Chapter 251

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It’s Chapter 3 today~O(∩_∩)O~ Gujing counts, right?Is there anyone asking Gujing out tomorrow? O(∩_∩)O~

Together with Daiyu, everyone tidied up the inside and outside again. The simplest things like door curtains and window screens naturally had to be replaced.Bonsai flowers also need to be placed.After tidying up, the whole thing looks different. Although it was originally extremely delicate, it now looks a little more girly, more quiet and elegant.

After tidying up, it was already past the end of the day, and everyone was sitting in the hall that had just been decorated as a studio, and when they were feeling hungry, they saw Zhou Rui's family, smiling all over their faces, and personally brought the colorful clouds and clouds to everyone. Food boxes were delivered.There are dishes, soups, and even dessert tea.On the contrary, Daiyu and the others were surprised inexplicably.

It turned out that Mrs. Wang had been thinking about it since she returned to Rongxi Hall from Mrs. Jia's house. Seeing that Shi Xiangyun's uncle Shi Ding was appointed as a foreigner after a few years, the old lady wanted to keep Shi Xiangyun to live in the mansion, and her purpose was self-evident.Compared with Shi Xiangyun, Daiyu has more advantages!

Now the Xue family has been completely abandoned by Mrs. Wang, and Daiyu has gradually come into Mrs. Wang's eyes.When Mrs. Wang saw Daiyu several times, Daiyu's demeanor and ostentation made Mrs. Wang envious.In addition, Mrs. Wang thought of Yuan Chun's advice, and felt that Daiyu was also a good candidate.

Not to mention anything else, at least her father left a title, and now there is no one in the Lin Mansion, the title is vacant, and since it was awarded posthumously, the emperor will naturally not take it back.But if it is suspended for a long time, I am afraid it will be invalidated.As for the title of the Jia Mansion, it is only a first-class award now, even if it was taken from the Dafang, it will be lowered to another level when Baoyu inherits it in the future.

If Baoyu inherits Lin Ruhai's title, even if he is downgraded in the future, he will be several ranks higher than Jia Lian. Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang even thought that Daiyu now has the title of county lord, and it is still a bit reluctant to match her Baoyu.

Seeing Mrs. Wang sitting on the kang, Zhou Rui's family didn't know what to think, and there was a rare smile on the corner of her mouth. She wanted to come forward to flatter her, but she didn't know how to say it.

At this moment, Madam Wang looked up at Zhou Rui's family, thought for a while and asked with a smile: "What do you think of that girl from the Lin family?" But those who have a grudge have always disliked that girl from the Lin family, so they replied in a low voice: "It's just a villain who is trying to gain power."

Mrs. Wang didn't expect Zhou Rui's family to answer like this, and the smile on her face froze. After a long while, she glared at Zhou Rui's family, and said sharply, "Who is Miss Lin clinging to? Your Majesty? In this day/dynasty, who Aren't you clinging to the Holy Majesty?"

After finishing speaking, Madam Wang still felt puzzled, so she cursed in a low voice: "Are you a pig brain? Miss Lin's status as county magistrate, and her father's title are all bestowed by the Holy One! You are trying to let Are we all accused of disrespect following you?"

After Mrs. Wang finished speaking, Zhou Rui's family was completely stunned, and it took a long time before they replied in a nasty way: "Yes, I know." Excuse me, what's the matter today, madam?Hit the evil?Why did he help the girl from the Lin family to talk?
Hearing that Zhou Rui's family admitted their mistakes quickly, Mrs. Wang nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Don't be so open-mouthed in the future!" Naturally, Zhou Rui's family responded quickly.So Mrs. Wang laughed again: "If you say this girl Lin is also a good one."

When Mrs. Wang said this, her eyes curled up in laughter, and her face became more and more kind.I just heard her continue to chatter: "The guard of honor of the county master arranged by the Wu County Prince's Mansion has all arrived at the street, but they are forced to go back with only two guards. If you want me to say, even if you bring everyone It doesn't matter, our house is big, and it's not that we can't accommodate it."

Zhou Rui's family heard this, looked up at Mrs. Wang, and suddenly felt chills in their backs!It's so good, why did it go wrong?
He also heard Mrs. Wang say: "Although Jia Min doesn't know her age and etiquette, the Lin family has taught her well. She has been educated by the princess of Wujun and the empress, and has Huang Jiyun and other great Confucian teachers as teachers. It can be seen that it is also a blessing."

Mrs. Wang especially remembered that Daiyu did not refuse her kindness when she was in Mrs. Jia's room today, and she was extremely happy.In Mrs. Wang's mind, what happened in the past was just a small matter, and it's over when it's over, and it's about getting along well in the future.Besides, Daiyu's current status, status and connections can help Yuanchun and Baoyu.

In Mrs. Wang's mind, as long as Daiyu marries her son in the future, then she can do whatever she wants?Aren't these connections, including status, all his own?What if he lowered his figure and made friends with her now?
In addition, Yuan Chun said that if Dai Yu is willing to help, Yuan Chun will be able to receive the protection of the Empress and the extra care of the Holy Majesty in the palace, and these are the most important things!As long as Yuan Chun stays in the palace, his status in Jia's mansion will become higher and higher. If Yuan Chun can have a man and a half woman in the future...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang felt even more satisfied with Baoyu's marriage to Daiyu.Even when Daiyu dedicated the property of the Lin Mansion to the emperor, she didn't care about it that much in her heart. You must know that when people like the county lord and the princess get married, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will prepare the dowry. Stable, are you still afraid of lack of money?

