Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 277 I Want To Be With You

Chapter 277 Want to be with you

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Mo Xuan looked at the sky, and knew that if the people from the Prince Wu's Mansion didn't find the fifth prince, there would be a big mess, so he hurriedly said: "I will go out of the palace to pick up the fifth prince." After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan Xuan was about to go out, but the eldest prince grabbed him and said: "Are you crazy? Father is happy at the moment, you are a member of the Western Expeditionary Army, how can you leave without saying goodbye at this time?"

The eldest prince and Mo Xuan were muttering here, but no one else thought it was a big deal. After all, when Mo Xuan was young, he spent half of his time living in Shengshang Qian's residence, so he grew up with Chengde behind him.But when the fourth prince saw the two gathered together, he also walked over.

The fourth prince pulled the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile: "Brother, what are you discussing with Commander Mo?" Mo Xuan was very annoyed. If the fourth prince hadn't brought the fifth prince to block the way, how could such a thing happen now? ?Then he replied in a very bad tone: "Didn't His Highness bring the Fifth Prince with him? I wonder where the Fifth Prince is now?"

When the fourth prince heard this, he was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a while, then smiled.Immediately, he said something that neither the eldest prince nor Mo Xuan thought of!Both the First Prince and Mo Xuan couldn't believe their ears, and Mo Xuan even asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

The fourth prince said with a half-smile: "Since I took Xiao Wu out of the palace, I naturally had to pick him up personally. Besides, is there anyone more suitable than me at this time?" After finishing speaking, the fourth prince looked up The one on the tall dragon chair couldn't hide the mocking look in his eyes.

Seeing the suspicion on the faces of Mo Xuan and the eldest prince, the fourth prince snorted coldly: "Are you planning to go by yourself?" After speaking, the fourth prince raised his eyebrows provocatively.The eldest prince looked at the ministers of civil and military affairs present, and then at the emperor sitting on the dragon chair, he was silent after all.Mo Xuan thought for a while but still shook his head and said, "Let me go."

The Fourth Prince grabbed Mo Xuan's arm and looked at Mo Xuan with a gloomy face. He used extreme force in his hands, as if he wanted to pull Mo Xuan's arm off, and asked in a cold tone. Said: "Do you want Father to find out and shake us all out?"

Seeing this, the eldest prince Chengde nodded to Mo Xuan, and was about to explain a few words to the fourth prince Chenghui, but Chenghui had already flung his sleeves and left.

Looking at it from others, they just thought that there was a conflict between the brothers. Even the emperor saw it and didn't take it to heart. After all, Cheng Hui was only in his teens, and he was at the age of impulsiveness. Today, the Western Expeditionary Army made a triumphant return. And back, the emperor just laughed it off.

The fourth prince Chenghui walked out of the Xuande Palace with an angry face, walked out of the palace gate, and got into the carriage, but the corners of his mouth curled up strangely.

The reason why Cheng Hui took the initiative to accept Cheng Li was because he didn't want to tear himself apart with the eldest prince for the time being. More importantly, Cheng Hui had seen Princess Wujun and her party at the city gate before, and knew that Princess Wujun must be at this time. I can't come back in time, and Daiyu is probably the only one in the Prince Wu's mansion who is still in the mansion.

When Cheng Hui arrived at the Prince Wu's Mansion, Princess Wu and her party hadn't returned yet, which made Cheng Hui smile even more.Chenghui was still thinking about how to get Daiyu to come out to meet him, but he didn't want Daiyu to send someone to invite him.

When Chengli first heard that the fourth prince Chenghui was coming to pick him up, he unexpectedly showed great resistance.Daiyu said whatever she wanted, Chengli refused to go anyway, Liu Nanny, Tang Nanny and others watched, they didn't know what to do, you must know that this is the prince!It is absolutely impossible to make a mistake, let alone stay in the palace.But the fifth prince is unwilling, so what can they do?
Daiyu had no choice but to agree to go with Chengli and not force him to return to the palace, so Chengli managed to calm down, took Daiyu's hand obediently, and went to see Chenghui.In order to meet each other conveniently, Daiyu even invited Madam Liu to invite the Fourth Prince Chenghui to the lotus pond in the garden, in the direction of the main courtyard of Princess Wujun.

