Chapter 278
Thank you Kuyu Baby for your monthly ticket support~ Why is my baby so cute? O(∩_∩)O haha~

The fifth prince, Chengli, finally followed the fourth prince, Chenghui, after Daiyu's repeated assurances, and even took out a lot of picture albums to "buy", and under the guard of the guards, he left the Prince Wu's mansion and went to the palace.Seeing the two princes leave, Daiyu didn't feel anything yet, but Nanny Liu and Nanny Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

After Princess Wujun came back, she heard that the fifth prince Chengli was taken away by the fourth prince Chenghui. After asking about the situation, Princess Wujun couldn't help but happily pulled Daiyu and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, but it saves us from going to the palace. Send him off."

Speaking of the princess of Wujun, she said to Daiyu regretfully: "It's a grand event in front of the city gate today, but it's a pity that Yu'er was delayed in the mansion. I don't know that I can see such a grand occasion that year. Follow behind the holy majesty's jade rod."

Princess Wu Jun said with a very excited smile: "Yu'er didn't see it, just the Holy Majesty's imperial book has: five pairs of horses, twenty poles, twenty flags, ten guns, throwing bags." Five pairs, ten broadswords, four yellow umbrellas with crank handles, eight yellow umbrellas with straight handles, two red umbrellas, two blue umbrellas, two white umbrellas, six yellow fans embroidered with dragons, four plain golden fans, six red fans embroidered with dragons, and red colorful phoenix fans Four fans, two pairs of sticks, four pairs of leopard-tailed spears, two pairs of lying melons, and two pairs of standing melons."

After saying so many words in one breath, Princess Wujun was also a little thirsty. Seeing this, Daiyu hurriedly brought a cup of tea to Princess Wujun. Princess Wujun took it with a kind smile, took a sip, and asked Then explain.

Seeing this, Daiyu hurriedly smiled and said, "Mother and concubine, don't worry, our sage is wise, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and we will always become stronger and stronger. Such a grand event will be indispensable in the future." Will the military parade of later generations be grand?

Princess Wujun heard what Daiyu said, so she stopped talking about the emperor's ceremonial guard, and instead raised her eyebrows and smiled at Daiyu: "Yu'er doesn't know, I'm looking at the inn from the top to the bottom today. Brother Xuan That kid in armor is following Prince Yi, not to mention how handsome and mighty he is." After Wujun Princess finished speaking, she smiled and glanced at Daiyu.

Daiyu didn't think too much, followed what Princess Wu said, then nodded and smiled: "That's right! If you don't look at other things, you can know that Brother Mo is good-looking, just like the concubine mother Son, coupled with the experience in the military camp, it is naturally a dignified appearance."

What Daiyu said was polite words, although it was the truth, Princess Wujun didn't think so, hearing Daiyu's praise of Mo Xuan, Princess Wujun smiled like a flower, but deliberately offended Daiyu With a glance, she said: "What a shameless girl!" Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, why is she not ashamed?Daiyu hadn't figured out whether she was ashamed or not.

The princess of Wu County was very happy to share with Daiyu again: "Your Majesty, you can say that Mo Xuan has made great achievements this time, so he should be rewarded." After speaking, she looked at Daiyu with a smile on her face. Yuzheng was thinking about how to answer the conversation, but she heard Princess Wujun laughing and said: "Speaking of which, Brother Xuan is not the first person to make this Western Expedition, but does Yu'er know who is the first person to do so?"

Daiyu felt that as a modern person, she couldn't keep up with the thinking span of Princess Wujun, but she still smiled and shook her head and said: "Yu'er has never gone to the northwest. It's gone."

When Princess Wujun heard this, she couldn't help laughing out loud.It took a while to stop and said: "You big-hearted girl! Although the sage didn't say it, everyone knows that you have merit. But this merit, I can't remember you."

Daiyu couldn't help being interested when she heard what Princess Wujun said, and asked with a smile: "Then mother concubine, tell me, who actually got this skill? It will be Prince Yi, not Brother Mo, right?"

Princess Wu Jun took a sip of tea, and hearing Daiyu's question, she couldn't help stretching out her hand and pulling Daiyu's cheek and said with a smile: "Look, it's true that girls are extroverted!" said?Could it be that I said something that misunderstood Princess Wujun?

Daiyu was about to explain, but Princess Wujun spoke first: "Although the first achievement this time is not your elder brother Mo, it is also your Lin family who went out."

Daiyu was about to refute when Princess Wujun said "Your brother Mo", but the next sentence "Your Lin family went out" made Daiyu forget what she said before, and hurriedly asked ecstatically: "Mother concubine said first Gong, could it be Zhao Bing?!"

Princess Wujun frowned, looked at Daiyu and said with some seriousness: "That's right, it's called that name, and it looks quite upright, but I heard he was your nursing home?"

Daiyu was still immersed in joy, and did not notice Princess Wujun's expression. Hearing Princess Wujun's question, she beamed and said, "Isn't it? He was the one who protected me all the way from the capital to Yangzhou. It’s better to wait and see, speaking of…”

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun's complexion changed, and she scolded severely: "Yu'er!" Daiyu didn't know what happened, but Princess Wujun was always kind in Daiyu's heart. When we first met, he was also very elegant, when did you ever scold anyone so angry?Not to mention myself.He couldn't help but stare blankly at Princess Wu, his eyes full of confusion.