Just when Mrs. Wang was thinking happily, she heard someone talking outside. At this moment, Mrs. Wang was in a good mood, so she asked warmly, "Who is outside? Are you still invited in?" Seeing this, Zhou Rui's family hurried over to close the curtain in person.

Seeing that it was Nanny Sun, who was next to Daiyu, Zhou Rui's family couldn't help thinking of Mrs. Wang's strange attitude today, so they were even more polite to her than before.

Mrs. Wang even saw a little maid holding two brocade boxes behind Nanny Sun. She looked familiar. Although she couldn't remember who it was, she knew it must be by Daiyu's side. Mrs. Wang smiled and said: " Why did you come to me when you weren't serving by your girl's side?"

Grandma Sun led the little girl, who was Qinghe, and after squatting down to salute, she smiled and replied: "Responding to what my second uncle and wife said, our girl said that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I don't know what the Chinese New Year is like." Now that you have come to the house, you have brought a gift for everyone. Did this old slave send it to the second uncle and wife?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Madam Lin just pays attention to these vain etiquettes, she is all from her own family, why should she care about these things." But there was a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Grandma Sun reached out to take the brocade box from Qinghe's hand, held it in front of Mrs. Wang and said with a smile: "Miss said, the things are not worth anything, it's more or less a wish, second uncle and wife don't want to dislike it." In front of Mrs. Wang, he opened a brocade box on top.

I saw that the brocade box was covered with scarlet velvet satin, and a black jade Guanyin bottle was lying quietly inside, Madam Wang took out the bottle, held it in her hand, looked at it carefully and said with a smile: "This is from Lantian jade. This bottle is also good, it should be kept for you girls, whether it is placed in the house or used as a dowry in the future!" Having said that, he did not let go of the bottle.

Seeing this, Nanny Sun smiled and said, "Young lady said, this is to honor you." Mrs. Wang's words were very useful in her heart, especially after Mrs. Wang thought about letting Baoyu marry Daiyu, she felt that she was very wise .

He opened the lower brocade box again, and inside was a set of emerald jade teacups. Looking at the verdant green teacups, one knew that it was also an excellent thing.Mrs. Wang was about to say a few words of politeness, but she heard Nanny Sun laughing and said: "This is for the girl to honor her second uncle, please accept it for her." Madam Sun's words were impeccable, and Mrs. Wang was very happy when she heard it. , So he became more and more amiable.

Except for Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang here, Tanchun, Xichun, Shi Xiangyun, Wang Xifeng and Li Wan are each wearing silk satin. Although Daiyu often wears this thing, there are really not many people outside. Also like it very much.

Needless to say, Xichun, Tanchun, Shi Xiangyun and Wang Xifeng brought them back by themselves, while Li Wan and Daiyu planned to send them in person at a later date.Among all the people, only Wang Xifeng got two copies, exactly the same gold and silver tapestry.

Seeing this, Shi Xiangyun pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Look, it's useless to spend a lot of effort. Sister-in-law Lian didn't put in more effort than us, but she got one more horse of good material than us!" Tanchun hurriedly Pulled Shi Xiangyun and said: "there is another horse for sister Qiao. It's not like you don't know how much elder sister Lin loves Brother Chun and sister Qiao."

But Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Stop being envious! If you want to be envious, hurry up and get married, and your sister-in-law will give you more later!" As soon as Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Daiyu burst out laughing, and quickly explained : "These two horses, one is for my sister-in-law and the other is for my brother, but I just let my sister-in-law take it back!"

When Tanchun and the others heard this, Ju pointed to Wang Xifeng and laughed, Shi Xiangyun even pointed to Wang Xifeng and said with a smile: "It can be seen that the old ancestor is right, Sister-in-law Lian is the thickest!" Wang Xifeng was not annoyed either, He only sneered and said: "Your brother's, don't they all belong to me?" After speaking, he hugged the two pieces of Kesi to Saizi Xiaohong's arms.

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and Daiyu asked Zhixuan to take out three new books and three bolts of fine cloud satin.Seeing this, everyone looked at Daiyu in puzzlement.

Daiyu said with a smile: "I think my brother is not short of this book in the Guozijian. If he is missing, his master and uncle will take care of it. It's not our turn, so I prepared a piece of material for my brother, just like my sister-in-law. It’s good to make a piece of clothes. You can tell it’s a family from a distance.”

Wang Xifeng was aware of Daiyu's habit, and when they first got married, Jia Lian kept bringing up this matter, saying that she and Jia Lian had made several sets of clothes of the same color.Then he didn't think anything, just looked at the other three bolts of cloud satin that were carried out, although they were not as good as Kesi, they were still a rare and good material.

Seeing that everyone was looking at the three dark satins, Daiyu smiled and said, "These three are for Baoyu, Brother Huan, and Lan'er who co-authored a new book. I know Baoyu doesn't lack these, but It’s just that I don’t want to favor one over another.”

When Tanchun heard that Jia Huan was still there, his heart warmed, his eyes turned red, and he hurriedly turned his head away, afraid of being seen, but still did not escape Daiyu's consciously watching her eyes.Seeing Tanchun's reddish eye sockets, Daiyu was very satisfied, so she looked into Tanchun's gaze, and her smile gradually deepened.

When Mrs. Wang learned that Daiyu not only gave herself a gift, but even Jia Huan and Lan Geer didn't forget it, she was very proud of herself, thinking that Daiyu was trying to save her face. You know, Jia Zheng's gift But they are all collected by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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