Chapter 301
Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun stopped asking any more questions, just lowered his head and thought of something, and sighed deeply.Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Your name is Tanchun, not sighing! What's there to sigh at such a young age?"

Tanchun looked a little lonely and said: "I heard sister Lin say so much, but all these years I have been with my wife, and my wife has never taught me these things." Tanchun looked up at Daiyu and said : "Sister Lin said I was wrong?"

Daiyu didn't know what to say for a while, looked at Tanchun, hesitated for a long time before saying: "Aunt Zhao is not good at all, but one thing is very good." Seeing Tanchun looking over, Daiyu continued: "Aunt Zhao was born beautiful, so Sister Tanchun's appearance is very good."

Not to mention Tanchun, even Shi Xiangyun did not expect that Daiyu would say such an endless sentence.Both of them looked at Daiyu in puzzlement, waiting for the next sentence.

Daiyu didn't keep the two of them waiting any longer, and continued to say in a low voice, "But Aunt Zhao hasn't read any books, so she doesn't know much." If you read any books, you are clearly illiterate.Then Tanchun's face blushed a little.

But Daiyu couldn't control this much, and after some consideration, she said: "Brother Huan is still young, this age is the time when he needs to be taught well, but Aunt Zhao must not be left alone..." Daiyu didn't finish her sentence , but raised his head and looked at Tanchun steadily, and Tanchun looked at Daiyu as if he was frightened.

It took a while for Tanchun to say: "Brother Huan is a concubine, and the master doesn't care, so what can I do?" Hearing what Tanchun said, Daiyu also sighed and said, "It doesn't matter if he is a concubine or a concubine. Sister Tanchun just needs to remember a little bit." Seeing Tanchun looking over, Daiyu said loudly, "He is your own younger brother, and he will be your future support!"

Daiyu's words can be said to be earth-shattering. This is a question that Tanchun has never thought about. He was startled, and thinking of Baoyu again, he couldn't help saying: "Baoyu..."

Before Tanchun finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted: "Baoyu is your elder brother, but don't many people care about you and care about you, isn't it good?" After listening to Daiyu's words, not to mention Tanchun, even Shi Xiangyun Staring at Daiyu blankly, she couldn't accept it for a while.Daiyu didn't force her, she just smiled and said, "That's all I'm saying, go back and think about whether it's right or not."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she stopped bringing up the previous topic. Seeing Xichun standing alone in front of the window in a daze, she got up and walked over, standing side by side with Xichun.

Xichun heard the conversation between Daiyu and Tanchun before, now seeing Daiyu standing beside her, she said very desolately: "Third sister has a real brother, and I also have a real brother, but..."

Regarding Xichun's life experience, Daiyu had heard from Wang Xifeng.But at this moment, he didn't know how to comfort Xichun, so he and Xichun looked at the green lotus leaves in the pond, and held Xichun in his arms, unable to say a word.

Before dinner, without waiting for Mrs. Jia to send someone to call, Daiyu and Xichun went to Mrs. Jia's room hand in hand.

When Daiyu arrived, Tanchun and Shi Xiangyun hadn't come yet, and even Wang Xifeng didn't know what she was up to. Ever since she was called away by Wu Dengxin's family, she hadn't seen anyone.

When Mrs. Jia saw Daiyu coming, she smiled and said, "Yu'er is coming to grandma soon." Then she stretched out her hand towards Daiyu.Daiyu turned her head to look at Xichun, then walked towards Old Madam Jia.As soon as she walked in, Mrs. Jia grabbed Daiyu's hand and pulled it into her arms. Daiyu didn't dare to use any force, so she followed Mrs. Jia's strength and snuggled into Mrs. Jia's arms.

Mrs. Jia hugged Daiyu, her eyes were red and she couldn't help saying: "You cruel girl, you haven't seen grandma for so long, but you miss me!" Calling out, Yuanyang Hupo and others were so busy that they stepped forward to comfort her.Even Xichun took two steps forward before stopping again.

After Daiyu had a good meal of consolation, Mrs. Jia stopped crying, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, she pulled Daiyu to sit down with a smile on her face.

The old lady Jia pulled Daiyu and asked, "Will Yu'er live? I wanted you to live with me, but I was afraid that you would be lonely. It would be more comfortable to share with the sisters in the garden." Daiyu replied, and Mrs. Jia smiled and asked again: "Do you like the bed tent I sent you?" Her eyes were full of anticipation, and she was even more confident.

Seeing Daiyu nodding with a smile, the old lady Jia smiled even more happily: "I'm afraid Yu'er doesn't know, that tent is called a bird gold tent, and it was obtained by the old man when he was alive. I have never been willing to take it out. Baoyu's bird-gold fur is no match for this."

When Mrs. Jia mentioned this, she said with emotion and explanation: "The brooch gold fur coat for Baoyu and the bed curtain for you are all twisted by Russian tailors with peacock tail feathers..." Dai Seeing that Mrs. Jia still wanted to elaborate, and heard someone talking outside the house from a distance, Yu smiled and said, "Grandmother is worrying. Yu'er likes it very much."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Mrs. Jia really stopped talking, and said with a smile: "When you are old, you can talk too much."

