Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 292 Seeking Purpose

Chapter 292 Seeking Purpose
I would like to thank: Pingfan Magister, Hanyan Lanzhi, Qingwu Nishang, feiren135, Qianyi Yirenyan for their monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O~Thank you for your support!


Seeing Daiyu's expression, Luo Sujuan naturally knew that she had been duped, she was ashamed and angry at the moment but couldn't bear to say anything serious.Daiyu also knew Aunt Luo's temper, so she stopped forcing her, and changed the subject to talk about the birthdays of the three in the Jia family.

Aunt Luo heard Daiyu say that she would choose two sets of clothes to give to her second aunt and Tanchun, she frowned and thought for a moment before she said softly: "According to me, Yu'er can't do this." As soon as Aunt Luo said this, Daiyu Startled for a moment, he quickly asked, "Why did Auntie say that?"

Aunt Luo hesitated for a while before replying: "It is said that they are close relatives, they are your flesh and blood relatives, I should not have said that..."

Before Aunt Luo finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted: "Auntie, what are you talking about? Heaven, Earth, Monarch, Master and Master, besides Heaven, Earth and the Holy One, there are also parents. The master and aunt are the closest people to Yu'er! Nothing is an aunt Can't tell."

Seeing this, Aunt Luo smiled in relief, stroked Daiyu's head lovingly and said: "Since Yu'er thinks so, Auntie won't play around with you, you just think about it, everyone knows that Rongyun Nishang Pavilion It was jointly organized by you and Princess Hanyi. If there is one, there will be two, and in the future, when the wives and grandmas of the Jia family come to the door, or find you, what should I do?"

As soon as Daiyu heard it, she came to her senses. Aunt Luo said that this kind of situation is not uncommon. After thinking about it, she asked: "Then according to Auntie's wishes, what should Yu'er do?"

Aunt Luo couldn't come up with a good idea for a while, so she thought about it and asked: "How did you give it away in previous years?" Daiyu was stunned and said: "In previous years, I was either in Xiaoli or not in the capital, and I didn't send anything specially. , but now thinking that Tanchun's sister is getting older, I'm afraid she will need some clothes and jewelry."

When Aunt Luo heard Daiyu's words, she knew that Daiyu had to give another set to Mrs. Wang because of Tanchun's sake, so she smiled and said, "In this case, Yu'er will send the second set as usual. Needlework is fine, but now that the days are over, they didn’t come to invite them, and it’s not a whole life, so there’s no need to do anything else.”

Speaking of this, Daiyu hesitated to speak in a hurry, Aunt Luo smiled and said: "As for the girl Tanchun, Yu'er can go to Jia's mansion to visit the old lady Jia, and give her some things in private. It's just a relationship between sisters, and others can't say anything. Only a little bit of Yu'er remembers, you must not take things from this Rongyun Nishang Pavilion to that mansion."

Daiyu nodded knowingly, and then talked with Aunt Luo for a while, and also mentioned that Minger had reported that the empress would go south with the concubine of Wujun.Aunt Luo asked hesitantly: "Does Yu'er want aunt to go with you?"

Daiyu covered her mouth and joked: "If Yu'er really abducts aunt, I'm afraid the master will drive Yu'er out of the teacher's school." When Aunt Luo heard that, her cheeks blushed immediately, and she pushed Daiyu coquettishly One glance, but no more talk about going south with Daiyu.

But Daiyu smiled for a while, then withdrew her expression and said: "Not to mention anything else, even this Rongyun Nishang Pavilion cannot be separated from Auntie, let alone..." When Aunt Luo saw Daiyu's expression, she knew that there was nothing good to say Son, then hastily glared at Daiyu, his eyes full of warning.

Dai Yufang put away her naughtiness, and said with a smile: "My aunt has been running around with Yu'er for so many years, and it's time to settle down. Besides, it's not like Yu'er won't come back, it's only for a year or so." So Luo Aunt Fang nodded.

Daiyu said everything she needed to say, and remembering Princess Wujun's order to go back earlier, she bid farewell to Aunt Luo, and walked to the screen wall at the back door, where Nanny Tang led Hanxiao and Zhixuan were already waiting here.

After returning to Prince Wu's mansion, Daiyu found Princess Wu, and talked about Aunt Luo and her master Huang Jiyun, Princess Wu looked at Daiyu incredulously, as if she couldn't accept such a fact for a long time.It wasn't until Daiyu called her again and again that Fang came to his senses, but he still couldn't believe it and asked: "Is Yu'er serious?"

Daiyu nodded and said: "Of course it is true, Yu'er has seen the master with her own eyes, and also asked Aunt Luo, Aunt Luo did not deny it, so Yu'er thought about it, and begged her concubine to talk to Mrs. Huang."

Princess Wujun smiled and said: "I'm afraid that we will enter the palace tomorrow. I said it is better to be with the empress. Isn't it better to ask the empress to order?"

Daiyu's eyes lit up when she heard it, she hurriedly put her arms around Princess Wu's arm and said, "As expected, the mother and concubine are thoughtful." That little face smiled so happily.Seeing this, Princess Wujun shook her head helplessly and said with a smile: "You girl, you are always worried about this and that. It is only reasonable when you put your mind on your own size."

Princess Wujun finished speaking, seeing that Daiyu's smile froze, so she didn't say any more, she just sighed in her heart: let it take its course.But thinking about beating Mo Xuan, who grew up by his side, made her feel distressed for a while.But Princess Wujun didn't say anything more.

