Chapter 295
We would like to thank Cai Zi for his monthly ticket support, and Jing Hong for his reward and encouragement! O(∩_∩)OThank you

After the fourth prince Chenghui took the fifth prince Chengli away, Xiu'e accompanied Daiyu to the Queen's Palace. When passing by Fengzao Palace, Daiyu hesitated for a while, but finally did not go in...

Seeing this, Xiu'e asked, "Master Yu wants to go in and meet the concubine Xiande?" Daiyu smiled bitterly and said, "What are you talking about when I go in? My mother was married far away when my cousin was born, and when my mother passed away The eldest cousin has already entered the palace. And my impression of the eldest cousin is only one encounter in the empress's palace. With me..."

Daiyu shook her head and did not continue, but Xiu'e nodded clearly and said, "Then let's go back quickly, maybe the Empress is waiting for County Lord Yu to go back and set the meal."

When Daiyu returned to the queen's palace accompanied by Xiu'e, the queen had just finished talking with Princess Wujun.Seeing Daiyu come back, she smiled and said, "Where's Xiao Wu?" Daiyu said with a smile, "His Royal Highness Fifth Prince is sleepy, and happened to meet His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, and was picked up by His Highness Fourth Prince."

The queen nodded and asked with a smile: "I heard from your mother and concubine that Yu'er wants to ask for a marriage decree for your two masters, Huang Jiyun and Luo Sujuan?"

When Daiyu heard this, she glanced at Princess Wujun, saw Princess Wujun nodded to her with a smile, then lowered her head and smiled and said, "Yizhi is also very good." The queen heard Daiyu say this, and purposely kept a straight face Said: "Look at Yu'er's meaning, is she quite picky?"

Daiyu laughed and said: "The two masters treat Yu'er as if they were their own children. Yu'er naturally hopes that they can get the best. But the sage takes care of everything every day, so how can he have time to take care of these trivial matters? So Yu'er had to ask the empress to take care of her." Yu'er and the two masters don't have much youth to spend." As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun burst into laughter.

The queen also pursed her lips and held back a smile and said: "So in Yu'er's eyes, Grand Master Huang is still young and young?" Hearing what the queen said, Daiyu was stunned and couldn't answer, then she heard the queen say again: "However, when the first rank of the dynasty The palace has no right to interfere with the marriage of a member of the family, I am afraid that Yu'er will have to ask the Holy One."

Hearing what the queen said, Daiyu said in her heart that it was impossible not to be disappointed, but the queen had already made it very clear, so Daiyu could only salute and thank her.

Seeing Daiyu's disappointed appearance, Princess Wujun smiled and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you mention it to the sage?" The queen gave Princess Wujun an annoyed look, but she still nodded and said with a smile: "In that case, let me try. "

It wasn't until she got out of the palace and boarded the carriage back to Wujun Wang's mansion that Wujun Princess took Daiyu's hand and sighed: "I'm afraid Yu'er won't be able to go south with me this time."

Hearing what Princess Wujun said, Daiyu hurriedly turned her head to look at Princess Wujun, her eyes were full of puzzlement.Princess Wujun smiled and said: "Yu'er is growing up, and in a few days, the mother and concubine will get up and go south. The queen empress means to keep you in the capital. You should first think about whether you want to stay in the palace or go to the palace? The empress has said, everything is possible."

When Daiyu heard what Princess Wujun said, she felt cold for no reason. Could it be that she really didn't even have the minimum freedom?

Seeing Daiyu's dejected expression, Princess Wujun patted Daiyu's hand, just in time to touch the bracelet on Daiyu's wrist, which was exactly the same as Wanyu's, and comforted her: "There are many chances to return to the fiefdom with the concubine mother. , don’t care about this once or twice. Even your sister Wanyu understands.”

Daiyu understood that the empress's decision was definitely not made by the empress herself, there must be the emperor's intentions in it, and her heart was quite chilled, but at this moment, seeing Princess Wujun trying her best to comfort her, she still forced a smile and said: "Yu I understand, mother and concubine don't have to worry." After speaking, Daiyu hesitated and asked, "I wonder if Yu'er can live back in Zhuangzi outside the city?"

