Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 282 Protection

Chapter 282 Protection
I would like to thank Yidiaolin for the monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O~Thanks to God Stick, Wentian, Ma Cangye, Artillery, God’s Will, Calgary, Peerless Overlord, ksgx, Cabbage and Wine, Lishui Shop, Xu Ye, the perfect magician, I will recommend it to Gujing~O(∩_∩)O~

Seeing the emperor looking at him with a half-smile, Huang Jiyun couldn't help but feel a chill in his back, but thinking that he and Lin Ruhai had known each other for many years, and Daiyu worshiped him as his teacher, since he had accepted this student and was the only one at that time, he couldn't bear it. Wishing to shrink back, then took a deep breath and said: "Yu'er seems to be indifferent by nature, but in fact..."

Before Huang Jiyun finished speaking, the emperor became angry with Huang Jiyun for the first time, and he stretched out his hand and smashed back the note that Huang Jiyun had just handed to him.It almost hit Huang Jiyun on the head, but fortunately Huang Jiyun reacted quickly and reached out to hug Zhezi.

Seeing that the emperor was angry, Huang Jiyun knelt down anxiously, and was about to tell the emperor about Daiyu's shortcomings, but the emperor asked in a cold and sharp voice: "Who does Ji Yun take me for? Do you listen to rumors like that woman in the back house?" When the emperor said this, Huang Jiyun raised his head in a daze on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

Naturally, the emperor saw Huang Jiyun's bewildered expression. He secretly thought about it, but he didn't point it out. He just sighed and said, "Although I didn't send the rumor to others, it happened to prevent unnecessary trouble. Take it as my fault." That girl has intentions, so no one dares to attack her. It is also for her protection, and my marriage will always be indispensable in the future, so who can say anything at that time?"

Huang Jiyun listened to the emperor's rare explanation, and even thought about Daiyu so carefully, he was very moved, so he didn't get up, but kowtowed: "Thank you, Lord Long En!"

But the emperor didn't sell Huang Jiyun's account, and said angrily: "You still don't get up? Who cares about you thanking you? I promised Ruhai at the beginning, and I have fulfilled my promise back then! I need you to thank me? Even if I want to thank you, I am also waiting for that girl to kowtow to me in person to thank me!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing, as if imagining Daiyu kowtowing to thank her, he felt very happy.

Looking at such an emperor, Huang Jiyun sighed in his heart, but he didn't want to continue entangled in this topic, so as to save other troubles.Then he asked: "I don't know why the Holy Majesty asked my minister to look at the album...?"

Huang Jiyun didn't know that the emperor had never thought about Daiyu, but he didn't dare to put her in the palace after all, fearing that something would happen in the palace.

Hearing Huang Jiyun's question about the album, the emperor shook his head and smiled wryly: "That girl has too many ideas, I don't doubt her, but what if she accidentally gave Xiao Wu something amazing, I don't know, why? Isn’t she blind for nothing? She gave Brother Xuan such a picture of a sleigh, if it wasn’t for the meritorious service in the Northwest this time, no one would care.”

Seeing that Huang Jiyun still had hesitation on his face, the emperor shook his head and said with a smile: "I found that as soon as we talk about that girl, Ji Yun loses his balance. It takes me too long to sigh and shake my head."

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, but then the emperor laughed and said: "If you say that girl has the desire to fight for the dragon's achievements, I believe it, don't think I don't know, there is no lack of the shadow of that girl in the past. It's inside." Speaking of which, the emperor paused for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Ji Yun, tell me, how old was that girl back then?"

Speaking of this, the emperor also had lingering fears.Seeing Huang Jiyun bowed his head in silence, the emperor didn't want to go any further.

After thinking for a while, the emperor continued: "One is that I am still young and powerful, so I am afraid that the girl does not need to start standing up so early, and because of her relationship with the Prince of Wujun and the Queen, it is necessary to take a stand He will stand on Chengde's side."

Speaking of this, the emperor looked deeply at Huang Jiyun and said: "Besides, that girl is very smart! I don't believe that girl can't see what I think about Chengde. Even if she can't see it, Ji Yun should be able to see it too." How can I let that girl do something wrong?"

Hearing this, Huang Jiyun didn't dare to remain silent, and hastily bowed and said, "I dare not guess the holy will! I..." Before Huang Jiyun could finish speaking, the emperor interrupted: "It's alright, alright! Don't talk to me!" I came to that set! The reason why I value that girl is that she never argues with me!" After speaking, the emperor waved Huang Jiyun back impatiently.

Huang Jiyun also knew that the emperor was a little angry, but he also smiled wryly in his heart.Daiyu no longer does errands in the court, and no longer takes a position in the court, but she has to stand on the court.Before the emperor ascended the throne, they could be close friends and good friends, but after ascending the throne, they could only be monarchs and ministers.The king is the king, and the minister is the minister!

In addition, the emperor has been on the throne for several years, and his dignity has become more and more serious. How can the cold-faced king at the beginning be compared?Daiyu can rely on her young age to speak out and speak freely, how can she do this?As a bachelor, I must set an example for all officials...

Huang Jiyun can figure this out, but can the emperor not know?It's just that the emperor still felt a little regretful in his heart, saying that the heights were extremely cold, and now that he really stood on the highest point, he could deeply appreciate the coldness and loneliness of that height, so he cherished and loved Daiyu even more.

After listening to Qi Luo's various descriptions, Daiyu pondered for a moment, and then said uncertainly: "In my opinion, the Northwest is actually a treasure land."

