Chapter 279

Daiyu naturally understood Princess Wujun's words, she couldn't help blushing and hurriedly explained: "Mother, you have misunderstood..." But before Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun changed the subject and said: " Let's set off quickly, so we won't be separated after meeting for a while, it's really uncomfortable."

Princess Wujun said so, Daiyu naturally couldn't continue to explain, so she turned her head to look at Sun Nanny and Tang Nanny, and the two smiled back at her, and hurriedly prepared to leave.

Hanxiao and Zhixuan followed Daiyu, seeing everything clearly, but they were very clear about their identities, no matter what Daiyu said, thought, or did, in the eyes of a family member like Princess Wujun, she was Even the inferior people, how much decency they give themselves is nothing more than a gift.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't hear what Princess Wujun said yesterday, otherwise they don't know what they would think of!Fortunately, Daiyu didn't know about their thoughts, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do!Although the current Daiyu is not the Daiyu in the original book, but her kindness is let down, and she still feels uncomfortable.

Daiyu took a carriage with Princess Wujun. Although Daiyu thought about taking a carriage by herself when she set off, so that she could send Wanyu away so that she could go back to Zhuangzi outside the city first, but did Daiyu Can speak out.

Wanyu just got married, the princess of Wu County was already extremely sad yesterday, and she bid farewell again today, I don't know if the princess of Wu County can stabilize her emotions.Princess Wujun has always been very kind to Daiyu, and Daiyu couldn't bear to leave her when she was most sad.

Without meeting Wanyu in the city, the guards directly guarded Princess Wu's carriage and headed towards the south gate.She didn't stop until she went out of the city gate, Daiyu looked at Princess Wujun who was a little nervous, and gently took her hand, but said nothing.

When Daiyu took her hand, Princess Wujun came back to her senses. Seeing that Daiyu didn't speak, she looked down at this small, very dry and warm hand, and a warm current flowed through her heart.

Patting Daiyu's little hand, seeing Daiyu turning her head to look at herself and smiling sweetly at herself, Princess Wujun couldn't help but think of Wanyu.These two girls are really similar in many ways, very similar.

Just when Princess Wujun was about to say something to Daiyu, the carriage stopped suddenly, and Princess Wujun swallowed back what she wanted to say, but before Princess Wujun ordered Mother Zhen to ask, she listened to Mo Xuan's voice There was a sound outside the car: "Xuan'er greeted my aunt, did my aunt also send her cousin off?"

Princess Wujun laughed immediately, and she didn't even forget to look back at Daiyu, and smiled even more happily, and replied, "Where is Xuan'er going? I'll go with your younger sister Yu'erlin to see off your cousin. Where is it?"

Obviously, when Mo Xuan heard the words "Your sister Yu'er" outside the car, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Xuan'er is also here to see off my cousin, and there is Sanlipo in front, and there is a long pavilion, Aunt and Yu'er My sons and sisters can rest in the pavilion, and before going out of the city, they pass by my sister-in-law's door, and seeing my sister-in-law's family loading a carriage, I think they will come here soon."

Mo Xuan stopped here for a while, and after a while, he heard Mo Xuan say again: "Auntie and sister Yu'er, go slowly, Xuan'er will go to get some one or two first." After speaking, he heard the sound of horseshoes going away, thinking Mo Xuan came here on his own.

Princess Wujun looked back at Daiyu, raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "Brother Xuan is a careful child. Whoever marries him in the future will be blessed."

When Princess Wujun said this, Daiyu was sure that Princess Wujun had misunderstood, so she hurriedly wanted to explain, but she opened her mouth, and Daiyu stopped again.What do you say?Say Mo Xuan is still a child?Or do you mean that you don't have that kind of interest in Mo Xuan?It doesn't seem to be suitable, so I don't have to draw more and more black...

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, and was about to tell Princess Wujun that she planned to be a female husband, opened a girls' academy, and did not plan to marry.

But Princess Wujun saw Daiyu bowing her head, she already decided that Daiyu was shy, thinking about what the queen said to her, thinking that no matter how much she loved this girl, she would never marry as far away as Yuer in the future. The princess of the county was even more satisfied when she saw Daiyu.

Thinking of Wan Yu, Princess Wu Jun asked again: "If I forget later, Yu'er remember to remind your sister, what is missing there, write back."

The topic of Princess Wujun always changed so fast that Daiyu was interrupted several times when she wanted to explain.Daiyu couldn't help smiling bitterly and said: "Don't worry, mother concubine, even if mother concubine doesn't talk about these things, Yu'er will remember it." Then she took out a half-foot square from the bag Zhixuan prepared for her, and it was full There is a brocade box half a foot thick.

Daiyu handed the brocade box to Princess Wujun and said with a smile: "I don't know if sister Wanyu will be unaccustomed to the past, Yu'er specially made some medicine bags for her, and I bring them for various situations. .”

As she said that, Daiyu opened the brocade box. There were six tiers inside, and there were no less than twenty or thirty sachets.They are all packed in individual colored glass boxes, which can be seen clearly from the outside, but cannot smell.There are various patterns of flowers on the sachet, which is extremely exquisite and elegant.

Daiyu opened a glass box, and a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out.Daiyu laughed and said, "This is for mosquito repellent. I don't know if there are many mosquitoes over there."

As he spoke, he picked and picked in the brocade box again, and after a while, he took out another glazed box, and when he opened it, there was another smell, which was much more elegant than the previous one.Daiyu handed the little glazed box to Princess Wujun, and said in a very low voice mysteriously: "This is what Sister Wanyu will bring when she is pregnant with a baby in the future."