For Daiyu's reluctance to stay in the Prince's Mansion of Wujun, Princess Wujun understands, even she herself is not at ease letting Daiyu live in the Palace alone.

But Princess Wujun was still puzzled by Daiyu's reluctance to live in the palace, so she asked, "Yu'er, do you not want to enter the palace to accompany the empress?" , Yu'er wanted to go back to Zhuangzi to tidy up, so she went to stay at her grandfather's house for a while."

Seeing Princess Wujun looking over with disapproval, Daiyu explained: "Grandmother has always loved my mother, but when mother is gone, Yu'er has to be filial for mother."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Princess Wu of County sighed and said: "Since that's the case, then before I leave, I will personally send you there. No one has ever dared to embarrass you."

It is naturally the best for Princess Wujun to send Daiyu into the mansion in person. If Mrs. Wang or someone else really has a plan, it has to be considered carefully. Moved, he smiled and said: "Yu'er thanked Concubine Mother, Concubine Lao Mu has taken care of you."

Seeing Daiyu like that, Princess Wujun smiled and said, "Since you call me concubine mother, it's my job to take care of you. What can I say to thank you?" , what does Yu'er think about her own stature?"

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, why did she mention this?He couldn't help but stare at Princess Wujun with a little bewildered eyes.Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled and said: "Mother and concubine are ridiculous! Since ancient times, it has been the words of parents' order and matchmaker. With mother and concubine here, Yu'er can feel at ease."

Princess Wujun didn't wait for Daiyu to reply, so she talked to Daiyu about other things. Daiyu took a deep breath, originally wanting to "confess" her thoughts to Princess Wujun in detail, and didn't want Princess Wujun to say something. But speaking like this, it is not easy to say anything else, so I have to follow the words of Princess Wujun and talk about other things.

When Princess Wujun decided to personally send Daiyu across the mansion, Jia Lian, who had been away from the mansion for nearly three months, had already hurried back to Jia's mansion.He even heard about the president of the capital from Wang Xifeng.

When Jia Lian heard the rumors, he immediately said angrily: "Could it not be enough for us to send a Yuanchun into the palace!" Seeing him like that, Wang Xifeng immediately stepped forward to cover his mouth in shock, and begged softly: "My Lord, please keep your voice down, this is going to get out, but what happened?"

Jia Lian stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Xifeng's hand covering his mouth. The anger on his handsome face was hard to hide, but he didn't say anything. After thinking about it, he got up and said, "I'll go outside the city to see my sister." After saying that, Jia Lian wanted to go out. .Wang Xifeng hurriedly stepped forward to hold him back and said, "Your sister lives in the Prince's Mansion of Wu County now, how can you see her whenever you want?"

Jia Lian was taken aback, stared at Wang Xifeng in confusion and asked, "What do you mean?" Wang Xifeng talked about Wanyu's marriage.Jia Lian was at a loss for what to do about this, and wandered around the room anxiously.

Wang Xifeng thought for a while and smiled, "Sit down quickly, my head is dizzy from you." Then he looked up at Jia Lian, and said, "Master outside the city can go for a while. I heard that Zhao Bing has passed away Northwest is back. Now he and his wife are living in my sister's Zhuangzi outside the city."

When Jia Lian heard about Zhao Bing, his face was overjoyed, he nodded and smiled and said, "In this case, I will go for a walk outside the city. If the old lady asks, I will only say that I have gone to the Huangfu."

Wang Xifeng nodded understandingly, as soon as Jia Lian left, the old lady Jia really sent someone to call her. Wang Xifeng followed Jia Lian's account before leaving, and only said that Jia Lian had brought some earthen ceremony to his master Huang Shufeng, and now he sent it over.

The old lady Jia stared at Wang Xifeng like a hawk, and said coldly: "When you get home, you go out again. Which family's rule is this? Fortunately, he is still a scholar, so he doesn't even understand the rules?"

Wang Xifeng is not easy to answer this question, she just smiled and said: "What the old ancestor said is, let the master come to apologize to the old ancestor later, and listen to the old ancestor's instruction." No matter what, he just snorted in dissatisfaction and passed away.

