Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 283 Planting Grass

Chapter 283 Planting Grass
We would like to thank Spring Bird's Nest, lm19721202 for their monthly support!It’s the end of the month, please support Gujing if you have a ticket~O(∩_∩)O~Thank you in advance!When everyone reads this chapter, Gu Jing has already sat in the car and vomited all kinds of motion sickness for a long time... Haha, it will last for two or three days. Update, if you can't complete it, or can't reply to your message in time, I hope everyone will forgive me!Gujing only has two days of saved manuscripts, and the updates that are left behind will be made up after returning!


Listening to Daiyu talking about planting grass, not to mention Mo Xuan Song Shi and others who were full of disbelief, even the hidden guard who listened to the wall almost showed his whereabouts.

But Daiyu said calmly: "Let's not rush to talk about planting grass, let's talk about it one by one. First of all, let's talk about the grapes. If they are fresh in the capital, they can be bought." It’s a good price, but it’s so far away that the common people are unable to transport it, so I have two suggestions.”

When Daiyu said this, she happened to see Mo Xuan refilling tea for herself, so she quickly stopped talking, reached out to support the cup, nodded and smiled at Mo Xuan, "Thank you." Sorry, the teapot in my hand paused for a while before I realized it.But for a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he nodded his head pretending to be deep, but his heart was like a cat scratching.

Daiyu didn't think too much, and continued to explain to Zhao Bing: "This grape is a good thing, not to mention its delicious taste, but its nutrition is extremely high. It is rich in..."

It was only when Daiyu said this that she remembered that no one in this world knows what vitamins are!Then he turned a corner and said: "Sugar! Wine making, or hanging in a ventilated place and drying it to make raisins are excellent. Raisins are also good for storage and transportation. They can be sent to big cities for snacks, or Snacks are great."

Seeing Zhao Bing nodded, Daiyu went on to say: "As for cotton and kapok, I won't explain much, just one point, if I really plant cotton in a large area, I really want to buy it. Buy as much as you want, but the demand is huge.”

After talking for a long time, Daiyu didn't say anything about planting grass. Seeing that Daiyu had said almost everything else, Mo Xuan asked, "What's the matter with that kind of grass?"

Daiyu smiled mysteriously, and asked without answering: "Tell me, is the beef delicious?" As soon as Daiyu said this, not to mention the hidden guards, even Zhao Bing and Song Shi changed their faces.

Song Shi even hurriedly interrupted Daiyu and said, "How can the farm cattle be eaten? If they are found out, they will be imprisoned. For people like us, it is our own business to slaughter our own cattle. The common people do not have this privilege." !"

Daiyu sighed and said, "Uncle Song, don't Yu'er understand this point? The imperial court protects the cattle to ensure farming, and it is because there are few cattle in our country. If there are too many, will they still protect them like this? "

Daiyu's words brightened Mo Xuan's eyes, who had been thinking before, and said, "Sister Yu'er means to let the people in the northwest raise cattle?" Seeing Daiyu nodding and shaking her head, Mo Xuan asked in puzzlement: "What do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?"

Daiyu said with a smile: "Of course the cattle need to be raised, but who will sell them if they are raised too much? Could it be that they are sold from the northwest to the northeast?"

Mo Xuan was stunned and raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I would like to hear more about it." Daiyu tilted her head and smiled and said, "Aside from farming cattle, can't you breed beef cattle? Dairy cows?" Daiyu looked displeased when she saw Zhao Bing and others. So he asked, "Tell me, is it because the sheep produce more milk, or the cows produce more milk?"

After Daiyu finished asking, she looked at Zhao Bing, Mo Xuan and the others expectantly, but even Song Shi looked at a loss, let alone Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing.Dai Yufang understands that these people in front of them may be called literary and martial arts, but unfortunately they don't even understand common sense.

Daiyu then sighed and said, "You don't know about goat's milk and cow's milk. You should know about raising them or raising them with cows, right?"

When Daiyu asked, not to mention Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing, even Song Shi's face was slightly red.However, the hidden guard hiding in the corner was thinking proudly, this can't trouble me, I drank milk when I was a child.But I still don't understand what the milk has to do with planting grass.

When the dark guard was puzzled, Daiyu explained with a smile: "There is a kind of pasture called alfalfa, which should be available in the Northwest. The people collected the seeds so that they could be planted, and then raised cattle and sheep. The grass is very good. In the future, the milk of the cattle and sheep can be eaten by the people, and the meat of the cattle and sheep can be sold in the big cities.”

Mo Xuan interjected at this moment and asked: "I know about the goat's milk. Although it tastes a little strange when boiled with almonds, it's still acceptable and quite nutritious. I don't know what about the milk?"

Daiyu thought for a while and said: "Milk is not as nutritious as goat's milk, but the yield is huge. If it is really possible to raise milk, Yu'er will go to the palace to personally speak to the Holy Majesty, and ask the Holy Majesty to promote it throughout the country, especially the army and children."

Seeing that Daiyu was serious about what Mo Xuan said, Mo Xuan felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Daiyu say that she was going to enter the palace, but when she heard Daiyu mentioning the army, Mo Xuan subconsciously skipped it, and hurriedly asked: " Sister Yuer said this, but what is the reason?"

Daiyu explained: "Drinking milk can not only increase physical strength, but also make people less likely to get sick. But now Yu'er does not recommend it for the elderly, fearing that the stomach will not be able to bear it, but most children are fine. Military Young and middle-aged people should drink milk all year round, after all, if it is goat milk, there is no way to get so much."