At dawn on the second day, Princess Wu led Daiyu to pass the sign into the palace.The queen was very happy when she learned that Princess Wujun and Daiyu were coming, and hurriedly ordered her father-in-law to pick up Princess Wujun and Daiyu.

Seeing Daiyu wearing a spring blouse embroidered with folded branches and hibiscus in a honey-colored color, and a pleated skirt sprinkled with gold in an autumn-scented color, following the styles of Princess Wujun, she smiled happily and said: "Yu'er has been a long time ago." Ri never entered the palace, come quickly to my aunt."

Daiyu raised her eyes to look at Princess Wujun, who smiled and said, "The empress likes you, what are you doing looking at me?" So Daiyu walked up to the queen, and she took two steps closer after paying her respects.

The queen saw that Daiyu only wore a lavender hibiscus flower on her head, and two white jade butterfly hairpins. There was neither a necklace nor a longevity lock between her necks. Looking at the skirt, there was no jade pendant. , with only a white jade bracelet on her wrist, she smiled at Princess Wujun and said, "Yu'er is too clean, she's a big girl."

Princess Wu Jun also sighed: "Sister, don't you know this girl? She has a stubborn temper like a calf. The bracelet on her wrist is still the same as Yuer's. After Yuer got married, she has been wearing it all the time. .I don’t know, maybe how can I, as a stepmother, treat her harshly.”

Seeing Princess Wujun say this, Daiyu hurriedly said: "Who doesn't know that the concubine mother treats Yu'er like a sister? Besides, we live our own lives and don't have to listen to others' gossip."

The queen saw that Princess Wujun and Daiyu were getting along very harmoniously, so she deliberately said with a straight face: "You mother and daughter, did you come to me on purpose to show your mother's kindness and filial piety, and to look at me?"

Princess Wujun restrained her smile, and told the queen that she planned to lead Daiyu south to the fiefdom in a few days.The queen was stunned for a moment, and when she was about to say something, a little maid came in and reported: "I want to report to the empress, the fifth prince did not know how he heard that Lord Yuxian entered the palace, and he is waiting outside the palace gate to ask for an audience."

When the queen heard this, she forgot all the words she was about to say, covered her forehead with a headache, and smiled wryly at Princess Wujun: "Little Wu, it's pitiful to say the least. After leaving my mother, she is cold and cold to everyone, although she is considered well-behaved, she is a bit withdrawn after all."

The queen glanced at Daiyu and Princess Wujun at this point, and then said: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy you gave him. The former son Chengde led him to marry Yu'er, and he shouted to go Prince Wu's mansion is looking for Yu'er, it's not like you just entered the palace, and you don't know where the child heard about it, so you just ran here."

Hearing what the queen said, Daiyu was a little anxious. Although the child was too clingy to her, he was very sensible and well-behaved, so Daiyu really loved the fifth prince Chengli.Hearing that the queen said that he was waiting outside the palace, he was a little anxious, but he also knew that he should not be presumptuous in front of the queen, so he looked at Princess Wujun full of prayers.

Daiyu's expression naturally fell into the eyes of the empress, and the empress also had something to say to Princess Wujun alone, so she ordered people to call the fifth prince Chengli in.

The fifth prince Chengli stared at a pair of big eyes, and he was a little cautious when he entered the empress's palace, but the moment he saw Daiyu, his whole body came alive, a sweet smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and even his eyes curled up. It became a crack, if I didn't remember that it was in the queen's palace, I'm afraid I would rush across it.

The Fifth Prince did not forget where this place was, first he saluted the Empress and Princess Wujun respectfully and greeted him.Only then turned around and called Daiyu sweetly: "Sister Yu'er!" The voice was soft and sweet.Princess Wujun and Empress couldn't help but smile when they heard that sound.

What the fifth prince Chengli didn't expect was that Daiyu got up and bowed to him at this moment: "My daughter Lin Hui has seen His Royal Highness the fifth prince."

The fifth prince Chengli was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't know how to react for a while. The queen smiled and said: "Okay, okay, Yu'er will take him to the garden to play for a while, and when I have dinner later, I will send someone to call you."

Hearing what the queen said, Chengli bowed to the queen before Daiyu could react, and said, "Thank you, empress!" That small appearance amused the queen.

The queen looked at the eyes of the fifth prince Chengli who were full of joy, and smiled at Daiyu: "Yu'er, lead him here." Then she turned her head and said to Xiu'e, the maid beside her, "You follow me and wait on him." Come back to me if you have anything to do." Xiu'e knelt down and bowed, and then followed Daiyu and the fifth prince out of the Queen's Hall.

If you say that the fifth prince, Chengli, just came back from the Prince Wu's Mansion the day before yesterday, and it was only a day later, but it seemed as if he hadn't seen him for many years. He left the Xiefang Palace where he lived.

Don't think that the Xiefang Palace is just a palace, but in fact it is a large courtyard, and most of the princes lived here before they got married.Of course the First Prince did not live here.

Today, the emperor's heirs are not abundant, and the eldest prince has been arranged in another courtyard. Although he has not been canonized as a prince, he enjoys the treatment of a prince.After the third prince got married, he moved out to build a mansion.The only ones left in the palace today are the unmarried fourth prince and the still young fifth prince.When Mo Xuan stayed in the palace, he was also arranged to live in the Xiefang Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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