Chenghui was very happy to see Daiyu in the garden, and naturally he would not refuse, and even couldn't wait.When Cheng Hui was thinking about how to speak, he saw a group of people approaching from a distance, and the first one was the daughter of Lord Lin Hou who was named the county lord by his father.He was still holding Xiao Wu in his hand.

Daiyu was still wearing the same clothes she wore when she was getting married early in the morning, and she didn't even change the hairpin on her head. She was holding a small Chengli in her hand, and she was talking with her head down, and Chengli looked up at Daiyu from time to time. Yu, you can see that bright smile on her small face from afar.

Seeing the two people walking like this, especially the hands holding each other, Cheng Hui couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and greeted them with the corners of his mouth.

Seeing the fourth prince Chenghui approaching, the smile on Chengli's face immediately disappeared, and he even subconsciously hid behind Daiyu, not to mention that the maids behind couldn't understand, it was Daiyu and the fourth prince Chenghui. I was also taken aback.Even though he wasn't very close on weekdays, he didn't remember that Chengli was afraid of him, and he didn't do anything to scare Xiaowu, did he?
Daiyu sighed, she was taken aback for a moment and realized that this was Chengli expressing that he didn't want to go back to the palace.But my elder brother came to pick me up, so why not go back?
Daiyu couldn't help saluting with the fourth prince Chenghui in embarrassment and said: "My daughter has met His Royal Highness the fourth prince." The fourth prince smiled slightly and said: "There is no need to be too polite. I also want to thank you for taking care of Xiaowu."

Daiyu didn't think anything, but Tang Nanny and Liu Nanny who were following Daiyu were very surprised. The four princes called Daiyu "Master Yu County", which was bestowed by the Holy Majesty himself. Naturally, it's no problem to call Daiyu. Jade "Lin girl" is also possible.But what is going on without a title?The two nuns looked at each other, but said nothing.

But at this moment, the fifth prince Chengli was led out by Daiyu, before Daiyu could speak, Chengli shook his head and pouted, pleadingly: "I don't want to go back to the palace."

Seeing that Daiyu was very gentle towards Chengli, the fourth prince followed suit and said very gently: "Father will be worried if you don't go back to the palace." But who knew that the fifth prince Chengli didn't even look at him, Staring straight at Daiyu, she repeated: "I don't want to go back to the palace!" Seeing that he was a little anxious, Daiyu asked soothingly, "Where does His Highness the Fifth Prince want to go?"

Fifth prince Chengli was taken aback for a moment, Daiyu never called him His Highness all afternoon!Does this mean you don't want yourself anymore?Tears suddenly filled up in his eyes, and he complained, "You don't mean what you say! You said it, don't force me!"

Daiyu didn't expect Chengli's emotions to be so agitated, but before Daiyu could appease him, the fourth prince lost his patience, frowned and said, "What do you want to do if you don't want to go back to the palace? You are doing this to make your father angry Is it?" Carrying out the emperor, the fifth prince was stunned and held back his tears, but he lowered his head, and although he was afraid, he still did not let go.

The fourth prince Chenghui wanted to step forward to pull the fifth prince over, but seeing Daiyu beside him, he couldn't help hesitating, Daiyu glanced at the fourth prince, smiled slightly and said, "Let the courtiers comfort you." The fourth prince looked at Daiyu Yu, relaxed his expression, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

But Daiyu smiled and said: "Nothing." Then she squatted down and looked into Chengli's eyes and asked: "If you don't say what you think in your heart, others will not know, just like that puppet, you will be misunderstood. , if His Highness still wants to play with your courtiers, His Highness has requested the Holy Majesty's order to come to the Prince Wu's Mansion to find me."

But who would have thought that he would immediately say, "I want to be with you, so I'll be with you, and I'm not going anywhere!" After speaking, he took Daiyu's hand very seriously.

