Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 287 Traveling

Chapter 287 Traveling (Part [-])

Gu Jing is on the road now, sitting in the car, typing on his mobile phone intermittently.Originally, I wanted to publish a chapter at noon, but I am really sorry, Gujing tried his best, and he has only published so many codes, so today he can only publish a single chapter.Wang Haihan!In addition, thanks to hjh199874, Fenglai, just for growing vegetables, Wenwen Xinxin, Huanghuang, and book friends 130825121341923 for their monthly support!Thanks to Jinghong, Brother Dianfeng and Sister Rong for their rewards and encouragement! O(∩_∩)OThank you!


Daiyu's heart tightened, and she hurriedly replied: "Brother Mo taught Yu'er to fish, but Yu'er didn't have that patience. Originally, when his father was alive, he also said that he would teach Yu'er, but Yu'er just couldn't learn it."

Princess Wujun looked at Mo Xuan, who was rubbing her nose and looking at the sky, and then at Dai Yu, who was not blushing and lying, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why is Yu'er impatient? Hong Yu'er is very patient, and I am also very good at reading books, playing chess and drawing."

Princess Wujun glanced at Mo Xuan again when she said this, and asked Daiyu: "But what did Brother Xuan say to annoy you?" Daiyu shook her head hurriedly and said: "Mother, don't guess, it's nothing " After finishing speaking, he walked towards the mother Zhen who was beside Princess Wujun, reached out to take a small cup, brought it to Princess Wujun and said with a smile: "Yu'er just wants to be with my concubine mother."

When Princess Wujun heard what Daiyu said, she pursed her lips and smiled, without saying anything else, she stretched out her hand to take the spring water Daiyu sent, put it in her mouth, stirred it with her tongue, tasted it carefully, and slowly Swallowing slowly, Fang nodded and looked at Daiyu and said: "It seems that what Yu'er said is correct, although the two mountain springs are very close to each other, the taste and water quality are very different."

Daiyu heard the affirmative words of Princess Wujun, and immediately said happily: "If this is the case, Yu'er has won, mother and concubine must not forget the reward for Yu'er!"

Princess Wujun put down the small cup in her hand after hearing this, smiled and nodded Daiyu's forehead and said, "When did my concubine ever coax you?" After speaking, she told Luo Er: "Go tell the guards, take more Send back some spring water." As soon as Princess Wujun finished speaking, Daiyu said, "Go to Zhuangzi at the foot of the mountain and take a bamboo tube to hold water, and seal the mouth tightly."

Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled and said: "You really are a girl who can't be idle! You said that you don't have the patience to fish, but now I believe it. I don't know how your female celebrity learned it. Even the embroiderers sigh to themselves."

Daiyu smiled and said: "I don't say that there is a specialization in art, but only hobbies. Yu'er loves that, so she naturally calms down, but Yu'er only likes to eat fish and not fishing when she urinates."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she didn't expect Princess Wujun to smile at Mo Xuan suddenly: "Brother Xuan, do you understand?" Mo Xuan blushed and bowed to Princess Wujun, but did not speak.He just turned around and walked towards the edge of the spring pool.

Princess Wujun looked back at Daiyu again, took her hand, raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's go, girl who only likes to eat fish but not fish. I'll see that it's all sorted over there, let's go and sit down." Rest for a while, just wait for your brother Mo to catch fish, let's make soup and grill the fish."

Hearing what Princess Wujun said to Mo Xuan nonchalantly before, Daiyu hadn't reacted yet, but she was already blushing when she saw Mo Xuan walking towards the spring pool without saying a word, this time it wasn't Embarrassing, really shy!

Unexpectedly, Princess Wujun didn't intend to let Daiyu go, and she even wanted to make fun of her.He couldn't help pouting, both dissatisfied and shy: "It's still Yu'er's mother concubine who actually made fun of Yu'er."

