Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 286 Traveling

Chapter 286 Traveling (Part [-])

Dear friends of the Gujing family, I'm sorry, this is the last chapter of Gujing's manuscript. As long as Gujing is not so dizzy, I will definitely work hard to code and finish it on time with quality and quantity as much as possible!But I really can't guarantee it, the motion sickness stickers for Hanmi have never had a good effect on Gujing...~~~~(>_<)~~~~

Mo Xuan had already stepped over when Daiyu called for Nanny Zhen to get the ginseng slices, just in time to hear Daiyu's muttering, so he asked puzzledly: "What is altitude sickness?"

Before Daiyu had time to answer, she saw that Nanny Zhen really handed the slices to Princess Wujun. She didn't want Princess Wujun to wave away Nanny Zhen's hand, looked at Daiyu with serious eyes and said, "Yuer Listen to me! Let me find you running around without guards in the future, I can't help you!"

If the words of Princess Wujun are left to future generations, the sons and daughters will pass away after listening to them. Isn’t it just locking me at home?If I can't, I won't go out, and even many children don't like to go out at all.How nice it is to be at home, watching TV, playing games, playing computer, or not, listening to music and reading books...

But at this moment, it was an extremely severe punishment. Daiyu came to this world and grew up so big, not to mention that no one had ever punished her like this, even reprimanded her, so she couldn't help being a little stunned.

Mo Xuan raised his eyes and saw Daiyu's small face upturned, her eyes were full of confusion, and she couldn't help but said, "It's no wonder that my aunt is angry, sister Yu'er is too bold, this mountain forest is close to the capital, and there are villages under the mountain, naturally it is not There will be tigers and leopards, but if you encounter poisonous snakes and wolves, it will be enough for you."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan was afraid of scaring Daiyu, so he changed his subject and said: "It's cold in winter and most animals hibernate, but the mountain road is wet and slippery, and it's snowing, and you didn't bring guards, even if you fell not good."

Daiyu heard from Mo Xuan's words that Princess Wujun was frightened, and immediately felt very sorry, so she took Princess Wujun's hand and promised: "Mother, don't worry, Yu'er will not dare again."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun still stared at her bitterly, so Daiyu shook Princess Wujun's arm, and said coquettishly: "Mother and concubine, can I just forgive Yu'er once? Yu'er really won't do it again. Dare." After speaking, he tilted his head and smiled, "Besides, if Yu'er hadn't come up, how could he have found such a beautiful place?"

Princess Wujun laughed angrily at Daiyu's appearance and words, and nodded her forehead and said: "Are you still reasonable? Mother Concubine has to thank you for finding out such a good land for Mother Concubine? But Want to ask for credit for you?"

Princess Wujun finished asking a series of questions, and most of her anger has subsided. The most important thing is that all the girls are fine.

Daiyu blushed slightly, cheekily rubbed her head against Princess Wujun's arm, and said coquettishly: "Mother and concubine, don't be angry, Yu'er really knows it's wrong. If you want to go somewhere in the future, you must take it with you." With mother and concubine."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing, Daiyu gave Mo Xuan an angry look, and Mo Xuan quickly stopped talking.

Princess Wujun raised her eyebrows and looked at Daiyu who was leaning on her arm, and asked a little dumbfounded: "According to Yu'er, you have to bring your mother and concubine with you in the future?"

When Daiyu heard the question from Princess Wujun, she straightened her body immediately without thinking about it, nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, and then replied with certainty: "It's natural. Wherever I go, I take my mother and concubine with me."

Seeing this, Princess Wujun shook her head helplessly and smiled, but did not continue this topic.He ordered someone to set up the tables and chairs, then turned his head to look at Mo Xuan, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then aunt and your younger sister Yu'er are waiting for brother Xuan's fish?"

Especially the words "Your Sister Yu'er" were bitten very hard by Princess Wujun. Mo Xuan took a peek at Daiyu, then immediately turned his head and said softly, "Just wait a moment." After that, he ran away in a little embarrassment.After all, Mo Xuan still couldn't stand being teased face to face by Princess Wujun.

Seeing Mo Xuan turn around in embarrassment, Dai Yu blushed even more, feeling even more embarrassed than Mo Xuan, and sighed with some anguish in her heart: "Wangfei continues to misunderstand like this, what should I do?"It would be even more troublesome if Mo Xuan didn't have to misunderstand anything!

But Daiyu knew that this was not the time to explain this matter to Princess Wujun, so she could only find other topics to divert from.

Daiyu turned her head around and looked around, then suddenly looked at the spring pool, and quickly smiled at Princess Wujun: "Yu'er almost forgot after being scolded by the concubine mother, that spring pool..." Daiyu has not yet After finishing speaking, Princess Wujun deliberately asked with a stern face: "Why? Does Yu'er think that the concubine mother is too much in charge? Or is the concubine mother unreasonable?"

Daiyu knew she had made a slip of the tongue, and hurried to please her: "Yu'er doesn't mean that, mother concubine must not be angry with Yu'er, why would Yu'er think that mother concubine controls too much? Someone is willing to take care of Yu'er and care about Yu'er , it’s too late for Yu’er to be grateful.”