When Jia Lian went to the Zhuangzi outside the city, Zhao Bing was announced to the palace and had not yet returned, so Jia Lian asked Song Shi, the housekeeper, for a thing or two. , Song Shi hesitated.

After all, Song Shi was not Lin Ruhai, nor Daiyu. Although he was very optimistic about Jia Lian, he had some reservations. He told Jia Lian about the Northwest matter, but he didn't mention it later.

Jia Lian did not come here to inquire about the Northwest, but wanted to know the truth about the rumors.Song Shi was very happy to see Jia Lian caring so much about Daiyu.Then he talked to Jia Lian in detail about how Mo Xuan accompanied Daiyu and Princess Wujun back to Zhuangzi yesterday.

At the end, Song Shi said meaningfully to Jia Lian: "After going up the mountain yesterday, he said that he went down too late and didn't come back to Zhuangzi. The third master of Cheng'en Gong's mansion personally escorted Princess Wujun and the girl back to the palace."

What a shrewd person is Jia Lian?The relationship between the princess of Wu County and the queen is also well known, since she can let Daiyu get along with Mo Xuan openly, it is enough to show that the rumors are just rumors.In this way, Jia Lianfang left many earth ceremonies and left home happily.

Not long after Jia Lian left, Zhao Bing returned to Zhuangzi with a happy face.Speaking of today's court, Zong Zong's face was flushed with excitement, even when he retired from the court, he didn't see the appearance of the emperor clearly.I only saw a bright yellow in the blink of an eye.But it was still hard to hide the excitement in my heart.

Song Shi knocked on Zhao Bing's head angrily, and said with disgust on his face, "Look at how promising you are! How many high-ranking officials and royal relatives have you never seen when the master was here? Even the Holy Majesty has seen many Back. I don’t see you like this.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Bing immediately retorted: "How can this be compared? This is the first time I have entered the palace, and I am standing above the court hall." Zhao Bing's face was not without complacency when he said this.

Song Shi didn't want to entangle this matter with him, so he said softly: "Master, it was the first time I saw the Supreme Emperor in person during the palace examination, and I didn't see him coming back like you." Only in front of him will he show such an appearance.So he was allowed to go.

Seeing that Zhao Bing wanted to refute again, Song Shi hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Tell me about your majesty's arrangement. Where will you work in the future?" He replied seriously: "The holy majesty ordered my nephew to set off within three days and return to the northwest to serve as the commander-in-chief."

After Zhao Bing finished speaking, he was surprised to find that Song Shi didn't seem to be surprised at all. He kept nodding and couldn't help asking, "Uncle, what do you mean?" Song Shi looked at Zhao Bing and took a deep breath. After exhaling slowly, she said: "The girl asked me to go with you. One can take care of you, and the other can make suggestions for you. What do you think?"

Hearing that Song Shi was going to go to the Northwest with him, Zhao Bing couldn't express the joy in his heart. He couldn't help asking excitedly, "Did you really say that? Did you really say that?"

Song Shi saw Zhao Bing's appearance, patted Zhao Bing's head angrily, and said with a smile, "When did the girl stop talking?"

When Zhao Bing heard the exact answer, he asked worriedly: "Then what about Zhuangzi? The two Lin uncles have already gone south, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they were raised by honor. Uncle Zhang also... now uncle followed us to the northwest , the girl is in the capital but..."

After Zhao Bing finished speaking, he saw that Song Shi was also full of sadness, but in the end, Song Shi still told Daiyu's arrangement: "We don't have much property in the capital, it's just two farms and this hot spring village. And a forest behind."

Speaking of this, Song Shi paused for a moment, and Daiyu said a little uncertainly, "What you mean is that there are a lot of people in the village, and Linde has grown up. He can handle this matter alone. Except for me going to the northwest with you, most of the other people in the village will also go south and return to the Lin family's ancestral house."

Zhao Bing was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Miss, what do you mean?" Song Shi also frowned, and shook his head slightly, but he didn't know what Daiyu meant.If Jin'er was here, I'm afraid she would understand that Daiyu wanted to send as many people as possible to the capital...

(End of this chapter)

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