Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 293 Concubine Qi Pleases

Chapter 293 Concubine Qi Pleases
Thanks to riamon for voting for the first monthly ticket of this month for Gujing, and thanks to Xiaoxiao Yirenyan for her monthly ticket support *^_^*

Seeing the fifth prince leading Daiyu to the Xiefang Hall, Xiu'e smiled at the fifth prince Chengli: "Master Yu seldom enters the palace, why doesn't His Highness take the county master to the imperial garden? At this time It's the right time for flowers to bloom. I think the county magistrate Yu will like it very much." Xiu'e said and winked at Daiyu, but she didn't want to see Daiyu.

Just when Xiu'e was about to persuade her again, she saw the eunuch in charge of Concubine Qi's palace walking over with a smile, and bowed to the Fifth Prince Chengli from a distance: "I have seen His Highness the Fifth Highness, please greet the Fifth Highness." .”

Chengli was originally talking to Daiyu, but he was very unhappy when he was interrupted, but he heard the little eunuch laughing and said: "Concubine Qi has prepared food for His Highness the Fifth Highness, she said that His Highness loves it very much, so she sent a servant to invite him." Your Highness is going."

Xiu'e has been with the empress for a long time, how can she not see that this is to invite Daiyu, not Chengli?But Chengli didn't know, the fourth prince treated him very well when he came back from the prince's mansion of Wujun. At this time, he heard that Concubine Qi let him go, so he hurriedly smiled at Daiyu: "Sister Yu, let's go, where is Concubine Qi?" The cake is delicious."

Daiyu is naturally not interested in these cakes, cakes, how can the cakes of today compare to the desserts of later generations?
But Daiyu couldn't bear to refuse seeing the hopeful eyes in Chengli's eyes, so she turned her head to look at Xiu'e who had been following behind her, and asked softly, "I wonder if I can go?"

Seeing this, Xiu'e was also very embarrassed, and finally said: "It's getting late now, I'm afraid it will be time for the empress to serve dinner in a while." As soon as Daiyu heard this, she understood what Xiu'e meant. So he squatted down and smiled at Chengli: "Chengli, do you think this is okay? Let's go to Concubine Qi's place for snacks next time."

Seeing that she had just finished speaking, Chengli's face showed disappointment, and Daiyu hurriedly explained: "Chengli thinks, we must bring gifts when we go to see Concubine Qi, right? Today it is There is no preparation, I only brought the album for Chengli."

Daiyu paused at this point, looked into Chengli's eyes full of surprises, and said in embarrassment: "How about we give Chengli's picture album to Concubine Qi?"

Chengli was immediately unhappy when he heard it, but before Chengli could say anything, someone behind him said with a smile: "My mother and concubine don't care about your picture album, you should leave it to Chengli." Who is Prince Chenghui?Chengli was already full of surprises and ran over to hold Chenghui's hand and asked, "Brother Sihuang is serious? Mother and concubine Qi don't want my album?"

The fourth prince Chenghui looked at Daiyu with raised eyebrows and said with a half-smile: "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask your elder sister Yu?" Although the fourth prince Chenghui didn't directly expose Daiyu's lies, his appearance made people Daiyu was very embarrassed.Seeing the fifth prince Chengli's questioning eyes, he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing this, Chenghui didn't want to embarrass Daiyu. Seeing that Daiyu was flushed with shame, he smiled and said to Chenghui: "Your sister Yu is afraid that you will not be able to eat well after eating dim sum. It is also a good intention."

Daiyu didn't expect the fourth prince Chenghui to rescue her, so she smiled gratefully at him, but the fifth prince Chengli pouted, looked at Daiyu with watery eyes and asked, "So sister Yu just now?" Are you kidding me?"

Daiyu thought for a while and said: "It's not coaxing you. You think it's my first time to visit Concubine Qi's palace, how can I go empty-handed? Naturally, I should prepare a gift before I can go to visit, but now I have a gift in my hand. Apart from the picture album I brought you, there is nothing else, no matter whether Concubine Qi likes it or not, if you want it, you can only give it away."

Hearing Daiyu's explanation, the Fifth Prince smiled in relief and said, "I knew Sister Yu wouldn't coax me!" That smile was extraordinarily bright, but Daiyu suddenly felt a little guilty when she saw Chengli at this moment. Very distressed.

But Cheng Hui coughed violently: "Even if Princess Yu doesn't prepare anything, I think my concubine will be very happy to see you go."

Daiyu was thinking about Chengli, so she had no idea what Chenghui said, so she casually replied: "How can there be any reason to meet the elders empty-handed?" As soon as she finished speaking, Daiyu regained her composure and was about to explain, But Cheng Hui said with a smile: "Then it's settled. Next time you enter the palace, you have to prepare a gift. Don't let my mother and concubine wait in vain." As for Daiyu calling his mother and concubine an elder, Cheng Hui was very happy.

Daiyu suddenly felt choked, but couldn't say anything else for a while, always feeling that something was wrong.

Chengli didn't care about that much, took Daiyu's hand and continued to go to Xiefang Hall, and smiled as he walked: "Since sister Yu brought the picture album, let's go back quickly, sister can tell me about it." ?”

Daiyu naturally had no reason to be disapproving, she didn't want to follow Chengli for a few steps, but found that the fourth prince Chenghui was not far or near behind her, so she stopped and looked at the fourth prince Chenghui in puzzlement .

