Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 252 Promise

Chapter 252 Promise
At the end of the day, Mrs. Jia sent someone to call Daiyu over to have dinner with her, and Daiyu went there with Xichun on her arms.Not long after, Tanchun and Xiangyun also arrived.Under Mrs. Wang's arrangement, Li Wan and Wang Xifeng waited on Mrs. Jia and the girls for dinner.

Daiyu can't get used to the rules of Jia's house.But it was hard to say anything, so I had to use some in a hurry, put down the bowl and chopsticks, wash my hands and rinse my mouth.

Seeing that Daiyu used very little, old lady Jia was startled, so she frowned and asked, "But the food is not suitable for your taste?" Come on, use more, I won’t be hungry now.”

That's why old lady Jia nodded and said: "In the future, you should use less snacks, and you should eat food." Mrs. Wang also smiled at this time and said: "I saw you tidying up the house today, I was afraid that you would be hungry, so I sent it to you. But there is no more, the old lady is right, you still have to eat well, Miss Lin is just too thin."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang changed the subject: "I heard from Zhou Rui's family that the arrangement is extremely beautiful, so I will invite the old lady to come and sit with us tomorrow."

Mrs. Jia was taken aback when she heard Mrs. Wang's words. This second daughter-in-law had been at odds with her Min'er in the past. Yu'er has been to the mansion many times, and she has never seen her be so kind to me. Today Why did he suddenly care about Yu'er?
Not to mention that Mrs. Jia was puzzled, even Li Wan, Wang Xifeng and Tanchun were all stunned and didn't know how to react for a while. Mrs. Wang's words were much more thrilling than the meals and snacks brought in the afternoon.

Although Daiyu was equally puzzled, she raised her lips calmly and smiled slightly: "Yes, thank you, Second Aunt, for your concern, Yu'er will remember." Mrs. Jia, Wang Xifeng and the others all looked at the Daiyu and Mrs. Wang only saw the interaction, but no one asked aloud.Only Wang Xifeng had anxiety hidden in his eyes.

After the meal, everyone gathered in Mrs. Jia's room to chat and laugh for a while, and when everyone left, Mrs. Jia left Daiyu behind.

Daiyu understood that Mrs. Jia had something to say to her alone, after thinking about it, she finally persuaded Nanny Tang to go back under the worried and disapproving eyes of Madam Tang.Daiyu was about to look away, but saw that Wang Xifeng was also hesitant to speak, she lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then nodded slightly to Wang Xifeng, so Wang Xifeng walked away with everyone.

Mrs. Wang wanted to stay, but Mrs. Jia gave her a hard look. In desperation, Mrs. Wang had no choice but to leave.Before leaving, she even gave Daiyu a comforting smile.

This made Mrs. Jia feel as if she had eaten a fly.Although Mrs. Jia once hoped that Daiyu could marry Baoyu, Lin Ruhai had made it very clear before her death that Daiyu's marriage would be decided by the Holy Spirit in the future. Not to mention Mrs. Jia, even if Lin Ruhai was still alive, she would not be able to do it. Lord's.

This made Mrs. Jia's thoughts coincide with Hongshi, the second son of King Wu Jun. They both believed that Daiyu would enter the palace in the future, at least until the Holy Majesty gave up, no one else could get involved.But even though Daiyu is no longer suitable or able to marry Jia Baoyu, Mrs. Jia still hopes to keep Daiyu in the mansion.

The possible benefits of Daiyu's stay in Jia's mansion are self-evident.Not to mention anything else, just because of Daiyu, the relationship between the Jia family and the royal family will be a step closer, which is a great benefit for the Jia family, and Daiyu also has a celebrity in front of the emperor—— Huang Jiyun is the master!
Seeing that everyone had already left, Mrs. Jia raised her hand and waved away the mandarin ducks and amber who were waiting in the house.

After both of them went down, the old lady Jia took Daiyu's hand and asked: "Now that Yu'er has been filial piety, and your parents have never left you a brother or sister, how can Yu'er live in the city alone?" Outside, grandma is always worried. Now that you have come back, you can live in the mansion with peace of mind. Don't think about anything else, Yu'er just needs to remember that no one will dare to bully you when grandma is here. "

Although Daiyu had already guessed in her heart, she didn't expect that Mrs. Jia would say it so bluntly. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Mrs. Jia continue to say: "You are in front of grandma, grandma can watch you for a day. One day, I will go down in the future, so I can explain to your mother." As she spoke, Old Madam Jia wiped her reddened eye sockets.

For a moment Daiyu couldn't tell what the old lady Jia meant. Did she still want to ration herself to Jia Baoyu?Or is he still calculating the Lin family's property?But Daiyu looked at Mrs. Jia at the moment, maybe she was caressing, but more, she seemed to be showing her true feelings.

Daiyu frowned slightly and thought about her words. Living in Jia's residence for a long time is not feasible in Daiyu's view, but at this moment, Daiyu is unwilling to say the word to death and make the old man sad, even though Daiyu is not sure about Jia's Will the wife be really sad?

Daiyu pondered for a while, and finally sighed quietly. She lowered her head, not daring to look at Mrs. Jia's eyes, and said softly, "Yu'er will definitely go back to Zhuangzi on New Year's Eve, so it will be convenient for paying homage to her parents. Grandma, please forgive me."

Just after Daiyu finished speaking, Old Madam Jia's complexion suddenly changed, and she couldn't help tightening her grip on Daiyu's hand, her voice was very low, and she even asked with a choked-up voice, "Is Yu'er actually like this?" Don’t want to see my grandmother?”