Daiyu is full of distress, how lonely does it have to be, to be so attached to others with a little kindness?Seeing Chengli's small appearance, especially those clear and cautious eyes, made Daiyu feel very distressed. She hugged Chengli in her arms and rubbed Chengli's cheek with her cheek. small head.

Chengli even took the opportunity to keep Daiyu, and did not let go at all, and kept saying: "I want to be with you." Tears also kept falling down.

Seeing that the fourth prince Chenghui's face suddenly changed, Mother Tang and Mother Liu were also very embarrassed and didn't know whether they should step forward to dissuade them.While the two nuns were hesitating, the fourth prince Chenghui snorted coldly, stepped forward a little recklessly, and pulled Chengli out of Daiyu's arms, almost causing Chengli to fall on his back, Daiyu was even more frightened It was an exclamation.

Daiyu looked at Chengli's slightly pale face, and suddenly looked at the fourth prince Chenghui with some anger, and said coldly: "It doesn't seem right for the fourth prince to treat his younger brother so rudely? The fifth prince is just What a child! How can I bear your strength? I don’t know how to explain to the princess and the Holy Majesty even if I hurt my servant!”

The fourth prince Chenghui was taken aback when he saw Daiyu suddenly get angry, he grew so big, no one except the emperor had ever been so angry with him!
But Daiyu couldn't control so much, she glared at the fourth prince Chenghui, then stretched out her hand to pull back the fifth prince Chengli, Chengli suddenly hugged Daiyu's leg as if he had been wronged by the sky , Then he burst into tears.Daiyu felt even more distressed when she saw it, so she glared at Chenghui, the culprit, the fourth prince.

The fourth prince was suddenly amused by Daiyu's appearance.For some reason, seeing Daiyu's appearance, he just couldn't get angry.

Speaking of which, Daiyu is not extremely beautiful, there are too many beauties in and out of the palace, but Daiyu has a charm that no one else has.Seeing Daiyu wiping Chengli's tears while soothing Chengli's emotions with soft words, for some reason Chenghui felt extremely beautiful.

When Chengli finally stopped crying, he still held on to Daiyu, his red eyes fixed on Daiyu, but he didn't speak.The reddish little nose is still sucking in and out.It looked so cute.

Seeing this, Daiyu had no choice but to promise: "What about you, first go back to the palace with His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince." As soon as Daiyu said this, Chengli's eyes filled with tears again, and Daiyu hurriedly added: "What about me?" As soon as I have free time, I will go into the palace to see you. How about it?" Chengli looked at Daiyu and remained silent, and Daiyu couldn't help looking at Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun begging for help.

At this time, the fourth prince squatted down like Daiyu, and said very gently: "Little Wu, if you don't go back, those who follow you will be punished! Xiao Wu first told Si Brother back, fourth brother will help you supervise her and let her remember to come to see you. Okay?" Chengli looked at the fourth prince Chenghui with some uncertainty, and then at Daiyu.

Maybe it was because of the fourth prince's supervision, or maybe it was because of the trust in Daiyu from spending the afternoon together, or it was more likely because the fourth prince said that if he didn't go back, the little eunuchs and maids who followed him would be punished.He hesitated for a while.

No matter what caused Chengli to be shaken, Daiyu hurriedly added: "Then let's pull the hook, next time I visit you in the palace, I will draw you a lot of story comics, okay? Just like the ones we drew this afternoon." of."

Chengli's eyes lit up, and hurriedly asked: "You promise?" Daiyu nodded with a sure smile, and Chengli grinned and said, "Then can you give me the afternoon one too? Daiyu tapped Chengli's little nose and smiled, "Of course it's possible. I'll let the nanny take it later."

Chenghui saw the interaction between Daiyu and Chengli, it was obvious that Daiyu was pretending in front of her before.This is how the two of them got along.But Chenghui is not in a hurry, since Daiyu has agreed to go to the palace to see Xiao Wu, and she has accepted the responsibility of "supervising", then there will be more opportunities to meet in the future!
Cheng Hui was also very curious about the stories Chengli and Daiyu said, but he was not in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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