As soon as Daiyu's words came out, not to mention Zhao Bingqiluo and his wife, even Song Shi and Mo Xuan's eyes lit up.The imperial government's aid to the Northwest every year, in addition to natural disasters and man-made disasters, is more due to the fact that the Northwest is too desolate and barren, but now Daiyu says that the Northwest is a treasure land, and they can't help but look at Daiyu with hope.

Daiyu didn't know that there was a hidden guard sent by the emperor to "protect" her in the corner of the courtyard, and she was waiting with her ears pricked up for Daiyu to continue talking.

Daiyu never likes to show off, so she smiled and explained without waiting for a few people to ask: "Although the Northwest is not good at growing grain, if the people have money in their hands, are they afraid that they will not be able to buy grain?"

Qi Luo was impatient, and couldn't wait for Daiyu to explain slowly, so Daiyu hurriedly said: "Miss, just tell me that there is a good way to make the common people earn money and fill their stomachs!"

As soon as Qi Luo finished speaking, Song Shi shook his head and laughed. Mo Xuan looked at Qi Luo in surprise, and quickly lowered his head to pick up the teacup on the table.Seeing this, Zhao Bing was very embarrassed and wanted to explain a few words, but Daiyu laughed and said: "Sister Qiluo has become more and more impatient these years."

Daiyu didn't know who was eavesdropping, and was even more anxious than Qiluo. Seeing that Daiyu had a tendency to chat, she wished she could jump out and ask Daiyu directly.You know, if this news is passed back, as long as it works, he will have made a great contribution. It is hard to say how the Holy One will reward him!You know, the Northwest has always been a headache for the Holy Majesty.It is also an inseparable burden of the imperial court.

Just when the man was in a hurry, Qi Luo smiled indifferently: "Since the girl knows that the servant is impatient, let's talk about it quickly." After finishing speaking, Qi Luo sighed: "The slave does not care about his own size, but relies on the The dowry given by the girl, the various rewards I received in the past plus the savings of the slaves over the years, means that the slaves will do nothing in this life, and the slaves will not be hungry."

When Qiluo said this, she looked at Daiyu sincerely, and said with red eyes: "Young lady, I don't know. When the slaves and maidservants followed the master to the northwest, the neighbors and the brothers of the master couldn't eat enough. .”

Hearing Qiluo talk about this, Zhao Bing was afraid that Daiyu would misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "It's not entirely because of the top's deduction, although there are some, but in the final analysis, the place is too poor. Don't talk about the people, even the officials are not very rich. When Zhao Bing said this, thinking of the escaped Zongzhen, he said with emotion: "At that time, the Zongzhen had no choice..."

Before Zhao Bing finished speaking, Qi Luo refused, and interrupted directly: "Master, why didn't you say that he hit you back then?" Daiyu's hands and red eyes repeated the original situation again.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing, holding the teacup, lowering his head, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably, even Song Shi couldn't stand it anymore, wrapped Brother Xing from Zhao Bing's arms, and told Qi Luo: " I see that Brother Xing must be sleepy too, you take him to sleep for a while."

Qi Luo was quite afraid of the second housekeeper of the Song Dynasty, and now that he was his uncle, he naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous, so as soon as Song Shi ordered, Qi Luo hurriedly took over Xing Ge'er, got up and said goodbye to Daiyu "Girl, servant first..." Before Qi Luo could finish speaking, Dai Yu interrupted: "Go, let's talk later."

After Qi Luo saluted and resigned, Zhao Bingyuan wanted to explain a few words, to explain to Qi Luo, but Dai Yu smiled at him: "It seems that you have lived up to the entrustment of you and me over the years, sister Qi Luo Straight-hearted, quick-tempered, but the most clear about grievances and grievances, if you treat her badly, she will not care about you like this."

Daiyu didn't look at Zhao Bing after she finished speaking, and took a sip of her tea.Daiyu gently raised a corner of the veil with one hand, and held the cup in the other, she looked so elegant, Mo Xuan couldn't help but stared blankly, then quickly lowered her head again.That expression naturally fell into the eyes of Song Shi, who had been observing him secretly.

But Daiyu didn't know it. After taking a sip of tea, she put down her cup and explained while the hidden guards at the base of the wall waited anxiously: "The northwest is vast and sparsely populated, and the soil quality is not suitable for cultivating food, but it can be cultivated." of."

Daiyu stopped here again, the hidden guards in the corner wanted to jump out and pinch Daiyu's neck!Is there anyone who says something like this and pauses three times!Have it?

But Daiyu didn't wait for him to jump out, and continued: "For example, grapes, such as cold melon, such as..." At this point, Daiyu glanced at Zhao Bing, and said very seriously: "Cotton and kapok!"

Zhao Bing was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Is this true?" Daiyu nodded and said, "The Northwest is a treasure land for growing cotton. It is easy to cultivate, and the harvest is higher than that of grain, and it is easy to sell. If it can't be sold, I will You can take it all."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Mo Xuan looked at Daiyu puzzled, and Song Shi even asked directly: "What is the girl's plan for collecting cotton?"

Daiyu smiled and said, "There's no rush, the cotton hasn't been planted yet." After speaking, Daiyu looked at Zhao Bing again and said, "In addition to these, we can also grow grass!"

Song Shi, Mo Xuan and others could still understand what Daiyu said just now. Although they didn't think of it at first, they also knew that those things could be sold for money.But at this time, they all looked puzzled, planting grass?Who to sell it to?

(End of this chapter)

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