Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 294 The Legend of the Dragon

Chapter 294 The Legend of the Dragon
Chengli tightly covered his small mouth and stopped talking, while the fourth prince drank tea leisurely and contentedly from beginning to end, so that Daiyu's story could be told much more smoothly.

This is actually the story of the mermaid, which was adapted by Daiyu.When Daiyu mentioned that the Dragon Princess was willing to give up her eternal life and the dragon horn representing the identity of the dragon clan in order to be with that handsome young master, the fourth prince's eyes lit up.And Chengli seemed to have a lot to say, but he tried to cover his mouth, his appearance was extremely cute.

Daiyu took a sip of tea before continuing, "But no one thought that at this moment, the young master's high school champion was bestowed by the emperor to match the princess. If the new champion really married the princess, then Princess Dragon will turn into green smoke on the night of their marriage, and disappear forever in this world."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, the fourth prince couldn't help but ask first, "Will the number one scholar marry the princess?"

Daiyu looked up at the fourth prince, but Chengli complained first: "Fourth brother, stop talking, sister Yu will stop talking later." Amused.

Daiyu looked at Chengli, then turned to look at the fourth prince and said: "If you want to know the future, please wait for the next article." The fourth prince Cheng Hui nodded with a smile in his eyes, and sure enough he stopped talking.Daiyu was able to continue talking.

But when the fourth prince and Chengli heard that Princess Long had given up her life to fulfill the champion and the princess, they all exclaimed, especially the fourth prince was full of disbelief.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "Sometimes letting go is the best love, because Princess Dragon knows that she can't afford what the champion wants." When Daiyu said this, the eyes of the fourth prince Chenghui suddenly turned It was cold for a while, but quickly covered it up, so fast that even Daiyu and Xiu'e beside her didn't notice it.

What Daiyu didn't know was that not far from this pavilion, the emperor was also sitting there, listening to her telling stories.

After listening to the story, Chengli asked: "Sister Yu, tell me, is there really a dragon and horse in the East China Sea?" Daiyu smiled and shook her head and said, "Sister Yu doesn't know, no one has been there, and no one has seen it." , maybe, maybe not.”

Chengli thought for a while and asked again: "Then people say that the father is the real dragon emperor, is there a dragon on that day?"

The emperor listened to Chengli's question from a distance, and waited more intently for Daiyu's next words, but he never expected that Daiyu would shake her head and say: "I have never seen a dragon, I I know my father and mother, and I have never seen a dragon." The emperor's face turned ugly when he heard it, but he didn't make a sound.

Daiyu saw that the fourth prince Chenghui's expression had changed, and Chengli's mouth was so shocked that he couldn't even close it.He couldn't help laughing: "Has Chengli ever seen a dragon?"

Chengli thought for a while, frowning his two delicate eyebrows, and said in a tangled voice: "Isn't the father a dragon?" Chengli's answer obviously pleased the emperor, but Daiyu laughed fiercely when she heard what Chengli said. out.

Daiyu touched Chengli's small head and smiled: "Many years ago, there were no dragons in this world. At that time, there was no empire, no court. They existed in the form of tribes. People at that time relied on hunting and fishing They discovered that many animals had powers that they could not explain, so they turned those animals into totems."

It was the first time for Chengli to hear such a statement, and he stared at Daiyu with wide eyes, as if he lost his words.But the emperor's face, which had just been softened by being pleased, became gloomy again.Even the fourth prince Cheng Hui's expression was extremely ugly.

Daiyu ignored the fourth prince's expression and continued: "Later there was a very powerful tribal leader who led his people to conquer many tribes. Then he stitched the totems of those tribes together bit by bit. On top of their own totems, the original dragon was formed, and after thousands of years of evolution, it became what it is today."

The fourth prince Chenghui had already squinted his eyes and looked at the woman he valued very much in front of him, for a while he couldn't make up his mind what to do.Even where they didn't know, the emperor also looked at Daiyu's figure with complicated eyes, his heart was ups and downs, and he was a little undecided.

But Daiyu continued: "None of us have ever seen a dragon, let alone a real dragon, so in Sister Yu's eyes, the Holy One is just like us."

The emperor couldn't help but stand up when he heard this, while the fourth prince looked at Daiyu with cold and complicated eyes and asked: "Major Yuxian knows what you said today, and the crime should be punished?"

Daiyu looked at the fourth prince Chenghui, smiled calmly and said: "The Holy Majesty once promised me that I can speak freely. I did not lie, I did not insult the holy name, I did not endanger the court of the country, why should I be punished?"