Princess Wujun was walking beside Daiyu, and Daiyu could hear what she said clearly, but she didn't intend to talk to her, and just went to the table and chairs that had just been placed.Jin'er also brought a set of simple awnings. Once a few thin bamboo poles were threaded into special iron collars, a small shed was erected, with gauze curtains hung on it, and it danced in the mountain wind. It looked delicious.

Looking at the shed, Princess Wu raised her eyebrows and looked at Daiyu and asked, "Yu'er figured this out too, right? I don't know what's in your little head? How can you think of things that others can't think of. "

Naturally, Daiyu would not say that she imitated the simple tents of later generations, she just smiled and said: "That year, sister Wanyu went to see Yu'er in the old house in Gusu, and played the piano in the plum forest. Yu'er looked very beautiful. I thought, if there is a veil flying with the wind, and sister Wanyu sits in the veil and plays the piano, it must be extremely beautiful, and then I figured out this."

Speaking of this, Daiyu pouted slightly regretfully, looked at Princess Wujun and said, "Who knows that sister Wanyu hasn't played the piano for Yu'er in the veil yet, but it's a good thing for my concubine."

Princess Wujun didn't care about Daiyu's words, she also knew that she was just joking, so she laughed and said, "Your mother and concubine, I have lived to this day, so I know that playing the piano is for watching, not listening." Daiyu Hearing this, she hastily explained: "The beauty is playing the piano, she can hear the music, she can see the people, her charm is like a drunk moon, how can Yu'er be willing to listen to the music and not look at people?"

Princess Wujun listened to Daiyu's nonsense, nodded and said: "That's the case, last time I heard from Yu'er that Brother Xuan is also very handsome. We didn't bring the piano today. We will invite the beauty when he catches fish in a while. Let's blowjob."

Daiyu had just taken a sip of the spring water, but before she could swallow it, Princess Wu's words "Beauty blows the flute" almost made Daiyu spit out the spring water.

It's not that Daiyu's head is dirty, it's really easy to say, it's not good to hear... After all, Daiyu was the one when she came, compare, no!It is very, open, and the era of information dissemination is very convenient... At this moment, looking at the elegant and noble princess of Wujun, Daiyu suddenly felt that it was very disharmonious, but at this moment, she was choked up, but she couldn't help it. speechless.

Seeing this, Jin'er was about to step forward to pat Daiyu on the back, but Aunt Zhen took a step ahead of Jin'er, and while patting Daiyu's back smoothly, she smiled at Princess Wujun and said, "My concubine is really Yes, brother Xuan is about to be used like a cow by you, and the fish has not been caught yet, and someone is arranged to play the flute, and now the county lord can't see it."

Aunt Zhen is not as casual as Aunt Liu when she is beside Princess Wujun. In fact, she seldom speaks, but when these words come out at this time, the lethality is 100%. Daiyu has just recovered Gas, anxious and choking again, coughing continuously, with a small face, I don't know if it's shyness, or coughing, in short, even the neck is flushed.

Princess Wujun burst out laughing when she saw this, pointing at Aunt Zhen, she couldn't speak for a while.

Mo Xuan heard Princess Wujun's laughter from afar, and looked back for some unknown reason, and saw Princess Wujun sitting in front of a bamboo table in a simple shed with light veils and snow curtains in the middle of the lawn in full bloom. She pointed to Aunt Zhen who was standing beside Daiyu, smiling happily.And Daiyu, who was standing opposite Princess Wujun, was coughing uncontrollably for some reason.

Just when Mo Xuan was distracted, the fishing rod in his hand suddenly dropped slightly, Mo Xuan quickly regained his senses, and soon caught a palm-sized silver fish.The guards who were waiting on the side hurriedly took the fish off the hook and put it in the small fish basket.Mo Xuan hung the bait on the hook again and threw it out.

Time seemed to pass quickly, but at the same time seemed to pass very slowly. Princess Wujun and Daiyu chatted and laughed from time to time, and laughter came from afar.Mo Xuan sat on the big rock by the edge of the spring pool, and when he turned his head, he could see the figures of Princess Wujun and Daiyu, the mother Zhen Luoer who accompanied Daiyu not long after, and Qi Qi who followed Daiyu up the mountain. Luo and Jin'er also joined the joking lineup.