Seeing Daiyu's expression, Princess Wujun slowed down her words when she came to her mouth. After organizing her words, Princess Wujun patted Daiyu's hand and said earnestly: "Now Yu My son is growing up too, so you have to pay attention to your identity." Seeing that Daiyu's eyes were still full of doubts.

Princess Wujun knew that Daiyu had such a temperament, so she sighed and said: "In the future, you will also be the mistress of the family, and you must not do things that lose your status. Even if you speak, you have to think about it before saying it." Can Yuer understand what the concubine mother said?" Daiyu nodded subconsciously, then shook her head quickly.

Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled angrily and said, "You silly boy!" After finishing speaking, she didn't know how to continue.

As for Wanqing those few, Princess Wujun never bothered.Wan Yu has been sensible since she was a child, and she seldom needs any thought from her.But Daiyu... It's not that she is ignorant, but in the view of Princess Wujun, Daiyu just doesn't put her mind on the right way!
Princess Wujun sighed, and after thinking for a while, she said: "There is a difference between master and servant, and there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, let alone men and women?" Seeing a flash of surprise in Daiyu's eyes, Princess Wujun reached out and tapped Daiyu's forehead , very dissatisfied and said: "Keep a certain distance from those servants in the future, I just told you this afternoon at noon, Yu'er, don't take it to heart!"

Only then did Daiyu realize that Princess Wujun was talking about her praise of Zhao Bing, so she hastily explained: "Mother and concubine don't know, Qiluo, that is, my mother's former maid, is Xu Pei for him."

After speaking, Daiyu took Princess Wu's hand and laughed as if to please Princess Wu, "I don't know, but after my mother passed away, the couple took good care of me, and I'm just happy for Qiluo."

Princess Wujun saw her like this, and told her: "Yu'er, keep what I said today in mind." After finishing speaking, she did not continue to dwell on this topic, and talked about Wanyu's upcoming long-distance travel tomorrow.

Daiyu tilted her head and asked, "What worries does the mother concubine have?" Princess Wujun thought for a while and asked, "You said that Wanyu just married today, and we will go there in a mighty way tomorrow, isn't that right? Appropriate? After all..."

Before Princess Wujun finished speaking, Daiyu laughed and said, "No matter what, the mother concubine is also my sister's biological mother! Who can stop the mother concubine from seeing my sister?"

To comfort Princess Wujun, Daiyu accompanied her to soak in the hot spring again, and after sending her back, she went to her small courtyard.All the way, I was thinking about Zongzong after Princess Wujun came back.Daiyu always felt that she missed something, or missed something, but she never remembered it.

After Daiyu went back, she told Nanny Sun about Princess Wujun's story, but Nanny Sun just smiled and said nothing, which made Daiyu angry for a while.In the end, Nanny Sun only said: "If you want to say it, then Third Master Mo is indeed a good man, he is handsome, and his family background is not bad, but..." After all, Daiyu interrupted before Nanny Sun could finish speaking.

Daiyu said angrily: "Brother Mo is naturally a good person, and he is motivated too, but does that have something to do with the princess's attitude today?" After finishing speaking, Daiyu ignored Sun Nanny, washed up and went to bed.

But at this time, not everyone can sleep peacefully, at least not Concubine Qian.Today I went to the gate of the city full of excitement, but Concubine Qian didn't see her own brother, General Fuyuan, if she hadn't been helped by the maid, she might have passed out.Fortunately, after many inquiries, I found out that her brother was fine.

But what made Qian Concubine extremely dissatisfied was that so many people had returned, even the guards from Daiyu's mansion would come to receive the reward, but her elder brother, General Fuyuan, was left behind in that bird. Shit Northwest!How is this different from exile?

Therefore, as soon as Concubine Qian came back, she had a very bad face, and went back to her own yard, and never came out again.But Concubine Qian was dissatisfied with Princess Wujun, Prince Yi, the Seventh Prince, Mo Xuan, and even Daiyu.

But she is different from Concubine Hou, she does not have a son by her side, even Wanqing's future will fall on Concubine Wujun, so she dare not cause other troubles.

She doesn't dare, but it doesn't mean that others don't dare either.At least Hongshi and Concubine Hou didn't dare. Although they didn't know it, they didn't care about spreading rumors or fanning the flames.

Especially Concubine Hou and Hong Shi both believed that Daiyu was the emperor's favorite person, so when the emperor knew that the nephew he admired wanted to compete with him for a beautiful woman, he didn't know what kind of expression he would have.After Concubine Hou and Hong Shi looked at each other and smiled, it didn't take long for the rumors about Mo Xuan and Dai Yu to spread again in the Prince Wu's Mansion, and the rumors became more and more intense.

Daiyu doesn't know what other people think, even if she knows, she doesn't care.Early the next morning, Daiyu changed into light pink clothes embroidered with roses and flowers, and wore a lily bun. Two small roses were inserted on the side of the bun, one Fengding's distracted hairpin fixes her bun.Two strings of pearls set off the moon white skirt.

Princess Wujun smiled when she saw Daiyu.Daiyu's body does not look plain, nor does it steal the color of the newcomer.

Princess Wujun was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Look at our Yu'er, no matter how you dress up, you are so pretty." Speaking of this, Princess Wujun didn't know what to think, and suddenly said, "I have to give Yuer to me in the future." Just pick out the one that looks good."

(End of this chapter)

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