Daiyu hurriedly took Mrs. Jia's arm and said with a smile, "Grandmother is not old. If you don't believe me, ask sister Xichun." As she spoke, Daiyu raised her head to look at Xichun.

Xichun seldom gets attention in Mrs. Jia's room. At this time, Mrs. Jia followed Daiyu to look at her, but she was a little at a loss.Looking up and seeing the encouragement in Daiyu's eyes, Xichun pursed her lips and nodded with a smile.

Mrs. Jia has always been a pretty girl, Xichun was originally delicate and delicate, this slightly shy smile caught the eyes of Mrs. Jia, she only heard Mrs. Jia laughing: "The fourth girl is getting better and better, The garden painted last year is also extremely beautiful, which shows that he is capable."

After talking, the old lady Jia turned her head and told Yuanyang, "Go and take out the "Yudiqiu" cloak that I have collected. I see that color is very good for a girl." After speaking, she turned her head I looked at Xichun for a while.

I saw that Xichun was wearing a light blue body, with moon white silk threads embroidered with hibiscus patterns all over, dark blue filigree, and dark blue background with light blue back pattern border.There are only two small beaded flowers on the head... Mrs. Jia frowned more and more as she looked at it, and then ordered to Yuanyang: "Take out that piece of red palace satin and make a body with her." Clothes go."

Xichun was taken aback for a moment, then Daiyu laughed and said, "Sister Xichun, why don't you thank grandma for the reward?" Although Daiyu said so, unfortunately Chun still couldn't recover, and stared blankly at old lady Jia.You know, in this mansion, she has never received a reward.

Old lady Jia heard Daiyu's words, held Daiyu's hand, turned her head and smiled and said, "Flower's age, she should look like a flower, and she can't be too clean. Yu'er..."

Old lady Jia hadn't finished speaking when she saw Shi Xiangyun and Tanchun coming hand in hand, old lady Jia couldn't help but changed the subject and said, "It's rare for you sister Lin to come here, and you don't want to get close to her, where are you going to hide?" went?"

When Shi Xiangyun heard this, he was unhappy, and hurriedly sat on the other side of Mrs. Jia, and said with a smile: "The old ancestor wronged us. We had a drink in the lotus root champagne in the afternoon, and we were a little sleepy afterward. Go back and take a nap? Our ancestors arrange us like this, and we don’t follow.” Shi Xiangyun said while shaking Old Madam Jia’s arm.

Mrs. Jia has always loved Shi Xiangyun. Although she has a relationship with her two uncles, it has something to do with Shi Xiangyun's lively and straightforward temperament.

The old lady Jia couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, you get along well, learn more from your sister Lin, your sister Lin is new here, you should play with her more." As soon as the old lady Jia finished speaking, Yuanyang moved She has already come out with a "Fujiu Qiu" cloak and a piece of water-red palace satin.

At first, Tanchun thought that Mrs. Jia gave it to Daiyu again, but who knew that Mrs. Jia turned her head to Xichun and said with a smile: "Fourth girl, come and see if you like it?"

Xichun, who was called by name, quickly got up and took a few steps towards Mrs. Jia, knelt down and bowed down, "Thank you, ancestor, for the reward." The voice was soft and sweet.

Mrs. Jia seemed to have regained the feeling she had back then at this moment, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's see if we like it."

The golden and emerald cloak of "Fujiu Qiu" is really beautiful. At this moment, Li Wan also came in with a maid. Seeing it from a distance, the little maid exclaimed: "I'm afraid it is also made of peacock hair." It’s so pretty!” Shi Xiangyun said with a smile at this moment: “There are peacock feathers, which are made of the hairs on the heads of wild ducks. It can be seen that the old lady loves the four girls more than us.”

Although Tanchun's complexion is not very good, there is nothing unusual in the end, but Daiyu smiled at this moment: "Where is it that it hurts who doesn't? I look at my grandmother and everyone hurts."

Speaking of which, Daiyu turned her head and smiled at Mrs. Jia: "Yu'er thinks that the sisters are all grown up, especially Sister Tanchun and Sister Xiangyun, so they should have more contacts with the girls in Befu. The spring is warm these two days. When the flowers are blooming, it is the time when the garden is beautiful, why don't we post a post and invite the girls from several prefectures to come and get together."

In recent years, Jia's house has been less frequented than other houses, and it's only those old relatives who come and go. Now hearing Daiyu's meaning, she wants to invite girls she knows well to be guests. Old lady Jia is naturally happy Yes, this can be regarded as the beginning of broadening the network for the Jia family, so he smiled very kindly: "Since Yu'er is willing to open up, then I will leave this matter to you."

After talking about it, Mrs. Jia thought about it, and it was not an easy thing to treat guests, so she urged: "Whatever is lacking, whether it is manpower or objects, just ask your second sister-in-law to go, and I will tell you later." She's helping you."

As soon as Mrs. Jia finished speaking, Wang Xifeng's voice rang out: "The sisters are all here?" A group of daughters-in-law and maids surrounded her and came in through the back door.At this time, Wang Xifeng is very much like the original novel, with flying fairy buns, five phoenix hairpins, pan chi Yingluo rings, and hundreds of dishes and strands of gold clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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