Seeing this, the princess of Wujun could only shake her head and stop pursuing it, but she saw Daiyu pointing to the spring pool and said: "Yu'er just wants to tell my concubine that this mountain spring is very interesting." Wang Hao's arm, said with a smile: "Mother, I am afraid that I don't know, the spring water we tasted just now is sweet and delicious, but the water in this spring pool is completely different."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun looked at Daiyu in disbelief and asked, "Is that true?" Daiyu said with certainty: "Of course I dare not lie to my concubine, the spring water here has no sweet taste at all. , but it is extraordinarily clear, and the water even has a bit of astringent taste of grass, but it is not unpalatable, and we even brought some back last time, making tea is very good."

When Princess Wujun heard Daiyu talk about the incident last time, she gave Daiyu a funny and angry look, and saw Daiyu shrinking her neck and stretching out her pink and tender tongue. I can't bear to continue talking about her.

Daiyu didn't know the mischievous appearance just now, and almost caused Mo Xuan to fall into the water, she finally stabilized her figure, but she listened to Princess Wu's order: "Brother Xuan, bring some spring water up and let's have a taste." Xuan hurriedly responded with a muffled voice, then took the water bag thrown by Luo Er, and stretched out his hand to fetch water.

Princess Wujun finished her order to Mo Xuan, then stretched out her hand to pinch Daiyu's delicate little nose and said with a smile: "You girl! You will be safe in the future, you know? The concubine mother can't bear you to scare me like this Seeing Daiyu, she immediately nodded her head in response, Princess Wujun was confused, but she still smiled and said: "If the water is really as Yuer said, mother and concubine will be rewarded when she goes back."

Daiyu smiled and said: "Then Yu'er is waiting for the reward from the concubine!" As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Mo Xuan had already walked over with the water bag, and smiled as he walked: "Auntie has prepared some rewards ?" Mo Xuan didn't wait for Princess Wu to answer, he turned his head to look at Daiyu and said, "Sister Yuer has received a reward, don't forget to share some with me, the water fetcher."

Daiyu was about to answer, but Mo Xuan continued to laugh and said: "I don't want anything else, sister Yu'er will use the spring water to make me a pot of good tea!"

Daiyu raised her smooth and round chin slightly, and smiled proudly: "Brother Mo is really ignorant! How can the concubine's reward be worse? If you want me to say that the concubine's reward will be divided in half." Come out. It turns out that you only know how to drink tea, and you seem to be a fool."

Princess Wu Jun pointed at Mo Xuan and laughed: "Amitabha, in the past I only saw brother Xuan despise this and that, but today I met someone who despises you!"

Mo Xuan was not annoyed by Princess Wujun's jokes like this, but instead smiled and said: "How can Zi Feiyu know the joy of fish? Xuan'er is still thinking about that sip of tea." Mo Xuan handed over the water bag Aunt Zhen, ask her to find a teacup and bring it to Princess Wujun.

Then I heard Mo Xuan say: "That year in Yangzhou, sister Yu'er made tea, but I still remember it. When Wanyu took sister Yu'er to Hanshan Temple, I told my cousin to ask sister Yu'er to cook tea." Come to eat, I was trained by my cousin, but I haven't been able to eat until now, so naturally I can't let go of such a chance to win."

After Mo Xuan finished speaking, Aunt Zhen had already filled the spring water into three small cups and brought them over on trays painted with plums and magpies painted with gold lacquer on a red background.

Regardless of the age of Aunt Zhen, although the springs and pools on the top of the mountain are relatively smooth, they cannot compare with the roads in the Wangfu. Even the village roads at the foot of the mountain are much easier to walk on than this mountain.After all, there are still many unevenness on the ground, and there are even many stones.

But Aunt Zhen held the tea tray with both hands, and walked extremely smoothly. The spring water in the small cup on the tray never spilled a single drop, and even the small cup on the tray never shook.

Seeing this, Daiyu knew that this nanny Zhen was not a simple person like Na Luoer, she didn't talk about internal skills, she didn't talk about flying over walls, at least she had practiced it.In this way, there may be quite a few people around Princess Wujun like Mother Zhen.

Seeing Daiyu staring at Aunt Zhen, Mo Xuan took advantage of Princess Wujun's inattention and whispered next to Daiyu, "Nurse Zhen was given by the eldest aunt to the second aunt. She is the opponent. Luo Er was specially trained by my uncle to protect my aunt."

The eldest aunt and second aunt Mo Xuan mentioned, Daiyu naturally understood that she was referring to the Empress and Princess Wujun, and her uncle was the prince of Wujun.Let's not talk about Luoer, what Daiyu didn't expect was that Nanny Zhen came from the Empress Dowager, does that mean that there are many people like Nanny Zhen in the palace?
The more Daiyu thought about it, the more frightened she became, she suddenly raised her head to look at Mo Xuan, and was about to ask something, but happened to meet Mo Xuan's beautiful eyes, looking at her with a smile on her face.Seeing this, Daiyu couldn't ask the question, and the words that came to her mouth were swallowed abruptly.

Daiyu hurriedly looked away, smiled unnaturally: "So that's the case, I really envy Zhenma who can learn such a good kung fu." After finishing speaking, she was about to go to the spring pool, but Mo Xuan didn't know He said truthfully: "If you want to practice like Mother Zhen, you have to practice from an early age. Sister Yu'er can't do it now. If you just want to learn self-defense, I can teach you."

Daiyu paused in her footsteps, thinking to herself that it seems that Mo Xuan was indeed misled by the princess?When he was having some headaches thinking about how to explain clearly to Mo Xuan, Princess Wujun turned around and asked, "What does Brother Xuan want to teach Yu'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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