Daiyu was startled, and raised her head to look at the silver-haired old lady Jia. No matter how well maintained she is, the old lady Jia is already a dying old man. Thinking of Jia Min's kindness to her, Daiyu smiled slightly and said softly : "Grandma, don't say that, Yu'er can't stand it."

But the old lady Jia didn't let her go, she stared at Daiyu closely, waiting for Daiyu to promise her that even if Daiyu really wanted to go back on New Year's Eve, she would also ask Daiyu to give a letter today to stay in Jia's mansion. This is for her Min'er, but also for the future of the Jia family.

Daiyu seemed to understand Mrs. Jia's urgency, so she thought for a while and looked into Mrs. Jia's eyes sincerely and said: "Grandmother also knows that the first daughters of the first family are going to the palace to celebrate the new year, and Yu'er naturally wants to go too." Palace. Afterwards, I will stay in the palace to attend the dinner party, and I don’t know when I will be able to leave the palace.”

When Daiyu said this, she stopped, and waited until the old lady Jia nodded thoughtfully before continuing: "Princess Wujun treats Yu'er very well, let alone sister Wanyu. After getting married, Yu'er wants to stay in the palace to spend more time with her."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Old Madam Jia became anxious, looked at Daiyu with wide eyes and asked, "Yu'er is saying that from now on, she will only recognize Wujun Prince's Mansion as a relative, and don't want me as a grandmother?"

This is a serious word!How can Daiyu afford it?Then she hurriedly shook her head and said: "Grandmother, don't worry, Yu'er is thinking, she will be her grandmother's companion after sending off Wanyu's sister to get married, what does grandma say?" , do not want to miss the slightest expression.

After hearing Daiyu's words, Old Madam Jia calmed down, and after a moment of silence she said: "Then Yu'er has made an agreement with my grandmother, when your sister, the county head, gets married, she will come back to be with her grandmother! Don't deny it!"

Seeing the childlike old lady Jia, Daiyu sighed secretly in her heart, but still nodded with a smile on her face and said, "Grandmother, don't worry, even if grandma wants to drive Yu'er away, Yu'er will also be reluctant to part with grandma. "

In this way, the old lady Jia became happy, and she pulled Daiyu to talk about the dinner in the palace.After reminding her repeatedly, she let Daiyu go when she was a little tired.

Daiyu was not in a hurry to leave, since she had already promised to accompany Old Madam Jia after Wanyu got married, and to do her filial piety for her mother, she naturally stayed at this time to serve Old Madam Jia with Yuanyang herself. Freshen up and change clothes.

Daiyu didn't get up until she sent Mrs. Jia to the couch, and she had a private conversation with Mrs. Jia in front of the couch. Seeing that Mrs. Jia was gradually falling asleep, Daiyu got up and went back.

What Daiyu didn't know was that as soon as she left, Mrs. Jia opened her thoughtful eyes, thinking of Jia Min's childhood, thinking of Daiyu's experience, and thinking of many Zong Zong who are about to forget...

Daiyu had already sent all the people around her back. At this time, Daiyu was about to return to the Ouxiangxie but found that it was getting late, and when she was hesitating, Yuanyang came out with a lantern.Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Thank you, sister Yuanyang." Yuanyang also said very politely, "I can't afford the county master to call me my sister, and I can't beat my slaves."

Speaking of mandarin ducks leading the way, she wanted to personally send Daiyu back to Nuanxiangwu in the Ouxiangxie.Not wanting to just pass through the hallway of the Great Flower Hall, Daiyu saw Zhixuan rushing over with Shinan and Lily of the Valley, carrying a lantern.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled at Yuanyang and said, "Thank you for sending me off, now they are here to pick me up, so you don't have to bother with Yuanyang. You should hurry back and look at your grandmother. After all, you are old and the children around you But no one." Seeing that Daiyu was being escorted, Yuanyang didn't hesitate, so she said goodbye and turned back to report to Old Madam Jia.

To Daiyu's surprise, when Daiyu returned to Nuanxiangwu, Wang Xifeng was also in the room, and Daiyu couldn't help joking: "Sister-in-law is not in her room at night, why come here? Could it be that my sister-in-law was kicked out by my brother?"

Wang Xifeng glared at Daiyu angrily, then looked at Aunt Tang, Aunt Sun and others who were also waiting in the room.Daiyu understood immediately, smiled and said to Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun, "Mothers are also tired all day, go back and rest early, stay for another day tomorrow, and then we will go back to Zhuangzi."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Nanny Sun immediately laughed and said, "Okay, well, it should be so, that girl should rest earlier." Seeing Daiyu nodding, Nanny Sun withdrew.Tang Nanny frowned, looked at Daiyu puzzled and said, "Aren't we going back to the palace?"

After thinking about it, Daiyu understood what Nanny Tang meant, so she smiled lightly and said, "It's better to stay at home during the Chinese New Year. After all, the mother, concubine and elder sister have a lot of things to do in the palace, and it's inconvenient for us to intervene. Since we can't help , let’s not add chaos, besides, I have to go back to pay homage to my parents, right?”

Seeing what Daiyu said, Nanny Tang understood that Daiyu was a little annoyed, so she didn't say anything more, nodded quietly, and also retreated.

After Mother Tang left, Daiyu sent all the maids and maids out of the room, and then sat beside Wang Xifeng, and said with a sure smile, "Sister-in-law is here, must there be something urgent?" Without hiding anything, he stared straight at Daiyu and asked, "Sister and Second Wife, what's going on? What's her plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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