Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 280 The feeling of heartache

Chapter 280 The feeling of heartache

First of all, I would like to thank Du Ruo for her monthly ticket support, and thank you for the love of many who voted for Gujing. Gujing will always be serious and idealistic in telling the story completely.Then I am very grateful to Stephanie97 for the reward and encouragement!

Princess Wujun saw that Wan Yu's eyes were watery and her cheeks were shy; she also saw that Cai Rong still secretly looked at Wan Yu's eyes when she visited her. Even Wan Yu thought she was covering it up very well, so she quietly returned Cai Rong with a shy smile.But in the end, he couldn't escape the eyes of Princess Wujun.

The princess of Wujun is naturally happy to see the results. Seeing the interaction between the two, although shy but still warm, the princess of Wujun can be regarded as relieved.

No amount of exhortations can make Princess Wujun really feel at ease, but when her daughter grows up, Princess Wujun can't just keep Wanyu from marrying.

After thousands of warnings, Wan Yu finally boarded the carriage with Cai Rong going south under the reluctant eyes of Princess Wujun.

Wanyu was crying and was supported by Cai Rong to get out of the Changting Pavilion. Princess Wujun and Daiyu chased her out without even caring about etiquette.At the moment Wanyu was sent to the car, Princess Wujun even cried and fell into Daiyu's arms.At this time, Daiyu was also crying, and her clothes were wet with tears.But he had to choke up and comfort the overwhelmed Princess Wujun.

Daiyu held Princess Wujun in her arms, and wiped away her rolling tears with difficulty, her own teardrops also kept dripping down, almost forming a thread.

At this time, although her voice was pale and feeble, Daiyu had no choice but to comfort her: "My concubine has to trust my sister, she is kind and intelligent, such a beautiful woman, even if she is also a woman, I can't bear to hurt her, let alone my brother-in-law is still a concubine mother." Chosen out of thousands of people?"

Such consolation does not mean much to Princess Wujun. After all, there is no more beautiful woman than Wanyu in the heart of Princess Wujun, but it still cannot make her not worry. By the age of 17!At such a young and beautiful age, one has to stay away from the protection of parents and elder brothers...

But in this case, Princess Wujun didn't say it, she didn't forget, the girl who held her in her arms and couldn't help comforting her was younger than Wanyu, but she had already lost her parents. The girl is Wanyu's sister, a poor girl... Princess Wujun can only cry to relieve her reluctance and sadness...

Seeing that Princess Wujun didn't say anything, Daiyu was very worried that she would break her body from crying, so she had no choice but to continue to comfort her: "The nuns around my sister and the dowry maids are all good. Yes, the nanny is an old man who knows how to deal with things, and the concubine must believe that they can take good care of my sister."

Princess Wujun raised her head and saw Daiyu frowning slightly and weeping, and hearing her comforting words, her heart warmed slightly, she reached out and hugged Daiyu in her arms, crying: "My son! "

At this time, I don't know whether Princess Wujun is hurting Wanyu's far away, or loving Daiyu's forbearance.Maybe there are, but at this time, not to mention Daiyu, even the maids and nurses around, as well as the guards a little far away, and the helpless Mo Xuan, they all believe that Princess Wujun is doing this for Wanyu. Sad to leave.

Mo Xuan looked at Daiyu's teary face, but tried his best to bear it, feeling a little tightness in his chest and out of breath, subconsciously stroked his chest.Fortunately, the maids and nurses all focused their attention on Princess Wujun, and the guards were standing with their backs facing each other, so no one noticed Mo Xuan's sudden strangeness.

Mo Xuan stroked his chest and took a few deep breaths before slowly walking towards Princess Wujun and Daiyu, looking at Daiyu, Mo Xuan frowned slightly, and finally turned to Princess Wujun and said : "Auntie, it's better to go back earlier, or go to sister Yu'er's Zhuangzi to rest for a while. People may come by this roadside at any time, so it's not appropriate."

Princess Wujun thought for a while and choked with sobs and said: "Then go back, don't go to Yu'er Zhuangzi, you have to go around to Dongcheng."

When Mo Xuan said that he was going to his own Zhuangzi, Daiyu looked up at Mo Xuan in great surprise. At this time, he saw Mo Xuan frowned after the princess of Wu County refused, and he seemed hesitant to speak. .

Daiyu couldn't help being moved, guessing that Mo Xuan's proposal to go to Zhuangzi at this time might be related to her.Then he took Princess Wujun's hand, and persuaded him lightly: "Mother, why don't you listen to brother Mo, go to the Zhuangzi to wash and rest, so that someone will not have anything to say, and if someone deliberately misleads, spread it to the public. In Master Cai's ears, I'm afraid it will be of no benefit to my sister."

Princess Wujun heard what Daiyu said, she nodded after a little thought, and said: "Yu'er is more thoughtful, so let's go to your Zhuangzi first, and you can take care of the government affairs by the way, let's use some game, and then go Walking around in the wilderness, I heard that the scenery in that area is also very good."

Princess Wujun finished speaking, then looked at Mo Xuan with a smile and said: "If Yu'er doesn't live in Zhuangzi, there won't be any wild game in Zhuangzi, but Brother Xuan will have to go to the mountains to hunt some back."

Mo Xuan smiled and said: "Look at what my aunt said, isn't it just to go to the mountains to hunt some game? How hard is it?" After Mo Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Daiyu again, and asked with a smile: "I remember that There is a river ditch nearby, and the river water comes from the mountain stream. Why don't you catch some fish, the spring water is sweet, and the fish are also extremely fat."

