don't forget, there will be a palace banquet later, the county lord, don't be naughty."

Hearing that Daiyu was going to attend the palace banquet, although everyone knew it, they couldn't help but look at Daiyu with envy.Daiyu had no choice but to act as if she hadn't seen it, and greeted her sisters to enter the room on the east side together, and she could feel a warm fragrance coming from her face without entering the door.

The house is really as small and exquisite as Daiyu guessed, and it is divided into three rooms inside and outside. The innermost room houses Daiyu's boxes and cages. There was no room for anything else on the bed, except for two low nanmu boxes at the foot of the bed.The dowry and other items were gathered in Babu's bedside.

Both inside and outside are separated by scarlet felt curtains, although it is warm, but Daiyu is not happy after looking at it, so she ordered her to replace the purple brocade embroidered magnolia curtains with a smile, and even the windows, she also replaced them.

In the outer room there is a small round table, a few round stools, and two flower stands in the corner, all of which are still empty, waiting for Daiyu to order.Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "The one on the left and the one on the right, I thought it was two guards when I saw it suddenly."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she smiled and said, "I said I don't need these many flower stands, but girl Xi just said you like it, see? But I'm sure?" Daiyu looked back, Xichun had a small face It was already flushed red, so he hurriedly laughed and said, "Why don't you like it? I just thought, move this flower stand into the house, so I can put a potted plant in it."

Speaking of which, Daiyu stepped forward and took Xichun's hand and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, sister." Seeing this, Xichun pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head gently.

Seeing that Zhixuan really ordered someone to move the flower shelf into the house, Tanchun frowned and asked, "I looked at it a lot before, but now that it's gone like this, it seems empty instead." Daiyu looked at her eyes and said: " It's okay, I asked my sister-in-law to find a pot of kumquats for me, the smell is very fragrant, and it's just right to put in the house."

When Shi Xiangyun heard it, he clapped his hands and said: "This is very true! It tastes good and the color is beautiful. If you are thirsty or hungry, sister Lin can pick it at any time to satisfy your hunger!" Everyone in the room laughed, and Daiyu After chasing her for two steps, seeing her dexterity, he also gave up.

After seeing the small house, everyone went to the large arc-shaped hall in the middle, Daiyu looked around and praised: "The light is good, and the view is also good!" After speaking, she turned to look at Xichun and said, "It can be seen You really are an ignorant girl!" Xichun was taken aback by what she said, even the people around her were also taken aback.

Seeing this, Daiyu laughed and said, "I say you, don't be convinced, look at this room, this is a good room for a studio! The lighting is good, and the view is also excellent! In summer, you can faintly see the whole house. The flowers in the pond are blooming, and in winter, the clear waves, wind, cold and warm docks are fragrant, how beautiful is it?"

After Daiyu finished speaking, Xichun also stared out of the window in a daze, and murmured softly, "It's really wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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