Speaking of which, Daiyu took a look at Princess Wujun, seeing that Princess Wujun was indeed attracted by her sachets, she was relieved, and at the same time continued to say mysteriously: "My master said, the medicine in it can Calming the mind and nourishing the fetus."

Princess Wujun was moved by Daiyu's carefulness at first, but now she was amused by Daiyu's mysterious appearance.She couldn't help laughing and said, "You shameless little girl!" As she spoke, she reached out to touch Daiyu's cheek, and said, "Don't be so thick-skinned!" Both mother and daughter laughed.

Princess Wujun and Daiyu's laughter came out of the car, so that Mo Xuan, who had just rode back on his horse, heard him, and asked with a smile, "Auntie and Sister Yu'er remembered something happy? Huizi also told my cousin."

What Mo Xuan said made Princess Wujun and Dai Yu stunned for a moment, and the latter two laughed happily. As soon as Mo Xuan heard this, he knew that he must have said something wrong, so he didn't speak anymore.He only rode a horse and followed the carriage of Princess Wujun, all the way to the long pavilion in Sanlipo.

When Princess Wujun and her party arrived at the Changting Pavilion, Mo Xuan had already arranged it properly. Not only had the Changting Pavilion been cleaned, but even a curtain had been hung so that Princess Wujun and Daiyu could rest and talk inside, and it was impossible to see clearly from the outside.

On the stone table in the long pavilion, tea and fruit products were even placed, just waiting for the arrival of Princess Wujun and Daiyu.Seeing this, Princess Wujun nodded in satisfaction and said to Mo Xuan: "Sure enough, brother Xuan has grown up and is able to do things well." As she spoke, a very gratified smile appeared on her face, but she never looked back. Make fun of Daiyu.

Daiyu and Princess Wujun waited in the long pavilion for no more than two quarters of an hour, and indeed they saw the Caifu motorcade approaching in a mighty manner.

Mo Xuan went up to say hello to Cai Rong first. When Cai Rong heard that Princess Wujun was in the pavilion, he wanted to go up to meet him, but was stopped by Mo Xuan. Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law's heart It's fine when you arrive, there is also the adopted daughter of Princess Wujun and the daughter of Marquis Lin in that pavilion, so it's very inconvenient to see each other."

After all, Cai Rong is a scholar. When he heard about Master Lin, he hurriedly asked: "But Lin Ruhai, Marquis of Yongding? It is said that his daughter is a disciple of Mr. Huang Jiyunhuang, a university scholar. I wonder if it is true?" Mo Xuan did not expect Cai Rong to ask such a question. , thinking that these things have long been known in the world, and there is nothing to hide, so he nodded and said: "Sister-in-law is right, it is her."

Cai Rong was so excited, he rubbed his hands and walked around twice, but clasped his fists at Mo Xuan and said, "I would like to ask my cousin to introduce you, I wonder if it is possible?"

After finishing speaking, Cai Rong also knew that what he said was not in line with the rules, so he thought for a while and said: "Since she is the younger sister of my wife, that Xiaosheng is also her brother-in-law, why can't I meet?" Mo Xuan's expression was not very good Staring at him intently, Cai Rong's heart skipped a beat. You must know that Mo Xuan had killed people on the battlefield, so his aura was different.

Cai Rong hurriedly explained: "How about Xiaosheng only visits his mother-in-law outside the pavilion, and wants to ask his sister two questions, is it possible?"

Wan Yu naturally listened to the situation outside in the carriage, and then asked with a smile: "Is the concubine mother here?" After hearing Wan Yu's voice, Mo Xuan stopped staring at Cai Rong Gaze, and replied: "Auntie and Sister Yu'er have been waiting for you for a long time, why don't you go to Changting to meet?"

After Mo Xuan finished speaking, she saw Wanyu's nanny personally supporting Wanyu, and got out of the carriage wearing a veiled hat under the service of the maids.When passing by Cai Rong, he gently tugged at his sleeve, and said with a smile, "Why don't you go see your mother with me, you idiot?"

Cai Rong was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "It should be!" After speaking, he even supported Wanyu, and the two went to the pavilion hand in hand, Mo Xuan couldn't say anything else for a while.

Cai Rongxian wanted to ask Daiyu a few questions, but when he actually saw Daiyu, he couldn't ask anything.I saw Princess Wu Jun and Wan Yu burst into tears as soon as they met, and even Dai Yu shed tears twice.The three of them seemed to have a lot to say, until the sun was high, the three of them still got together and babbled.

At this time, in Cai Rong's heart, Daiyu no longer had the taste of Mr. Children, and in Cai Rong's eyes, she was just a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl.There was an unconcealable look of disappointment in his eyes.Mo Xuan watched Cai Rong's expression change from the side, and asked curiously: "Didn't you say you have a question?"

Cai Rong looked back at Mo Xuan, and he was not so afraid of Mo Xuan now.Walking out of the long pavilion with Mo Xuan and waiting on the side of the road, Cai Rongcai sighed: "I thought it would be like Mr. Huang, at least it should be calm and unrestrained. But looking at it now, it looks like a Like an ordinary little girl."

Mo Xuan snorted angrily and said, "That person who is calm and unrestrained is Mr. Huang, University Fellow Huang! He is not his student. Besides, she is just a girl. What do you mean by being like a girl?"

Cai Rong was taken aback by Mo Xuan's words, and he didn't recover for a long while.

(End of this chapter)

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