Mo Xuan looked at the few small fish in the fish basket, shook his head helplessly and sighed, there are a lot of fish in this spring pool, and Mo Xuan caught few, but the biggest one was only half a foot long, and the small one was only half a foot long. The ones are less than the size of a palm, and all of them are silvery white, but they are not suitable for roasting.

After fishing for a while, Luo Er came to inquire about the results of the battle under the order of Princess Wujun. Mo Xuan winked at the guard and asked. The commander is really good at it, and he caught eleven fish in a while."

Speaking of which, the guard looked at the fish basket again, looked at Mo Xuan hesitated for a while, and then added: "But they are all small fish." After speaking, Mo Xuan nodded noncommittally, sighed, and continued fishing. Yu Xin couldn't bear to comfort him: "Maybe there are no big fish in this pool? Seeing that the pool is not big, why don't you dive down and have a look?"

The guard's words reminded Mo Xuan that there might be only this kind of small silver fish in the pool, and this kind of fish might not grow up. Just as he was about to say something, he saw that the guard wanted to go into the water. Mo Xuan Hastily reprimanded: "How can you allow you to be presumptuous in front of the princess? Hurry up and bring the fish basket up to Miss Luo'er."

The guard also looked at the pool of water for a long time, and was looking for an excuse, even if it was good to stand in the water for a while, he didn't want to be scolded by Mo Xuan, so he shrank his neck and came up with the fish basket resentfully , and handed it to Luo Er who was waiting at the side.

After Luoer walked away with the fish basket, Mo Xuan reprimanded in a low voice: "The princess still needs water to make tea, you washed it inside, but you want the princess to eat your footwashing water?"

When Mo Xuan said this, the guard was also shocked, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "This subordinate is not thinking carefully, and I hope the commander will forgive me." Mo Xuan patted him on the shoulder angrily and said: "Okay, don't talk to me. I am pretending to be a grandson here, and you have been waiting here for more than an hour, go and rest with them in the forest for a while, and check how much water has been filled by the way."

After the guard smiled and took the order away, Mo Xuan put away the fishing rod and walked towards Princess Wujun and Daiyu.Before getting close, Princess Wujun asked: "Brother Xuan wants us to eat this grilled fish tonight?"

Mo Xuan smiled wryly and said: "Auntie, it's not that Xuan'er's fishing skills are not good, there is only this kind of fish in the pond, and this kind of fish will not grow up." Mo Xuan said as he took the fish from Qi Luo Handed the basket to Princess Wujun and said, "Auntie, look, Xuan'er has caught a dozen or so fish, all of this size."

Princess Wujun looked into the fish basket, and there were really a lot of fish, but they were not big, so she said disappointedly: "It seems that we can't eat grilled fish today."

Daiyu originally wanted to comfort Princess Wujun, but today we can't grill fish, next time we will go to another place to grill fish, and today we will cook the fish that we caught in soup, with the wild vegetables that Qi Luo and Luo Er picked from the mountains just now , is also extremely delicious.

But when the words came to her lips, Daiyu swallowed them back. Today she has said a lot of wrong things, and for some reason, Princess Wujun likes to pull on Mo Xuan for what she said today, especially Jane. Nanny is the most hateful, she always helps Princess Wujun to make fun of herself.

Daiyu didn't want Mo Xuan to misunderstand anything, so since Mo Xuan came, she kept her mouth shut and didn't speak.But she didn't speak, the princess of Wujun would speak. After hearing that the princess of Wujun lamented that the fish was too small to be grilled today, she turned her attention to Daiyu.

Princess Wujun pointed to the fish basket in Mo Xuan's hand and said with a smile: "Yu'er also looked at this fish, it is the size of a palm, and the silver light shines brightly. Can you recognize what kind of fish it is?" Daiyu handed it to him, and Daiyu was also very curious, so she looked at the fish basket.