Daiyu looked at Princess Wu and said with a smile, "That's a good idea. Fish are more nutritious and delicious than those fishy wild animals. Especially there is a spring pool on the mountain behind Zhuangzi. Although the area is not very large, the water quality is good. It is clear and sweet, and the fish in it is also tender and delicious.”

When Daiyu said this, she shook Princess Wujun's arm and said: "Mother, we can also bring seasonings and pots, and have a picnic by the pool. If you want to eat the freshly caught fish, whether you want to cook it in soup or bake it , are extremely delicious, and it will have a special flavor with some fruit wine."

Seeing that Daiyu and Mo Xuan were singing and talking together, especially when Daiyu talked about the fish and the picnic, the way her eyes lit up made her feel amused, so she joked: " Then should we still hit the festival and sing?"

Daiyu's eyes lit up and said: "This is good! The concubine mother is more thoughtful than Yu'er." She added: "It's inconvenient to carry a piano, so let's just sing and sing at will. Very beautiful."

Seeing this, the princess of Wujun gave Daiyu an angry look and said, "But you still look like a daughter of everyone? But you still have the rules of the princess of the palace? Don't want any of these?"

Daiyu was stunned when she heard this, she didn't react for a while, the Princess Wujun brought up the topic first, why did she say that she has no rules now?

Seeing Daiyu's stupefied look, Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the difficulty? I'll take my jade flute with me to accompany you."

After Mo Xuan finished speaking, Princess Wu burst out laughing, patted Daiyu's arm, held Daiyu in her arms and rubbed her for a while, and said, "You really are a sincere silly girl!" Xuan glanced at him and said, "You silly boy, will you feel pity and cherish jade?"

Mo Xuan knew that Princess Wujun was teasing him, so he blushed and argued: "Isn't this to let aunt relax?" Princess Wujun didn't accept his fault, and asked Mo Xuan with a frown on purpose: "Xuan Brother, you know how to fish? Why don't we mobilize people to go, but in the end there is no fish to go to the pot. At that time, we can only listen to the flute and the wind!"

Mo Xuan smiled shyly: "Don't worry, your fish is indispensable, even if Xuan'er is hungry, I can't be hungry, auntie." He also peeked at the fish in the arms of Princess Wujun. Daiyu.

Daiyu didn't see Mo Xuan's eyes, but she was caught by Princess Wujun.Seeing Princess Wujun looking at him with a half-smile, Mo Xuan's neck turned red with shame, and quickly changed the subject: "Then let's go on the road quickly, so as not to miss lunch and delay the trip." After finishing speaking He hurried to the guard team.

There are fewer and fewer people brought into Zhuangzi today, not to mention Madam Yang and her party who went south to Gusu, not to mention Aunt Luo who moved to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, but Daiyu herself followed several people. indivual.

Seeing Daiyu come back, everyone in the Zhuangzi was very happy, of course the most happy ones were Lin De's family and Qi Luo who just came back yesterday.

As soon as Daiyu entered Zhuangzi, she learned about Qiluo's return, and she also understood why Mo Xuan proposed to come to Zhuangzi first. Daiyu originally wanted to come back, but she couldn't bear to leave because Princess Wujun was sad. That's it.Unexpectedly, Mo Xuan came up with an excellent idea.

To welcome Princess Wujun into Zhuangzi, Daiyu didn't care about meeting Qi Luo and the others, and took Princess Wujun to her own hot spring pool first.

Naturally, Mo Xuan didn't want to go to the backyard openly, so he sent Daiyu and Princess Wujun to the door of Yimen, and was invited by Song Shi and Zhao Bing, who came back with Qiluo, to the flower hall in the front yard, but he didn't know that Qiluo Luo actually stayed in the flower hall with the child in his arms, and Mo Xuan was taken aback as soon as he entered.

Mo Xuan was about to withdraw, but Zhao Bing said with a smile: "Where are the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes so particular? Besides, General Mo seems to still owe my brother Jia Xing a gift to meet him?" , Mr. Mo has a lot of good things, you have to look carefully, don’t leave the bad ones, if you are not sure, go back and ask the girl to help you identify them.”

After Mo Xuan was stunned for a moment, Fang smiled and walked in with fists in his hands, and even took a piece of translucent jade pei from his body and handed it to Zhao Bing.Seeing this, Zhao Bing felt that it was too precious, and was about to postpone it, but unexpectedly, Qi Luo snatched it and stuffed it in Xing Ge'er's baby.He glared at Zhao Bing angrily and said, "You really don't know what to buy! That's a fine century-old jade!"

Princess Wujun saw that in the cherry blossom forest, several springs were surrounded by Taihu Lake stones to form a pool, and a gazebo was built around the pool, with hanging curtains on all sides, which is very unique.Coupled with the rising heat of the hot spring water, it is ethereal and misty like a fairyland.Then she looked at Daiyu and said with a smile, "No wonder Yu'er always says that in this world, there is nothing more enjoyable than Yu'er."

Daiyu didn't refute, she just took the princess of Wujun into the bath herself, collected cherry blossoms by the pool and sprinkled them in the pool, and even ordered someone to make a pot of sweet jujube tea with honey for the princess of Wujun.Princess Wujun leaned against the edge of the pool comfortably. The extremely smooth but uneven walls of the pool seemed to be able to be massaged, which made people very relaxed.

Princess Wujun lay down with her eyes closed for a while before she opened her eyes and smiled at Daiyu, "Could Yu'er come down and spend some time with the concubine mother?" The concubine smiled knowingly: "Since this is the case, Yu'er, let's go, just a little, remember your identity, and you should also wash up."

Daiyu was delighted to hear what Princess Wujun said, so she nodded with a smile in response, and arranged for Zhixuan to bring the little girl here to wait on her with Mother Zhen before heading to the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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