Chenghui, the fourth prince, naturally didn't know about the Holy Majesty's promise. Hearing what Daiyu said so calmly, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiu'e who had kept her head down all along.A coldness flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Daiyu knew that the fourth prince was planning to kill Xiu'e, so she hurriedly said: "In the eyes of the fourth prince, doesn't the Holy One have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, and two shoulders like us? Carrying a head, two arms and two legs, only one life, flesh and blood, thoughts and feelings?"

Daiyu's words not only stunned the fourth prince, but also the emperor.But inexplicably, a warm current slipped through the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't explain clearly.

After Daiyu finished speaking, she no longer looked at the fourth prince Chenghui, but instead looked at the fifth prince Chengli who was full of astonishment, not knowing what to do.

Daiyu held him in her arms, and while stroking his back, she said: "Everyone has two divisions of labor, one is the society, which is the imperial court, and the other is the family, and Yu Gongsheng belongs to the heaven//challenge The emperor, in private, is Chengli's father, the father. This is the division of labor in the Holy Majesty's family."

After Daiyu finished speaking, seeing Chengli looking at her half-understood, she smiled and said: "For the people, the Holy One is just the Holy One, and it is his responsibility to lead the people of the Celestial Dynasty to live a prosperous and stable life. But for the people Historically speaking, the Holy Majesty is not only the Holy Majesty, but also your father. Do you understand?"

Daiyu's words made the fourth prince Chenghui stunned. He only felt that this girl was too innocent but extremely kind. He couldn't tell what kind of feeling he felt for a while, so he just looked at Daiyu blankly and somewhat blankly.

But after hearing Daiyu's words, the emperor's expression softened after all. After he sighed deeply, a helpless and lonely smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, Daiyu didn't care about these things. She just wanted to teach Chengli the right things, so she said with a smile: "People often say: Father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like water, and mother's love is always like water. Our life and soul, but father's love is like a mountain, deep and heavy, but silent."

Speaking of this, Daiyu couldn't help but think of Lin Ruhai, who had only been her father for a few years. Daiyu couldn't remember what he looked like in her previous life, but Lin Ruhai was deeply engraved in her heart.

Daiyu said with red eyes: "If we don't drink water for a day, we will feel uncomfortable. If we don't drink water for two days, we may get sick. What about three days, four days, five days? Maybe we will die. So it is like water. Mother’s love, we need and feel it all the time.”

Speaking of this, Daiyu looked deeply into Chengli's eyes, bit her lips, and then said: "But what about father's love? The mountain is silent, just standing there like that, motionless, if Chengli doesn't work hard If you climb, you won’t be able to see the scenery on the top of the mountain. If you don’t bow your head, you won’t be able to see the reflection in the water.”

After finishing speaking, Daiyu took another deep breath and said, "If Chengli looked up, he might still feel that this mountain blocked your sight and obstructed your scenery. But he didn't know that it was the love of his father, so he bent his back , waiting for you to climb, and see a wider world and a more distant land through his shoulders! But, father, I won’t say anything.”

After Daiyu finished speaking, the emperor's eyes were already red, he didn't need to continue listening, he was once again convinced that he had read Daiyu correctly.With a gratified smile, he walked away slowly.The prince followed behind the emperor, looking back from time to time, but he didn't say anything.

However, Daiyu didn't know all this. She looked at Chengli and said with a smile: "Everyone's father has different abilities. The son of a farmer has a father who is a farmer. What the father wants to do is to teach Sons are better at cultivating skills. A general’s son has a father who is a general, and what the father wants to do is to teach his son the skills to win battles.”

Just as Daiyu said this, Chengli's eyes sparkled and he said: "Chengli has a father who is an emperor, and his father's wish is to teach Chengli..."

Chengli was extremely relaxed by Daiyu's side, he almost said the wrong thing, covered his mouth quickly, even his little face turned pale, his eyes were full of panic.

Daiyu smiled and said: "Yes, Chengli has a father who is an emperor, and the Holy Majesty used his words and deeds to tell his sons how to manage this country well. However, this country cannot be managed by the emperor alone. We need princes and ministers, as well as civil servants and generals. Does Chengli understand?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Chengli nodded slightly, but the sweat on his forehead was still densely covered his forehead, and his small face was still so pale.Daiyu gently hugged him in her arms to comfort him, and said with a smile: "Sister Yu also prepared a story about the three little pigs for Chengli, does Chengli want to hear it?"

Chengli nodded with difficulty.Daiyu hugged him and softly told him the story of the three little pigs building a house until Chengli gradually fell asleep in Daiyu's arms.Daiyu raised her eyes and glanced at the fourth prince Chenghui.But the fourth prince Chenghui's heart was still turbulent and extremely complicated at this moment.Because the person who said these words was Daiyu!

(End of this chapter)

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