The fourth prince Chenghui seemed to have expected Daiyu to turn around, so he pursed his lips and smiled the moment Daiyu turned around: "My residence is also here."

Daiyu nodded half-understood and followed Chengli for a long way, and found that the fourth prince Chenghui was still following behind her, so she asked Chengli in a low voice: "Does Chengli live very close to your fourth brother? " Chengli raised his head and stared at his big round eyes with a smile and replied: "Well, the fourth brother lives next to me."

Hearing what Chengli said, Daiyu lost her mind, she didn't want to but heard Xiu'e whispering beside her: "The fourth prince and the fifth prince both live in the east side hall of Xiefang hall."

Daiyu followed Chengli's footsteps, and when she heard Xiu'e's words, she couldn't help but pause. She lowered her head and looked at Chengli who was pulling her in disbelief, and then looked back at Chengli who was following her. Behind him, the fourth prince Cheng Hui, who was smiling but not smiling, was suddenly in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Xiu'e suggested again: "Master Yu likes flowers the most, and the flowers in the imperial garden are blooming just right now. Why don't you take the county master to visit the garden?"

Chengli raised his head and asked very tangled: "Does sister Yu like flowers?" Daiyu looked at Chengli's blinking eyes and nodded with a smile: "Yes, sister Yu likes flowers the most." Daiyu After Yu finished speaking, she smiled slightly at Xiu'e.

But after Chengli listened to it, his whole face became tangled up and said, "But, Chengli really wants to hear Sister Yu's story."

Daiyu tilted her head and discussed: "Then let's go to the garden and tell stories while enjoying the flowers?" Chengli asked uncertainly: "Is it possible? But..." Chengli hesitated for a while Then he asked puzzledly: "Didn't my sister say that you should concentrate on doing things last time?"

Daiyu also frowned on purpose, tilted her head and thought for a while and said: "But we can find a place with a good view, sit down and tell stories slowly, the garden is full of flowers, the wind is sunny, the weather is fine, Doesn’t the picturesque scenery also improve your mood?”

The fourth prince Chenghui saw Chengli and Daiyu stop, entangled in the topic of whether to continue to Xiefang Palace or to go to the Royal Garden, he couldn't help taking two steps and came up with a smile: "I am also very fond of the story of Princess Yu. If you are interested, how about we go to the Imperial Garden and listen to the story together?"

Daiyu didn't expect that the fourth prince would make such a sudden move, so she couldn't help being stunned, but Chengli clapped her hands happily and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, fourth brother will accompany Xiaowu to listen to sister Yu's story, Yu My sister’s story is really nice.” Chengli said, he took Chenghui’s hand and walked to Daiyu.

Seeing Daiyu's tangled look, the fourth prince Chenghui glanced at Chengli who was full of expectations, raised his eyebrows and said to Daiyu, "Master Yu doesn't seem to welcome me?"

People say that this is the case, so what can Daiyu say?Then he hurriedly took a deep breath and laughed, "How can it be? I'm just afraid that the story of the court lady will be too naive and miss His Highness's time."

But the fourth prince just didn't accept the call, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not busy today." Then she made a gesture of invitation, Daiyu looked at Xiu'e and then looked down at the girl who was holding the contract. Hui Chengli with one hand, smiled helplessly, and Fang walked towards the imperial garden.

The weather today is indeed very good. Although she is used to seeing all kinds of gardens in later generations, Daiyu still finds it very pleasing to the eye in this palace without cordon and glass cover.What's more, now that it's springtime and the flowers are blooming, the imperial garden is full of prosperity and prosperity.

Daiyu randomly picked a pavilion in the imperial garden, and sat down with Chengli.The fourth prince Chenghui also followed in unceremoniously, which made Chengli very excited and at the same time made Daiyu very embarrassed.

Originally, Daiyu wanted to tell Chengli the stories in the picture album, but it was obviously inappropriate for the fourth prince to be here. After thinking about it, Daiyu quickly adapted a story that is familiar to later generations, but in this era, in this world inside, but no one has heard the story.

Daiyu handed the album to Chengli, and said before Chengli opened it: "The album is given to Chengli, Chengli can read it at any time, and you can understand it slowly, right?" Nodding her head, Daiyu then continued, "Then sister, how about telling Chengli a new story today?"

Chengli was naturally very happy, the fourth prince squinted slightly, looked at the album in Chengli's hand, but didn't say anything.

Daiyu laughed and said, "The story is very simple. There is a Dragon Palace under the East Sea, where the sons and daughters of the Dragon King live."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Chengli asked with big eyes: "Is it like our palace?" Daiyu looked up for a moment and thought for a while, "Sister Yu has never been there, I don't know, it's just I heard that there are children of dragons living down there. It should be similar." Hearing what Daiyu said, Chengli seemed to understand, so he nodded.

Seeing this, Daiyu went on to talk: "The Dragon King has thirteen daughters, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers, good at singing and dancing. Especially the youngest daughter." Just after Daiyu finished speaking, Chengli had a problem with the baby. He asked, "How many sons does the Dragon King have?"

Daiyu touched Chengli's head and said with a smile: "Sister Yu doesn't know either. The sons of the Dragon King are not mentioned in the story. But if Chengli interrupts Sister Yu's story again, Sister Yu will not tell it." Chengli Hearing what Daiyu said, Li quickly covered his mouth with his hands and shook his head vigorously, expressing that he would not speak any more.

(End of this chapter)

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