When Daiyu said this, Mo Xuan nodded clearly and said: "If it is true, Mo Xuan will write the letter for the soldiers."

Daiyu smiled slightly at Mo Xuan, although the smile was blocked by the veil, Mo Xuan could clearly see the smile in his eyes, so he couldn't help but smile back.Seeing the two of them looking at each other and laughing, Song Shi couldn't help coughing, Mo Xuan blushed immediately, but Dai Yu turned to look at Song Shi blankly, and reached out to pour a cup of tea for Song Shi.

When Song Shi saw Daiyu's eyes, he was also very embarrassed, and when he saw Daiyu pour tea for him, he quickly reached out his hand and said, "Young lady, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

But Daiyu said indifferently: "Why not? Isn't it just a cup of tea? Uncle Song has been with his father for most of his life, and he has taken good care of Yu'er over the years. In Yu'er's heart, he is like an elder, pouring a cup What's wrong with tea?"

Seeing Daiyu's sincerity in Song Shi's heart, he was both moved and emotional. Even if he didn't sign a contract these days, it is impossible to see a master who treats his servants like this, not to mention now, even from ancient times to the present. .But if he wanted Song Shi to say something to thank him, Song Shi knew that on the one hand, Daiyu would not like it, and on the other hand, he really didn't know what to say to express it.

After Daiyu poured tea for Song Shi, she took another deep breath and continued, "Didn't you say that you had brought back a lot of cattle, sheep and horses from Beiman? Didn't you say you wanted to build a ranch? "

Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing looked at each other and nodded, Zhao Bing added: "Now the ranch is very simple, and the site is not big..." Before Zhao Bing finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted: "You can do it without saying anything." Thinking about it, that was a border town, and there were northern barbarians not far away, and besides, the northern barbarians suffered a big loss this time, and it is uncertain when they will make a comeback."

Speaking of the resurgence of the northern barbarians, both Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing looked a little solemn, but they both remained silent without interrupting Daiyu's words.

Seeing their serious expressions, Daiyu couldn't help frowning and asked, "But the Northwest is unstable?" Just as Daiyu finished asking, Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing sighed at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and it was Mo Xuan who finally explained: "Beiman has suffered a big loss this time, and he will definitely not let it go. After half a month, the spring will be warm and the grass will be plentiful. I think the people who are here after we leave They will also drive the cattle and sheep out. Now I'm afraid..."

Mo Xuan didn't finish, but Daiyu already understood.But what's the use of talking about it now?Daiyu also had to sigh, and after a while she said: "So planting grass is very necessary. Although the cattle and sheep are good for grazing, if it is not safe, it is better to circle a piece of land and guard it with heavy soldiers to raise it." Woolen cloth."

Daiyu thought about it and added: "With enough cattle and sheep, we can make enough leather. If there is no good market, I will sell them all to me. Naturally, I will not lose money to the people."

When Mo Xuan heard this, he laughed and said, "Sister Yu'er wants to support the entire Northwest by herself?" Daiyu was stunned to know that he meant that he wanted to buy cotton before and now he wanted to buy leather, so she explained with a smile : "Yu'er naturally has a way to make the leather and cotton come in handy. Besides, it's not certain who will pay the money at that time."

Seeing what Daiyu said was mysterious, but he didn't want to explain, Mo Xuan didn't ask any more questions, but his eyes on Daiyu became deeper and deeper.

Seeing that Daiyu and the others stopped talking about the northwest affairs, and instead talked about going fishing and having a picnic in the mountains, the dark guard knew that he would not talk about anything else today, so he quietly withdrew and waited until he left. Zhuangzi, who had passed Daiyu, flew on his horse and rode away.He didn't want to be discovered by the guards of Wujun Prince's Mansion, but unfortunately he couldn't stop him.

The guards naturally knew that Princess Wujun was in Zhuangzi, so they didn't go to the palace, so they reported directly.

After hearing the report from Aunt Zhen, Princess Wujun knew that someone must be protecting or monitoring Daiyu, she was very upset, and decided to go to the palace tomorrow to discuss the matter with the queen.Thinking about it, it was almost done, and because Daiyu put medicinal juice in the pool first, the effect was very good. At this moment, Princess Wujun was refreshed, so she naturally remembered the picnic in the back mountain.

Zhixuan sent someone to inform Daiyu that when Princess Wujun asked when to leave, Jin'er also sent someone to report that the items for the trip were ready. Seeing this, Daiyu asked Zhao Bing: "Master Zhao, do you want to bring your wife?" Little friend?"

Daiyu called Master Zhao, making Song Shi almost spit out the tea, but Zhao Bing looked at Daiyu in a daze, not knowing what to say, but Mo Xuan joked with a smile: "Sister Yu'er said Wrong, it should be said: Is General Zhao interested in traveling with his wife?"

Daiyu rarely sees Mo Xuan so playful, so she also laughed and said: "Sure enough, the little girl made a slip of the tongue, I hope General Zhao will forgive me." After saying that, Zhao Bing also came back to his senses, and got up hastily He clasped his fists and said, "Young lady, Zhao Bingwan dare not take this word!"

After Zhao Bing finished speaking, not to mention Daiyu and Mo Xuan, even Song Shi looked at his naive appearance, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Mo and the girl are making fun of you! Don't let that girl Qi Luo I know, otherwise I don't know how to make trouble with you!"

It was fine if Song Shi didn't say it, but when he said it, Daiyu and Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud, and Zhao Bing himself realized that he had done something stupid, and his face turned a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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