But before she could see the fish in the fish basket clearly, Princess Wujun seemed to have just discovered it, and said in surprise: "Why did Yu'er stop talking after Brother Xuan came over? But Brother Xuan Fishing too slow?"

Daiyu pursed her lips tightly, leaned out half of her body and mechanically turned to Princess Wujun, she was very dissatisfied and waited for Princess Wujun not to speak.Princess Wujun laughed a few times as if she couldn't see it, got up and walked towards the spring pool, and said as she walked, "Let me go and see, there is really only this kind of fish in that pool."

Daiyu's eyes followed the movement of Princess Wujun. Although Mo Xuan blushed a little when he saw this, he couldn't help smiling. The corners of his mouth were raised high, and everyone could see him He was in a happy mood at the moment, but he was determined not to laugh out loud.

Mo Xuan could hold it back, Luo Er had already gone towards Quantan with Princess Wu Jun, Qi Luo went to handle the wild vegetables herself, but Mother Zhen and Jin Er who stayed behind couldn't care about Dai Yu's face, and burst out laughing Come on.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan quickly slipped away and said, "I'll go and order the guards to bring back some firewood." Mother Zhen is the empress's servant to Princess Wujun. Naturally, it is not easy to get angry, but Jin'er is different. She watched Daiyu grow up when she was a child, and she spent the longest time with Daiyu, and Daiyu was also the most affectionate and casual with her.

Daiyu glanced at Mo Xuan who had slipped away, glared at Jin'er who was still laughing bitterly, and said angrily: "Smile, laugh, what's so funny? The rules my mother taught you in the past, Could it be that I have been too conniving all these years, and you actually forgot all about it?"

Jin'er knew that Daiyu was annoyed, so she didn't take it seriously, just took Daiyu's hand, and said softly: "Mr. Mo is very good, and the princess is in charge..."

Before Jin'er finished speaking, Daiyu suddenly said very seriously: "Stop it! This is too bad! Don't mention it again in the future, so as not to cause misunderstanding." After finishing speaking, Daiyu said no more What, I walked to the edge of the cliff alone, looking at Zhuangzi at the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, the sun was already slanting red in the west, and the temperature was not as high as when we went up the mountain before, but it made the whole land covered with a touch of golden light.

Daiyu looked at the scenery in her eyes and was a little dazed, not knowing what she was thinking about.Seeing this, Aunt Zhen glanced at Mo Xuan who was also looking at Daiyu in the distance, shook her head and walked towards Princess Wujun.

Seeing Mother Zhen walking away, Jin'er hurriedly came to Daiyu's side, put a thin cloak on her, and called out cautiously: "Miss..."

Daiyu turned her head and smiled slightly at Jin'er, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper with sister Jin'er just now." Jin'er shook her head and took Daiyu's slightly cold hand, looking worriedly into Daiyu's eyes Asked: "The girl is talking to the slaves, to Jin'er, why?"

From Jin'er's point of view, Mo Xuan intends that Princess Wu, as Daiyu's adoptive mother, not only agrees, but also tries her best to match the two. For some reason, Daiyu is trying to reject her.

If it is said that Mo Xuan is not good enough, he is that kind of dude.But I heard from Qi Luo that Mo Xuan was extremely motivated, and even Zhao Bing was full of praise for Mo Xuan.Mo Xuan was even more honored by the Empress and Princess Wu County. Such a talent and status are not unworthy of Daiyu in any way, but Daiyu's attitude is a bit...

Jin'er couldn't tell what it was like for a while, but Daiyu didn't reject Mo Xuan. Just looking at the conversation between the two, one can see what kind of attitude Daiyu rejected Jia Baoyu, the cousin of the Jia family.But Daiyu showed dodge every time Princess Wujun mentioned her and Mo Xuan.

Princess Wujun may think that Daiyu is shy, but Jin'er is not mistaken, it is Daiyu escaping, not shy!Jin'er didn't know why Daiyu was like this, at this time Princess Wujun was far away from other people, so Jin'er wanted to ask clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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